51 research outputs found

    Nutrient dynamics in fen peat in relation to water level management: a mesocosm experiment

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    Peatlands are valuable ecosystems that hold a high biodiversity and provide many ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, water storage and water purification. However, a large part of the peatlands are drained, often for agricultural purposes, resulting in CO2 emissions, soil subsidence and biodiversity loss. To combat these negative effects, various rewetting measures are being installed which can be combined with varying land-uses such as intensive dairy farming, extensive agriculture, semi-natural grasslands, paludiculture (farming on moist/wet soils) and nature restoration. This broad applicability implies that the extent by which the groundwater level is raised can be fine-tuned to the intended land use. In our study, we conducted a mesocosm experiment in which we exposed intact fen peat cores (80cm, 20cm Ø) to five different water levels (0, 20, 40, 60 cm and variable - surface), two nutrient application levels and two water qualities. For an eight-month period, monthly samples from each peat core were taken at two depths and chemically analyzed. Further, the vegetation in the cores was cut five times throughout the growing season. Above-ground biomass was measured as well as nutrient concentrations in the vegetation. Our results show increased phosphate and ammonium availability upon fully rewetting (0 cm – surface), in contrast to partially rewetted circumstances (20cm – surface) where nutrient availability was lowest. Above-ground biomass was strongly affected by nutrient application and, except for early spring growth, less by water levels. Nitrogen concentrations in the vegetation decreased with increasing water levels indicating stronger nitrogen limitation. This is likely the result of increased denitrification rates under wet circumstances. We conclude that in order to achieve nature restoration under fully rewetted conditions, additional steps must be taken to remove nutrients, particularly phosphorus, from the system. Further, we conclude that partial rewetting can be a solution to slow down the adverse effects of drainage, although agricultural production will decrease

    Double cropping in the Amazon: its relation with moisture recycling

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    Land use and land cover change in the Amazon results in the loss and degradation of ecosystem services vital to human wellbeing. The land-use transitions from forest to grasslands and to croplands modify the hydrological cycle as the non-forest cover has lower evapotranspiration and increased runoff. The high rates of evapotranspiration of the Amazon forest drive the atmospheric moisture recycling system, which not only supports the forest itself but provides atmospheric moisture for precipitation downwind, important for agriculture, human consumption and hydropower across central Brazil. While deforestation reduces overall precipitation, deforestation has also been correlated with a delay in the wet season onset leading to a longer dry season. Therefore agriculture presents itself as an interesting conundrum, as it is the main driver of deforestation, it also acts as both the degrader and one of the main beneficiaries of the system. Recent advances in soybean double-cropping have increased agricultural productivity. However, as sowing is tightly coupled to the wet season onset, this strategy is dependent on a stable wet season onset. Here, we analyse the contribution of terrestrial evapotranspiration to precipitation during the early wet season. We employed a Lagrangian moisture transport model which connects moisture source (evapotranspiration) locations with moisture sink (precipitation) locations in the agriculture state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. We calculated the fraction of precipitation derived from moisture recycling as well as estimate the delay in wet season precipitation under a scenario without moisture recycling. Finally, using this moisture transport model we identified and mapped source areas that contribute to two existing double-cropping locations, one in the Amazon biome (North) and one in the Cerrado biome (South). We found that during the wet season transition, roughly 35% of the precipitation across Mato Grosso originates from moisture recycling. The fraction of moisture recycled precipitation is spatially correlated with latitude and longitude with the lowest fraction in the Northeast ≈20% and highest in the Southwest ≈60%. Both cropping locations showed a highly dispersed source area of precipitation. With 30% of recycled rainfall generated within 250 km of the precipitation location. The two cropping locations we analyzed shared a number of forest source areas highlighting their importance for moisture recycling. We found a 10-day delay in accumulated precipitation in our scenario without moisture recycling. This implies that double-cropping systems would become more uncertain as the sowing of soybean would most likely be delayed further into the year

    How forests transpiration and interception evaporation can buffer variations in precipitation downwind

