2,648 research outputs found

    Application of Quality by Design in a Commercialized Lyophilized Vaccine

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    The pharmaceutical industry has being implementing regulatory practices to assure that consumers obtain products with quality, safety, and efficacy. The use of Quality by Design (QbD) for products on development has increased though the years to avoid issues related to quality parameters and has been suggested by Regulatory Agencies to standardize globally the documentation for the registration of new products. Although the concepts of QbD gain importance, it is still not a widespread practice to existing systems and products already on the market. This work aims to propose a case study with a vaccine using QbD concepts on the lyophilization unit operation production step to provide robustness and increase efficiency, leading to a lyophilization cycle time reduction. To this end, a reverse way of the use of QbD principles were applied based on historical batches database, down scale experiments, and finally in industrial scale to establish new boundaries in the lyophilization cycle. Experimental batches samples were analyzed through accelerated and real time stability study. At the end, this case became a possibility to establish new ranges to lyophilization process predicting risks and assure robustness to this production step with the maintenance of quality and safety of vaccine

    The Growth of Monoraphidium sp. and Scenedesmus sp. Cells in the Presence of Thorium

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    Toxicity of thorium by Monoraphidium sp. and Scenedesmus sp. was studied. Microalgal cultures were inoculated in ASM-1 medium in presence and absence of thorium. Its effect was monitored by direct counting on Fuchs-Rosenthal chamber and with software. The toxicity of thorium over the species was observed for concentrations over 50.0 mg/L. After 30 days, Monoraphidium cells decreased their concentration from 4.23 × 106 to 4.27 × 105 and 8.57 × 105 cells/mL, in the presence of 50.0 and 100.0 mg/L of thorium, respectively. Scenedesmus sp. cells were more resistant to thorium: for an initial cell concentration of 7.65 × 104 cells/mL it was observed a change to 5.25 × 105 and 5.12 × 105 cells/mL, in the presence of thorium at 50.0 and 100.0 mg/L, respectively. This is an indication that low concentrations of the radionuclide favored the growth, and that Scenedesmus cells are more resistant to thorium than Monoraphidium cells. The software used for comparison with direct count method proved to be useful for the improvement of accuracy of the results obtained, a decrease in the uncertainty and allowed recording of the data. The presence of thorium suggests that low concentrations have a positive effect on the growth, due to the presence of the nitrate, indicating its potential for ecotoxicological studies

    Interactions Between Anaerobic Oil Bacteria – Monitoring by Classic and Molecular Microbiology

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    The biogenic production of sulphide is one of the main problems in oil and gas industry, causing corrosion in storage tanks and pipes. This is possible by the injection of seawater during the secondary oil recovery. In the present work high levels of sulphide and acid producers were detected in water/oil samples from several sites from the petroleum industry. In a further stage, a broader range of microbial cells were detected, and finally, metagenomic analysis confirmed the presence of a diversity of microbes, indicating the complexity of the consortium in the production of sulphide, and based on the activity of acid producing cells and associated species


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    Este artigo investiga as tendências para a formação de ilhas de calor em três cidades médias tropicais, no período de inverno. Ele enfoca também asinterações entre os sistemas atmosféricos atuantes, o clima urbano e a poluição do ar, mostrando seus reflexos na saúde dos citadinos

    A Timeline of Analytical Techniques for Characterization and Treatment of Iron-gall Ink – A Brief Overview of the Last Two Decades

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    An extensive review of the published literature about the iron-gall inks was done based on searches in the main scientific publications dealing with cultural and historical heritage, chemistry, physics and paper conservation. What could be observed from this search, performed for the last two decades, is that this field faced high and low movements that contributed for the present stage of development in the preservation of documents containing iron gall inks. The search performed was divided into five distinct periods: the start of the development of studies of iron gall ink documents; the search for non-destructive techniques to understand the chemical composition of the ink; the improvement of analytical instrumental analysis; the consolidation of international groups dealing with the matter of paper conservation; and, finally, the worry and drawbacks for a practical application of the accumulated scientific knowledge. Some final considerations about interdisciplinarity in the field are also presented

    Capacidade de uso e aptidão agrícola em pequena propriedade no municipio de Mundo Novo/MS / Capacity of use and agricultural aptitude In small property in the municipality of Mundo Novo/MS

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     O processo de degradação do solo, acelerado pelas atividades antrópicas, trazem preocupações com a sustentabilidade das atividades agropecuárias. A classificação com base na capacidade de uso e aptidão de solos podem nortear, com base em parâmetros técnicos, os riscos de degradação desses solos. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar o levantamento do meio físico, classificar as terras de acordo com sua capacidade de uso e aptidão agrícola em uma pequena propriedade no município de Mundo Novo - MS. O estudo foi realizado numa pequena propriedade de 52,60 ha explorada com cultivos intensivos, a partir da execução do levantamento do meio físico, onde foi considerada a fertilidade e a classificação de solos, além de outras características, tais como a declividade, a profundidade efetiva, a textura, a permeabilidade e a existência ou predisposição a ocorrência de processos erosivos. A área de estudo foi desmembrada em regiões, de acordo com as fragilidades e potencialidades, identificadas pela capacidade de uso e aptidão agrícola dos solos da propriedade. Foram observadas três classes de solo, com limitações de fertilidade, de declive, bem como a ocorrência de processos erosivos superficiais e subsuperficiais, em algumas regiões da propriedade. A propriedade foi dividida em seis glebas, com indicações para a adoção conjunta de práticas de manejo químicas e físicas, além da redução na intensidade de cultivo, em 29,60 ha. A realização deste estudo indica que a exploração da propriedade é dependente da adequação da intensidade de exploração, com as respectivas capacidades de uso e aptidão agrícola desses solos, bem como da adoção conjunta de práticas conservacionistas

