54 research outputs found

    Aspectos histopatológicos e imuno-histoquímicos dos sarcomas de aplicação em felinos domésticos

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    O sarcoma de aplicação felino (SAF) é uma neoplasia mesenquimal que se origina de fibroblastos e miofibroblastos. É caracterizado pela alta capacidade invasiva que mesmo após exérese cirúrgica radical a taxa de recidiva pode chegar aos 80%. Esse trabalho foi divido em dois artigos. No primeiro, o objetivo foi contribuir para a caracterização histológica, histoquímica e imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) dos SAF no intuito de auxiliar o diagnóstico. Foram avaliadas 91 amostras de pele submetidas a exame histológico, subsequente coloração de tricrômico de Masson e IHQ para vimentina e Ki-67. A localização anatômica mais predominante foi em tórax, seguida por flanco, região interescapular e membros. O fibrossarcoma foi diagnosticado em 90% dos casos. A contagem mitótica foi avaliada e comparada com a marcação de Ki-67. Ambos índices se apresentaram baixos. No segundo artigo, descreve-se um caso de sarcoma associado a colocação de pino intramedular em um felino com fratura de fêmur. Dois meses após a cirurgia, retornou com fibrossarcoma envolvendo todas estruturas do membro. Os sarcomas de felinos também podem ser induzidos por agentes e materiais, como por exemplo por colocação de pino-intramedular e placas após fratura de fêmur. Este fibrossarcoma induzido apresenta um comportamento biológico muito semelhante aos SAF de origem vacinal, demonstrando extensas áreas de necrose e pleomorfismo celular acentuado, além de rápido crescimento. Observou-se forte marcação para tricrômico de Masson e na realização de IHQ apresentou forte imunomarcação para vimentina.Feline injection-site sarcoma (FISS) is a mesenchymal neoplasm that originates from fibroblasts and myofibroblasts. It is characterized by the high invasive capacity that even after radical surgical excision the relapse rate can reach 80%. This work was divided into two articles. In the first, the objective was to contribute to the histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical (IHC) characterization of FISS in order to aid the diagnosis. We evaluated 91 skin samples submitted to histological examination, subsequent masson trichrome staining and IHC for vimentin and Ki-67. The most predominant anatomical location was in the thorax, followed by the flank, interscapular region and limbs. Fibrosarcoma was diagnosed in 90% of cases. The mitotic count was evaluated and compared with Ki-67 labeling. Both indices were low. In the second article, we describe a case of sarcoma associated with intramedullary pin placement in a feline with a femoral fracture. Two months after surgery, he returned with fibrosarcoma involving all limb structures. Feline sarcomas can also be induced by agents and materials, such as by intramedullary pin and plate after femoral fracture. This induced fibrosarcoma presents a biological behavior very similar to the FISS of vaccine origin, showing extensive areas of necrosis and marked cellular pleomorphism, besides fast growth. Strong labeling was observed for Masson's trichrome and in the IHC assay it showed strong immunostaining for vimentin

