705 research outputs found

    Roma as a Unique Cultural Minority: the Impact of Communism and Democratisation on Roma in Eastern Europe

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    This thesis examines the socio-economic situation of Roma in three Eastern European countries: Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. It observes that the governments of these three countries, to varying degrees, have failed to develop effective policies for improving the marginal situation of the Roma minority. My hypothesis is that one of the key factors explaining this failure is the fact that ‘the dominant group – ethnic minority’ relations in these countries have been based on a liberal as opposed to a multicultural model. An examination of the academic literature on accommodating ethnic minority rights reveals two main models that deal with the rights of minority cultures. The first, the liberal model, focuses on human rights and advances the idea that the best way to improve the quality of life of ethnic minorities would be to treat their members in the same way as the members of the dominant ethnic group. The second, the multicultural model, demands special protection of the culture of minority groups and views this as an essential precondition for improving the minority group’s socio-economic condition. The thesis argues that both the policies of the Eastern European governments, as well as the monitoring mechanisms adopted by the international community are based on the liberal approach which promotes the implementation of human rights standards. These policies have not been successful which in turn casts doubt on the suitability of the liberal model as a solution to the problematic situation of the Roma in the three Eastern European countries studied here. The thesis examines two other factors that explain the poor socio-economic status of Roma in Eastern Europe: the unique situation of the Roma minority as one lacking an external homeland that could support its minority abroad and the unique geo-political situation of these Eastern European countries whose other minorities do have external homelands and are seen as posing a security threat to the host countries. Thus the Roma suffer the twofold disadvantage of having no external protection and of being the target of the negative attitudes aimed at the other ethnic minority groups due to the perceived security threat to the territorial integrity of these states. The analysis demonstrates that the Roma minorities in Hungary fare better than in Bulgaria and Romania due to the lack of the above mentioned security issues vis-à-vis other ethnic minorities

    Methodical approach to foresight-research at definition of trends in Green IT development

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    The problem of determining the Green IT development strategy using decision support tools is described in the article. Technology Green IT is a typical result of the advanced technologies convergence, especially information and knowledge. The expediency of the foresight technology applying for the Green IT development perspective directions evaluating is shown. It is indicated that the most critical, in this case, is the stage of forming the initial list of directions. The technology of retrospective analysis of the Green IT development based on the parametric synthesis of the predictive model of exponential smoothing under the conditions of data uncertainty is presented. For the implementation of the parametric analysis of Brown’s predictive model, or exponential smoothing, is used the exponential average value of the stationary time series to evaluate its value at the next time point. The applying of the developed technology provides experts with additional volumes of information about the perspectives for the Green IT development. An example of a retrospective analysis of the Green IT development directions is given. The initial data for the retrospective analysis used the number of scientific publications for the period from 2010 to 2015 in Ukraine, which characterizes the Green IT direction development. The following directions were assessed: green software engineering, software ecosystem, energy-saving green software and green telecommunications. As a result, the most promising direction is green software engineering. The results of the analysis are one of the sources of information for assessing the perspectives for the Green IT development directions by expert

    Synthesis of Polyol As Lubricant Base Via Epoxydation and Hydroxylation Reactions of Moringa oleifera Seed Oil

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    Moringa oleifera seed oil has potential as a base material in the synthesis of polyol, because the most content of fatty acid was oleic acid (up to70.7167%). Polyol could be used as a lubricant base. Polyol research of Moringa oleifera seed oil had been done via epoxidation and hydroxylation of one step reaction, where the polyol was characterizated by FT-IR spectroscopy shown absorption –OH group in the number of wave 3379.29 cm-1 and the number of iodine with iodometri methods that decreased from 107.3769 to 3.6755 mg I/g. Quality polyol test as a lubricant base consists of specific gravity (0,978), kinematic viscosity (216.702 cSt at 40oC and 21.116 cSt at 100oC) and viscosity index (111.013). Where they could be reported on the test results that the seeds of Moringa oleifera oil polyol was better than Moringa oleifera seed oil to use as a lubricant base, because it had committed with quality SAE J306 standards and classification SAE in manual gear oil, transmission and axle in lubricants group SAE 90 based to result from kinematic viscosity at 100oC

