101 research outputs found

    Roman clay lantern from Bijan Island (Iraq)

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    Lanterns are not as commonly represented in published collections of finds from archaeological contexts as could be expected compared to regular oil lamps. These sherds of wheelmade pottery from Polish excavations on Bijan Island on the Euphrates were only recently identified as a lantern in the shape of a kind of naiskos with a zoomorphic figurine above the opening. The article discusses the function of such lanterns, mundane objects providing light in the darkness, but at the same time exemplifying the apotropaic character of the flame in domestic shrine contexts.Iwona Zyc

    Chrysin Reduces Oxidative Stress but Does Not Affect Polyol Pathway in the Lenses of Type 1 Diabetic Rats

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    Prolonged hyperglycemia is one of the main causes of reactive oxygen species and free radicals generation in diabetes which may a ect various organs, including the eye. Oxidative damage to proteins and lipids in the eye lens could lead to cataract formation. To cope with oxidative stress, the endogenous antioxidative system may be supported by the supplementation of exogenous antioxidants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the e ect of chrysin, a natural flavonoid, on oxidative stress and polyol pathway-related markers in the lenses of streptozotocin-induced type 1 male diabetic rats. Chrysin at doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg was administered by gavage for 28 days. This treatment resulted in a decrease in antioxidative enzymes activity and oxidative stress index. Moreover, chrysin administration elevated the reduced glutathione level in the lenses. A decrease in the markers linked to oxidative damage to proteins and lipids in the lenses was noted, especially after treatment with 50 mg/kg of chrysin. Neither of the chrysin doses a ected glycemia-related markers in the serum or altered parameters related to the polyol pathway and advanced glycation end-products level in the lenses of diabetic rats. Upon obtaining results, it can be concluded that chrysin reveals antioxidative activity in the lenses but shows no antihyperglycemic or antiglycation properties

    The course of pregnancy and delivery in a patient with malaria

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    Malaria is one of the most common lethal parasitic diseases. Infection is transmitted when an infected female mosquito bites a human introducing the sporozoites into human blood. The article presents the course of pregnancy and delivery in a patient complicated by Plasmodium infection. The patient had repetitive several trips to Tanzania over a short time period before she developed the condition. She had been taking antimalarial medication (proguanil-atovaquone) in a prophylactic dose during and after her first travel to Tanzania. Following her first return to Poland she experienced infection-related symptoms

    Wpływ naryngeniny na odpowiedź antyoksydacyjną oraz status oksydacyjny w soczewkach szczurów z cukrzycą

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    Naringenin is a naturally occurring flavonoid with an antioxidative activity. Among many, well-documented pharmacological properties, it reveals a beneficial effect on ocular structures in experimental animals. However, there is no report describing an effect of naringenin on oxidative stress parameters in the lenses of diabetic rats. Since hyperglycemia may induce oxidative stress and eventually cataract formation, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of naringenin administered orally at the doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg on selected oxidative stress parameters in the lenses of diabetic rats. The study was conducted on male rats, from which, after 4 weeks of naringenin administration, the lenses were isolated. In homogenates prepared from the lenses, total antioxidative response, total oxidative status, oxidative stress index as well as protein and non-protein thiol groups level were assessed. Obtained results indicate, that naringenin shows beneficial, antioxidative effect in the lenses of diabetic rats.Naryngenina to naturalnie występujący flawonoid o działaniu przeciwutleniającym. Wśród wielu udokumentowanych działań farmakologicznych, opisany jest również korzystny wpływ tego związku na struktury oka w różnych modelach eksperymentalnych. Brak jest jednak doniesień opisujących wpływ naryngeniny na parametry związane ze stresem oksydacyjnym w soczewkach szczurów w przebiegu cukrzycy. Ze względu na fakt, iż cukrzyca może indukować powstawanie stresu oksydacyjnego oraz w konsekwencji rozwój zaćmy, celem pracy była analiza wpływu naryngeniny podawanej doustnie w dawkach 50 i 100 mg/kg na wybrane parametry związane ze stresem oksydacyjnym w soczewkach szczurów z cukrzycą. Badanie wykonano na samcach szczurów, z których po 4 tygodniach podawania naryngeniny wyizolowano soczewki. W uzyskanych z soczewek homogenatach oznaczono całkowitą odpowiedź antyoksydacyjną, całkowity status oksydacyjny, współczynnik stresu oksydacyjnego oraz zawartość białkowych i niebiałkowych grup tiolowych. Uzyskane wyniki świadczą o korzystnym, przeciwutleniającym wpływie naryngeniny na soczewkę oka u szczurów z wywołaną cukrzycą

