535 research outputs found

    The cost of dismissals in Spain before and after the labor reforms

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    Several reports and papers about Spanish labour market have focused on the allegedlyhigh dismissal costs and the persistently high rate of temporary work. In fact, the last major reforms onlabour regulation have tried to reduce them. In this paper, I will discuss the most relevant expenditureitems that any employer is Spain has to face to lay off workers. Implicit, indirect and procedure costsappear to be the main problem, and not severance payments for unfair dismissal. Despite of the efforts onimproving the regulations being put forward by this article, there are several dysfunctions caused directlyby the law, as it provides incentives to hire temporary workers and to avoid redundancy legal procedures

    Rethinking False Spring Risk

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    Temperate plants are at risk of being exposed to late spring freezes. These freeze events - often called false springs - are one of the strongest factors determining temperate plants species range limits and can impose high ecological and economic damage. As climate change may alter the prevalence and severity of false springs, our ability to forecast such events has become more critical, and it has led to a growing body of research. Many false spring studies largely simplify the myriad complexities involved in assessing false spring risks and damage. While these studies have helped advance the field and may provide useful estimates at large scales, studies at the individual to community levels must integrate more complexity for accurate predictions of plant damage from late spring freezes. Here we review current metrics of false spring, and how, when and where plants are most at risk of freeze damage. We highlight how life stage, functional group, species differences in morphology and phenology, and regional climatic differences contribute to the damage potential of false springs. More studies aimed at understanding relationships among species tolerance and avoidance strategies, climatic regimes, and the environmental cues that underlie spring phenology would improve predictions at all biological levels. An integrated approach to assessing past and future spring freeze damage would provide novel insights into fundamental plant biology, and offer more robust predictions as climate change progresses, which is essential for mitigating the adverse ecological and economic effects of false springs

    Ferro-carril de Bilbao a Tudela

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    Digitalización. Vitoria-Gasteiz : Archivos y Bibliotecas, Marzo 199

    Relationship between landscape visual atributes and spatial pattern indices: A test study in Mediterranean-climate landscapes

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    15 p.The analysis of the relationships between landscape visual quality and landscape structural properties is an active area of environmental perception research. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between landscape spatial pattern and the rating of visual aesthetic quality. Eight landscape photographs were evaluated for 11 visual attributes by 98 respondents. The scores obtained for these 11 attributes were subjected to principal components analysis in order to summarize the qualities used by the respondents and thus determine their visual preferences. For each photograph, three window sizes were defined (with respect to a landcover map) to cover the different areas corresponding to the visual field (foreground, mid-ground and background). The landscape spatial structure for each window was analyzed using spatial metrics. The correlation between each dimension and the spatial pattern indices of the landscape were then calculated. Positive correlations were obtained between visual aesthetic quality and a number of landscape pattern indices. The results suggest that landscape heterogeneity might be an important factor in determining visual aesthetic qualityMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Practical problems for working time management in on-demand delivery platforms

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    En este trabajo, tras analizar la práctica unanimidad en las resoluciones judiciales en la calificación como laboral de la relación jurídica existente entro los repartidores (riders) y las plataformas tecnológicas se analiza la dificultad de encajar la gestión del tiempo de trabajo querida por las partes en los modelos de jornada laboral regulados en la legislación vigente. Se distingue, a efectos de análisis, la situación de los trabajadores cuya laboralidad se declara judicialmente o por conversión a instancias de la ITSS de aquellos que eventualmente sean contratados directamente en régimen laboral. En ambos casos, se entiende aplicable la ordenación especial de jornada prevista para el transporte terrestre, lo que determina la extensión y retribución de distintas situaciones de la prestación de servicios. Así, tratándose en la práctica de trabajadores a tiempo parcial con una jornada relativamente pequeña, el mecanismo de las horas complementarias resulta claramente insuficiente para la flexibilidad buscad; tampoco la distribución irregular de la jornada es adecuado, por lo que en ausencia de reformas normativas -respecto de las que en el último apartado se incluye una propuesta- la única vía posible para articular la relación es una novación constante del contenido del contrato, con la consiguiente inseguridad jurídica.In this paper, after analysing the practical unanimity in the judicial considering riders as employees, I describe the difficulty of fitting the management of the working time of this kind of relation under the current regulation. For the purposes of analysis, a distinction is made between workers whose employment is declared by the courts or by conversion at the request of Labour Inspection, and those who may be directly hired as employees. In both cases, the regulation of “jornadas especiales de trabajo” (special working time) is appliable. This regulation determines the extension and remuneration of different situations of service provision. Thus, in practice, for part-time workers with relatively short working hours, the mechanism of “horas complementarias” is clearly insufficient for the flexibility sought; nor is the irregular distribution of the working hours adequate. Therefore, without regulatory reforms - of which a proposal is included in the last section - the only possible way to articulate the relationship is a constant renewal of the content of the contract, which implies a high level of legal uncertainty.Esta comunicación se enmarca en el Proyecto de Investigación “Cambio tecnológico y transformación en las fuentes laborales: Ley y convenio colectivo ante la disrupción digital” (RTI2018-094547-B-C21

    Nuevas reglas de contratación en los sistemas universitario y de investigación

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    The Organic Law of the University System (LOSU) and the reform of the Science Law have established a regulatory framework that seeks to substantially alter the hiring policy of public universities and public research centers in Spain. This paper analyzes, starting from the current situation of the universities’ staff, the different regulated figures, in comparative terms with the pre-existing ones, and in the logic of the design of a new research career. The lack of definition of many of the aspects, the absence of clear consequences for non-compliance with the stability obligations imposed, and the dependence on eventual budgetary improvements in university funding, cast some important doubts on the effectiveness of these reforms in the stability of employment in the areas of public research.La Ley Orgánica del Sistema de Universidades (LOSU) y la reforma de la Ley de Ciencia han establecido un marco normativo que busca alterar de forma sustancial la política de contratación de las universidades públicas y los centros públicos de investigación. En este trabajo se analizan, partiendo de la situación actual del Personal Docente e Investigador, las distintas figuras reguladas, en términos comparativos con las preexistentes, y en la lógica del diseño de una nueva carrera investigadora. La indefinición de muchos de los aspectos, la ausencia de consecuencias claras por el incumplimiento de las obligaciones de estabilidad impuesta, y la dependencia de las eventuales mejoras presupuestarias en la financiación universitaria, arrojan algunas dudas importantes sobre la eficacia de estas reformas en la estabilidad en el empleo en los ámbitos de la investigación pública

    Estudio científico de la pintura mural al freso de Mariano de Cossio. Aportaciones al conocimiento de los murales del siglo XX en Canarias

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    Estudio de materiales y métodos científicos de análisis químicos aplicados a los objetos de arte.Este trabajo tiene por objetivo aplicar las técnicas de análisis científico a la pintura mural al fresco del siglo XX en Canarias, con particular incidencia en los frescos de Mariano de Cossío