    Electronization Of Healthcare In Bulgaria

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    Електронизацията на здравеопазването, като една световна тенденция, все повече се налага и в България. Досега у нас са електронизирани някои отделни дейности и услуги и са изградени локални регистри и бази данни, но няма цялостно софтуерно решение и единна информационна система, която да обслужва електронното управление на здравния сектор. Електронизацията на здравеопазването в нашата страна ще допринесе за осигуряването на гражданите и медицинските специалисти със систематизирана и обобщена медицинска информация, която е от значение в процеса на диагностика, определяне на терапевтичен план, както и предоставяне на лечение и рехабилитация.The electronization of healthcare, as a global trend, is increasingly being imposed in Bulgaria. Until now, some individual activities and services have been electronised and local registers and databases have been built, but there is no complete software solution and a unified information system to serve egovernment in the health sector. The electronisation of healthcare in our country will contribute to providing citizens and medical professionals with systematized and generalized medical information that is important in the process of diagnosis, setting a treatment plan, and providing treatment and rehabilitation

    Integrated Healthcare - Reality And Perspectives

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    The EU is focusing its efforts on high quality community care. Тhe benefits of the knowledge, shared between the EU Member States have recently been taken into account to better address the challenges of this process. Integrated healthcare is defined differently across EU countries.The main purpose of the report is to assess properly the factors that require integration of care, focusing on the prospects for a comprehensive treatment plan, information sharing, communication and collaboration

    Satisfaction Of Hospitalized Patients With Nursing Care And Hospital Stay

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    Nowadays, particular importance is attributed to the patients’ assessment of the health care they receive, and this has become an important measure of quality, with a number of papers being published in this respect. The satisfaction of the hospitalized patients is measured with different indicators. This research covers 902 patients from 14 different types of multiprofile active treatment hospitals - regional and municipal, public and private. For this purpose, a direct individual survey was carried out with randomly selected patients during the accreditation of the medical establishments. The results show that the majority of the patients – 825 (91.46 %), had no difficulty entering the hospital.There is a huge satisfaction with the way they were treated by the nurses (95.90%), the doctors (93.35%), with the household services (90.58%), with the received information on the disease and the treatment (90.24%). Next comes the share of respondents, who were satisfied with the received information about the internal order of the department and the hospital (88.58%), and the smallest shares are those who are satisfied with the quantity and quality of the hospital food. Performing periodic studies using a unified methodology and comparing patients' attitudes to dynamics can be used to improve the quality and organization of hospital medical care at each medical establishment

    Prefered shannels for health information depending on health status

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    Background: In a rapidly changing communication environment study of the communication preferences of different audience segments allows the selection of channels for health information to be tailored to the needs and characteristics of the audience. The purpose of the study is research the channels preferred for health information depending on the health status. Material and methods: A direct individual anonymous questionnaire was used, with a questionnaire on paper. The preferred channels for health information among 2979 persons over 20 years of age, from the 28 districts of the country, depending on their health status, were studied. The main statistical methods are: descriptive analysis, graphical analysis; variation analysis, Z-test to establish a significant difference. The results show significant differences in the choice of sources of health information between people with disease and people without disease. Physicians are the most commonly preferred health information channel, with a statistically significant difference depending on the health status (p<0,001). The Internet is twice as often preferred for health information by healthy people than by people with a disease (p<0.001). Television is a major channel for health information for people with a specific disease or medical problem, while healthy respondents more frequently prefer the Internet

    Effect of plant growth regulators on growth patterns and enzymatic antioxidant activities in Hypericum calycinum shoot cultures

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    Open Access JournalHypericum calycinum L. (section Ascyreia) is a species of the Hypericum genus, relative to the medicinal plant H. perforatum (St. Jonn’s worth). Unlike the widely studied H. perforatum, it is characterized by the lack of hypericins production. However, research has revealed its commensurable antidepressant activity, as compared with the latter species, and shown the presence of polyphenolics with marked radical scavenging activity. In order to develop an in vitro system with the potential of a novel source of bioactive constituent’s characteristic for the Hypericum genus, we initiated in vitro cultures of H. calycinum. In the present work we studiy the effect of exogenous BA and IBA treatments on the developmental patterns, enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant defence of hypericin non-producing Hypericum calycinum shoot cultures. It was shown that supplementation of PGR led to stimulation of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and superoxide dismuthase, as well as non-enzymatic antioxidant glutathione. However, they inhibited glutathione reductase, as well as lowered the levels of fl avonoids, ascorbate and dehydroascorbate in comparison with plant growth regulators-free control. Further on, it was established that elevation of IBA concentration slightly stimulated axillary shoot formation and shoot length, but inhibited polyphenolic levels in vitro. These results are in agreement with our previous results of interrelations between biomass formation and polyphenolics production in other Hypericum species in vitro. An in vitro culture system optimization is in progress in order to increase biomass  production and retain biosynthetic capacity of the species.

