7 research outputs found

    Tick-borne transmission of murine gammaherpesvirus 68

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    Herpesviruses are a large group of DNA viruses infecting mainly vertebrates. Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) is often used as a model in studies of the pathogenesis of clinically important human gammaherpesviruses such as Epstein-Barr virus and Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. This rodent virus appears to be geographically widespread; however, its natural transmission cycle is unknown. Following detection of MHV68 in field-collected ticks, including isolation of the virus from tick salivary glands and ovaries, we investigated whether MHV68 is a tick-borne virus. Uninfected Ixodes ricinus ticks were shown to acquire the virus by feeding on experimentally infected laboratory mice. The virus survived tick molting, and the molted ticks transmitted the virus to uninfected laboratory mice on which they subsequently fed. MHV68 was isolated from the tick salivary glands, consistent with transmission via tick saliva. The virus survived in ticks without loss of infectivity for at least 120 days, and subsequently was transmitted vertically from one tick generation to the next, surviving more than 500 days. Furthermore, the F1 generation (derived from F0 infected females) transmitted MHV68 to uninfected mice on which they fed, with MHV68 M3 gene transcripts detected in blood, lung, and spleen tissue of mice on which F1 nymphs and F1 adults engorged. These experimental data fulfill the transmission criteria that define an arthropod-borne virus (arbovirus), the largest biological group of viruses. Currently, African swine fever virus (ASFV) is the only DNA virus recognized as an arbovirus. Like ASFV, MHV68 showed evidence of pathogenesis in ticks. Previous studies have reported MHV68 in free-living ticks and in mammals commonly infested with I. ricinus, and neutralizing antibodies to MHV68 have been detected in large mammals (e.g., deer) including humans. Further studies are needed to determine if these reports are the result of tick-borne transmission of MHV68 in nature, and whether humans are at risk of infection

    The use of capillary electrophoresis for quality control of pharmaceuticals

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá možnostmi využití kapilární elektroforézy pro kontrolu kvality léčiv. V první části práce jsou shrnuty principy elektroforetické separace a jednotlivých technik kapilární elektroforézy včetně instrumentace. Dále je v práci uveden přehled léčiv, jejich vlastností a principů kontroly kvality. V poslední části jsou detailněji popsány některé dosud publikované výsledky o využití vybraných technik kapilární elektroforézy (CZE, NACE, CITP a CGE) ve farmaceutickém průmyslu při kontrole kvality léčiv.The applicability of capillary electrophoresis for analysis and quality control of pharmaceuticals was investigated in this bachelor thesis. Basic principles of electrophoretic separation and CE techniques including instrumentation are summarized in the first part, which is followed by an overview of the pharmaceuticals and their properties and principles of quality control. Final part of the work describes in more details some published applications of selected CE techniques (CZE, NACE, CITP and CGE) for pharmaceutical quality control.Ústav organické chemie a technologieStudentka seznámila členy komise s obsahem své bakalářské práce. Studentce byl přečten posudek vedoucího bakalářské práce. Studentka zodpověděla dotazy členů komise (porovnání elektroforézy a kapalinové chromatografie pro kontrolu kvality léčiv

    Corporate Income Taxes in Accounting focused on Ltd

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    The thesis is primarily focused on the procedure to calculate corporate payable tax on income. Given that the taxpayer is forced to rely on accounting profit, the objective of this thesis shows how the accounting and tax system interact each other and what impact does this linkage to determine corporate income tax. Part of this thesis is focused on a specific company, which is a limited company, and its tax implications of the distribution of profits and payment of rewards that accrue to shareholders and managers of the activities in the community

    Accounting of individual businessman

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    In my bachelor thesis I aimed at individual businessman who decided to run a business. My tendency was to summarize basic essentials that the businessman has to fulfil to do his or her business according to laws. The main part of my thesis is accounting. In my summary exapmle I wanted to show how accounting works in fact

    Miniaturized electrochemical detector for capillary monolithic columns

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    Prace se zabyva studiem vlivu geometrickeho uspořadani, způsobu zapojeni jednotlivych elektrod a rychlosti průtoku mobilni faze na proudovou odezvu dopaminu měřenou pomoci miniaturizovaneho čtyřelektrodoveho detektoru. Tetrody se špičatym a rovnym hrotem byly zabudovany do kapilar o průměrech 320 mikro m a 530 mikro m. Detekce dopaminu byla provedena biamperometricky ve směsi acetonitril:fosfatovy pufr (1:1) a nasledně v samotnem fosfatovem pufru. Nejvyššich proudů bylo dosaženo při použiti tetrody se špičatym hrotem v kapilarni koloně o průměru 530 mikro m při spojeni elektrod 2+2 a průtoku 5 mikro l/min 0,1 M fosfatoveho pufru. Dale byla vyzkoušena možnost amperometricke detekce katecholaminů ve dvouelektrodovem uspořadani s využitim platinove pracovni a střibrne pseudoreferentni elektrody. K tomuto učelu byly dvě mikroelektrody tetrody modifikovany střibrem elektrodepozici.The thesis deals with the study of influence of geometrical arrangement, interconnection of electrodes, and the flow rate of mobile phase on the dopamine current response measured at miniaturized four-electrode detector. Tetrodes with conical or plane tip were embedded into capillaries with diameters of 320 microns and 530 microns. Detection of dopamine was performed in acetonitrile:phosphate buffer (1:1) and phosphate buffer using biamperometry. Highest currents were obtained at tetrode with conical tip placed in530 micro m diameter capillary, interconnection of electrodes 2+2, and flow rate of 5 micro l/min in phosphate buffer. Furthermore, the possibility of amperometric detection of catecholamines using two-electrode arrangement with platinum working and silver pseudoreference electrodes was tested. For this purpose, two microelectrodes of tetrode were modified by the electrodeposition of silver.Katedra analytické chemieStudentka seznámila členy zkuaební komise s obsahem své diplomové práce a poté byla seznámena s posudkem vedoucího a oponenta diplomové práce. Studentka odpověděla na otázky od členů zkuaební komise

    Miniaturized Electrochemical Detectors for Analysis in Capillary Flowing Systems

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    Bylo vyvinuto několik typů miniaturizovaných elektrochemických detektorů s různými mikroelektrodami vloženými do konce kapilár. Kapilární detektory s platinovou tetrodou a volnými platinovými nebo uhlíkovými mikrovlákny byly testovány v biamperometrickém režimu. Detektory s uhlíkovými nebo platinovými mikroelektrodami jako pracovní a se stříbrným mikrodrátem jako referentní elektrodou byly použity pro amperometrická měření vybraných katecholaminů. Byly zjištěny analytické parametry různých průtokových uspořádání mikroelektrod pro detekci dopaminu v nosném roztoku fosfátového pufru a bylo dosaženo detekčního limitu až 110 pg dopaminu na nástřik.Several designs of miniaturized electrochemical detectors based on incorporation of various types of microelectrodes into the ending of capillaries were developed. Capillary devices consisting of platinum tetrodes or free platinum and carbon microfibers were tested in biamperometric mode of operation. Detectors utilizing carbon or platinum microfibers as working and silver microwire as reference electrodes were used in amperometry of selected catecholamines. Analytical performance of different arrangements of microelectrodes in flowing streams was evaluated in the detection of dopamine in phosphate buffer carrier solutions and the detection limit as low as 110 pg of dopamine on injection was attained