2,334 research outputs found

    Alfred Hitchcock presents: Multilingualism as a vehicle for⋯ suspense. The Italian dubbing of Hitchcock's multilingual films

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    This study aims to shed light on the role multilingualism plays in Alfred Hitchcock's films, by examining the different solutions adopted by Italian audiovisual translators to cope with the multilingual situations represented. The comparative analysis carried out between the original versions of the thirteen multilingual films directed by Hitchcock and their Italian dubbed versions has identified three different macro-strategies: first of all, the neutralisation of the different languages present in the original version via dubbing the entire film into Italian. Secondly, the preservation of the different lingua-cultural identities through a combination of dubbing with other screen translation modalities such as contextual translation, and interpretation performed by one the film's characters. Finally, a third strategy is the quantitative reduction of the multilingual situations present in the original version of the film, with all the inevitable consequences that this may have on viewers' suspension of linguistic disbelief

    Translating multilingualism in film: A case study on Le concert

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    The paper sheds some light both on the different ways in which multilingualism may be represented in film and on the difficult task of managing it in translation. A comparative analysis is carried out between the original version of the film Le concert (Radu Mihaileanu, 2009) and the dubbed versions for the French, Italian and Spanish markets as well as the subtitled version for the British market. Different ways to deal with multilingualism are identified: on the one hand, dubbing the film entirely into the target languages by resorting (or not) to "would-be" foreign accents to signal the origin of characters; on the other, some more "innovation" in subtitling to verbally reproduce instances of broken language. The analysis of the different solutions adopted in the four countries leads us to consider the opportunities and limitations that dubbing and subtitling multilingual films may afford

    Recent results from the Antares underwater neutrino telescope

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    ANTARES (Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss environmental RESearch) is the largest neutrino telescope in the Northern Hemisphere, operative in the Mediterranean Sea in its complete set-up since 2008. The detection principle is based on the collection of Cherenkov light induced in sea water as a consequence of the passage of ultra-relativistic particles produced in neutrino interactions with matter. The main scientific goals of the experiment are the search for point-like sources of cosmic neutrinos, the measurement of the diffuse flux, the indirect search for dark matter and multi-messenger astronomy. Some of these topics will be presented here and preliminary results will be discussed

    An Austrian in Hollywood: The representation of foreigners in the films of Billy Wilder

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    This paper examines the work of Billy Wilder whose rich cinematic production frequently involves the collision of different languages as well as the clash of dissimilar cultures. As an Austrian living in the USA, the director had the privilege of gaining insight into his adopted culture from the point of view of an outsider - a bilingual "other" who made 25 films in almost 40 years of working in Hollywood. His films recurrently depict foreign characters at which Wilder pokes fun whether they are English, French, German, Italian, Russian or even the Americans of his adopted country. More precisely, the paper offers an overview of the multi-modal portrayals of diverse "foreigners," with examples taken from a small but significant sample of Wilder's films. The subtitling of dialogue in the secondary language for the target English-speaking audience and the specific translation solutions are not within the scope of this discussion, instead we focus on the comic collision of two languages and more importantly, on the way Wilder implements humour to highlight the absurdity of cultural difference. In other words, our main goal is to explore two or more languages in contrast when they become a humorous trope

    La dimensione territoriale nell\u2019approccio dei living labs. Verso i territorial living labs per il sostegno alle citt\ue0 e alle regioni\u2018smart\u2019

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    Le politiche comunitarie di sostegno alla pianificazione spaziale centrate sul policentrismo hanno cercato di innestare dinamiche di cambiamento della situazione di stallo economico e sociale delle regioni periferiche a nord e a sud dell\u2019area centrale del continente europeo. Il policentrismo allude alla possibilit\ue0 di generazione di nuove centralit\ue0 in aree deboli come contrasto al declino tendenziale e per rafforzare la coesione territoriale che si affianca alla coesione sociale ed economica nelle principali politiche della UE. Una prosecuzione di queste politiche avviate con l\u2019Esdp e sviluppate in termini di analisi con Espon, \ue8 data dai programmi comunitari sulle ICT che coinvolgono direttamente anche le imprese private specializzate del settore. Il tema quindi \ue8 la creazione di nuove centralit\ue0 in regioni dove i fenomeni urbani non riescono o non possono strutturalmente far parte dei sistemi metropolitani mondiali di accumulazione di capitali prevalentemente finanziari che, a loro volta, sono travolti da una crisi che sembra assumere i caratterini di un declino sistemico e strutturale. Le ICT costituiscono un ambito riflessivo e di elaborazione di politiche che possono cambiare le citt\ue0, non solo di quelle che fanno parte delle aree forti e centrali del continente europeo, ma anche nelle aree deboli dove il concetto di \u2018sviluppo\u2019 sembra essere superato in favore di volont\ue0 diverse e pi\uf9 centrate a fornire risposte autocentrate alla domanda sociale. E\u2019 su quest\u2019ultima che pu\uf2 attestarsi e concentrarsi l\u2019offerta di tecnologia ed \ue8 sulla innovazione sociale che l\u2019avanzamento tecnologico e la creazione di nuovi mercati potrebbero avere una spinta decisiva a livello locale e sovra locale. Il contributo presenta una sintesi dei risultati dell\u2019avvio del progetto Peripheria che riguarda il supporto ad alcune Smart City e Living Labs per sperimentare modi innovativi condivisi in reti di produzione territoriale

