21 research outputs found


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    It’s well known that the identification of the most appropriate use for historical heritage, is a fundamental instrument of conservation, which in maintenance, even before in “restoration intervention”, find the first guarantee of success. In this paper, the participated restoration process which involved the abandoned convent of San Rocco in Soragna (Parma) is presented, with the aim of showing the application of “integrated conservation process” principles to an interesting episode of cultural heritage. Starting from historical and structural analysis of this really compromised and damaged structure, the project of reuse is presented, which, starting from a deep interaction between social and functional aspects, gathering local and social needs, has led to the creation of a territorial health structure, a small-size health facility, thus becoming a response to the municipality’s needs, making the most of the historical vocation of the building. Moreover, the adopted approach counterposes with the current tendency of multiplying interventions by proposing a diversification of uses instead: higher flexibility of spaces, and functions operating at different times of day will lead to a more effective and extended functioning of the complex, resulting in an overall better use (and, thus) preservation of the building in the long-term

    Dal documento alla conoscenza: la storia costruttiva della cerchiatura lignea della cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore

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    The paper presents the results of the research recently carried out on the chesnut chain of Santa Maria del Fiore dome, in Florence: probably the less investigated element of Brunelleschi's masterpiece. Thanks to the recent laser-scanner survey of the chain - carried out by the Opera del Duomo in Florence (studio Scaletti, Florence) - it has been possible to reconstruct the history of a really peculiar artifact (for materials and configuration) which always accompanied the debates on the stability of the dome, without ever becoming the protagonist. By comparing the results to historical treatises, the attempt was to date the different constructive elements of the wooden ring, thus enhancing the global knowledge on the dome. The analysis of the detailed notes drawn up by the workers led to localize the interventions on the chain. This allowed to distinguish the original technologies from the further interventions, thus mapping the technical advances that have taken place in the meantime during the centuries. In particular, the investigation carried out on a specific joint (E) aims to demonstrate the validity of a research method, which finds in the monument itself the first document of its complex history.L’articolo raccoglie gli esiti della ricerca recentemente eseguita sulla cerchiatura lignea della cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore, elemento ancora poco indagato del capolavoro brunelleschiano. In un percorso combinato tra ricerca d’archivio e confronto con il dato misurato, grazie al recente rilievo laser-scanner eseguito da parte dell’Opera del Duomo di Firenze (studio Scaletti, Firenze) si è tentato di ricostruire la storia di un manufatto peculiare, per materiali e configurazione, che ha accompagnato i dibattiti sulla stabilità della cupola senza mai diventarne protagonista. In un perenne richiamo alla trattatistica storica, il tentativo è stato quello di datare i diversi elementi costruttivi della cerchiatura lignea, completando un percorso di conoscenza sulla cupola rimasto in sospeso per molto tempo. La ricerca, partendo dall’analisi archivistica e dalla lettura di dettagliate note di spesa redatte dalle maestranze, ha tentato di collocare fisicamente i documenti esaminati, cercando di distinguere le tecnologie originali e localizzando gli interventi eseguiti sulla catena nel corso dei secoli, che si traducono in una mappa variegata di giunti e accrocchi, che racconta non solo la storia della catena ma anche quella degli avanzamenti tecnici avvenuti nel frattempo. In particolare, il racconto dell’indagine condotta su uno specifico tra i giunti individuati vuole riaffermare la validità di un metodo di ricerca, che nel monumento trova il primo documento di sè stesso.

    Il piano di conservazione e gestione per le Scuole Nazionali d’Arte di Cuba. Un contributo al percorso di candidatura alla WHL

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    This paper contributes to the ongoing debate on methods and tools for the preservation and management of architectural heritage, and presents the Conservation Management Plan (CMP) developed between 2018 and 2020 for the National Schools of Arts of Havana. The authors focus on the GIS based tools created to manage information collected by the different work groups who contributed to the drafting of the Plan. The outcome is an articulated and flexible system which aims to describe the complexity of the schools, as well as to actively involve interested actors in order to share cultural values, operational needs and priorities of intervention. Indeed, the objective of a CMP is to clarify the significance of a place, and define in which ways such significance will be maintained in future transformations. The GIS developed for the National Art Schools enabled to archive, systematize, and analyze data according to the double-scale approach which characterized the entire research (the territorial and the architectural one), thus becoming an essential tool for the implementation of the CMP

    Nonlinear Finite-Element Analysis for Structural Investigation and Preservation of Reinforced Hybrid Thin Tile–Concrete Domes of the Historic School of Ballet Classrooms in Havana, Cuba

