4 research outputs found

    Is the injection of tramadol effective at control of pain after impacted mandibular third molar extractions? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Third molar extraction is among the most common surgical procedures performed by oral-maxillofacial surgeons. Postoperative pain, swelling and trismus are common, especially in wisdom teeth, due to trauma to local tissues and the duration of the surgical procedure, among other factors. This systematic review was conducted in accordance with the ?Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses? in order to answer the focused question: ?Is the local submucosal injection of tramadol effective at the control of postoperative pain in patients submitted to impacted mandibular third molar extractions??. We analyzed papers published until March 30, 2021 in the MEDLINE|PubMed, Web of Science and Cochrane Library databases. Gray literature was also consulted. Standard pairwise meta-analyses of direct comparisons were performed using a fixed-effect model; I2 ? 50 % or ? 75 % indicated moderate or high heterogeneity, respectively. Risk of bias was assessed by Cochrane Collaboration?s tool. In total, 172 participants (98 males and 74 females, aged 18 or over) from three randomized placebo-controlled trials were considered for analysis. The submucosal injection of 2 ml of tramadol adjacent to the impacted mandibular third molar was effective in controlling pain up to 6-hours after surgery, in increasing the onset of consumption of rescue analgesic and in reducing the total number of rescue analgesics used. The submucosal injection of tramadol can be considered a safe and effective procedure for pain control after impacted mandibular third molar extractions

    Complications associated with submental liposuction:a scoping review

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    Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures worldwide. Complications associated with submental liposuction are rare. However, when they occur they are significant and can cause disFiguring consequences. The objective of this study was evaluated complications from submentual liposuction in literature and description of clinical experience of complication after submentual liposuction. At first, a scoping review was carried out online search with no time restrictions for complications after submental liposuction was performed in the databases Medline / PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, type of esthetic procedure, anesthesia, complications, time after Procedure, treatment, follow-up care, and sequelae. Then, a case of a patient with submental hematoma after an aesthetic procedure for submental liposuction was described. Firstly, 539 articles were selected, after application of the inclusion criteria, 4 studies were included. Most cases were female (8:1), with a mean age of 55.77 years. Postoperative complications were found, such as submental depression, submental edema, hypertrophic scar formation, scar contracture, cervical necrotizing fasciitis, Cervico-facial dystonia and transient facial nerve paralysis. The follow-up period for cases ranged from 3 to 12 months. The clinical case presented there was no sequelae. Submental liposuction requires the surgeon's attention. Anatomical knowledge, correct clinical and surgical management, diagnosis, and immediate approach to adverse situations are points that must be respected in this type of esthetic procedure to avoid more serious complications

    Biossegurança odontológica em tempos de pandemia de covid-19 / Dental biosafety in covid-19 pandemic times

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    Com mais de 1 milhão de mortes no mundo, a Coronavírus Disease (COVID-19), que surgiu no ano de 2019, é considerada uma das maiores pandemias já vividas da história. A transmissão do COVID-19 se dá por meio do contato com uma pessoa ou superfície contaminada ou aerossóis dispersos no ambiente. O seu alto índice de disseminação é um grande problema principalmente para o cirurgião dentista que tem contato direto com a cavidade bucal do paciente. Esse artigo tem o objetivo de analisar as principais medidas de biossegurança e orientações necessárias aos profissionais no ambiente odontológico em tempos de COVID-19. Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados BBO, LILACS, MEDLINE via PubMed e SciELO, com os termos cadastrados no DeCS/MeSH: Cirurgia Oral; Contenção de Riscos Biológicos; Infecções por Coronavirus. Como critérios de inclusão: artigos disponíveis integralmente em português, inglês e espanhol; entre 01 de Janeiro de 2015 e 29 de Outubro de 2020; enquadrados nas categorias de revisões sistemáticas, ensaios clínicos randomizados controlados; artigos que abordassem aspectos de biossegurança relacionados à COVID-19. Foram excluídos: monografias, teses, dissertações, livros, estudos de revisão bibliográfica, e estudos sem informações sobre a amostragem e análise efetuada. Os resultados incluíram 3208 artigos distribuídos nas bases de dados mencionadas. Após a seleção por etapas (exclusão por duplicidade, título, resumo e leitura de texto completo), foram incluídos 16 artigos para análise e discussão neste estudo. Sendo necessária a implementação de medidas de biossegurança tanto para o profissional, como para a equipe auxiliar que trabalha no consultório. Conclui-se que o cirurgião-dentista é o profissional mais exposto ao risco de contaminação pela COVID-19. Por esse motivo, deve se proteger utilizando as recomendações de biossegurança, como triagem por telefone, uso de EPI’s, enxaguatórios bucais específicos, uso de substâncias desinfetantes para limpeza de superfícies de trabalho e antissépticos para a lavagem das mãos, e aumento da frequência da realização desses procedimentos