    Análise de Risco: estado da arte da metodologia Hazop generalizada, aplicações e perspectivas na indústria de processos

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    Introduction: The Hazard and Operability Study is considered a feasible tool to assess risks, where complex technologies, require new strategies to guarantee efficiency, safety, and quality of products. Objective: To perform a Hazop publications review, to establish the state of the art, current procedures and perspectives in the pharmaceutical industry. Method: Hazop methodology and improvements to satisfy actual needs were structured. Subsequently, its application and integration with other risk tools, and experts systems, were analyzed to define the current approach and future perspectives. Results: The review allowed the understanding where models, simulations and specialized software offered adequate support to assess risk in current complex processes. In addition, an efficient definition of causes and consequences depends of expert systems, where simulations acquire experience through the creation of databases, reducing the need of specific process knowledge, which is a typical limitation of the conventional Hazop methodology. Conclusions: A review of the Hazop stateof- the-art highlighted the importance to assess risks within the process industry. However, the use of new technologies designed to meet regulatory affairs to guarantee safety and quality principles would require the ongoing improvement of the Hazop methodology, restricting the dependence of specialists, and increasing the use of expert systems.Introducción: El Estudio de Riesgos y Operabilidad se considera una herramienta factible para evaluar los riesgos, cuando las tecnologías complejas requieren nuevas estrategias para garantizar la eficiencia, la seguridad y la calidad de los productos. Objetivo: realizar una revisión de las publicaciones de Hazop, para establecer el estado del arte, los procedimientos actuales y las perspectivas en la industria farmacéutica. Método: fue estructurada la metodología Hazop y las mejoras para satisfacer las necesidades reales. Posteriormente, se analizó su aplicación e integración con otras herramientas de riesgo y sistemas de expertos para definir el enfoque actual y las perspectivas futuras. Resultados: la revisión permitió comprender dónde los modelos, las simulaciones y el software especializado ofrecían el soporte adecuado para evaluar el riesgo en los procesos complejos actuales. Además, una definición eficiente de causas y consecuencias depende de los sistemas expertos, donde las simulaciones adquieren experiencia a través de la creación de bases de datos, lo que reduce la necesidad de un conocimiento específico del proceso, que es una limitación típica de la metodología convencional Hazop. Conclusiones: una revisión del estado del arte de Hazop resaltó la importancia de evaluar los riesgos dentro de la industria de procesos. Sin embargo, el uso de nuevas tecnologías diseñadas para cumplir con los asuntos regulatorios para garantizar los principios de seguridad y calidad requeriría la mejora continua de la metodología Hazop, restringiendo la dependencia de especialistas y aumentando el uso de sistemas expertos.Título PT: Análise de Risco: estado da arte da metodologia Hazop generalizada, aplicações e perspectivas na indústria de processos Introdução: O Estudo de Perigos e Operabilidade (Hazop) é considerado uma ferramenta para avaliação de riscos, na qual tecnologias complexas exigem novas estratégias para garantir a eficiência, a segurança e a qualidade dos produtos. Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão de publicações do Hazop, para estabelecer o estado da arte, os procedimentos e as suas perspectivas na indústria farmacêutica. Método: O procedimento Hazop e suas adequações para satisfazer as necessidades atuais foram estruturados. Posteriormente, aplicações e integração com outras ferramentas de risco e sistemas expertos foram analisadas para definir a abordagem atual e perspectivas futuras. Resultados: A revisão permitiu a compreensão de que modelos, simulações e software especializado oferecem suporte para avaliar riscos em processos complexos. Adicionalmente, a correta definição de causas e consequências depende do uso de sistemas expertos, cujas simulações adquirem experiência através da criação de bancos de dados, reduzindo a necessidade de conhecimento específico do processo, que é uma limitação da metodologia Hazop convencional. Conclusões: A revisão do estado da arte do Hazop destacou a importância de avaliar riscos dentro da indústria de processos. No entanto, novas tecnologias utilizadas para atender quesitos regulatórios de segurança e qualidade precisam da melhoria contínua da metodologia Hazop, reduzindo a dependência de especialista por meio do uso de sistemas especializados

    Batch and fixed-bed column biosorption of manganese ion by Sargassum filipendula

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    This paper presents experimental data of the biosorption of manganese onto Sargassum filipendula in both batch and fixed-bed column systems. Batch equilibrium data were used for nonlinear fittings of the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. A mathematical model based on mass balances in the fluid and in the sorbent was applied to represent the experimental fixed-bed column data. The utilization of isotherm parameters from the batch experiments in the breakthrough model implied a significant mismatch in relation to the laboratory data. Alternatively, additional fixed-bed column data provided new parameters for the isotherm evaluation, and the corresponding simulated profile of the breakthrough curve reached better agreement to the experimental results