    Causas de morte de matrizes suínas em três granjas brasileiras

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    Sow mortality is directly related to financial losses and productive efficiency in pig farms. Despite this, diseases associated with the death of sows are poorly understood. This study aimed to determine the main causes of death of sows in Brazilian pig farms. To perform this research, three Brazilian pig farms were visited, and necropsies were performed on all sows that had died spontaneously or were subjected to euthanasia. Tissue fragments were collected for histopathological and bacteriological examination. In addition, the clinical signs, productive stage, parity, and type of death (spontaneous or euthanasia) were recorded. A total of 138 necropsies were performed, and 132 had a conclusive diagnosis. The most frequent productive stages were gestation and lactation (33.3 and 31.9%, respectively), followed by parturient sows (17.4%), cull sows (9.4%), weaning-to-estrus interval (WEI) (4.3%), and unmated gilts (3.6%). The most affected organ systems were reproductive (28%), digestive (25%), locomotor (22%), cardiovascular (9.1%), and hematopoietic (6.1%). The most frequently diagnosed conditions were uterine prolapse (16/132; 12.1%), gastric ulcer (13/132; 9.8%), suppurative arthritis (11/132; 8.3%), liver lobe torsion (11/132; 8.3%), heart failure (9/132; 6.8%), vaginal or vaginal and rectal prolapse (9/132; 6.8%), and pododermatitis (8/132; 6.1%). Although 58.2% of the deaths were due to one of these seven diseases, there was a great variability in diagnoses.A mortalidade de porcas está diretamente relacionada a perdas financeiras e à eficiência produtiva das granjas. Apesar disso, as doenças associadas à morte de porcas são pouco conhecidas. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar as principais causas de morte de porcas em granjas suinícolas brasileiras. Para a realização desta pesquisa, três granjas brasileiras foram visitadas e necropsias foram realizadas em todas as porcas que morreram espontaneamente ou foram submetidas à eutanásia. Fragmentos de tecidos foram coletados para exame histopatológico e bacteriológico. Além disso, foram registrados os sinais clínicos, estágio reprodutivo, ordem de parto e tipo de morte (espontânea ou eutanásia). Um total de 138 necropsias foram realizadas e 132 tiveram um diagnóstico conclusivo. Os estágios produtivos mais frequentes foram gestação e lactação (33,3 e 31,9%, respectivamente), seguidos por porcas parturientes (17,4%), porcas de descarte (9,4%), intervalo desmame-estro (IDE) (4,3%) e leitoas vazias (3,6%). Os sistemas orgânicos mais afetados foram reprodutor (28%), digestivo (25%), locomotor (22%), cardiovascular (9,1%) e hematopoiético (6,1%). As condições mais frequentemente diagnosticadas foram prolapso uterino (16/132; 12,1%), úlcera gástrica (13/132; 9,8%), artrite supurativa (11/132; 8,3%), torção do lobo hepático (11/132; 8,3%), insuficiência cardíaca (9/132; 6,8%), prolapso vaginal ou prolapso vaginal e retal (9/132; 6,8%) e pododermatite (8/132; 6,1%). Embora 58,2% dos óbitos tenham ocorrido por uma dessas sete doenças, houve grande variabilidade de diagnósticos

    Estenose de traqueia em uma vaca holandesa

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    Tracheal stenosis, also known as “Honker syndrome”, is characterized by tracheal edema and hemorrhage, leading to partial obstruction of the lumen; therefore, death. Its etiology is not yet well elucidated. A 3-year-old Holstein cow, with a history of dyspnea, and a large amount of reddish foam flowing from the mouth and nose, had died after 10 minutes of clinical signs. Macroscopic examination revealed focally extensive hemorrhage and clot organization in tracheal mucosa extending to the submucosa, surrounded by well-differentiated fibrous connective tissue. In adjacent mucosa was observed moderate multifocal inflammatory infiltrate composed by lymphocytes and plasma cells, as well as moderate squamous cell metaplasia. The bacterial culture showed growth of contaminant and environmental bacteria and the RT-PCR to detect Herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) and 5 (BoHV-5) was negative. To the author’s knowledge, this is the first report of tracheal stenosis in South America, as well as the first report of this condition described in a Holstein cow.A estenose traqueal, também conhecida como “síndrome de Honker”, caracteriza-se pela formação edema e hemorragia na traqueia, causando obstrução parcial do lúmen e consequentemente morte dos animais. Sua etiologia ainda não está bem esclarecida. Descreve-se um caso de um bovino, fêmea de aptidão leiteira, três anos de idade com manifestação clínica de dispneia, e secreção de grande quantidade de espuma avermelhada pela boca e narina, e óbito após 10 minutos de evolução do quadro. No exame macroscópico, observou-se em traqueia área focalmente extensa de coágulo circundado por tecido conjuntivo na região dorsal, em áreas adjacentes havia espessamento da mucosa causado por edema e tecido conjuntivo. No exame microscópico observou-se em traqueia, hemorragia e coágulo em organização na submucosa estendendo-se para a mucosa, circundada por tecido conjuntivo fibroso bem diferenciado. Em mucosa adjacente, observou-se infiltrado inflamatório multifocal, moderado de linfócitos e plasmócitos e metaplasia escamosa do epitélio respiratório, multifocal moderada. Verificou-se no cultivo bacteriano que houve crescimento misto abundante somente de bactérias contaminantes e bactérias ambientais. Além disso, a técnica de RT-PCR para detecção Herpesvírus tipo 1 (BoHV-1) e 5 (BoHV-5) resultou negativa. Este foi o primeiro relato ao conhecimento dos autores, de estenose traqueal na América do Sul, bem como o primeiro descrito em bovino de aptidão leiteira

