4 research outputs found


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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of splitting in three different doses of phosphorus and potassium, combined with each other, and it was applied fertirrigation in watermelon crop, and to evaluate their effects on fruit quality. The statistical was in a complete randomized block design, and the treatments were arranged in a factorial scheme (3 x 3) in subdivided splits, resulting in 9 treatments with tree replications, totaling 27 plots in the experimental area. In the horizontal plots the three doses of phosphorus fertilization (100, 150 and 300 kg.ha-1 of P2O5) were randomly allocated, and in the subplots the three potassium doses (50, 100 and 200 kg.ha-1 of K2O), were applied in fertirrigation. The cultivar used was Crimson Sweet. Seventy-Six days after planting (DAP) the biochemical characteristics of watermelon fruits were evaluated: total soluble solids (TSS), total treatable acidity (TTA) and potential of hydrogen (pH). According to the results, it was verified that only the chemical value of the TSS fruits, presented significant statistical differences between the studied doses because of the different source of fertilization K and P increased the soluble solid contents, the content of reducing sugars, and decreased pH. It was observed the different doses of K and P did not influence in the fruit quality parameters when it was analyzed separated: TTA and pH but the TTA values are according to consumer market standards. The best doses in order to economy of fertilizer were (150 kg ha-1 de P2O5 e 50 kg ha-1 of K2O)

    Influência dos tipos de tela de sombreamento (TNTs) no desenvolvimento da alface nas condições climática de Garanhuns/PE / Influence of types of shading screen (TNTs) on the development of lettuce in the climate conditions of Garanhuns/PE

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    A dificuldade principal da produção de alface nas regiões do semi-árido nordestino são as altas preços e a luminosidade, que afetam de modo significativo o crescimento da cultura. Nesse sentido, o presente experimento teve como objetivo avaliar a influência dos tipos de tela de sombreamento (TNTs) no crescimento da alface. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental da UFRPE / UAG, no Município de Garanhuns / PE. O delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos, representados pelos tipos de tela de sombreamento (TNTs): T 1 - sem cobertura; T 2 - branco TNT; T 3 - TNT azul; T 4 - TNT vermelho e T 5- TNT amarelo e quatro repetições. Uma cultivar para Saladeira (Roxa) a céu aberto, com espaçamento de 0,20 x 0,20 m. As características avaliadas aos 15, 30 e 45 dias após o transplante influxo das modificações do ambiente com diferentes núcleos de telas foram: número de folhas (NF), altura da parte aérea da planta (ALP), diâmetro da copa (DC) , matéria fresca total (MFT) e matéria seca total (MST), bem como foram mensuradas como clorofilas A e B, clorofila total (clorofila A + B) e a relação clorofila A / B. Os maiores valores da produção da cultivar alface Salad Bowl (Roxa) foram registrados sob tela de sombreamento em comparação sem cobertura. A utilização de tela de núcleos amarela e vermelha associada com uma cultivar Saladeira foi a que proporcionou melhor resultado, constitui-se em um meio de incrementar a rentabilidade do produtor nas condições do Agreste Pernambucano. Em relação aos teores da clorofila A, B e total (A + B) o controle (sem cobertura) apresenta os maiores acúmulos nas folhas da alface


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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of splitting in three different doses of phosphorus and potassium, combined with each other, and it was applied fertirrigation in watermelon crop, and to evaluate their effects on fruit quality. The statistical was in a complete randomized block design, and the treatments were arranged in a factorial scheme (3 x 3) in subdivided splits, resulting in 9 treatments with tree replications, totaling 27 plots in the experimental area. In the horizontal plots the three doses of phosphorus fertilization (100, 150 and 300 kg.ha-1 of P2O5) were randomly allocated, and in the subplots the three potassium doses (50, 100 and 200 kg.ha-1 of K2O), were applied in fertirrigation. The cultivar used was Crimson Sweet. Seventy-Six days after planting (DAP) the biochemical characteristics of watermelon fruits were evaluated: total soluble solids (TSS), total treatable acidity (TTA) and potential of hydrogen (pH). According to the results, it was verified that only the chemical value of the TSS fruits, presented significant statistical differences between the studied doses because of the different source of fertilization K and P increased the soluble solid contents, the content of reducing sugars, and decreased pH. It was observed the different doses of K and P did not influence in the fruit quality parameters when it was analyzed separated: TTA and pH but the TTA values are according to consumer market standards. The best doses in order to economy of fertilizer were (150 kg ha-1 de P2O5 e 50 kg ha-1 of K2O)

    Análise do uso de tecnologias no meio ambiente rural de agricultores no município de Garanhuns/PE e região

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    O objetivo deste estudo é gerar subsídios para os avanços qualitativos das propriedades rurais no município de Garanhuns em relação ao uso de tecnologias pelos agricultores. É uma estudo análise quantitativa-qualitativa e descritiva com dados obtidos através da aplicação de um questionário em 23 propriedades rurais. Concluiu-se que a importância da agricultura com o uso da tecnologia e as transformações socioeconômicas causadas pela atividade agrícola na região estudada são reconhecidas e relevantes. Mas essas transformações foram acompanhadas de problemas ambientais, como contaminação de área de preservação ambiental com o descarte de embalagens e uso inadequado de defensivos agrícolas pelos agricultores da regiã