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    Forests are important to regulate water-climate relationships, providing important ecosystem services locally and elsewhere. Therefore, understanding forest hydrology is crucial to understand the flows of these ecosystem services, and attribute the origins to either transpiration and interception as these can have very different underlying mechanisms. Atmospheric moisture recycling effectively increases the amount of usable water over land as the water can undergo multiple precipitation–evapotranspiration cycles. Forest contribution to atmospheric moisture recycling can come from water pressure deficit driven water transpiration through the stomata, or via evaporation of surface water intercepted in the canopy during precipitation. Disentangling these two pathways is fundamental as the former is dependent on the ability of the deep roots of trees to access groundwater facilitating a constant transpiration flux throughout the dry season, while the latter is fundamentally dependent on precipitation and canopy architecture and leaf morphology. We have demonstrated that forests can buffer precipitation variability elsewhere, for tropical and other types of forests. However, it is not known whether this buffering effect occurs directly through forest transpiration or whether indirect forest interception evaporation has a buffering effect as well. Here we apply a state-of-the-art Lagrangian moisture tracking model (UTrack) to study globally whether forests in the upwind precipitationshed can lead to a reduction in monthly precipitation variability downwind. Indeed, we found that forests are fundamental to reduce precipitation variability downwind in 10 out of 14 global terrestrial biomes, specifically for all forest biomes except Mediterranean forests. On average, if 50% of precipitation originates from forest, there is a strong buffering effect with an average reduction of 60% in the coefficient of variation of monthly precipitation. We also observed that a high fraction of precipitation from non-forest land sources has the opposite effect, that is, no buffering effect. The average variation of monthly precipitation was 69% higher in areas where 50% of precipitation originates from non-forest land sources in the precipitationshed. We also observed that the role of forest interception evaporation is less important than the role of forest transpiration for buffering precipitation variability. The largest buffering effect was found for the tropical forest biomes, mainly Amazon and Congo, while moisture recycling over Southeast Asia was mostly contributed by the surrounding ocean. For temperate biomes, the buffering capacity of forests is lower, related to shallower rooting depths and that large proportions of temperate forests are in areas dominated by precipitation from non-forested land or ocean, such as western Europe. Nevertheless, there is still a significant role in buffering precipitation and potentially this buffering capacity can be increased with large scale reforestation projects to mitigate climate change. Our findings clearly support an important role of forests in buffering precipitation downwind. Forests hereby regulate the climate system, which can become unbalanced if this regulating ecosystem service is removed. Furthermore, the importance of this mechanism is also relevant to maintain other processes, such as food production and highlights the tight connections between forests and other processes and ecosystem service

    Atmospheric moisture contribution to the growing season in the Amazon arc of deforestation

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    The Amazon moisture recycling system has been widely examined because it is fundamental to maintain some of the global climate processes, however, we have yet to know to what extent the agricultural growing season is dependent on the evapotranspiration contribution from the Amazon forest. Here we use a moisture tracking model to calculate the forest's contribution to downwind precipitation. Specifically, we calculate the influence of moisture recycling on the seasonality of precipitation in the arc of deforestation with respect to the agricultural growing season. We calculated the wet season start, end and length using three scenarios (a) total precipitation with existing vegetation cover; (b) where we replace forest's contribution to precipitation by replacing it with the equivalent from short vegetation; (c) where the forest's contribution to precipitation is completely removed. We found that forest moisture recycling contributes up to 40% of monthly precipitation in the arc of deforestation. However, there is a strong spatial gradient in the forest's contribution to precipitation, which decreases from west to east. This gradient also coincides with suitability for double-cropping agriculture. Our scenarios excluding precipitation originating from forest indicated that forest is a key contributing factor in determining the wet season start. We found that even when the precipitation originating from forest was replaced by short vegetation there was a significant delay in the wet season start in our study regions. Interestingly the wet season end was more resilient to changes in precipitation source. However it is clear that moisture recycling plays a key role in determining the wet season end as when forest's contribution to precipitation was entirely removed the wet season end arrived significantly earlier. These differences in wet season length were not detectable in the eastern states of Tocantins and Maranhão, as much less of the precipitation in these states originates from the forest. Our findings demonstrate the importance of forest in supporting double-cropping agriculture in the arc of deforestation. As agricultural intensification by double-cropping increases land-use efficiency, it may also reduce the demand for further deforestation. Therefore it is important to identify how the current forest extent provides this important ecosystem service