    Principais defeitos cardíacos em bovinos no sul do Brasil : estudo retrospectivo de necropsias em 20 anos (2000-2019)

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    Cardiac malformations are reported to be relatively rare in bovine species, with ventricular septal defects being the most common abnormality observed predominantly in young calves. This report aims to describe the cardiac malformations observed in bovids and review the literature related to those malformations in this species. The necropsy reports of 1,783 bovids were reviewed, and 0.4% were diagnosed with a cardiac congenital defect. The most common cardiac congenital malformation detected in this study was ventricular septal defect, observed alone or associated with other anomalies (in one case, as part of tetralogy of Fallot); followed by atrial septal defect, also alone or with other cardiac malformations. Secondary findings in the lungs and liver were observed in 75% of all cases. Histologic cardiac lesions were identified in 25% of all cases, characterized mainly by fibrosis. Other congenital malformations in different organs were observed in 25% of the cases. Considering the importance of cardiac congenital malformations observed in this study, these conditions should be considered as a differential diagnosis for calves who died with no specific clinical signs. Furthermore, macroscopic evaluation is crucial for the diagnosis of cardiac congenital malformations.Malformações cardíacas são descritas como relativamente raras para bovinos, e defeitos do septo interventricular são as anomalias mais observadas em bezerros. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever os casos de malformações cardíacas observadas em bovinos e uma revisão de literatura sobre estas malformações nesta espécie. Os relatórios de necropsia de 1.783 bovinos foram revisados, e 0,4% destes foram diagnosticados com defeitos cardíacos congênitos. A malformação cardíaca congênita mais diagnosticada neste estudo foi defeito do septo interventricular, observado sozinho ou associado a outras anomalias (em um caso de tetralogia de Fallot); seguida de defeito no septo interatrial, também observado sozinho ou juntamente com outras malformações cardíacas. Lesões secundárias nos pulmões e fígado foram observadas em 75% dos casos. As alterações histológicas no coração, visualizadas em 25% dos casos, foram caracterizadas principalmente por fibrose. Outras malformações congênitas em diferentes órgãos foram identificadas em 25% dos casos. Considerando a importância de malformações cardíacas congênitas observadas neste estudo, estas condições devem ser consideradas como diagnósticos diferenciais para bezerros que morrem sem sinais clínicos específicos. Adicionalmente, a avaliação macroscópica é fundamental para o diagnóstico de malformações cardíacas congênitas

