111 research outputs found

    Proyecto de orquesta ciudadana infantil: educación musical y práctica social, innovando y contribuyendo al desarrollo de la ciudadanía y transformación de la sociedad

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    The present work is based on the principles of non-formal education, the learning of which occurs through organized actions of self-learning and collective learning, built in innumerable ways, taking into account social, cultural and economic factors. The non-formal education modality can be experienced in organizations, training programs, social projects, among others. In the case under study, a prominent social project in the state of Pernambuco is the Orquesta Ciudadana Infantil (OCC) directed by the Associação Beneficente Criança Cidadã (ABCC). She has been working for 14 years, working with children and young people between 6 and 21 years old, and her main objective is to train citizens, in addition to rescuing and preventing the risk of marginalization. Through music teaching, professionals have worked on the construction of citizenship and professional training. The research question of this study is to know how non-formal education, through sociomusical learning, has contributed in an innovative way to the exercise of citizenship and the social transformation of children and young people who members of the Children’s Citizen Orchestra are. The general objective is to understand how non-formal education, through sociomusical learning, has contributed in an innovative way to the exercise of citizenship and to the social transformation of the children and young people who are members of the Children's Citizen Orchestra. For this, the qualitative methodological course consisted of the collection of secondary data, an open questionnaire with students and teaching professionals of the institution and field observation. From the data analysis it was found that the teaching method, due to its characteristics, is considered innovative; and the learning dynamics, as well as the benefits made available, have favored the professional training and social changes of the students, thus being reflected in their families and in the community.El presente trabajo se basa en los principios de la educación no formal, cuyo aprendizaje se da a través de acciones organizadas de autoaprendizaje y aprendizaje colectivo, construidas de innumerables formas, tomando en cuenta factores sociales, culturales y económicos. La modalidad de educación no formal se puede vivir en organizaciones, programas de capacitación, proyectos sociales, entre otros. En el caso en estudio, un proyecto social destacado en el estado de Pernambuco es la Orquesta Ciudadana Infantil (OCC) dirigida por la Associação Beneficente Criança Cidadã (ABCC). Lleva 14 años trabajando, trabajando con niños y jóvenes de entre 6 y 21 años, y su principal objetivo es formar ciudadanos, además de rescatar y prevenir el riesgo de marginación. A través de la docencia musical, los profesionales han trabajado en la construcción de ciudadanía y formación profesional. La pregunta de investigación de este estudio es conocer cómo la educación no formal, a través del aprendizaje sociomusical, ha contribuido de manera innovadora al ejercicio de la ciudadanía y a la transformación social de los niños y jóvenes integrantes de la Orquesta Ciudadana Infantil. El objetivo general es comprender cómo la educación no formal, a través del aprendizaje sociomusical, ha contribuido de manera innovadora al ejercicio de la ciudadanía y a la transformación social de los niños y jóvenes integrantes de la Orquesta Ciudadana Infantil. Para ello, el curso metodológico cualitativo consistió en la recolección de datos secundarios, un cuestionario abierto con estudiantes y profesionales docentes de la institución y observación de campo. Del análisis de los datos se encontró que el método de enseñanza, por sus características, se considera innovador; y las dinámicas de aprendizaje, así como los beneficios puestos a disposición, han favorecido la formación profesional y los cambios sociales de los estudiantes, reflejándose así en sus familias y en la comunidad

    Influence of 2D and 3D Arrangements of Aramid Fibers on the Dart Drop Test of Epoxy Composites

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    The use of continuous fibers reinforced polymeric composites has increased substantially in the last year’s due to their high specific mechanical strength compared to other materials. Despite this property, this class of material is susceptible to low, medium, or high energy impacts, which can cause severe damage to composite laminates. One of the most serious damages is delamination, which can lead to partial or total rupture of the structure. In order to minimize this problem, several studies have been carried out in this area. In this context, this work aims to evaluate the influence of aramid reinforcement with bi-directional (2D) and tri-directional (3D) arrangements impregnated with two epoxy resins of different stiffness on the impact strength of composites submitted to the 340 J dart drop test. The impact results showed that the 2D composites had lower impact strength than the 3D ones, with the presence of perforations (when impregnated with the more rigid resin) and delaminations. Delaminations occurred regardless of the epoxy resin used in the impregnation. On the other hand, the 3D composites impregnated with the less rigid epoxy matrix absorbed more energy (3DF: 97.9%) with less deformation and no delamination compared to the 2D laminate (2DF: 96.1%) produced