    Forests buffer against variations in precipitation

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    Atmospheric moisture recycling effectively increases the amount of usable water over land as the water can undergo multiple precipitation–evapotranspiration cycles. Differences in land cover and climate regulate the evapotranspiration flux. Forests can have deep roots that access groundwater facilitating transpiration throughout the dry season independent of precipitation. This stable transpiration buffers the forest against precipitation variability. However, it is not known whether the buffering effect, already modeled for tropical forests, is common to all forests globally. Here we apply a state-of-the-art Lagrangian moisture tracking model (UTrack) to study whether forest land cover in the upwind precipitationshed can lead to a reduction in monthly precipitation variability downwind. We found a significant buffering effect of forests in the precipitation variability of 10 out of 14 biomes globally. On average, if 50% of precipitation originates from forest, then we find a reduction in the coefficient of variation of monthly precipitation of 60%. We also observed that a high fraction of precipitation from non-forest land sources tends to have the opposite effect, that is, no buffering effect. The average variation of monthly precipitation was 69% higher in areas where 50% of precipitation originates from non-forest land sources in the precipitationshed. Our results emphasize the importance of land cover composition in the precipitationshed to buffer precipitation variability downwind, in particular forest cover. Understanding the influence of land cover in a precipitationshed on atmospheric moisture transport is key for evaluating an area's water-climate regulatory ecosystem services and may become increasingly important due to continued changes in land cover and climate change

    Water quality dynamics and hydrology in nitrate loaded riparian zones in the Netherlands

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    Riparian zones are known to function as buffers, reducing non-point source pollution from agricultural land to streams. In the Netherlands, riparian zones are subject to high nitrogen inputs. We combined hydrological, chemical and soil profile data with groundwater modelling to evaluate whether chronically N loaded riparian zones were still mitigating diffuse nitrate fluxes. Hydraulic parameters and water quality were monitored over 2 years in 50 piezometres in a forested and grassland riparian zone. Average nitrate loadings were high in the forested zone with 87 g NO3--N m-2y-1and significantly lower in the grassland zone with 15 g NO3--N m-2y-1. Groundwater from a second aquifer diluted the nitrate loaded agricultural runoff. Biological N removal however occurred in both riparian zones, the grassland zone removed about 63% of the incoming nitrate load, whereas in the forested zone clear symptoms of saturation were visible and only 38% of the nitrate load was removed. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Distance and presence in interdisciplinary online learning. A challenge-based learning course on sustainable cities of the future

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    Addressing complex sustainability issues in higher education requires the combination and integration of various disciplines, perspectives and approaches. Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) can support interdisciplinary collaboration on sustainability issues. It requires students to actively explore, discuss, reflect on and integrate information and methods from various disciplines. Online learning could enhance interdisciplinary collaboration since it is associated with greater geographical and educational flexibility and accessibility. Applying an active learning approach such as CBL in an online setting is believed to support interdisciplinary learning and collaboration. We present a case study that took place in a 10-week online interdisciplinary, inter-university undergraduate course on sustainability education. Our research is based on well-known online learning theories “Transactional distance” and “Community of Inquiry” (CoI). The aim of this study was to investigate how transactional distance, presence and (online) interdisciplinary learning are perceived by students. 23 undergraduate students from three universities were enrolled in the course. Quantitative survey data (N = 13) and qualitative data from student reflection papers and interviews (N = 15) were collected. Students perceived low levels of transactional distance and high levels of presence. Unexpectedly, a small increase in perceived distance between students was measured which could be explained by reported limitations of the course design. Students valued the open, interactive and creative character of the course and the online format was not perceived as hindering. Students reflected on interdisciplinary competences that they developed during the course. This study is a first step towards future national as well as international interdisciplinary, inter-university educational collaboration on sustainability issues

    Mapping canopy nitrogen in European forests using remote sensing and environmental variables with the random forests method

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    Canopy nitrogen (N) influences carbon (C) uptake by vegetation through its important role in photosynthetic enzymes. Global Vegetation Models (GVMs) predict C assimilation, but are limited by a lack spatial canopy N input. Mapping canopy N has been done in various ecosystems using remote sensing (RS) products, but has rarely considered environmental variables as additional predictors. Our research objective was to estimate spatial patterns of canopy N in European forests and to investigate the degree to which including environmental variables among the predictors would improve the models compared to using remotely sensed products alone. The environmental variables included were climate, soil properties, altitude, N deposition and land cover, while the remote sensing products were vegetation indices and NIR reflectance from MODIS and MERIS sensors, the MOD13Q1 and MTCI products, respectively. The results showed that canopy N could be estimated both within and among forest types using the random forests technique and calibration data from ICP Forests with good accuracy (r2 = 0.62, RRMSE = 0.18). The predicted spatial pattern shows higher canopy N in mid-western Europe and relatively lower values in both southern and northern Europe. For all subgroups tested (All plots, Evergreen Needleleaf Forest (ENF) plots and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest (DBF) plots), including environmental variables improved the predictions. Including environmental variables was especially important for the DBF plots, as the prediction model based on remotely sensed data products predicted canopy N with the lowest accuracy