    Fibrossarcoma em sítio de osteossíntese de fêmur com pino e placa em um felino

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    A 6-year old spayed female Siamese cat was presented with a history of left limb acute lameness. Radiographic imaging revealed a complete comminuted diaphyseal femur fracture, which was corrected through intramedullary pin placement along with plate osteosynthesis. After two months the animal returned to the hospital presenting severe diffuse enlargement of the left hindlimb, characterized as a non-delimited, solid, and firm plaque-like mass surrounding the pin and bone, which extended from the femorotibiopatelar joint to the pelvis, and infiltrated the adjacent musculature. Incisional biopsy exam indicated a highly malignant sarcoma. The entire limb was surgically removed and sent to histopathological evaluation. Microscopically, the mass was composed of spindle shaped cells, displaying high pleomorphism and cellular atypia. Abundant collagen production was evidenced through Masson’s trichrome stain and strong cytoplasmic staining for vimentin. These results were consistent with fibrosarcoma. The cat went through one session of chemotherapy; however, tumor recurrence occurred 20 days later, and the animal was submitted to euthanasia. This is the first description of fibrosarcoma arising in the vicinity of an intramedullary pin and plate in a cat.Uma gata, castrada, 6 anos de idade, da raça Siamês, apresentou histórico clínico de claudicação aguda do membro pélvico esquerdo. O exame radiográfico revelou uma fratura completa cominutiva diafisária do fêmur, a qual foi corrigida através de osteossíntese pela implantação de um pino intramedular, além de placa metálica. Depois de dois meses, o felino retornou ao hospital apresentando aumento severo e difuso do membro pélvico, caracterizada por uma massa não delimitada, sólida, como uma placa, circundando o pino e o osso, a qual se estendia da articulação femorotibiopatelar até a pelve, e infiltrava a musculatura adjacente. A biópsia incisional indicou sarcoma de alta malignidade. O membro inteiro foi cirurgicamente removido e enviado para análise histopatológica. Microscopicamente, a massa era composta por células fusiformes, demonstrando alto pleomorfismo e atipia celular. Abundante produção de colágeno foi evidenciada através da técnica histoquímica de tricrômico de Masson e forte imunomarcação citoplasmática para vimentina. Esses resultados foram consistentes com fibrossarcoma. O felino foi submetido a uma sessão de quimioterapia, porém houve recorrência tumoral 20 dias após a sessão, e o paciente foi submetido a eutanásia. Essa é a primeira descrição de fibrossarcoma que surgiu em local próximo a implantação de pino intramedular e placa em um felino

    Outbreak of bovine herpetic meningoencephalomyelitis in Southern Brazil

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    Background: Herpetic meningoencephalitis is an infectious contagious disease worldwide distributed, most often caused by bovine alphaherpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5), although bovine alphaherpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) may occasionally be the causative agent. The disease is characterized by subacute to acute clinical onset, often affecting animals submitted to stressful situations. Clinical signs are mainly neurologic due to meningoencephalitis and cortical necrosis. The involvement of the spinal cord has also been reported, however in BoHV-1 associated disease only. The aim of this report is to describe an outbreak of bovine meningoencephalomyelitis associated to BoHV-5. Case: In August 2017, nine 1-year-old calves died in a beef cattle farm with a flock of approximately 400 bovines. The animals presented neurological clinical signs characterized by excessive salivation, nasal and ocular discharges, incoordination, apathy, head tremors, head pressing, wide-based stance, recumbency followed by convulsions and paddling. According to the owner and referring veterinarian, affected animals displayed severe clinical signs with rapid progression and often leading to death in up to seven days. Four of these calves were submitted for necropsy, and gross lesions were present in the brain, characterized by mild to moderate multifocal hemorrhagic and soft areas On cut surface, extensive areas of dark brown discoloration and malacia were observed. Histologically, lesions were characterized by extensive areas of liquefactive necrosis in the cerebral cortex grey matter, associated with inflammatory infiltrates composed of neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells and foamy macrophages, as well as multifocal to coalescing areas of hemorrhage and fibrin deposition. Intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies were rarely observed in neurons and astrocytes. On leptomeninges, there was diffuse inflammatory infiltrates of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Inflammation was also seen in a milder degree in the spinal cord, characterized by infiltrate of lymphocytes at grey matter, mainly around vessels. A herpesvirus which induced typical cytopathic effect in cell cultures was recovered from tissues. The isolated virus was typed as BoHV-5 by nucleotide sequencing analysis of the gC coding region. Discussion: The diagnosis of meningoencephalomyelitis associated to BoHV-5 was based on epidemiological, clinical, macroscopical, histological, virological and genomic findings. In the outbreak here reported, the disease occurred in young animals, with low morbidity but high lethality rates. Clinical signs on this case were consistent with previous reports on the literature Bovines affected by BoHV-5 may display no gross lesions within the CNS; however, inflammatory and degenerative changes are frequently seen, characterized by malacia, leptomeningeal vessels hyperemia, edema and hemorrhages. Histologically, non-suppurative necrotizing meningoencephalitis is seen, with perivascular inflammatory infiltrates and, occasionally, intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies in astrocytes and neurons. Similar but milder lesions were seen in the spinal cords of two of the necropsied calves, a feature which has only been previously associated to BoHV-1 infections. The identification of the implicated agent was accomplished by virus isolation in cell cultures followed by genome typing. Specific treatments for this condition are not currently available, and the number of animals that recover from clinically apparent disease is extremely low. Preventive measures are based on serological testing of herds, and segregation or elimination of seropositive calves. To avoid progression of the disease in seropositive animals, control efforts must be directed to avoid stressful conditions. Vaccination with BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 vaccines is expected to confer protection to clinical disease

    Síndrome de Caroli em um cão

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    Caroli syndrome is characterized by a combination of intrahepatic biliary ductal ectasia and congenital ductal fibrosis due to the failure of involution of ductal plates and large intrahepatic ducts. This study aims to report Caroli syndrome in a dog, with emphasis on clinical characteristics, complementary examinations, and diagnostic approach. A 1-year-old mixed-breed intact male dog was presented with a 7-day history of acute vomiting and anorexia. Clinical evaluation revealed severe jaundice, abdominal pain, dehydration, lethargy, and abdominal distension. Ultrasonography revealed hepatic cysts filled with fluid. Exploratory laparotomy was performed to clarify the imaging findings; however, the dog died shortly after surgery. Postmortem examination revealed that the liver was reduced in size and had multiple interconnected and distended saccular dilations. The bile ducts were markedly dilated and replaced a large part of the liver parenchyma. Multiple small cysts were also observed in the kidneys. Microscopically, the hepatic lesions were characterized by extensive bridging fibrosis associated with proliferating and ectatic bile ducts contiguous with the biliary tree. Marked fibrosis and small cysts were observed in the kidneys. Therefore, a final diagnosis of Caroli syndrome was made. While uncommon, this syndrome should be considered as a differential diagnosis for young dogs with biliary cysts and hepatic fibrosis.A síndrome de Caroli é caracterizada pela combinação de ectasia biliar intra-hepática e fibrose ductal congênita, que se devem a falha na involução das placas ductais dos grandes ductos intra-hepáticos. Esse trabalho tem a intenção de reportar um caso de síndrome de Caroli em um canino, com ênfase em suas características clínicas, exames complementares, e abordagem diagnóstica. Um canídeo de um ano de idade, sem raça definida, apresentou um histórico clínico de sete dias de vômito agudo e anorexia. A avaliação clínica revelou severa icterícia, dor abdominal, desidratação, letargia e distensão abdominal. A ultrassonografia foi sugestiva de cistos hepáticos preenchidos por fluido. Uma laparotomia exploratória foi realizada para esclarecer os achados de imagem, porém, o cão morreu logo após a cirurgia. O cão foi submetido a exame de necropsia, onde se observou fígado diminuído em tamanho e com múltiplas dilatações saculares distendidas e interconectadas entre si. Os ductos biliares estavam acentuadamente dilatados e substituíam grande parte do parênquima hepático. Nos rins, múltiplos pequenos cistos eram observados. Microscopicamente as lesões hepáticas eram caracterizadas por extensa fibrose em ponte, associada a ductos biliares ectáticos e proliferados, que eram contíguos a árvore biliar. Nos rins, marcada fibrose e pequenas formações císticas foram observadas. Baseado na associação dos achados clínicos e patológicos, o diagnóstico de síndrome de Caroli foi feito. Mesmo que incomum, essa síndrome deve ser considerada como um diagnóstico diferencial para cães jovens com ductos biliares císticos e fibrose hepática

