299 research outputs found

    Social determinants of maternal health: a scoping review of factors influencing maternal mortality and maternal health service use in India

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    Background: Maternal health remains a major public health problem in India, with large inter- and intra-state inequities in maternal health service use and maternal deaths. The Commission on Social Determinants of Health provides a framework to identify structural and intermediary factors of health inequities, including maternal health, and understand their mechanism of influence, which might be important in addressing maternal health inequities in India. Our review aims to map and summarize the evidence on social determinants influencing maternal health in India and understand their mechanisms of influence by using a maternal health-specific social determinants framework. Methods: A scoping review was conducted of peer-reviewed journal articles in two databases (PubMed and Science Direct) on quantitative and qualitative studies conducted in India after 2000. We also searched for articles in a search engine (Google Scholar). Forty-one studies that met the study objectives were included: 25 identified through databases and search engines and 16 through reference check. Results: Economic status, caste/ethnicity, education, gender, religion, and culture were the most important structural factors of maternal health service use and maternal mortality in India. Place of residence, maternal age at childbirth, parity and women’s exposure to mass media, and maternal health messages were the major intermediary factors. The structural factors influenced the intermediary factors (either independently or in association with other factors) that contributed to the use of maternal health service or caused maternal deaths. The health system emerged as a crucial and independent intermediary factor of influence on maternal health in India. Issues of power were observed in broader social contexts and in the relationships of health workers which led to differential access to maternal healthcare for women from different socioeconomic groups. Conclusion: The model integrates existing information from quantitative and qualitative studies and provides a more comprehensive picture of structural and intermediary factors of maternal health service use and maternal mortality in India and their mechanisms of influence. Given the limitations of this study, we indicate the areas for further research pertaining to the framework and maternal health

    How do accountability problems lead to maternal health inequities? A review of qualitative literature from Indian public sector

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    Background: There are several studies from different geographical settings and levels on maternal health, but none analyzes how accountability problems may contribute to the maternal health outcomes. This study aimed to analyze how accountability problems in public health system lead to maternal deaths and inequities in India. Methods: A conceptual framework was developed bringing together accountability process (in terms of standard setting, performance assessment, accountability (or answerability, and enforceability) -an ongoing cyclical feedback process at different levels of health system) and determinants of maternal health to analyze the influence of the process on the determinant leading to maternal health outcomes. A scoping review of qualitative and mixed-methods studies from public health sector in India was conducted. A narrative and interpretive synthesis approach was applied to analyze data. Results: An overarching influence of health system-related factors over non-health system-related factors leading to maternal deaths and inequities was observed. A potential link among such factors was identified with gaps in accountability functions at all levels of health system pertaining to policy gaps or conflicting/discriminatory policies and political commitment. A large number of gaps were also observed concerning performance or implementation of existing standards. Inherent to these issues was potentially a lack of proper monitoring and accountability functions. A critical role of power was observed influencing the accountability functions. Conclusion: The narrative and interpretive synthesis approach allowed to integrate and reframe the relevant comparable information from the limited empirical studies to identify the hot spots of systemic flaws from an accountability perspective. The framework highlighted problems in health system beyond health service delivery to wider areas such as policy or politics justifying their relevance and importance in such analysis. A crucial message from the study pertains to a need to move away from the traditional concept of viewing accountability as a blame-game approach and a concern of limited frontline health workers towards a constructive and systemic approach

    Socio-cultural aspects of farmers’ perception of the risk of climate change and variability in Central Ethiopia

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    There is a dearth of evidence on the socio-cultural aspects of climate change risk perception in developing countries. This study investigates the variation in farmers’ perception of the risks of climate change and variability by their socio-cultural characteristics. Data were collected from 810 randomly selected households in central Ethiopia using a structured questionnaire. Polling, a maximum likelihood prediction method of multivariate analysis that jointly evaluates the combined roles of different variables, allowing for non-parametric interactions, was used to analyse the data. The results show that households with a high risk perception have high accurate knowledge about climate change, experience of climatic events, value both societal and individual responsibilities to reduce the impact of climate change, and reside in the midland agro-ecological settings. On the other hand, a low descriptive norm, low social capital, lack of access to media, low level of education, and valuing autonomy characterize households with a low risk perception. The findings entail that communication strategies focusing on evidence-based knowledge about causes and consequences of and responses to climate change, past experience of climatic events, as well as fostering self-transcendence and openness-to-change values raise risk perception to engage farmers in adaptation actions

    Flipping the classroom:an effective approach to deal with diversity at higher education

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    Even though the flipped classroom is an increasingly popular method in education, a literature search shows a gap in research on this method in higher education. This article describes an experiment with two central questions: (1) How do students and lecturers assess the effectiveness of the FC method? And (2) What are crucial design elements? To be able to answer these questions we designed an experiment within a large-size, interdisciplinary, course. For three years we carefully monitored and evaluated the course. A mixed-method approach was used to collect data. Our findings show a positive contribution of the FC approach to the learning experience of students. We also found that a strong link between theory and practice is essential in the course design; combined with active learning we were able to involve students and stimulate them to reach a deeper level of understanding. Moreover, we believe that the FC approach offers opportunities to have a large interdisciplinary group, with different learning needs, work together on higher attainment levels

    Denken over dieren : dier en ding, zegen en zorg

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    Dit rapport, dat in opdracht van het ministerie van Economische zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie is opgesteld, beschrijft een eerste trendanalyse (nulmeting) van (verwachte) morele opvattingen in Nederland over de omgang met dieren, nu en in de toekomst ten behoeve van het dierbeleid. In dit onderzoek is gestreefd naar de volgende inzichten: 1) de hedendaagse publieke opvattingen over de omgang met dieren; 2) de thema's die in de verschillende dierpraktijken spelen; 3) de verwachte ontwikkeling van deze thema's in de komende 20 jaar