    Wpływ chryzyny na parametry histomorfometryczne kości owariektomizowanych szczurów

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    Osteoporosis is a disease caused by many factors, for example by estrogens deficiency in menopausal women. It is characterized by decreased mechanical strength of the bones resulting from alterations in bone microarchitecture. To prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis development, hormonal replacement therapy can be used. There are however many side effects of such therapy, thus safe alternative is needed. Scientific reports indicate that plant -derived substances, including flavonoids, may be helpful in postmenopausal osteoporosis prevention or treatment. These substances are called ‘phytoestrogens’. The aim of the studywas to examine if chrysin – a plant-derived flavonoid – reveals protective effect on bone tissue microarchitecture in rats with experimental osteoporosis. The study was conducted on female Wistar rats divided into groups: SHAM – sham operated, OVX – ovariectomized rats and OVX+CHR – ovariectomized rats treated with chrysin at a dose of 50 mg/kg. Tested flavonoid was administered orally for 4 weeks. Obtained bones were weighted and measured, then histological specimens were prepared and histomorphometric parameters were analyzed. The results indicate, that chrysin administered to ovariectomized rats leadsto meager improvement of analyzed parameters.Osteoporoza jest schorzeniem wynikającym między innymi z niedoboru estrogenów u kobiet w okresie menopauzalnym. Choroba ta charakteryzuje się zmniejszoną wytrzymałością kości na uszkodzenia mechaniczne. Osłabienie układu szkieletowego wynika z zaburzeń na poziomie mikroarchitektury tkanki kostnej. Aby zapobiec rozwojowi osteoporozy pomenopauzalnej, można stosować terapię hormonalną, która jednak niesie za sobą wiele działań niepożądanych. W związku z tym poszukuje się bezpiecznej alternatywy dla hormonalnej terapii zastępczej. W tym celu wykorzystywane są związki pochodzenia roślinnego, w tym substancje o charakterze flawonoidów, nazywane fitoestrogenami. Celem pracy było zbadanie, czy związek o strukturze flawonoidu – chryzyna – może wykazywać ochronne działanie na tkankę kostną na poziomie mikroarchitektury u szczurów z eksperymentalnie wywołaną osteoporozą. Badania prowadzono na samicach szczurów szczepu Wistar podzielonych na grupy: SHAM – pozornie operowane, OVX – owariektomizowane i OVX+CHR – owariektomizowane, którym podawano doustnie chryzynę w dawce 50 mg/kg przez 4 tygodnie. Po izolacji kości zanalizowano parametry makrometryczne oraz wykonano preparaty histologiczne i oznaczono szereg parametrów histomorfometrycznych. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że chryzyna podawana szczurom owariektomizowanym powoduje nieznaczną poprawę badanych parametrów

    2D-Raman correlation spectroscopy as a method to recognize of the interaction at the interface of carbon layer and albumin

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    In modern nanomaterial production, including those for medical purposes, carbon based materials are important, due to their inert nature and interesting properties. The essential attribute for biomaterials is their biocompatibility, which indicates way of interactions with host cells and body fluids. The aim of our work was to analyze two types of model carbon layers differing primarily in topography, and developing their interactions with blood plasma proteins. The first layer was formed of pyrolytic carbon C (CVD) and the second was constructed of multi-walled carbon nanotubes obtained by electrophoretic deposition (EPD), both set on a Ti support. The performed complex studies of carbon layers demonstrate significant dissimilarities regarding their interaction with chosen blood proteins, and points to the differences related to the origin of a protein: whether it is animal or human. However the basic examinations, such as: wettability test and nano sctatch tests were not sufficient to explain the material properties. In contrast, Raman microspectroscopy thoroughly decodes the phenomena occurring at the carbon structures in contact with the selected blood proteins. The 2D correlation method selects the most intense interaction and points out the different mechanism of interactions of proteins with the nanocarbon surfaces and differentiation due to the nature of the protein and its source: animal or human. The 2D correlation of the Raman spectra of the MWCNT layer+HSA interphase proves an increase in albumin β-conformation. The presented results explain the unique properties of the Clayers (CVD) in contact with human albumin