7 research outputs found

    Polish Listening SPAN: A new tool for measuring verbal working memory

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    Individual differences in second language acquisition (SLA) encompass differences in working memory capacity, which is believed to be one of the most crucial factors influencing language learning. However, in Poland research on the role of working memory in SLA is scarce due to a lack of proper Polish instruments for measuring this construct. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the process of construction and validation of the Polish Listening Span (PLSPAN) as a tool intended to measure verbal working memory of adults. The article presents the requisite theoretical background as well as the information about the PLSPAN, that is, the structure of the test, the scoring procedures and the steps taken with the aim of validating it

    Polish Listening SPAN: A new tool for measuring verbal working memory

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    Individual differences in second language acquisition (SLA) encompass differences in working memory capacity, which is believed to be one of the most crucial factors influencing language learning. However, in Poland research on the role of working memory in SLA is scarce due to a lack of proper Polish instruments for measuring this construct. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the process of construction and validation of the Polish Listening Span (PLSPAN) as a tool intended to measure verbal working memory of adults. The article presents the requisite theoretical background as well as the information about the PLSPAN, that is, the structure of the test, the scoring procedures and the steps taken with the aim of validating it

    Polish Nonword Span (PNWSPAN): A new tool for measuring phonological loop capacity

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    The phonological loop, which is a component of working memory, is considered to be one of the most significant factors affecting L1 and L2 learning. In order to measure this construct properly, a reliable instrument in the native language of the participants is needed. The purpose of this paper is to present the Polish Nonword Span PNWSPAN, which is a tool constructed to measure verbal working memory, in particular the phonological loop, in the case of adults. The article presents the theoretical framework of the study and the process of construction of the test, namely its structure, scoring and validation procedur

    Strategic management in the cultural sector as an instrument for creating academic atractiveness of a city

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    Praca dotyczy zarz膮dzania strategicznego w sektorze kultury w kontek艣cie kreowania produktu miejskiego odpowiadaj膮cego potrzebom student贸w oraz korzystnego wizerunku miasta jako miejsca studiowania i zamieszkania po zako艅czeniu edukacji wy偶szej. Celem pracy by艂o sprawdzenie, czy kreowanie oferty kulturalnej miasta poprzez zarz膮dzanie strategiczne mo偶e by膰 skutecznym sposobem zwi臋kszenia atrakcyjno艣ci miasta postrzeganej przez student贸w. Dokonano przegl膮du literatury dotycz膮cej zarz膮dzania strategicznego oraz miast akademickich i kapita艂u ludzkiego. W ramach badania w艂asnego poddano analizie dokumenty strategiczne Katowic oraz przeprowadzono ankiet臋 w艣r贸d os贸b studiuj膮cych w tym mie艣cie, dotycz膮c膮 praktyk kulturowych, oceny oferty kulturalnej, jak r贸wnie偶 oceny og贸lnej atrakcyjno艣ci miasta. Przeprowadzone badanie pozwoli艂o na cz臋艣ciow膮 weryfikacj臋 hipotezy badawczej.The thesis discusses the topic of strategic management in the cultural sector in the context of developing an urban product that meets the needs of students as well as creating a favorable image of a city as a place of studies and place of residence after graduation. The aim of the study was to determine whether formation of the city's cultural offer through strategic management can be an effective way to increase the attractiveness of the city perceived by students. Literature on strategic management as well as on academic cities and human capital was reviewed in this paper. The data collection for own research was based on strategic documents of the city of Katowice as well as on a survey which contained questions regarding cultural practices, evaluation of the cultural offer and of the overall attractiveness of the city, conducted amongst respondents who study in Katowice. The analysis of the collected data allowed for a partial verification of the research hypothesis

    Zmiany w zakresie somatognozji u dzieci z dysharmoni膮 rozwojow膮 poddanych terapii psychomotorycznej metod膮 Procus i Block

