2,877 research outputs found

    Predictors of Walking App Users With Comparison of Current Users, Previous Users, and Informed Nonusers in a Sample of Dutch Adults: Questionnaire Study

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    BACKGROUND: The last decade has seen a substantial increase in the use of mobile health apps and research into the effects of those apps on health and health behaviors. In parallel, research has aimed at identifying population subgroups that are more likely to use those health apps. Current evidence is limited by two issues. First, research has focused on broad health apps, and little is known about app usage for a specific health behavior. Second, research has focused on comparing current users and current nonusers, without considering subgroups of nonusers. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to provide profile distributions of current users, previous users, and informed nonusers, and to identify predictor variables relevant for profile classification. METHODS: Data were available from 1683 people who participated in a Dutch walking event in Amsterdam that was held in September 2017. They provided information on demographics, self-reported walking behavior, and walking app usage, as well as items from User Acceptance of Information Technology, in an online survey. Data were analyzed using discriminant function analysis and multinomial logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Most participants were current walking app users (899/1683, 53.4%), while fewer participants were informed nonusers (663/1683, 39.4%) and very few were previous walking app users (121/1683, 7.2%). Current walking app users were more likely to report walking at least 5 days per week and for at least 30 minutes per bout (odds ratio [OR] 1.44, 95% CI 1.11-1.85; P=.005) and more likely to be overweight (OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.24-2.37; P=.001) or obese (OR 1.49, 95% CI 1.08-2.08; P=.005) as compared with informed nonusers. Further, current walking app users perceived their walking apps to be less boring, easy to use and retrieve information, and more helpful to achieve their goals. Effect sizes ranged from 0.10 (95% CI 0.08-0.30) to 1.58 (95% CI 1.47-1.70). CONCLUSIONS: The distributions for walking app usage appeared different from the distributions for more general health app usage. Further, the inclusion of two specific subgroups of nonusers (previous users and informed nonusers) provides important information for health practitioners and app developers to stimulate continued walking app usage, including making information in those apps easy to understand and making it easy to obtain information from the apps, as well as preventing apps from becoming boring and difficult to use for goal attainment

    A Note on the Pfaffian Integration Theorem

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    Two alternative, fairly compact proofs are presented of the Pfaffian integration theorem that is surfaced in the recent studies of spectral properties of Ginibre's Orthogonal Ensemble. The first proof is based on a concept of the Fredholm Pfaffian; the second proof is purely linear-algebraic.Comment: 8 pages; published versio

    Finite-lattice expansion for Ising models on quasiperiodic tilings

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    Low-temperature series are calculated for the free energy, magnetisation, susceptibility and field-derivatives of the susceptibility in the Ising model on the quasiperiodic Penrose lattice. The series are computed to order 20 and estimates of the critical exponents alpha, beta and gamma are obtained from Pade approximants.Comment: 16 pages, REVTeX, 26 postscript figure

    Syntax for free: representing syntax with binding using parametricity

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    We show that, in a parametric model of polymorphism, the type ∀ α. ((α → α) → α) → (α → α → α) → α is isomorphic to closed de Bruijn terms. That is, the type of closed higher-order abstract syntax terms is isomorphic to a concrete representation. To demonstrate the proof we have constructed a model of parametric polymorphism inside the Coq proof assistant. The proof of the theorem requires parametricity over Kripke relations. We also investigate some variants of this representation

    Occurrence and diversity of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in vegetable brassica fields in Nepal

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    Black rot caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris was found in 28 sampled cabbage fields in five major cabbage-growing districts in Nepal in 2001 and in four cauliflower fields in two districts and a leaf mustard seed bed in 2003. Pathogenic X. campestris pv. campestris strains were obtained from 39 cabbage plants, 4 cauliflower plants, and 1 leaf mustard plant with typical lesions. Repetitive DNA polymerase chain reaction-based fingerprinting (rep-PCR) using repetitive extragenic palindromic, enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus, and BOX primers was used to assess the genetic diversity. Strains were also race typed using a differential series of Brassica spp. Cabbage strains belonged to five races (races 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7), with races 4, 1, and 6 the most common. All cauliflower strains were race 4 and the leaf mustard strain was race 6. A dendrogram derived from the combined rep-PCR profiles showed that the Nepalese X. campestris pv. campestris strains clustered separately from other Xanthomonas spp. and pathovars. Race 1 strains clustered together and strains of races 4, 5, and 6 were each split into at least two clusters. The presence of different races and the genetic variability of the pathogen should be considered when resistant cultivars are bred and introduced into regions in Nepal to control black rot of brassicas

    Limit-(quasi)periodic point sets as quasicrystals with p-adic internal spaces

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    Model sets (or cut and project sets) provide a familiar and commonly used method of constructing and studying nonperiodic point sets. Here we extend this method to situations where the internal spaces are no longer Euclidean, but instead spaces with p-adic topologies or even with mixed Euclidean/p-adic topologies. We show that a number of well known tilings precisely fit this form, including the chair tiling and the Robinson square tilings. Thus the scope of the cut and project formalism is considerably larger than is usually supposed. Applying the powerful consequences of model sets we derive the diffractive nature of these tilings.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; dedicated to Peter Kramer on the occasion of his 65th birthda

    A European Journal of Health Communication in the age of open science

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    Eigenvalue correlations in non-Hermitean symplectic random matrices

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    Correlation function of complex eigenvalues of N by N random matrices drawn from non-Hermitean random matrix ensemble of symplectic symmetry is given in terms of a quaternion determinant. Spectral properties of Gaussian ensembles are studied in detail in the regimes of weak and strong non-Hermiticity.Comment: 14 page

    Regular quantum graphs

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    We introduce the concept of regular quantum graphs and construct connected quantum graphs with discrete symmetries. The method is based on a decomposition of the quantum propagator in terms of permutation matrices which control the way incoming and outgoing channels at vertex scattering processes are connected. Symmetry properties of the quantum graph as well as its spectral statistics depend on the particular choice of permutation matrices, also called connectivity matrices, and can now be easily controlled. The method may find applications in the study of quantum random walks networks and may also prove to be useful in analysing universality in spectral statistics.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    On FPL configurations with four sets of nested arches

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    The problem of counting the number of Fully Packed Loop (FPL) configurations with four sets of a,b,c,d nested arches is addressed. It is shown that it may be expressed as the problem of enumeration of tilings of a domain of the triangular lattice with a conic singularity. After reexpression in terms of non-intersecting lines, the Lindstr\"om-Gessel-Viennot theorem leads to a formula as a sum of determinants. This is made quite explicit when min(a,b,c,d)=1 or 2. We also find a compact determinant formula which generates the numbers of configurations with b=d.Comment: 22 pages, TeX, 16 figures; a new formula for a generating function adde
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