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    The striking tiled domes of the Ballet School of the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) in Havana are internationally acclaimed Cuban architectural icons. However, due to their deceptive tiled appearance and their only recently rediscovered hybrid tile–concrete con- structive system, the domes have eluded the structural study and characterization which increasingly is demanded not only because of their unique morphology and monumental status, but also because of their visible damage. This work defined a suitable numerical analysis method for diagnosing these hybrid structures by applying both linear elastic and nonlinear, using the concrete damaged plasticity constitutive model, numerical analyses. A site investigation campaign provided materials and geometric data that informed the model creation and damage documentation that validated the analyses results. A new synthesis of architectural and technical sources covering the development and spread of the hybrid structural system allowed the ISA domes to be placed, for the first time, in their proper structural context and, con- sequently, for their conception and design to be understood more fully. The analyses, construction records, and site tests indicated a rebar placement error as the primary structural damage cause, and the contextual analysis informed a discussion of its possible sources, both technical and managerial. Because the investigation indicated significant risk of irreversible damage or failure without timely intervention, preliminary intervention explorations were conducted and, based on the holistic understanding of the structures, the technically, architec- turally, and culturally optimal solution was identified. The study concluded that the homogeneous solids model, coupled with the concrete damaged plasticity mechanical model, yields realistic and insightful results illuminating the structural behavior, efficiency, condition or status, and collapse mode of the domes, providing necessary insight for the preservation planning for the Ballet School domes, which also will inform the study and understanding of other structures of similar composition and significance

    The Treachery of Images: Redefining the Structural System of Havana's National Art Schools

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    This paper illustrates the contribution that on-site survey and graphical documentation offer to the structural comprehension of 20th century architectural and civil engineering heritage and, therefore, to its sustainable conservation. The research herein presented has identified the true structural system of Havana’s National Art Schools, an internationally well-known architectural masterpiece that was recently investigated within the drafting of a comprehensive conservation management plan. This iconic complex was built right after the Castro’s revolution and was meant to embody Cuba’s newfound freedom. To this end, the complex was supposed to be built using Catalan vaulting, a technique loaded with significance due to its provenance, affordability, and flexibility. While most of the literature, the architectural features, and the very designers assert that no concrete nor steel were employed during construction, recent studies suggested that a reinforced concrete core might be hidden behind the masonry-like appearance of the five buildings. The structural analysis performed in order to draft a conservation and management plan for the school site thus became a hermeneutic opportunity to address this topic. Combining direct observation, documentary research, and nondestructive analyses (infrared thermography and magnetometer testing), it was possible to finally redefine the structural nature of these notorious architectures, which are indeed mostly made of reinforced concret


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    This paper presents the study carried out in order to restore and revitalize a XV century cloister located in Soragna (Parma). Due to some heavy and destructive modifications occurred in the last century, the building currently lies in a state of dangerous abandonment and requires a prompt intervention. The study has represented an occasion to apply the principles of the “integrated conservation”, as defined in the ‘80s by Roberto di Stefano. Accordingly, the proposed reuse project has primarily focused on the choice of an appropriate new use for the former oratory. Indeed, the restoration of historical buildings requires – beside a throughout historical and structural analysis - an attentive evaluation of the territorial and social circumstances, with the final aim of identifying the needs and ambitions of the local community. In the case of Soragna, the outcome has been the creation of a health facility operating at territorial level. To guarantee maximum flexibility, following a necessary “filling-spaces-and-time” approach, the new service has been integrated with some complementary socially-relevant uses, such as a laboratory of employment-training for autistic people. Choosing a fitting use, both in terms of function and compatibility with the existing structure, configures as the very first step towards a proper conservation of historical heritage. On the other hand, the study of historical documentation has shed light on forgotten information that have turned into design opportunities. The ancient trace of a demolished wing of the complex has become an occasion to build a new portion of the building which, at the same time, meets two different objectives: an efficient functional distribution and the reinforcement of the structure. At the end of this path, in balance between structural strengthening, functional renewal and preservation of built heritage, the monument will increase its cultural and economic value, gaining a new (social) life

    Managing Information to Improve Conservation: The HBIM of the Wooden Chain of Santa Maria del Fiore

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    A key potential of HBIM is its ability to reflect the complexity and stratification of built heritage. By gathering in a single place multiple data, the HBIM streamlines the knowledge process that is at the base of conservation activities. By describing the informative tool developed to support the preservation of the chestnut chain of the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore, this paper aims to address the topic of the management of information within the HBIM. In particular, it focuses on how to systematize data in order to facilitate decision making within the frame of a preventive and planned conservation. To this end, the research proposes a possible articulation for the informative apparatus to be associated with the 3D model. More importantly, it makes an attempt to translate qualitative data into numerical values to define a priority index. The latter will improve the scheduling and implementation of maintenance activities, concretely impacting the overall conservation of the object