28 research outputs found

    Dielectric-Gravimetric Measurements onFucus vesiculosusandAscophyllum nodosumDuring Dehydration

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    Samples of the marine algae Fucus vesiculosus and Ascophyllum nodosum were dehydrated between plates of a condenser so that simultaneous measurements of dielectric properties and rate of water loss could be made. During the desiccation process, both the evaporation rate and the dielectric properties become zero at a critical hydration Hc, indicating that for H <Hc, the residual water must be in a tightly bound state. The absolute values of Hc, depend on the nature of the sample, but they are in the range 0·1–0·3, well above the hydration limit for active ion uptake (H=0·02). It is concluded that, in these fucoids, living cells are maintained in the hydration region where water is in the bound state only

    Concorso di progettazione in due gradi per l'affidamento dei servizi di progettazione degli interventi di recupero e ampliamento e valorizzazione dell'immobile denominato Palazzo Carcano, sito in via Beltrani 8/10, Trani, da destinare a sede degli Uffici Giudiziari - scheda BAD0082

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    Il Palazzo Carcano identifica sul piano urbano il luogo di congiungimento tra le trame del tessuto della città antica di Trani e la dimensione monumentale insita nella relazione fisico-percettiva tra la Cattedrale, il Castello e il vasto orizzonte del mare. Il progetto di recupero e ampliamento configura un assetto planimetrico che, se da un lato preserva, consolidandolo, il carattere di organismo dal processo interrotto, elevato ad elemento significante, dall’altro chiarisce la natura tipologica del complesso architettonico dialogante verso la piazza, aperto sul mare e con l’assertiva sagoma del castello federiciano

    Electrochemotherapy for advanced cutaneous angiosarcoma: A European register-based cohort study from the International Network for Sharing Practices of electrochemotherapy (InspECT)

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    Background: Cutaneous angiosarcoma (cAS) is a highly aggressive malignancy that challenges the radicality of surgical treatment. Electrochemotherapy (ECT), a skin-directed treatment based on cytotoxic chemotherapy combined with local electric pulses, may be an intraoperative adjunct and a new opportunity in the therapeutic strategy. This cohort study reports the experience with ECT as an option. Methods: Data on patients with locally-advanced/metastatic cAS who underwent ECT between October 2013 and October 2018 at eight European centres were prospectively submitted to the InspECT (International network for sharing practices of ECT) register. Patients received therapy according to the European Standard Operating Procedures of ECT (ESOPE). Treatment feasibility was assessed based on tumour coverage with electrodes and recorded tissue current; treatment toxicity and tumour response were graded according to CTCAE v5.0 and RECIST v1.1 criteria, respectively; patient-reported outcomes (PRO) were evaluated using a visual analogue score (VAS) for pain, acceptance of retreatment and the EQ-5D questionnaire. Results: We enrolled 20 patients with advanced cAS in the scalp/face (n = 7), breast/trunk (n = 10) or limbs (n = 3). Target tumours (n = 51) had a median size of 2.3 cm (range, 1\u201320). We administered 24 ECT courses using 1\u20134 cm treatment safety margin around tumours. In five patients, ECT was combined/sequenced with surgery. Median tissue current was 3 A (range, 1.5\u201310), tumour margins coverage rate was 75% (15/20 patients). The objective response rate (ORR) was 80% (complete, 40%). Grade-3 toxicity included skin ulceration (15%) and pain (10%), with no significant change of PRO scores. Bleeding control was achieved in 13/14 patients with ulcerated tumours. With a median overall survival of 12.5 months, the local progression-free survival (LPFS) was 10.9 months. Conclusion: ECT produces sustained response rate with minimal side effects and should be considered an option for advanced cAS. Palliative benefits include patient tolerability, local haemostasis and durable local control. Definition of optimal timing, treatment safety margins and combination with surgery need further investigation

    Période moderne/Époque contemporaine

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    Période moderne Qu’est-ce qu’une histoire de l’art « hors cadre » selon Hubert Damisch ? Revisiter les sujets phares, de Fra Angelico à l’architecture française ; relire l’art à la lumière des enjeux européens et coloniaux. Époque contemporaine Du XIXe siècle américain aux neurosciences, comment l’histoire de l’art interroge-t-elle les frontières géographiques et disciplinaires ? Atlas, expositions, écrans... autant d’objets d’étude qui poussent à une réflexion sur les méthodes et pratiques contemporaines

    Urban Forms of Life. Per una critica delle forme di vita urbana

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    Che forme assume la vita nei contesti urbani? Da che deriva la loro presunta, attuale «illeggibilità»? Che cosa impedisce il fiorire di forme di vita appaganti, degne, vitali? È possibile rendere visibile e articolabile l’«elemento» urbano in cui siamo immersi? Quali esperimenti tentare per risvegliare un nuovo senso (comune) di vita urbana? Che ruolo pos- sono assumere le forme di vita urbana nei confronti del contesto più ampio, umano e non-umano, da cui dipendono sotto molteplici aspetti? Quali opportunità e quali insidie si prospettano con l’inarrestabile penetrazione delle nuove tecnologie digitali e di intelligenza artificiale nel tessuto urbano? A partire da queste e altre domande è nato nel 2017 un progetto di ricerca in filosofia, presentato all’Ateneo della Sapienza – Università di Roma, che lo ha finanziato e di cui questo libro è uno dei risultati, insieme a una serie di incontri e seminari, a partire da quello tenutosi presso il Centre Marc Bloch di Berlino nel settembre del 2018What forms does life take in urban contexts? Where does their sup- posed, current “unreadability” come from? What prevents the flour- ishing of fulfilling, worthy, vital forms of life? Is it possible to make visible and articulable the urban “element” in which we are immersed? What experiments should be attempted to awaken a new (common) sense of urban life? What role can urban forms of life assume vis-à- vis the larger human and non-human context on which they depend in multiple respects? What opportunities and pitfalls lie ahead with the unstoppable penetration of new digital and artificial intelligence technologies into the urban fabric? Starting from these and other ques- tions, a research project in philosophy was presented to the Sapienza - University of Rome in 2017, of which this book is one of the results, along with a series of meetings and seminars, starting with the one held at the Marc Bloch Centre in Berlin in September 201

    Hydration Potential of Lysozyme: Protein Dehydration Using a Single Microparticle Technique

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    For biological molecules in aqueous solution, the hydration pressure as a function of distance from the molecular surface represents a very short-range repulsive pressure that limits atom-atom contact, opposing the attractive van der Waals pressure. Whereas the separation distance for molecules that easily arrange into ordered arrays (e.g., lipids, DNA, collagen fibers) can be determined from x-ray diffraction, many globular proteins are not as easily structured. Using a new micropipette technique, spherical, glassified protein microbeads can be made that allow determination of protein hydration as a function of the water activity (aw) in a surrounding medium (decanol). By adjusting aw of the dehydration medium, the final protein concentration of the solid microbead is controlled, and ranges from 700 to 1150 mg/mL. By controlling aw (and thus the osmotic pressure) around lysozyme, the repulsive pressure was determined as a function of distance between each globular, ellipsoid protein. For separation distances, d, between 2.5 and 9 Å, the repulsive decay length was 1.7 Å and the pressure extrapolated to d = 0 was 2.2 × 108 N/m2, indicating that the hydration pressure for lysozyme is similar to other biological interfaces such as phospholipid bilayers