2,377 research outputs found

    Critical dynamics of ballistic and Brownian particles in a heterogeneous environment

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    The dynamic properties of a classical tracer particle in a random, disordered medium are investigated close to the localization transition. For Lorentz models obeying Newtonian and diffusive motion at the microscale, we have performed large-scale computer simulations, demonstrating that universality holds at long times in the immediate vicinity of the transition. The scaling function describing the crossover from anomalous transport to diffusive motion is found to vary extremely slowly and spans at least 5 decades in time. To extract the scaling function, one has to allow for the leading universal corrections to scaling. Our findings suggest that apparent power laws with varying exponents generically occur and dominate experimentally accessible time windows as soon as the heterogeneities cover a decade in length scale. We extract the divergent length scales, quantify the spatial heterogeneities in terms of the non-Gaussian parameter, and corroborate our results by a thorough finite-size analysis.Comment: 14 page

    The Rayleigh-Brillouin Spectrum in Special Relativistic Hydrodynamics

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    In this paper we calculate the Rayleigh-Brillouin spectrum for a relativistic simple fluid according to three different versions available for a relativistic approach to non-equilibrium thermodynamics. An outcome of these calculations is that Eckart's version predicts that such spectrum does not exist. This provides an argument to question its validity. The remaining two results, which differ one from another, do provide a finite form for such spectrum. This raises the rather intriguing question as to which of the two theories is a better candidate to be taken as a possible version of relativistic non-equilibrium thermodynamics. The answer will clearly require deeper examination of this problem.Comment: 13 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of immunoconjugates of adriamycin and a human IgM linked by poly[N5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-l-glutamine

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    The synthesis and purification of radiolabelled immunoconjugates, composed of a human IgM monoclonal antibody (IgM 16.88) directed against an intracellular tumour-associated antigen, the drug carrier poly[N5-(2-hydroxyethyl)--glutamine] (PHEG) and the cytostatic drug adriamycin (ADR) are described. The immunoconjugates were constructed to allow selective release of ADR in the putatively acidic environment of the tumour through a novel acid-labile maleamic acid linker. The conjugate of PHEG and the acid-labile ADR derivative effectively released ADR in cytotoxic amounts at a pH of 6.0 as judged from incubation in buffer and from inhibition of the growth of HT-29 colon tumour cells in vitro. Immunoconjugates were prepared by coupling of PHEG-ADR having a hydrolytically stable amide bond with 131I-labelled antibody through thioether bond formation involving a single thiol group at the C-terminus of the polymer chain and maleimido groups introduced onto th

    Sound-propagation gap in fluid mixtures

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    We discuss the behavior of the extended sound modes of a dense binary hard-sphere mixture. In a dense simple hard-sphere fluid the Enskog theory predicts a gap in the sound propagation at large wave vectors. In a binary mixture the gap is only present for low concentrations of one of the two species. At intermediate concentrations sound modes are always propagating. This behavior is not affected by the mass difference of the two species, but it only depends on the packing fractions. The gap is absent when the packing fractions are comparable and the mixture structurally resembles a metallic glass.Comment: Published; withdrawn since ordering in archive gives misleading impression of new publicatio

    Smart urbanism in Barcelona: A knowledge-politics perspective

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    There is a risk in the ‘Smart City’ that plural forms of knowing the city become eclipsed by singular governance-oriented analyses produced through computational logics originating from undemocratic service providers. In light of this concern, this chapter considers three aspects of smart urbanism’s knowledge politics: i) the role of urban agencies – or understanding smart urbanism as a situated, socio-material practice; ii) the agency of smart city technologies’ materiality as well as the ownership and control of these technologies, and: iii) the political rationalities, values and assumptions embedded in smart city technologies’ design and use. Drawing on these insights, this chapter analyses smart knowledge politics in Barcelona, where the 2015 Council elections replaced a market-oriented political leadership enthusiastically implementing the Smart City with a political leadership whose origins in social movements and citizen democracy made it deeply sceptical towards smart urbanism. We analyse how this opened up space for different approaches to using technology in the city while at the same time giving rise to materially very different kinds of smart knowledge configuring technologies emphasizing citizen participation and democratic control of knowledge production. Indeed, political rationalities and smart knowledge configuring technologies intersected and co-evolved, rather than one informing the other unidirectionally

    Multi-Resolution Analysis and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: an Equivalence Result

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    In this paper we prove that any multi-resolution analysis of \Lc^2(\R) produces, for some values of the filling factor, a single-electron wave function of the lowest Landau level (LLL) which, together with its (magnetic) translated, gives rise to an orthonormal set in the LLL. We also give the inverse construction. Moreover, we extend this procedure to the higher Landau levels and we discuss the analogies and the differences between this procedure and the one previously proposed by J.-P. Antoine and the author.Comment: Submitted to Journal Mathematical Physisc

    Preferred Islet Delivery Device Characteristics and Implantation Strategies of Patients With Type 1 Diabetes

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    Islet delivery devices (IDDs) offer potential benefits for islet transplantation and stem cell-based replacement in type 1 diabetes. Little is known about patient preferences regarding islet delivery device characteristics and implantation strategies. Patient preferences for IDDs and implantation strategies remain understudied. We invited patients, parents and caregivers to fill in an online questionnaire regarding IDDs. An online survey gathered responses from 809 type 1 diabetes patients and 47 caregivers. We also assessed diabetes distress in a subgroup of 412 patients. A significant majority (97%) expressed willingness to receive an IDD. Preferred IDD attributes included a 3.5 cm diameter for 37.7% of respondents, while when provided with all options, 30.4% found dimensions unimportant. Respondents were open to approximately 4 implants, each with a 5 cm incision. Many favored a device functioning for 12 months (33.4%) or 24 months (24.8%). Younger participants (16-30) were more inclined to accept a 6 months functional duration ( p < 0.001). Functional duration outweighed implant quantity and size ( p < 0.001) in device importance. This emphasizes patients' willingness to accommodate burdens related to IDD features and implantation methods, crucial for designing future beta cell replacement strategies

    Fluctuating hydrodynamic modelling of fluids at the nanoscale

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    A good representation of mesoscopic fluids is required to combine with molecular simulations at larger length and time scales (De Fabritiis {\it et. al}, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 134501 (2006)). However, accurate computational models of the hydrodynamics of nanoscale molecular assemblies are lacking, at least in part because of the stochastic character of the underlying fluctuating hydrodynamic equations. Here we derive a finite volume discretization of the compressible isothermal fluctuating hydrodynamic equations over a regular grid in the Eulerian reference system. We apply it to fluids such as argon at arbitrary densities and water under ambient conditions. To that end, molecular dynamics simulations are used to derive the required fluid properties. The equilibrium state of the model is shown to be thermodynamically consistent and correctly reproduces linear hydrodynamics including relaxation of sound and shear modes. We also consider non-equilibrium states involving diffusion and convection in cavities with no-slip boundary conditions

    Science and Film-making

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    The essay reviews the literature, mostly historical, on the relationship between science and film-making, with a focus on the science documentary. It then discusses the circumstances of the emergence of the wildlife making-of documentary genre. The thesis examined here is that since the early days of cinema, film-making has evolved from being subordinate to science, to being an equal partner in the production of knowledge, controlled by non-scientists