    Perbandingan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Student Team Achivement Division (STAD) dengan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Talking Stick Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 25 Pekanbaru

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    Perbandingan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Talking Stick Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 25 Pekanbaru &nbsp; SRI DANOVA NPM: 146410525 &nbsp; Skripsi Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika FKIP Universitas Islam Riau. Pembimbing Utama&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; : Sari Herlina, S.Pd., M.Pd Pembimbing Pendamping : Aulia Sthephani, S.Pd., M.Pd &nbsp; &nbsp; ABSTRAK &nbsp; Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui adanya perbedaan antara model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe talking stick terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa. Adapun penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas VIII SMPN 25 Pekanbaru, pada tanggal 17 Juli 2018 sampai 11 Agustus 2018. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu, populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP N 25 Pekanbaru yang berjumlah 390 orang siswa, sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah kelas VIII. 2 sebagai kelas yang diterapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dan kelas VIII.3 sebagai kelas yang diterapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe talking stick, sampel penelitian diambil dengan cara purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik tes dan dokumentasi, adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data deskriptif dan analisis data inferensial. Analisis data inferensial yang digunakan adalah uji homogenitas dan uji dua sampel independent (uji t). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe talking stick terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas VIII SMP N 25 Pekanbaru. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari perolehan rata-rata kelas STAD yaitu 57,12 dan rata-rata kelas talking stick yaitu 46,35 menghasilkan &nbsp;= 2,01 dengan taraf signifikansinya adalah 0,05 menghasilkan &nbsp;= 1,99, karena &nbsp;diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe talking stick, dan dari peroleh rata-rata kelas menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD lebih baik dari pada pembelajaran kooperatif tipe talking stick. &nbsp; Kata Kunci: Hasil Belajar Matematika, Kooperatif, STAD, Talking Stick

    Christianisation as Cultural Guilt: The Bulgarian Experience

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    Christianisation as Cultural Guilt: The Bulgarian Experience This article contextualises the idea of Christianisation as cultural guilt within the Bulgarian context, particularly at the time of the Bulgarian National Revival. This theory has been most radically depicted in the published works of the outstanding revolutionary and poet of the National Revival, Hristo Botev. The origin of this idea is studied through his cultural dialogue with the texts of Georgi Rakovski (another eminent revolutionary and poet from the same period) to prove that the decadent version of Christianisation was known amongst the Bulgarian elite, most of whom were educated at Russian institutions, where they became familiar with the essays of the German historiogJohann Christian von Engel. Under his influence, Christianisation is considered to be a cultural and political invasion on the part of the Byzantine Empire. In this context, the motive of the lost brightness of the Bulgarian Middle Ages emerges from the literary works of the National Revival. The valuation of the medieval symbols of the obliterated Bulgarian antiquity culminated in the 1920s and 1930s. During that period, aspects of national identification were sought from magicians, dualists, and anchorites, which ultimately did not yield the desired result for the official nationalism but rather caused a crisis of symbols.   Chrystianizacja jako wina kulturowa. Doświadczenie bułgarskie W niniejszym artykule postawiono sobie za cel kontekstualizację idei chrystianizacji jako winy kulturowej na gruncie bułgarskim, znanej od czasów bułgarskiego odrodzenia narodowego. Teza ta została najbardziej radykalnie wyrażona w dziełach publicystycznych wybitnego rewolucjonisty i poety odrodzenia narodowego, Christa Botewa. Poddano tu analizie genezę tej idei poprzez jego dialog kulturowy z tekstami Georgiego Rakowskiego, innego wybitnego rewolucjonisty i poety z tego samego okresu, aby udowodnić, że dekadencka wersja chrystianizacji jest znana wśród bułgarskiej elity, uformowanej głównie w rosyjskich instytucjach oświatowych, dzięki esejom niemieckiego historyka Johanna Christiana von Engela. Pod jego wpływem chrystianizacja jest uważana za inwazję kulturową i polityczną cesarstwa bizantyjskiego. W tym kontekście w dziełach literackich odrodzenia narodowego pojawia się motyw utraconej świetności bułgarskiego średniowiecza. Wartościowanie średniowiecznych symboli zatartej starożytności bułgarskiej ma swą kulminację w okresie międzywojennym, w latach 20. i 30. XX wieku. W tym czasie poszukiwano tożsamości narodowej u magów, dualistów, anachoretów, co ostatecznie nie przyniosło pożądanego efektu dla oficjalnego mitonacjonalizmu, lecz spowodowało kryzys symboli