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    Introduction: For many years somatagnosis has been a subject of interest for researchers as well as the topic of numerous academic reports. Somatagnostic disturbances have their permanent consequences in a child鈥檚 development, hence the question as to the correct neuro-paediatric diagnosis and effective therapy in the eradication of problems of developmental disharmony within the scheme and image of the body, temporal-spatial organisation and lateralization. Initially used in Belgium and subsequently in Poland, psychomotor therapy according to the model of Procus and Block bases itself on neurophysiological knowledge and psycho-pedagogy. The results of the research conducted from 2002 to 2004 presented in this article are the first analysis of the therapeutic process which the children participating in the described therapy underwent. Aim: The checking of what changes within the scope of somatagnosis occur in children with developmental disharmony who have undergone psychomotor therapy according to Procus and Block, in which age and within which range of symptoms the greatest changes are affirmed. Materials and methods: Observational study on a series of cases were conducted on a group of 109 children aged from 3 to 12 years. Diagnosis of developmental disharmony as well as the changes in the scope of somatagnosis were assessed on the basis of original neuropediatric tests according to Ku艂akowska. Therapy according to Procus and Block was applied during the course of 30 task sessions. Results: Improvement was observed in all the test groups and in all the aspects of somatagnosis tested.Conclusion: Psychomotor therapy according to Procus and Block may, even in a short period of application, have a significant influence on the treatment of somatagnosis disturbances in children with developmental disharmony. For the verification of this claim it is imperative for tests to be conducted with a control group.Wst臋p: Od wielu lat somatognozja jest tematem zainteresowa艅 badaczy oraz licznych doniesie艅 naukowych. Zaburzenia somatognozji maj膮 swoje trwa艂e konsekwencje w rozwoju dziecka, st膮d nasuwa si臋 pytanie o prawid艂ow膮 diagnoz臋 neuropediatryczn膮 i skuteczn膮 terapi臋 likwiduj膮c膮 problemy dysharmonii rozwojowej w zakresie schematu i obrazu cia艂a, organizacji czasoprzestrzennej i lateralizacji. Zastosowana pocz膮tkowo w Belgii, a nast臋pnie w Polsce, terapia psychomotoryczna wed艂ug modelu Procus i Block bazuje na wiedzy neurofizjologicznej i psychopedagogice. Przedstawione w artykule wyniki badania przeprowadzonego w latach 2002-2004 s膮 pierwsz膮 analiz膮 procesu terapeutycznego, kt贸ry jest udzia艂em dzieci uczestnicz膮cych w opisywanej terapii. Cel: Sprawdzenie, jakie zmiany w zakresie somatognozji wyst臋puj膮 u dzieci z dysharmoni膮 rozwojow膮 poddanych terapii psychomotorycznej wed艂ug Procus i Block, w jakim okresie wieku i w zakresie jakich objaw贸w stwierdza si臋 najwi臋ksze zmiany.Materia艂 i metoda: Badanie obserwacyjne serii przypadk贸w przeprowadzono na grupie 109 dzieci w wieku od 3 do 12 lat. Rozpoznanie dysharmonii rozwojowej oraz zmiany w zakresie somatognozji okre艣lano w oparciu o autorskie badanie neuropediatryczne wed艂ug Ku艂akowskiej. Terapi臋 wed艂ug Procus i Block stosowano w trakcie 30 zaj臋膰.Wyniki: Popraw臋 obserwowano we wszystkich badanych grupach i we wszystkich badanych aspektach somatognozji. Wniosek: Terapia psychomotoryczna wed艂ug Procus i Block mo偶e, ju偶 w kr贸tkim okresie jej stosowania, mie膰 istotny wp艂yw na leczenie zaburze艅 somatognozji u dzieci z dysharmoni膮 rozwojow膮. Dla weryfikacji tego stwierdzenia konieczne jest przeprowadzenie bada艅 z grup膮 kontroln膮

    Pseudo-Tetrahedral vs Pseudo-Octahedral ErIII Single Molecule Magnets and the \u27Disruptive\u27 Role of Coordinated TEMPO Radicals

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    Erbium(III) complexes are the most interesting candidates for high-performance single molecule magnets (SMMs) just after dysprosium(III). Herein, we thoroughly explore the underrepresented class of neutral pseudo-tetrahedral erbium(III) SMMs and demonstrate their exceptional slow magnetization dynamics controlled by the Raman relaxation mechanism and the molecular magnetic memory effect in the form of a waist-restricted magnetic hysteresis loop. The influence of the coordinated TEMPO radical on the slow magnetization relaxation performance is also demonstrated and discussed.<br /

    Consumer Motives for Choosing Fruit and Cereal Bars鈥擠ifferences Due to Consumer Lifestyles, Attitudes toward the Product, and Expectations

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    Fruit and cereal bars are the response to the changing needs of consumers seeking health-promoting and convenient products. A cross-sectional study was conducted using the CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) method, with 1034 respondents consuming products of this kind. The aims of the study were (1) to identify consumer segments based on the importance they attached to the selected attributes of fruit and cereal bars and (2) to characterize the identified segments in terms of frequency and reasons for the consumption of fruit and cereal bars, views on their impact on health, and consumer behavior related to the selected lifestyle elements. Five distinct consumer clusters were identified. Involved and Health-oriented were more likely to consume bars, perceiving them as nutritious products, with a positive impact on health. Frugal and Visual consumed fruit and cereal bars the least frequently. They paid little attention to choosing healthier products in daily diet and physical activity. The Information seekers consumed bars to reduce stress and to improve their mood