    Energy metabolism: gluconeogenesis and oxidative phosphorylation

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    Most animal cells are able to meet their energy needs from the oxidation of various types of compounds: sugars, fatty acids, amino acids, but some tissues and cells of our body depend exclusively on glucose and the brain is the largest consumer of all. That is why the body has mechanisms in order to keep glucose levels stable. As it decreases, the degradation of hepatic glycogen occurs, which maintains the appropriate levels of blood glucose allowing its capture continues by those tissues, even in times of absence of food intake. But this reserve is limited, so another metabolic pathway is triggered for glucose production, which occurs in the kidneys and liver and is called gluconeogenesis, which means the synthesis of glucose from non-glucose compounds such as amino acids, lactate, and glycerol. Most stages of glycolysis use the same enzymes as glycolysis, but it makes the opposite sense and differs in three stages or also called deviations: the first is the conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate and oxaloacetate to phosphoenolpyruvate. The second deviation is the conversion of fructose 1,6 biphosphate to fructose 6 phosphate and the third and last deviation is the conversion of glucose 6 phosphate to glucose

    A ludicidade em ambientes informatizados no ensino de matemática através do software Tux Of Math Command

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    No atual contexto educacional, permeado pela ludicidade dos ambientes informatizados, em particular o uso de softwares educativos, várias possibilidades se apresentam para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de matemática. Dentre os softwares educativos, mencionamos o “Tux Of Math Command” que possui no seu conteúdo atividades envolvendo as quatro operações fundamentais da aritmética capazes de potencializar os conhecimentos de aritmética e o raciocínio lógico matemático de alunos do ensino fundamental. Neste artigo pretendemos analisar as atividades propostas nas interfaces do software por compreendermos como relevante a exploração de didáticas que possibilitem mudanças na prática pedagógica dos professores de matemática. Baseado em autores como Gravina e Santa Rosa (1998), Tjra (2007), Salomão e Martini (2007), Dalbosco (2006), Lara (1998) fundamentaremos as impressões construídas pelos investigadores sobre as atividades propostas no software e suas potencialidades para o desenvolvimento dos alunos. Por fim, pretendemos ressaltar a importância do uso de softwares como possibilidade para ampliar a compreensão dos conteúdos matemáticos e, consequentemente, despertar no professor de matemática o interesse em utilizá-lo durante o ensino e a aprendizagem de matemática


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    Objetivo: compreender os significados e metáforas da Covid-19 na experiência de homens que tiveram a doença. Método: estudo qualitativo, realizado em ambiente virtual envolvendo 75 homens adultos, residentes no Brasil, sobreviventes da Covid-19, recrutados nas redes sociais Facebook® e Instagram®. Os dados foram coletados em resposta a um instrumento disponibilizado no Google Forms®. Os dados foram submetidos à análise lexical e à análise temática, e interpretados à luz da socioantropologia da doença. Resultados: do conteúdo temático emergiram três categorias: Percepção de vulnerabilidade à morte; As dores dos sintomas da doença e do isolamento; e Significados atribuídos à doença e ao adoecer. Conclusão: os homens elaboram metáforas da Covid 19 como um mal que os surpreende, desestrutura suas vidas e os isola. Posicionam-na como um sujeito perigoso de tal forma que a discriminação provoca mais sofrimento do que as manifestações clínicas. Descritores: COVID-19. Acontecimentos que Mudam a Vida. Estigma Social. Vulnerabilidade. Homens

    Jornalistas de Quebrada: A Periferia em Movimento enquanto espaço de construção de sujeitos comunicacionais

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    Founded in 2009 during the conclusion research by young journalists who live on the outskirts of the south area of the city of São Paulo (SP), Periferia em Movimento completes more than a decade of activity producing journalistic content about guaranteeing rights elaborating new possible narratives based on social, cultural and political actions on the margins of the São Paulo capital. And, in addition to rethinking newsmaking itself, it has trained and transformed the “Jornalistas de Quebrada” themselves as the authors and members of the initiative demonstrate in this report.Criada em 2009 a partir do trabalho de conclusão de curso de jovens jornalistas que moram em periferias da zona Sul da cidade de São Paulo (SP), a Periferia em Movimento completa mais de uma década de atuação produzindo conteúdo jornalístico sobre garantia de direitos elaborando novas narrativas possíveis a partir das ações sociais, culturais e políticas das margens da capital paulista. E, para além de repensar o fazer jornalístico em si, tem formado e transformado os próprios “Jornalistas de Quebrada” como os autores e integrantes da iniciativa demonstram neste relato de experiência