817 research outputs found

    Biology of the Boxelder Bug in Cache Valley

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    The Box Elder Bug, Leptocoria trivittatue (say), is a hanipterous insect belonging to the family corisidae. Although it rarely is a pest of agricultural crops, its habit of invading homes and other buildings for hibernation and to warm itself has made it an annoying household pest. It has proven to be a difficult insect to control. Only a few of the contact insecticides, useful in control of related insect pests, have given satisfactory control of the Boxelder Bug. Because it has not been considered a critical problem, it has not received detailed attention from the scientific investigators. Its close association with boxelder trees has long been recognized. Elimination of boxelder trees has often been advocated for control of this insect. However, boxelder is not its only host and, furthermore, elimination of boxelder trees is not always practical or desirable

    The Hedgehog Goddess Abaset

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    The egyptian goddess abaset was a minor hedgehog-deity. her presence was attested only in the 26th dynasty (656-525 bc). She was solely venerated on the eastern fringe of el-bawiti, the capital of bahariyya oasis, which is situated far from the nile Valley. This paper aims at presenting a reliable interpretation for the name of the goddess abaset. It focuses on the history and the development of her cult. The ancient egyptian depicted abaset in an anthropomorphic form. The crown of hedgehog was specific to abaset; it is a key element in the identification of the goddess, especially if the scene was not labelled with her name. The exact reason for this iconography is unclear. The occurrence of the images of abaset and the use of her legends was restricted to specific location, i. e. el-bawiti

    The god Shepsy "jmy Hmnw"

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    The Egyptian god Shepsy was a minor deity whose evidence mainly survived in the period following the Second Intermediate Period (1800 BC-1570 BC). Indeed, the apex of his popularity lay in the 19th Dynasty, during which the god is overwhelmingly present in a vast body of sources. He is best known as a solar, lunar, and funerary deity, but was also a cosmic god. The current study aims to examine the emic understanding of the Egyptian god Shepsy by providing a detailed analysis of his iconography. This identifies who the god Shepsy was, what he did, when he performed his functions, where he performed them, and most importantly, why

    World Corruption Perception Index Analysis

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    Although corruption is measured and defined by different institutions yet there is no agreement on one perfect definition. In this study attempt to analyze the results of corruption index using the definition and the index of Transparency International and the standard deviation of the scores of its corruption perception index. The study investigates the behavior of the index over time for all countries included in the CPI for the period of 2000-2014. Using a Hierarchical Classification Method, we grouped the countries into high, medium and low corrupt countries and then we investigate the volatility of perception of corruption among the same group and the different groups. We find that countries with low and high CPI are less volatile in terms of perception of corruption while countries with medium score are relatively stable in term of perception of corruption. Keywords: Corruption, Hierarchical Classification Method, Corruption Perception Inde

    Women, Water Management, and Health1

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    The Potential Problems that Affect Practical Training of University Students: A Preliminary Cross-Sectional Study

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    This study aimed to identify the most important problems faced by students in the field of training. The problems addressed are limited to academic, organizational, guidance, and fieldwork institutions. The study adopted descriptive cross-sectional design to identify the difficulties experienced by students during specialization in sociology and Social Work. The study was conducted in media and humanities College at Ajman University. A random-sampling technique was used to recruit 130 male and female students enrolled in the academic year 2019-2020. The data was collected using 4-Point Likert scale questionnaire survey form and the collected data was analyzed using Statistical Package of Social Sciences version 22.0. Descriptive Statistical Analysis test was applied and represented through frequency and percentages whereas other findings were represented by arithmetic mean and standard deviation. Results indicated that majority of respondents were moderately satisfied with the level of performance of the faculty member in charge of training. Major lacking was in the form of unavailability of supervisors, insufficient resources and skilled trainers. It is recommended to select training institutions with the right potential to succeed the training process in terms of the appropriate capacity and adequate preparations for the reception of students. The study provides important information regarding the challenges met by students while conducting education in social work. Though training serves as an integral part of social work in the specialization of sociology, the remaining process of education depends upon the knowledge and skills of trainers that may cater challenges during the practical journe

    Passivity characteristics on Ni(Cr)(Fe)SiB glassy alloys in phosphate solution

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    AbstractPassivity characteristics of three nickel-metalloids glassy alloys (Ni92.3Si4.5B32, Ni82.3Cr7Fe3Si4.5B3.2 and Ni75.5Cr13Fe4.2Si4.5B2.8) and the immersion time effect on the corrosion resistance were carried out by AC and DC electrochemical methods and SEM and XPS analyses. The study also focused on the effect of H3PO4 concentration and its role on the corrosion rate, passivation ability of nickel base glassy alloys surface. The present investigation revealed (i) corrosion resistance of Cr-free alloy shows pseudo passivity at all examined H3PO4 concentrations, (ii) high corrosion resistance of Cr contains alloys due to the formation of protective layer of chromium oxyhydroxide on the surface which acts as a diffusion barrier against alloy dissolution, (iii) the negative resistance observed in the case Ni75.5Cr13Fe4.2Si4.5B2.8 alloy revealed the sudden transition of metal/solution interface from a state of active dissolution to the passive state

    Methods of Protection Against the Attraction and Recruitment of Terrorist Groups Through Social Media

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    This study aimed to identify the methods that can be used to protect Saudi women from being attracted and recruited by terrorist groups through social media from teaching staff members in Saudi universities. The study used an analytical descriptive methodology to collect data using questionnaires from 382 teaching staff members in Saudi universities. Findings revealed that entertainment, filling leisure time and the desire to know the news were the most dominant motivations among Saudi women for using social media websites. Moreover, the ability to access Saudi women and offer the ideas to them by various and attractive methods, and differentiating by interactive property were the methods used by terrorist groups for attracting and recruiting Saudi women. The study therefore, recommend to develop a comprehensive national strategy aimed at limiting the ability of terrorist groups and organizations to employ digital media in general and social media, especially in attracting and recruiting Saudi nationals

    The Effect of Children’s Athletics Program on Some Physical Variables of Children with Down Syndrome

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    تعتبر إعاقة متلازمة داون من ضمن انواع الاعاقات العقلية وهي اضطراب خلقي ينتج عن وجود كروموسوم زائد في خلايا الجسم، وهي واحدة من الظواهر الناتجة عن خلل في الصبغيات أو الجينات، وتسبب درجات متفاوتة من الإعاقة العقلية والاختلافات الجسدية وقد لاحظا الباحثان ان الكثير من أطفال متلازمة داون لديهم قصور في النواحي البدنية ولأن ممارسة الانشطة الرياضية قاعدة أساسية لتحسين النمو البدني واللياقة البدنية العامة والصحية للاشخاص المعاقين بشرط ان تتناسب تلك الانشطة مع طبيعة أطفال متلازمة داون الصحية والنفسية، ولما يحتويه برنامج العاب القوى للأطفال المعد من قبل الاتحاد الدولي لألعاب القوى من مسابقات متنوعة ومشوقة تلبي احتياجات الأطفال التنموية قاما الباحثان باجراء دراسة للتعرف على مدى تأثير برنامج العاب القوى للأطفال على تحسين بعض المتغيرات البدنية لأطفال متلازمة داون وتم تطبيق الدراسة على عينة تم اختيارها بالطريقة العمدية من تلاميذ مدرسه الوفاء لمتلازمة داون بمحافظة حولي بدولة الكويت من المرحله السنية (9: 10) سنه وقد بلغ عددهم 20 تلميذ وتم إستخدام المنهج التجريبي بالتصميم التجريبي لمجموعه واحده بالقياس القبلي البعدي لمناسبته لطبيعة الدراسة وتوصلا الباحثان لوجود تأثير ايجابي للبرنامج على بعض المتغيرات البدنية محل الدراسة لاطفال متلازمة داون من عينة البحث.Down Syndrome consider one of the types of mental disabilities. It is a congenital disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in the cells of the body, and it is one of the phenomena resulting from a defect in chromosomes, and cause varying degrees of mental disability and physical differences. The researchers noticed that many children with Down syndrome have a deficiency in the physical aspects, and that practicing sports activities is a basic basis for improving the physical growth, general health and fitness. Also, physical activities are important to the health and psychological nature of children with Down syndrome. The athletics program for children prepared by the International Federation of Athletics contains various interesting and exciting competitions that meet children's developmental needs, the researchers conducted a study to identify the effect of the athletics program for children on improving some of the physical variables of children with Down syndrome. The study was applied to a sample of 20 students chosen intentionally from Alwaffaa Down Syndrome School in Hawalli Governorate in the State of Kuwait (age 9:10) years. The experimental approach was used in this study, and the researchers found a positive effect of the program on some physical variables