3,407 research outputs found

    Optimal dimensioning model of water distribution systems

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    This study is aimed at developing a pipe-sizing model for a water distribution system. The optimal solution minimises the system’s total cost, which comprises the hydraulic network capital cost, plus the capitalised cost of pumping energy. The developed model, called Lenhsnet, may also be used for economical design when expanding existing hydraulic networks. The methodology developed includes an iterative dynamic calculation process as well as a hydraulic simulation model. The performance of the method is tested against 4 benchmark examples in the literature. The results obtained show the feasibility of this model, presenting it as a viable alternative for water distribution systems. The method is easily used, once it is performed under EPANET2 software interface

    Predicting nursing leadership roles of patient safety in the operating room

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    Objetivo: identificar a liderança percecionada pelos enfermeiros perioperatórios e determinar os papéis de liderança preditores da segurança do doente no bloco operatório. Método: estudo descritivo e explicativo numa amostra de 1.001 enfermeiros, com recurso ao questionário de segurança do doente no bloco operatório e ao instrumento de liderança de Quinn adaptado à saúde. No tratamento de dados utilizou-se a aplicação IBM SPSS Statistics, versão 25.0. Resultado: todas as dimensões de liderança obtiveram valor superior ao ponto médio da escala (M>4). Observado um valor mínimo no papel de Inovador (M=4,63) e máximo no Produtor (M=5,04). Os modelos de regressão permitiram salientar que os papéis de liderança são preditores da segurança do doente no bloco operatório, destacando-se os papéis Monitor, Produtor e Facilitador. Conclusão: os enfermeiros perioperatórios têm perceção moderadamente positiva do exercício da liderança, indiciando a necessidade de se promover o desenvolvimento dos diferentes papéis de liderança exercidos pelos enfermeiros gestores perioperatórios.Objective: to identify the leadership perceived by perioperative nurses and to determine the role of leadership predictors of patient safety in the operating room. Method: descriptive and explanatory study in a sample of 1,001 nurses, using the patient safety questionnaire in the operating room and Quinn’s leadership instrument adapted to health. The IBM SPSS Statistics application, version 25.0, was used in the data processing. Result: all leadership dimensions were higher than the midpoint of the scale (M>4). A minimum value was observed in the role of Innovator (M=4.63) and maximum in the Producer (M=5.04). The regression models allowed pointing out that leadership roles are predictors of patient safety in the operating room, especially the roles Monitor, Producer and Facilitator. Conclusion: perioperative nurses have moderately positive perception of leadership exercise, indicating the need to promote the development of different leadership roles exercised by perioperative management nurses.Objetivo: identificar el liderazgo percebido por las enfermeras perioperatorias y determinar el papel de los predictores de liderazgo de la seguridad del paciente en el quirófano. Método: estudio descriptivo y explicativo en una muestra de 1.001 enfermeras, utilizando el cuestionario de seguridad del paciente en el quirófano y el instrumento de liderazgo de Quinn adaptado a la salud. La aplicación IBM SPSS Statistics, versión 25.0, se utilizó en el procesamiento de datos. Resultado: todas las dimensiones de liderazgo fueron superiores al punto medio de la escala (M>4). Se observó un valor mínimo en el rol de Innovador (M=4,63) y máximo en el Productor (M=5,04). Los modelos de regresión permitieron señalar que los roles de liderazgo son predictores de la seguridad del paciente en el quirófano, especialmente los roles Monitor, Productor y Facilitador. Conclusión: las enfermeras perioperatorias tienen una percepción moderadamente positiva del ejercicio de liderazgo, indicando la necesidad de promover el desarrollo de diferentes roles de liderazgo ejercidos por las enfermeras administradoras de quirofanoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative fitness analysis of D-cycloserine resistant mutants reveals both fitness-neutral and high-fitness cost genotypes

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    Drug resistant infections represent one of the most challenging medical problems of our time. D-cycloserine is an antibiotic used for six decades without significant appearance and dissemination of antibiotic resistant strains, making it an ideal model compound to understand what drives resistance evasion. We therefore investigated why Mycobacterium tuberculosis fails to become resistant to D-cycloserine. To address this question, we employed a combination of bacterial genetics, genomics, biochemistry and fitness analysis in vitro, in macrophages and in mice. Altogether, our results suggest that the ultra-low rate of emergence of D-cycloserine resistance mutations is the dominant biological factor delaying the appearance of clinical resistance to this antibiotic. Furthermore, we also identified potential compensatory mechanisms able to minimize the severe fitness costs of primary D-cycloserine resistance conferring mutations

