124 research outputs found

    Socio-economic change in a Saudi village : a social anthropological study of Assfan

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    The main purpose of this research is to investigate and explore aspects of socio-economic life in a village, Assfan, in Saudi Arabia and to see whether there have been changes, after three decades of formal development planning in the country, and how these changes have affected the lives of the population. Three themes were explored from a structural functionalist perspective: the family system, with a special focus on marriage, as an aspect of social life; the economic system; and observance of religious duties.The study was based on questionnaires, interviews and participant observation. Questionnaires were administered to 154 younger inhabitants (aged 18 to 38 years old) and 150 older inhabitants (39 years or older), as heads of households, selected from the records of villagers in the health centre at Assfan. Women's perspectives were obtained via in-depth interviews conducted by a female assistant. In addition, in-depth study of life before 1970 was undertaken through interviews with important and elderly people of the village. Further insights were obtained through participant observation of village life.Descriptive data are presented regarding the background of the sample, followed by the respondents' answers to the three aspects of the study; marriage: labour market and religious performance. Chi square tests were used to investigate significant differences in responses between the older and younger sample groups which would constitute evidence of social change.The findings revealed evidence of change in marriage customs and economic life. There was a trend towards later marriage, related to pursuit of education, and a trend away from polygamy and cross cousin marriage. Celebrations had become more ostentatious and commercialised. In the economic sphere, a move away from agriculture and pastoralism was evident in favour of teaching and government service, as well as entrepreneurial activity providing goods and services for other villages, and for travellers. Despite changes in prosperity, however, there was no fundamental change in the value system. Regard to observance and the related norms of mutuality and reciprocation were still strong

    Al-dibaj al-khusruwami ft akhbar a'yan al-mikhlaf al-sulaymami

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    This dissertation consists of a detailed study and critical edition of the invaluable historical work, al-Dibaj al-khusruwani f1 akhbar a'yan al-Mikhlaf al-Sulaymani. The first part of this study comprises an English introduction, in seven chapters, which attempts to paint a full picture of both the work and the historical period concerned. The author and his work are dealt with in the first chapter. This includes the first full biography of the author, a description of his other works, a review of the manuscripts used in the edition and an explanation of the editorial method. In chapter two the rule of the Al Khayrat family in al-Mikhlafal-Sulaymani and the arrival of Ibn 'Abd al-WahhIb's movement in the area are discussed in order to provide full historical background. Chapter three is concentrated on a summary of the Diba.j, made to assist the English reader in his understanding of the subject as a whole. Chapter four is given over to a discussion on 'Akish's style and language. It also contains a glossary of some unusual words. Comments and notes on the text, plus Qur'anic and Hadith references and an analysis of the poetic metres used by the author, makeup chapter five. Chapter six comprises an index of the geographical places and tribal names mentioned in the text, while Chapter seven deals with biographies. The study closes with a bibliography, two maps and a family-tree of the Al Khayrat dynasty. The edited Arabic text comprises the second part of this study and is followed by a chapter on the gadlth quoted and by three appendices, containing the author's references and biographical indexes to the author's gada'iq al-Zahr and 'Uqud al-durar manuscripts

    Introduction à l’Annuaire de l'Umma

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    Présentation (François Burgat et Baudouin Dupret)La bibliothèque déjà respectablement garnie de la littérature politique sur l'Égypte contemporaine vient de s'enrichir d'un périodique dont la naissance se devait d'être signalée. Le Centre d'Etudes stratégiques du quotidien al-Ahram fournissait depuis sept ans déjà au lecteur arabophone un Taqrîr istrâtijî arabî dont la renommée n'est plus à faire. A ce précieux instrument, une équipe de jeunes chercheurs identifiés comme al-istichâriyûn al-'a..

    Medium-size-vessel vasculitis

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    Medium-size-artery vasculitides do occur in childhood and manifest, in the main, as polyarteritis nodosa (PAN), cutaneous PAN and Kawasaki disease. Of these, PAN is the most serious, with high morbidity and not inconsequential mortality rates. New classification criteria for PAN have been validated that will have value in epidemiological studies and clinical trials. Renal involvement is common and recent therapeutic advances may result in improved treatment options. Cutaneous PAN is a milder disease characterised by periodic exacerbations and often associated with streptococcal infection. There is controversy as to whether this is a separate entity or part of the systemic PAN spectrum. Kawasaki disease is an acute self-limiting systemic vasculitis, the second commonest vasculitis in childhood and the commonest cause of childhood-acquired heart disease. Renal manifestations occur and include tubulointerstitial nephritis and renal failure. An infectious trigger and a genetic predisposition seem likely. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IV-Ig) and aspirin are effective therapeutically, but in resistant cases, either steroid or infliximab have a role. Greater understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms involved in these three types of vasculitis and better long-term follow-up data will lead to improved therapy and prediction of prognosis

    Takayasu's Arteritis: A Review Article

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    We selected the medicine research papers in English language published from the year 2005 to the date to determine the clinical significance of Takayasu’s arteritis (TA) and to review the literature available on this condition. TA is a world-wide, chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology. It is more prevalent in Asian countries. There are no specific laboratory tests to diagnose TA as it usually presents with non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, fever, arthralgia, weight loss, malaise, weakness and vision changes. Angiographic imaging is considered to be the gold standard investigation in diagnosing TA. Steroids with subsequent tapering doses are the mainstay of medical treatment; however, for addressing the refractory cases additional therapy becomes necessary. Reconstructive vascular surgery is limited to the severe and irreversible stenotic lesions where surgery becomes inevitable

    Factors affecting neurosensory disturbances after mandibular osteotomies. Clinical and experimental studies