    Hemorrhagic Stroke in a Dog with Anaplastic Carcinoma of the Mammary Gland

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    Background: anaplastic carcinoma of the mammary gland is considered a highly invasive and malignant neoplasia, which usually leads to neoplastic thrombosis and epidermal ulceration due to invasiveness of lymphatic vessels by tumor emboli. Loss of epidermal barrier predisposes to secondary bacterial infection, mainly by commensal bacteria of the skin, and septicemia can be observed in cases of systemic dissemination. Neoplastic emboli and septic thrombi can lead to vascular obstruction, which can predispose to infarction in multiple organs. The aim of this case report is to describe a case of hemorrhagic stroke in a dog with anaplastic carcinoma of the mammary gland.Case: a 12-year-old, mixed breed, female spayed canine presented with mammary tumor with plaque formation, associated with skin ulceration which extended to the medial region of pelvic limbs. The animal also displayed neurologic clinical signs characterized by stupor, opisthotonos and apathy. Due to poor prognosis, the canine was euthanized and submitted to necropsy. During external examination, the animal was in a good body condition, had moderately pale mucosae, and it was noted a nodular plaque in the abdominal ventral area extending from thoracic to inguinal mammary gland. The mass was firm and white, extensively ulcerated, and extending from the thoracic to inguinal mammary gland. There was a well circumscribed area of infarction in the spleen and kidney. In the cerebral cortex it was observed an extensive area of hemorrhage with adhered blood clot from frontal to temporal lobe. There were multiple well circumscribed, firm, and white areas in the myocardium. Histologically, the neoplastic proliferation was composed by epithelial cells with high pleomorphism, features of malignancy, and no delimitations, leading to the diagnosis of anaplastic carcinoma of the mammary gland. Admixed with tumor cells there were multiple areas of hemorrhage, necrosis and thrombosis. In the cerebral cortex there was a focally extensive area of hemorrhage, multifocal thrombosis, abundant amount of gitter cells, and moderate perivascular inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes. There was neoplastic infiltrate in the bladder, adrenal glands, and lungs. There were multiple areas of necrosis and thrombosis in spleen and heart. Bacterial examination was performed in fragments of cerebral cortex and kidney, and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius was isolated.Discussion: anaplastic carcinoma of the mammary gland has an epithelial origin and is considered the most malignant neoplasm with worst prognosis due to its characteristic of high cellular pleomorphism and the ability of invasiveness of vessels and adjacent tissues. Therapeutic options are scarce and palliative, and surgical removal is not indicated. Dermal ulceration usually is infected by opportunistic bacteria that can lead to inflammation and pain, and treatment in these cases is focused on pain management with analgesics. The bacterial infection can evolve to septicemia with decrease of endogenous anticoagulants and consequent blood hypercoagulability. Moreover, studies demonstrate the higher risk of clotting abnormalities when associated to progression of mammary carcinomas, which includes anaplastic carcinoma of the mammary gland. In this study, two causes which may have led to thromboembolism and cerebral hemorrhage are discussed: septicemia after invasion of lymphatic vessels by the anaplastic carcinoma or hypercoagulability caused by the systemic neoplasia, which could have reduce the blood flow to vessels of the cerebral cortex

    Causas de morte em ovinos no Sul do Brasil : análise de 523 casos (2004-2019)