    GALNT2 as a novel modulator of adipogenesis and adipocyte insulin signaling

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    Background/objectives: A better understanding of adipose tissue biology is crucial to tackle insulin resistance and eventually coronary heart disease and diabetes, leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. GALNT2, a GalNAc-transferase, positively modulates insulin signaling in human liver cells by down-regulating ENPP1, an insulin signaling inhibitor. GALNT2 expression is increased in adipose tissue of obese as compared to that of non-obese individuals. Whether this association is secondary to a GALNT2-insulin sensitizing effect exerted also in adipocytes is unknown. We then investigated in mouse 3T3-L1 adipocytes the GALNT2 effect on adipogenesis, insulin signaling and expression levels of both Enpp1 and 72 adipogenesis-related genes. Methods: Stable over-expressing GALNT2 and GFP preadipocytes (T 0 ) were generated. Adipogenesis was induced with (R+) or without (R−) rosiglitazone and investigated after 15 days (T 15 ). Lipid accumulation (by Oil Red-O staining) and intracellular triglycerides (by fluorimetric assay) were measured. Lipid droplets (LD) measures were analyzed at confocal microscope. Gene expression was assessed by RT-PCR and insulin-induced insulin receptor (IR), IRS1, JNK and AKT phosphorylation by Western blot. Results: Lipid accumulation, triglycerides and LD measures progressively increased from T 0 to T 15 R- and furthermore to T 15 R+. Such increases were significantly higher in GALNT2 than in GFP cells so that, as compared to T 15 R+GFP, T 15 R- GALNT2 cells showed similar (intracellular lipid and triglycerides accumulation) or even higher (LD measures, p < 0.01) values. In GALNT2 preadipocytes, insulin-induced IR, IRS1 and AKT activation was higher than that in GFP cells. GALNT2 effect was totally abolished during adipocyte maturation and completely reversed at late stage maturation. Such GALNT2 effect trajectory was paralleled by coordinated changes in the expression of Enpp1 and adipocyte-maturation key genes. Conclusions: GALNT2 is a novel modulator of adipogenesis and related cellular phenotypes, thus becoming a potential target for tackling the obesity epidemics and its devastating sequelae

    Determinants of health sector efficiency: evidence from a two-step analysis on 30 OECD countries

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    This study aims to assess the efficiency of expenditure on health in 30 OECD countries over the period 2005-2015 by regressing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) output efficiency scores on discretionary and non-discretionary variables, with a two-stage DEA/Tobit and bootstrap procedure. We show that health inefficiency in OECD countries is related to per capita GDP, vaccine coverage and tobacco consumption, also controlling for geographical and institutional variables (i.e., bureaucratic red tape and weather temperature)

    Effect of low frequency, high power pool ultrasonics on viscosity of fluid food: Modeling and experimental validation

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    Ultrasound induced changes of certain physical and chemical properties of molecules are nowadays exploited at industrial level for food processing and preservation purposes. Deeper knowledge on the mechanisms influencing these changes would contribute to extend implementations of ultrasound to steer structure and functionality of food molecules. In this study the laws of transfer phenomena were applied in order to investigate on the viscosity changes of a pectin-containing fluid flow, i.e. tomato puree in a cylindrical reactor, induced by low frequency, high intensity ultrasound treatments. In particular, the model for fluid motion was associated to a validating rheological investigation. Results showed a good agreement between experimental and computational data for temperature and viscosity progresses with time. A new power law for viscosity has been proposed based on reactor aspect ratio and Rayleigh numbers for natural convection

    Umbilical Cord Knots: Is the Number Related to Fetal Risk?

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    True knots of the umbilical cord (UC) are a rare occurrence and are reported in 0.4–1.2% of deliveries. The compression of true knot of the UC can cause obstruction of the fetal circulation, leading to intra‐uterine growth retardation or fetal death. Predisposing factors for the genesis of the true UC knot are numerous and include all the conditions, which lead to a relatively large uterine volume. This situation may predispose to free and excessive fetal movements. Although not all true knots lead to perinatal complications, they have been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, including fetal distress, fetal hypoxia, intra‐uterine growth restriction (IUGR), long‐term neurological damage, caesarean delivery and stillbirth. We present a rare case of operative delivery with vacuum in a multiparous woman at term of pregnancy with a double true knot of the UC. As in most cases, the diagnosis was made after delivery, as there were no fetal symptoms during pregnancy. Some authors assume that 3D power sonography may be useful in the diagnosis of true UC knots. However, 3D power Doppler cannot be considered as a definitive method. There are no specific prenatal indications to induce the physician to look for ultrasound signs suggestive of umbilical true knot. Some studies argue that cases of fetal death and fetal risk are directly related to the number of knots. We also support this thesis, even if further observational and retrospective studies are needed to demonstrate it