15 research outputs found

    Exploring Text Mining and Analytics for Applications in Public Security: An in-depth dive into a systematic literature review

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    Text mining and related analytics emerge as a technological approach to support human activities in extracting useful knowledge through texts in several formats. From a managerial point of view, it can help organizations in planning and decision-making processes, providing information that was not previously evident through textual materials produced internally or even externally. In this context, within the public/governmental scope, public security agencies are great beneficiaries of the tools associated with text mining, in several aspects, from applications in the criminal area to the collection of people's opinions and sentiments about the actions taken to promote their welfare. This article reports details of a systematic literature review focused on identifying the main areas of text mining application in public security, the most recurrent technological tools, and future research directions. The searches covered four major article bases (Scopus, Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, and ACM Digital Library), selecting 194 materials published between 2014 and the first half of 2021, among journals, conferences, and book chapters. There were several findings concerning the targets of the literature review, as presented in the results of this article


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    As universidades públicas brasileiras (UPBs) vêm recebendo, por parte da sociedade em geral, críticas quanto ao seu processo de gestão e têm sido pressionadas a mudar sua forma de atuação. Ainda predomina, nessas universidades, o processo de gestão remanescente de um modelo tradicional de universidade pública que prioriza as atividades de ensino e de pesquisa sem que se incentivem a interdisciplinaridade e a indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Além disso, esse modelo sobrevive em uma cultura administrativa lenta e burocratizante, que precisa ser superada. Isso demonstra a necessidade de atualizar a estrutura organizacional das UPBs de maneira a deixá-la mais ágil, flexível, eficiente e proativa. A partir de uma revisão da literatura e da experiência de gestão dos autores, este artigo tem como objetivo propor uma estrutura organizacional para as UPBs que proporcione simplificação burocrática, melhoria na comunicação interna e aumento na transparência administrativa. Com isso, as UPBs poderão responder às demandas sociais com maior qualidade e eficiência, sem perder sua eficácia social. Os resultados demonstram que a adoção do modelo proposto pode contribuir, significativamente, para a melhoria dos principais indicadores de desempenho das universidades

    Multicriteria Model for Organizational Green Information Technology Maturity Assessment and Benchmarking: Defining a Class Structure

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    Assessing Green Information Technology (IT) maturity in organizations is a relevant process to measure the progress of sustainable IT initiatives and to support new actions to improve them. Knowledge about the organizational maturity level in Green IT and comparing this level with those of other companies are necessary for self-assessment to strengthen organizations’ general sustainability strategy. The main objective of this paper is to communicate a Green IT maturity assessment model with its class structure. This model can also provide benchmarking regarding organizations’ maturity since its fundamental premise is a pairwise comparison between companies to obtain their classification. Based on a literature search to identify the existing maturity models, the CMMI model was selected since it is the most recurrent in the literature on managing organizational Green IT actions. The classification process using CMMI maturity levels as classes is based on the ELECTRE IV multicriteria decision support method, which was developed to work specifically with classification problems. The results include the companies’ allocation into the most appropriate classes, considering well-defined criteria set with their weights, the class boundaries according to numerical parameters such as lower and upper limits for each of them, and data collected on companies under consideration for the assessment

    Multicriteria Model for Organizational Green Information Technology Maturity Assessment and Benchmarking: Defining a Class Structure

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    Assessing Green Information Technology (IT) maturity in organizations is a relevant process to measure the progress of sustainable IT initiatives and to support new actions to improve them. Knowledge about the organizational maturity level in Green IT and comparing this level with those of other companies are necessary for self-assessment to strengthen organizations’ general sustainability strategy. The main objective of this paper is to communicate a Green IT maturity assessment model with its class structure. This model can also provide benchmarking regarding organizations’ maturity since its fundamental premise is a pairwise comparison between companies to obtain their classification. Based on a literature search to identify the existing maturity models, the CMMI model was selected since it is the most recurrent in the literature on managing organizational Green IT actions. The classification process using CMMI maturity levels as classes is based on the ELECTRE IV multicriteria decision support method, which was developed to work specifically with classification problems. The results include the companies’ allocation into the most appropriate classes, considering well-defined criteria set with their weights, the class boundaries according to numerical parameters such as lower and upper limits for each of them, and data collected on companies under consideration for the assessment