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    Sensibilitetsnedsättning är en vanlig komplikation till kirurgisk korrigering av käkställningsfel i mandibeln speciellt vid användande av sagittal split teknik. Med denna teknik är risken för skada av n. alveolaris inferior stor och skadan kan ske direkt under det kirurgiska ingreppet eller genom att nerven blir inklämd mellan de olika benfragmenten. Frekvensen av sensibilitetsnedsättning efter sagittal split osteotomi varierar avsevärt mellan olika kirurgiska centra. Som ett alternativ till sagittal split osteotomi (SSO) kan intraoral vertikal ramus osteotomi (IVRO) användas för korrigering av mandibulär prognati. Fördelen med denna metod är den låga förekomsten av nervskada, som kompenserar den postoperativa intermaxillära fixationen. Kliniska studier genomfördes för att utvärdera NSD med hänsyn till olika kirurgiska metoder, riktning åt vilken mandibeln förflyttas under ingreppet, kombination med hakplastik, ålder, kön och användning av steroider perioperativt. Medan mandibelns förflyttningsriktning, hakplastik och kön inte påverkar frekvensen av NSD, förefaller verkar åldern samt användning av steroider perioperativt vara de faktorer att beakta. Som förväntat var förekomsten av NSD lägre med IVRO än med SSO. Dessutom var NSD jämförelsevis lägre när steroider gavs perioperativt. Införandet av steroider perioperativt sammanföll med minskad förekomst av NSD. Denna iakttagelse föranledde studier för att klargöra steroidernas roll. Det har visat att steroider befrämjar nervläkning så som den återspeglas i funktionella test och morfologiska förändringar [recruited macrophages och nerve growth factors (NGF-R p75)]Neurosensory disturbance (NSD) is a common complication to surgical corrections of mandibular deformities particularly when the sagittal split technique is used. With this technique the inferior alveolar nerve can be directly injured during surgery or damaged when trapped between the two bone segments. The incidence of sensory disturbance after sagittal split osteotomy varies considerably between centres. As an alternative to sagittal split osteotomy (SSO) the intra-oral vertical ramus osteotomy (IVRO) can be used to correct mandibular prognathism. The main advantage with this technique is the low incidence of nerve damage, which outweighs a period of postoperative intermaxillary fixation. The clinical studies were carried out to evaluate neurosensory disturbance with regard to kind of surgical procedure, direction of mandibular movement during surgery, the additional procedure of genioplasty, age, gender and the perioperative use of steroids. Whereas mandibular movement, additional genioplasty or gender did not affect the incidence, age and the perioperative use of steroids seemed to be factors to consider. As expected the incidence of NSD was lower with the use of IVRO than SSO. Also with the latter NSD was comparatively low, when steroids were given perioperatively. The observation that the introduction of the use of perioperatively administered steroids coincided with the decrease in the incidence of impaired sensibility prompted experimental studies to elucidate the role of the steroids. These showed that steroids facilitated nerve healing as reflected in functional tests and in the nerve morphology [recruited macrophages and nerve growth factors (NGF-R p75)]

    Kikuchi Fujimoto Disease

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    In order to determine the clinical significance of Kikuchi Fujimoto Disease (histiocytic necrotizing lymhadenitis) and to review the literature available on this condition, we selected the Medicine research papers in English language published between the years 1972 to 2011. Kikuchi Fujimoto Disease (KFD) is an uncommon, cosmopolitan, benign and self-limiting condition with higher Japanese and Asian prevalence. Most of the sufferers of KFD are young people who seek treatment because of having acute tender cervical lymphadenopathy, low grade fever and night sweats. Coagulative necrosis with ample karyorrhetic debris in paracortical areas of the involved lymph nodes is the characteristic histologic feature of KFD. Diagnosing KFD is crucial as it can be mistaken for malignant lymphoma and SLE. KFD was put forth first time in 1972 by Dr. Masahiro Kikuchi and by Funimoto as lymphadenitis with reticular proliferation, histiocytes and abundant nuclear debris. It is a rare benign condition of lymph nodes and most of the clinicians and pathologists are unfamiliar with it. KFD is self-limiting disease (within 1 to 4 months), however, patients should be followed up regularly as it may crop up again or progress to SLE. Analgesics and antipyretics help to ameliorate the symptoms

    A critical edition of Al-Dibaj Al-Khusruwani Fi Akhbar A'Yan Al-Mikhlaf Al-Sulaymani by Al-Hasan B. Ahmad Akish (d. 1290/1874) with detailed introduction

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    2 volsAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D77980 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    Towards Renewing Domains in Islamic Political Thought

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    الفكر السياسي هو الفكر الذى يتعلق بتكوين المجتمعات الإنسانية وادارة شئونها الجماعية من حيث تشكل الجماعات ذاتها في الواقع الحاصل أو في الدعوة إلى التكوين، ومن حيث إدارة شئون هذه الجماعات بما ينفذ فعلا ويجرى إعماله أو بالدعوة إلى التقرير والتنفيذ . ‏وأهمية هذا الأمر أن الناس ليسوا أفرادا، ويستحيل أن يكونوا أفرادا، وإن الفرد من الناس في وضعه المنعزل عن غيره هو محض تصور فكري يرد على الذهن البشري المجرد، والفرد في وضعه الفردي يشكل دائما واحدا من آحاد تضمهم صفات وأوصاف متشابهة ومراكز اجتماعية متماثلة وتشكيلات فكرية وثقافية واحدة أو متجانسة. والفرد في الواقع المحسوس هو دائما داخل جماعة بشرية تحيط به ويكتسب وضعه الاجتماعي ومعناه الحياتي من كونه واحدا ‏منهم

    Socio-economic change in a Saudi village : a social anthropological study of Assfan

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo