6 research outputs found

    Javanese Philosophy Reflected In Tin Woodman Character In The Wizard Of Oz By L. Frank Baum

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    Kajian  yang  menganalisa  novel  the  Wizard  of  Oz  ini  bertujuan  untuk  menemukan gambaran  falsafah  budaya  jawa  yang  terdapat  pada  salah  satu  tokoh  pendukung  dalam novel ini yaitu Tin Woodman. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, teori kajian budaya  serta  pendekatan  filosofi,  kajian  ini  diharapkan  dapat  memberikan  jawaban  atas formulasi  pertanyaan:  falsafah  budaya  jawa  apa  sajakah  yang  tergambar  pada  tokoh  Tin Woodman? Hasil dari kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat enam falsafah budaya jawa yang tergambar pada tokoh Tin Woodman, yaitu: Digdaya tanpa aji, nglurug  tanpa bala, laku hambeging kartika, lila lamun kelangan ora getun, sareh pikoleh, and sing tekun golet teken  bakal  tekan.  nilai-nilai  budaya  yang  ditemukan  pada  tokoh  Tin  Woodman  tersebut membuktikan bahwa falsafah budaya jawa yang sarat dengan nilai moral dapat ditemukan dalam berbagai karya sastra termasuk diantaranya dalam sebuah novel yang berisi tentang cerita rakyat terkenal dari Amerika “The Wizard of Ozâ

    Model Pemulihan Ekonomi Berbasis Komunikasi Pembangunan bagi Masyarakat yang Terkena Bencana di Kawasan Obyek Wisata Pantai

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    There are a lot of difference policies for regional governments in Cilacap and Bantul afterearthquake and tsunami on July, 17 2006. Cilacap government didn’t give any programs to recovereconomical situation to their people except rebuild facilities around tourism at Widarapayungbeach. Also in Bantul government, there is not program for to recover tourism activities becausethere thougt that they have not any victims in that tsunami at Parang Tritis beach. Although theygave relocation program to their people but the program was not purposed to recover after tsunami.They had a plan to relocate trade location before the tsunami was coming. The most reason torelocate for people trading was to rearrange old location to new one and make the beach wasshown clean and comfort for tourism acitivities. It is different if it’s compare to Ciamis governmentpolicy to give recovery programs for their people at Pangandaran Beach. The programswere used to recovery tourism activities. In earlier program, people participation was involved bygovernment. They were participated in economical recovery program planning. However largelypeople in Pangandaran feel this recovery programs although they are not participated in implementationphase. From this data, it is too difficult to try the economical recovery program as amodel at Pangandaran beach to Widarapayung beach and Parang Tritis beach. This researchused qualitative method with indepth interview and observation to collect data

    The Use of English in Housing Names in Banyumas Regency: A Review of Language Policy in Indonesia

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    Language policy in Indonesia have not completely indicated the dignity of Bahasa Indonesia as the national language of Indonesia. One reason why this phenomenon takes place is the lack of socialization of Bahasa Indonesia in public space. The use of English in Indonesian housing names indicates the violation to the position of Bahasa Indonesia as the national language. Despite the issue of Law No. 24/ 2009, the lack of socialization influences the use of English in Indonesian housing names. By using descriptive qualitative research and interview, this article enlightens the use of English in housing names related to the language policy. Analysis was done by identifying the policy released by the local government, developers’ consideration in creating a housing name and buyers’ consideration in choosing a house. This result shows that the use of English in Indonesian housing names are caused by the lack of socialization of the language policy. It suggests that the collaboration among the government, stakeholders and society is essential in preserving the language policy

    Pengaruh onlineshop terhadap perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (FEBI) UIN Walisongo Semarang

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    Perkembangan zaman sekarang ini telah membawa perubahan- perubahan di segala bidang kehidupan melalui nternet. Dengan adanya nternet untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dapat melalui media online. Fasilitas dan kemudahn yang ditawarkan dalam melakukan belanja online mengakibatkan terjadinya konsumsi secara berlebihan dan mengarah pada perilaku konsumtif konsumen. Perilaku konsumtif ini juga terjadi dikalangan mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Walisongo Semarang. Penelitian ini mencoba mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumtif melaui pembelian secara online. Penelitian ini menggunakan empat variabel independen yaitu variabel kualitas innformasi (X1), variabel kemudahan (X2), variabel Harga (X3), dan variabel Kualitas produk (X4), serta variabel dependennya yaitu variabel perilaku konsumtif (Y). Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 92 mahasiswa/i. Tehnik pengumpulam data menggunakan metode kuesioner berupa peernyataan tertulis yang disebar kepada responden yang melakukan pembelian online menggunakan tehnik incidental sampling. Analisis data dilakaukan dengan pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS Statistics V.24. Selanjutnya analisis data dengan menggunakan uji validitas, reabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi berganda, dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji F dan uji t. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara simultaan kempat variabel independen ( Xi, X2, X3,X4 )berpengaruh terhadap variabel dependen (Y), dan parsial hanya variabel kemudahan (X2) dan harga (X3) yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel perilaku konsumtif.Sedangkan variabel kualitas informasi (X1) dan kualitas produk (X2) tidak berpengaruh.Ini disebabkan karena ada faktor lain yang mendorong untuk melakukan pembelian secara online dan konsumtif seperti faktor kemudahan, harga, dan faktor lain yang tidak dijelaskan dalam penelitian ini. Besarnya koefisien determinasi ( R square) adalah 38,2%. Hal ini berarti keempat variabel independen hanya mampu menjelaskan sebesar 38,2% variasi dependen.sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak dijelaskan dalam penelitian ini

    Mudança da administração dos recursos humanos : a resposta para a autonomia institucional

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    Mestrado em Ensino Superior (Erasmus Mundus

    Deconstruction of Peter Pan’s Character in Edward Kitsis’ and Adam Horowitz’s Once Upon a Time, Season Three (2013)

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the deconstruction of Peter Pan’s character in Kitsis’ and Horowitz’s work as described in Barrie’s Peter Pan. Kitsis’ and Horowitz’s Once Upon a Time, Season Three is the first film that deconstructs the character of Peter Pan from Barrie’s Peter Pan. The qualitative method is used in analyzing the main data that are taken from both works, Barrie’s Peter Pan and Kitsis’ and Horowitz’s Once Upon a Time, Season Three. The data analysis starts by selecting the data from re-watching and re-reading the works. Then analyzing them using the theory of deconstruction, character and characterization and cinematography. The theory is used to find the binary opposition and analyzing the characteristics of Peter Pan in both works. The cinematography is also needed to support the analysis and strengthens the argument of the analysis from the character’s deconstruction. The result of the analysis shows that the characteristic of Peter Pan in Barrie’s Peter Pan is deconstructed from hero into villain. It shows that there are four characteristics of Peter Pan as a hero that are deconstructed, namely, honest, fearless, polite and caring. Those characteristics are deconstructed into the character of Peter Pan as a villain who is manipulative, fearful, impolite and selfish. The four characteristics that are deconstructed can be seen from Peter Pan’s action towards other characters, from other characters’ explanation or the character’s emotions through every relevant scene in the film