    Uma arquitetura da informação para portais da inovação das universidades públicas brasileiras

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    A inovação se apresenta na sociedade do conhecimento como um fator preponderante no processo de desenvolvimento das nações. De forma sui-generis, enquanto em quase todo mundo a inovação se faz na empresa, no Brasil a Universidade Pública Brasileira é um atípico e presente ambiente de inovação. A interação universidade-empresa define um processo de cooperação destinado a gerar produtos, serviços e processos, devendo ser intensificado e orientado com mais eficácia para a inovação e, de forma genérica, para a transferência de conhecimentos. Neste contexto, observa-se a necessidade nas Universidades Públicas Brasileiras de criar um ambiente virtual de inovação com os seus diversos atores, promovendo compartilhamento e disseminação do capital intelectual na busca de soluções inovadoras e construção de estratégias para o desenvolvimento social. Este artigo objetiva apresentar uma arquitetura informacional para o portal da inovação aplicado às Universidades Públicas Brasileiras que se constituirá em um espaço de cooperação entre setor produtivo e comunidade científico-tecnológica

    Strategic Behavior Categorization in Information Technology Outsourcing: An Analysis Based on Knowledge Transfer and Relational Governance

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    This paper proposes a strategic behavior categorization between the contractor and the provider in information technology (IT) outsourcing. We identified four behaviors (or attitudes) focusing specifically on the contractors’ attitudes: (a) conservative, (b) collaborative, (c) opportunistic, and (d) transformational. Theoretical concepts from IT Outsourcing, Relational Governance, and Knowledge Transfer were used to derive the study hypotheses. A questionnaire was developed to collect the information to test the hypotheses. An empirical analysis of a sample of 247 Brazilian companies was used, supporting the grouping of the companies as follows: 38.49% of them had the conservative attitude; 29.14% of them had the collaborative attitude; 14.97% of them had the opportunistic attitude; and 17.40% of them had the transformational attitude. We found that the relational attitudes should be adjusted to the individual contractors’ conditions, specific characteristics, and sectors. Our results also emphasize that the type of outsourced activity (traditional or customized) enables the managers to identify the need to balance the participation in relational governance. This study brings innovations to the understanding of the importance of the relationship between the contractor and the supplier, supporting, for example, the prioritization of new relational profiles according to the level of the IT service that was contracted, whether it is traditional or customized

    Strategic Behavior Categorization in Information Technology Outsourcing: An Analysis Based on Knowledge Transfer and Relational Governance

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    This paper proposes a strategic behavior categorization between the contractor and the provider in information technology (IT) outsourcing. We identified four behaviors (or attitudes) focusing specifically on the contractors’ attitudes: (a) conservative, (b) collaborative, (c) opportunistic, and (d) transformational. Theoretical concepts from IT Outsourcing, Relational Governance, and Knowledge Transfer were used to derive the study hypotheses. A questionnaire was developed to collect the information to test the hypotheses. An empirical analysis of a sample of 247 Brazilian companies was used, supporting the grouping of the companies as follows: 38.49% of them had the conservative attitude; 29.14% of them had the collaborative attitude; 14.97% of them had the opportunistic attitude; and 17.40% of them had the transformational attitude. We found that the relational attitudes should be adjusted to the individual contractors’ conditions, specific characteristics, and sectors. Our results also emphasize that the type of outsourced activity (traditional or customized) enables the managers to identify the need to balance the participation in relational governance. This study brings innovations to the understanding of the importance of the relationship between the contractor and the supplier, supporting, for example, the prioritization of new relational profiles according to the level of the IT service that was contracted, whether it is traditional or customized