    Denken over Dieren: dier en ding, zegen en zorg

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    Social Accountability in Maternal Health Services in the Far-Western Development Region in Nepal: An Exploratory Study

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    Background: Social accountability or citizen-led accountability has been promoted in many low- and middle-income countries to improve the quality, access to and use of maternal health services. Experiences with social accountability in maternal health services in Nepal have not yet been documented. This study identifies existing social accountability structures and activities in maternal health services in two districts of Far-Western Nepal and explores their functions, implementation and gaps/challenges. Methods: An exploratory study was conducted that included in-depth interviews with purposively selected policy advisors (8), healthcare officials (11), healthcare providers (12) and non-governmental staff (3); and focus group discussions (FGDs) with 54 women. Data analysis was conducted using thematic content analysis based on George’s information, dialogue and negotiation framework. Results: Social accountability in maternal health existed in terms of structures such as mothers’ groups (MGs), female community health volunteers (FCHVs) and Health Facility Operation and Management Committees (HFOMCs); and activities such as social audits and community health score board (CHSB). MGs and FCHVs were perceived as trusted intermediaries, but their functioning was limited to information. HFOMCs were not fully functional. Social audits and CHSBs were implemented in limited sites and with poor participation by women. Health-sector responses were mainly found at the local level. Factors contributing to these challenges were the absence of a mandate and limited capacity, including resources. Conclusion: Formal structures and activities existed for social accountability in maternal health services in the Far-Western Development Region of Nepal, but there were limitations pertaining to their implementation. The main recommendations are: for clear policy mandates on the social accountability roles of MGs and FCHVs; wider implementation of social audits and CHSBs, with emphasis on the participation of women from disadvantaged groups; improved capacity of HFOMCs; and improved engagement of the health sector at all levels to listen and respond to women’s concerns

    Ineffective Healthcare Technology Management in Benin’s Public Health Sector: The Perceptions of Key Actors and Their Ability to Address the Main Problems

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    Background: Low-income countries face many contextual challenges to manage healthcare technologies effectively, as the majority are imported and resources are constrained to a greater extent. Previous healthcare technology management (HTM) policies in Benin have failed to produce better quality of care for the population and costeffectiveness for the government. This study aims to identify and assess the main problems facing HTM in Benin’s public health sector, as well as the ability of key actors within the sector to address these problems. Methods: We conducted 2 surveys in 117 selected health facilities. The first survey was based on 377 questionnaires and 259 interviews, and the second involved observation and group interviews at health facilities. The Temple-Bird Healthcare Technology Package System (TBHTPS), tailored to the context of Benin’s health system, was used as a conceptual framework. Results: The findings of the first survey show that 85% of key actors in Benin’s HTM sector characterized the system as failing in components of the TBHTPS framework. Biomedical, clinical, healthcare technology engineers and technicians perceived problems most severely, followed by users of equipment, managers and hospital directors, international organization officers, local and foreign suppliers, and finally policy-makers, planners and administrators at the Ministry of Health (MoH). The 5 most important challenges to be addressed are policy, strategic management and planning, and technology needs assessment and selection – categorized as major enabling inputs (MEI) in HTM by the TBHTPS framework – and installation and commissioning, training and skill development and procurement, which are import and use activities (IUA). The ability of each key actor to address these problems (the degree of political or administrative power they possess) was inversely proportional to their perception of the severity of the problems. Observational data gathered during site visits described a different set of challenges including maintenance and repair, distribution, installation and commissioning, use and training and personnel skill development. Conclusion: The lack of experiential and technical knowledge in policy development processes could underpin many of the continuing problems in Benin’s HTM system. Before solutions can be devised to these problems, it is necessary to investigate their root causes, and which problems are most amenable to policy development

    Social Accountability in Maternal Health Services in the Far-Western Development Region in Nepal: An Exploratory Study

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    Background: Social accountability or citizen-led accountability has been promoted in many low- and middle-income countries to improve the quality, access to and use of maternal health services. Experiences with social accountability in maternal health services in Nepal have not yet been documented. This study identifies existing social accountability structures and activities in maternal health services in two districts of Far-Western Nepal and explores their functions, implementation and gaps/challenges.Methods: An exploratory study was conducted that included in-depth interviews with purposively selected policy advisors (8), healthcare officials (11), healthcare providers (12) and non-governmental staff (3); and focus group discussions (FGDs) with 54 women. Data analysis was conducted using thematic content analysis based on George’s information, dialogue and negotiation framework. Results: Social accountability in maternal health existed in terms of structures such as mothers’ groups (MGs), female community health volunteers (FCHVs) and Health Facility Operation and Management Committees (HFOMCs); and activities such as social audits and community health score board (CHSB). MGs and FCHVs were perceived as trusted intermediaries, but their functioning was limited to information. HFOMCs were not fully functional. Social audits and CHSBs were implemented in limited sites and with poor participation by women. Health-sector responses were mainly found at the local level. Factors contributing to these challenges were the absence of a mandate and limited capacity, including resources.Conclusion: Formal structures and activities existed for social accountability in maternal health services in the Far-Western Development Region of Nepal, but there were limitations pertaining to their implementation. The main recommendations are: for clear policy mandates on the social accountability roles of MGs and FCHVs; wider implementation of social audits and CHSBs, with emphasis on the participation of women from disadvantaged groups; improved capacity of HFOMCs; and improved engagement of the health sector at all levels to listen and respond to women’s concerns
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