853 research outputs found

    Sleep and mental health in middle-aged and elderly persons:A population-based approach

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    Sleep and mental health in middle-aged and elderly persons:A population-based approach

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    Coronair Atherosclerose: 'Hearts too Young to Die'

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    Rede, In verkorte vorm uitgesproken bij het afscheid als hoogleraar In de niet-invasieve diagnostiek van ischemische hartziekten aan het Erasmus MC, faculteit van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Op 13 mei 2009. Alhoewel het hart niets anders is dan een holle pomp die het bloed rond pompt blijft het intrigerend orgaan, waar veel meer aan toegekend wordt dan de pompwerking. Het hart is door de eeuwen heen een bron van inspiratie geweest voor kunstenaars, schilders, musici, geliefden, vrienden en wetenschappers. Het hart heeft mij al gedurende mijn studie Geneeskunde aangetrokken, al had ik toen nog het simpele idee dat het hart alleen maar een mechanische motor was, het best vergelijkbaar met de motor van een auto, met pomp, kleppen en elektrische bedrading. Deze wat simpele beschouwing is intussen danig bijgesteld en we zien het hart niet meer als een op zichzelf staande pomp, maar in samenhang met alle regel-systemen van het lichaam om de vraag naar zuurstof te beantwoorden. Wat aanvankelijk simpel leek is oneindig veel ingewikkelder en met name ziekte van de kransvaten, coronair atherosclerose, werd aan het begin van mijn studie nog beschouwd als dichtslibben door lipiden stapeling in de vaatwand, maar wordt nu gezien als een chronisch ontstekingproces, waarbij lipiden accumulatie, immuun systeem, bloedplaatjes en stollingsfactoren een ingewikkelde rol spelen

    Contact line motion for partially wetting fluids

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    We study the flow close to an advancing contact line in the limit of small capillary number. To take into account wetting effects, both long and short-ranged contributions to the disjoining pressure are taken into account. In front of the contact line, there is a microscopic film corresponding to a minimum of the interaction potential. We compute the parameters of the contact line solution relevant to the matching to a macroscopic problem, for example a spreading droplet. The result closely resembles previous results obtained with a slip model

    Teacher Perceptions about Retention and Classroom Climate in Remote Schools in Western Canada

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    In rural and remote schools in Western Canada, researchers have discovered that high teacher turnover affects school climate as well as student achievement. The purpose of this project study was to explore novice teachers\u27 and administrators\u27 perceptions about the influence of school-related and classroom activities on decisions to stay or leave permanent teaching positions at a large remote school in Precambrian Shield School Division. Boylan\u27s theory of teacher retention was the conceptual framework for the study. The guiding research questions were focused on teachers\u27 and administrators\u27 perceptions of various aspects of school and classroom activities in remote schools that might influence decisions to stay or leave. A bounded case study design using purposeful sampling was adopted and 11 novice teachers in their first 2 years of teaching experience in a remote school and 1 administrator agreed to participate in the study. The sample included 4 elementary and 4 middle/high school teachers along with 3 teachers with diverse teaching assignments and 1 experienced administrator. Data collection included qualitative questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and document reviews that were coded and analyzed for common themes. Key findings suggested that classroom climate, professional support structures, and student achievement were perceived to be of negative influence on retention decisions, especially inconsistent professional support structures. These findings were used to create a professional development plan to support and provide mentoring for novice teachers in remote schools. This support plan, particularly the mentoring framework, will likely reduce turnover at this school and will provide a model for helping other districts with similar high turnover in remote schools

    The Art of Dialogue : Religion, Communication and Global Media Culture

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    zie bijlage Nederlandse samenvattingHamelink, C.J. [Promotor

    Secure Storage Guideline for Android Devices

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    The sudden surge in the mobile market has given developers the ability to create applications that reach millions of potential users. Many applications store sensitive data, which makes them potential targets for malicious individuals. A large majority of developers do not have a background in security making it difficult for them to securely store this data. This research addresses the problem by acting as a guide for developers, allowing them to create attack resistant applications. This is achieved by analysing techniques used by attackers to compromise applications, and illustrating countermeasures, which will give a greater insight into the concept of secure storage. As opposed to many other resources, the research presented is a consolidated resource of security techniques and gives numerous implementation examples, making it straightforward for developers to use