    Uma arquitetura para sistemas de gestão do conhecimento orientada a grupos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma arquitetura para Sistemas de Gestão do Conhecimento (SGC), auxiliando na gestão do conhecimento em grupos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, visando facilitar a criação, a disseminação e o compartilhamento do conhecimento, de forma a beneficiar a qualidade e a produtividade desses grupos. O desenvolvimento dessa arquitetura engloba quatro elementos básicos: a análise e a compreensão do ambiente organizacional complexo das IES, a identificação dos processos de gestão do conhecimento, a criação e a preservação da memória organizacional e a gestão por competências dos membros dos grupos de pesquisa. Para a obtenção da arquitetura, foi utilizada uma metodologia da Engenharia do Conhecimento, que contém uma biblioteca com uma série de componentes essenciais para sua concepção. Por meio da aplicação deste método, obteve-se uma visão esquemática do ambiente e da arquitetura para um SGC destinado a uso pelos grupos de pesquisa, assim como foi possível conceber, através dos elementos levantados, uma arquitetura fundamental para portais do conhecimento a serem utilizados por estes grupos. Os principais esquemas resultantes do processo de modelagem são apresentados neste trabalho

    The COVID-19 Infodemic on Twitter: A Space and Time Topic Analysis of the Brazilian Immunization Program and Public Trust

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    The context of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light the infodemic phenomenon and the problem of misinformation. Agencies involved in managing COVID-19 immunization programs are also looking for ways to combat this problem, demanding analytical tools specialized in identifying patterns of misinformation and understanding how they have evolved in time and space to demonstrate their effects on public trust. The aim of this article is to present the results of a study applying topic analysis in space and time with respect to public opinion on the Brazilian COVID-19 immunization program. The analytical process involves applying topic discovery to tweets with geoinformation extracted from the COVID-19 vaccination theme. After extracting the topics, they were submitted to manual annotation, whereby the polarity labels pro, anti, and neutral were applied based on the support and trust in the COVID-19 vaccination. A space and time analysis was carried out using the topic and polarity distributions, making it possible to understand moments during which the most significant quantities of posts occurred and the cities that generated the most tweets. The analytical process describes a framework capable of meeting the needs of agencies for tools, providing indications of how misinformation has evolved and where its dissemination focuses, in addition to defining the granularity of this information according to what managers define as adequate. The following research outcomes can be highlighted. (1) We identified a specific date containing a peak that stands out among the other dates, indicating an event that mobilized public opinion about COVID-19 vaccination. (2) We extracted 23 topics, enabling the manual polarity annotation of each topic and an understanding of which polarities were associated with tweets. (3) Based on the association between polarities, topics, and tweets, it was possible to identify the Brazilian cities that produced the majority of tweets for each polarity and the amount distribution of tweets relative to cities populations

    Abordagem multicritério de apoio a decisões estrategicamente sustentáveis nas organizações

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    Keeping the social and environmental conditions in a favorable conservation status for allowing the society to develop itself without restrictions is the central idea which underpins the sustainability concept. Different spheres such as media, academia and business organizations started to give more importance to the study of sustainability, once it directly affects aspects that influence the economy in the world. Organizationally, the use of sustainable strategies can bring returns in favor of a healthy development and a conscious culture about the waste as well as reflecting how organizations connect with society and the environment. The objective of this work is to propose a model for prioritizing strategies to support the creation of an environment and a culture based on sustainability in organizations. This model has four steps, beginning with the problem structuring, including the definition of criteria and alternatives, the application of a multi-criteria method for prioritization, and finally, the implementation of the alternatives according to the decision maker opinion as well as on prioritization results.Manter as condições socioambientais em um estado de conservação favorável para que a sociedade se desenvolva sem restrições é a ideia que embasa o conceito de Sustentabilidade. Diversas esferas como as mídias, a academia e as organizações passaram a dar maior importância para o estudo da sustentabilidade, uma vez que ela impacta diretamente em aspectos que influenciam a economia no mundo. Organizacionalmente, o uso de estratégias sustentáveis é capaz de trazer retornos em prol de um desenvolvimento saudável e de uma cultura consciente quanto aos desperdícios, além de refletir na forma como as organizações mantém seu relacionamento com a sociedade e o meio ambiente. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo para a priorização de estratégias que apoiem a criação de um ambiente e uma cultura baseados em sustentabilidade nas organizações. Tal modelo possui quatro etapas, iniciando-se com a estruturação de problemas, passando pela definição de critérios e alternativas, aplicação de método multicritério para priorização e, por fim, chegando à implementação das alternativas de acordo com o que o decisor julgue adequado, tomando por base o resultado da priorização.