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    Epidemiological features, such as breed, sex, and age, in addition to the clinical and pathological features, were analyzed. During this period, tissues from 523 sheep were evaluated, in which a conclusive diagnosis was obtained in 457 (87%) of the cases. The majority of sheep were from the metropolitan mesoregion of Porto Alegre. The most common breed was Texel 171/523 (33%). From all the conclusive diagnoses, 158/457 (35%) corresponded to infectious non-parasitic diseases, 117/457 (26%) were caused by toxic etiology, 95/457 (21%) were infectious parasitic diseases, 42/457 (9%) were included in the nutritional and metabolic category, 38/457 (8%) were in the “others” category, and 7/457 (1.5%) were congenital defects. The age of sheep included in this study ranged from 1 day to 7 years. Among cases with conclusive diagnosis, the main cause of death was haemonchosis with 83/457 (18%) of cases, followed by pneumonia 29/457 (6%), Baccharis sp. poisoning 25/457 (5%), and bluetongue 22/457 (5%).O aumento da comercialização de produtos ovinos requer um aumento equivalente na sanidade do rebanho e uma rápida identificação de doenças. Os dados sobre as causas de morte em ovinos foram revisados no banco de dados do Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, entre janeiro de 2004 e dezembro de 2019. Aspectos epidemiológicos, como raça, sexo e idade, além das características clínicas e patológicas, foram compilados. Nesse período, foram avaliados tecidos de 523 ovinos, em que o diagnóstico conclusivo foi obtido em 457 (87%) dos casos. A grande maioria dos ovinos era da mesorregião metropolitana de Porto Alegre. A raça mais comum foi Texel 171/523 (33%). De todos os diagnósticos conclusivos, 158/457 (35%) corresponderam a doenças infecciosas não-parasitárias, 117/457 (26%) foram causadas por doenças tóxicas, 95/457 (21%) doenças infecciosas parasitárias, 42/457 (9%) foram incluídos na categoria nutricional e metabólica, 38/457 (8%) foram classificadas na categoria “outros”, e 7/457 (1,5%) eram defeitos congênitos. A faixa etária das ovelhas incluídas neste estudo foi de um dia a sete anos de idade. Entre os casos com diagnóstico conclusivo, a principal causa de óbito foi hemoncose com 83/457 (18%) dos casos, seguida de pneumonia 29/457 (6%), intoxicação por Baccharis sp. 25/457 (5%), e infecção pelo vírus da língua azul 22/457 (5%)

    Endocardite vegetativa associada à Helcococcus ovis em uma vaca no Sul do Brasil

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    A 4-year-old cow with a history of breathing difficulty, progressive weight loss, and muffled heart sound was treated for a period of two weeks, but died and underwent necropsy examination. Macroscopic examination revealed heart with vegetative proliferative lesion firmly adhered to pulmonary valve, lungs with marked consolidation, and the presence of thrombus in vessels. There were grade II ulcers in abomasal mucosa associated to blood clots. Microscopic examination revealed marked thickening of the pulmonary valve due to the proliferation of fibrous connective tissue, inflammatory neutrophil infiltration, fibrin deposition, and a significant number of coccoid basophilic bacteria. Septic thromboemboli were present in the large and small pulmonary blood vessels suggestive of embolic pneumonia. The bacterial culture of the valve showed growth of small, nonhemolytic colonies that demonstrated satellitism to coagulase-negative staphylococci contaminating colonies, which were subjected to 16S gene sequencing and were compatible with Helcococcus ovis in GenBank. This was the first report of H. ovis endocarditis in cattle in South America.Um bovino, fêmea, 4 anos com histórico de dificuldade respiratória, perda de peso progressiva e som cardíaco abafado, foi tratado por um período de duas semanas, porém veio a óbito e foi submetido a exame de necropsia. No exame macroscópico, notou-se coração com lesão proliferativa vegetativa firmemente aderida em valva pulmonar, pulmões com consolidação acentuada, e presença de trombos no interior de vasos. Havia ainda úlcera abomasal grau II em mucosa associada a coágulo sanguíneo. No exame microscópico notou-se acentuado espessamento da valva pulmonar por proliferação de tecido conjuntivo fibroso, infiltrado inflamatório de neutrófilos, deposição de fibrina e acentuado número de miríades bacterianas basofílicas cocoides. Tromboembolia séptica foi vista no interior de vasos pulmonares de pequeno e médio calibre, sugestivo de pneumonia embólica. Em cultivo bacteriano da valva notou-se crescimento de colônias pequenas, não hemolíticas que demonstravam satelitismo a colônias contaminantes de estafilococos coagulase negativa, essas foram submetidas ao sequenciamento do gene 16S e foram compatíveis com Helcococcus ovis no GenBank. Este foi o primeiro relato de endocardite por H. ovis em bovino na América do Sul