    Workplace stress and reward : a case study of mental health workers' experiences : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Health Science endorsement in Psychology at Massey University, Manawatu, New Zealand

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    A healthy workplace is now widely recognised as vital in the achievement of optimal wellbeing for employees and a thriving organisation. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into both the rewarding and stressful work experiences of Mental Health Workers (MHWs) in one community-based mental health care organisation. The focus was to shed light upon the strengths and weaknesses in this particular organisation for possible future remediation for staff and the organisation. The addition of reward and positive stress (eustress) ensured that there was also a focus upon positive qualities rather than solely pathology. Staff of Recovery Care (RC), an organisation situated in the North Island that supports individuals in the community who experience mental illness were invited to individually take part in a semi-structured interview. Twenty MHWs volunteered to participate ranging in ages 18 to 64 years old, with 15 participants identifying themselves as New Zealanders (10 NZ European, 5 NZ Maori and 5 other) and 16 as women. MHWs’ interview narratives were transcribed into a written format, thematically analysed and clear patterns and themes emerged. These were discussed in combination with relevant literature and theory, which thereafter supported the ability to provide recommendations for the organisation. The findings identified several areas that affect the health and wellbeing of MHWs and the functioning of the organisation. MHWs found working with clients, making a difference and having meaningful work to be most rewarding. Elements of eustress and strength were found in working with clients, competing demands, team/colleagues and certain aspects of the job (diversity, autonomy and flexibility). However the majority of MHWs found clients, management, change in management and competing demands to be distressing. Other weaknesses were around pay, resources and inadequate training. Upon further examination it became clear that a lack of reward, mismanagement and pay had a major impact on MHWs’ perception of their future with the organisation. This research highlights the importance of engaging with employees and gaining insight into their individual experiences of rewarding and stressful aspects in their work to be able to create healthier thriving workplaces with happy employees

    Lucebert : «as alles» [cendre tout]

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    Lucebert (1924-1994) est la figure la plus importante de ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler le Mouvement de Cinquante et qui a profondĂ©ment transformĂ© la poĂ©sie nĂ©erlandaise de l’aprĂšs-guerre. Cet article traite de quelques poĂšmes christiques.Dans ses premiĂšres Ɠuvres oĂč apparaĂźt le Christ comme dans les plus rĂ©centes, Lucebert montre clairement que derriĂšre son attaque contre le langage se cache une attaque contre Dieu. La vie et la mort du Christ sont interprĂ©tĂ©es par le poĂšte comme autant de raisons pour mener un combat pour la parole, de mĂȘme qu’il trouve dans les rĂ©alitĂ©s historiques des annĂ©es cinquante les fondements de la nĂ©cessitĂ© de crĂ©er une langue nouvelle. En s’appuyant sur l’intertexte de la mystique juive et de l’Ɠuvre de Friedrich Hölderlin, il conçoit le projet d’une langue nouvelle qu’il concrĂ©tise dans de analphabetische naam [le nom analphabĂ©tique].Lucebert (1924-1994) is de belangrijkste vertegenwoordiger van de zogeheten Beweging van Vijftig, die de naoorlogse Nederlandse poĂ«zie ingrijpend veranderd heeft. Dit artikel handelt over een aantal Christusgedichten van Lucebert. In zowel zijn vroege als zijn late gedichten over Christus maakt Lucebert duidelijk dat achter zijn aanval op de taal een aanval op God schuilt. De dichter interpreteert leven en sterven van Christus als reden voor een gevecht om de taal, zoals hij ook de historische werkelijkheid van circa 1950 begrijpt als grond voor de noodzaak om een nieuwe taal te scheppen. Gebruik makend van de intertekst van de Joodse mystiek en van het werk van Friedrich Hölderlin ontwerpt hij zijn programma voor een nieuwe taal, dat hij in de schepping van de analphabetische naam heeft geconcretiseerd