    Juvenile Batten disease (CLN3): Detailed Ocular Phenotype, Novel Observations, Delayed Diagnosis, Masquerades, and Prospects for Therapy

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    PURPOSE To characterize the retinal phenotype of juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (JNCL), highlight delayed and mistaken diagnosis, and propose an algorithm for early identification. DESIGN Retrospective case series. SUBJECTS Eight children (5 females) with JNCL. METHODS Review of clinical notes, retinal imaging including fundus autofluorescence (FAF) and optical coherence tomography (OCT), electroretinography (ERG), and both microscopy and molecular genetic testing. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS Demographic data, signs and symptoms, visual acuity, FAF and OCT findings, ERG phenotype, and microscopy/molecular genetics. RESULTS Subjects presented with rapid bilateral vision loss over one to eighteen months, with mean visual acuity deteriorating from 0.44 LogMAR (range: 0.20 - 1.78 LogMAR) at baseline, to 1.34 LogMAR (0.30 LogMAR - light perception) at last follow-up. Age of onset ranged from 3 to 7 years (mean 5.3 years). The age at diagnosis of JNCL ranged from 7 to 10 years (mean 8.3 years). Six children displayed eccentric fixation, and six had cognitive or neurological signs at time of diagnosis (75%). Seven patients had bilateral bull’s-eye maculopathy at presentation. Coats-like exudative vasculopathy, not previously reported in JNCL, was observed in one patient. OCT imaging revealed near complete loss of outer retinal layers, and marked atrophy of the nerve fibre and ganglion cell layers, at the central macula. An ‘electronegative’ ERG was present in four patients (50%), but with additional a-wave reduction; there was an undetectable ERG in the remaining four. Blood film microscopy revealed vacuolated lymphocytes and electron microscopy showed lysosomal (fingerprint) inclusions, in all eight patients. CONCLUSIONS In a young child with bilateral rapidly progressive vision loss and macular disturbance, blood film microscopy to detect vacuolated lymphocytes is a rapid, readily accessible, and sensitive screening test for JNCL. Early suspicion of JNCL can be aided by detailed directed history and high-resolution retinal imaging, with subsequent targeted microscopy/genetic testing. Early diagnosis is critical to ensure appropriate management, counselling, support and social care for children and their families. Furthermore, although potential therapies for this group of disorders are in early phase clinical trial, realistic expectations are that successful intervention will be most effective when initiated at the earliest stage of disease

    High resolution analysis of DNA copy-number aberrations of chromosomes 8, 13, and 20 in gastric cancers

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    DNA copy-number gains of chromosomes 8q, 13q, and 20q are frequently observed in gastric cancers. Moreover gain of chromosome 20q has been associated with lymph node metastasis. The aim of this study was to correlate DNA copy-number changes of individual genes on chromosomes 8q, 13q, and 20q in gastric adenocarcinomas to clinicopathological data. DNA isolated from 63 formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded gastric adenocarcinoma tissue samples was analyzed by whole-genome microarray comparative genomic hybridization and by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), targeting 58 individual genes on chromosomes 8, 13, and 20. Using array comparative genomic hybridization, gains on 8q, 13q, and 20q were observed in 49 (77.8%), 25 (39.7%), and 49 (77.8%) gastric adenocarcinomas, respectively. Gain of chromosome 20q was significantly correlated with lymph node metastases (p = 0.05) and histological type (p = 0.02). MLPA revealed several genes to be frequently gained in DNA copy number. The oncogene c-myc on 8q was gained in 73% of the cancers, while FOXO1A and ATP7B on 13q were both gained in 28.6% of the cases. Multiple genes on chromosome 20q showed gains in more than 60% of the cancers. DNA copy-number gains of TNFRSF6B (20q13.3) and ZNF217 (20q13.2) were significantly associated with lymph node metastasis (p = 0.02) and histological type (p = 0.02), respectively. In summary, gains of chromosomes 8q, 13q, and 20q in gastric adenocarcinomas harbor DNA copy-number gains of known and putative oncogenes. ZNF217 and TNFRSF6B are associated with important clinicopathological variables, including lymph node status