8 research outputs found

    Analysis of development of the Slovak foreign trade after joining the EU

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    Hlavním cílem této bakalářské práce je na základě provedené analýzy charakterizovat vývoj zahraničního obchodu Slovenska od vstupu do EU, tedy v rozpětí let 2004-2011. Práce je rozčleněna do tří kapitol. Úvodní kapitola je zaměřena na předchozí vývoj slovenské ekonomiky z důvodu lepšího pochopení změn, které nastaly v zahraničně obchodních vztazích SR. Druhá kapitola popisuje společnou obchodní politiku EU s cílem definovat vliv jejího přijetí na zahraniční obchod Slovenska. Závěrečná kapitola obsahuje analýzu zahraničního obchodu SR z pohledu komoditní a teritoriální skladby a základních ukazatelů obchodu, při současném zohlednění dopadů krize a přijetí jednotné měny euro na zahraniční obchod Slovenska.The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe the development of foreign trade of the Slovak Republic after the entry to the European Union - 2004-2011. Analysis was the method used. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is focused on the former development of the Slovak economy, because of better understanding of the changes that occurred in the Slovak Republic's foreign trade relations. The second chapter describes the common trade policy in order to define the impact of its acceptance on the foreign trade of the Slovak Republic. The last chapter contains analysis of foreign trade of the SR from commodity and territorial point of view and basic trade indicators, with crisis and Euro adoption taking into account.Hlavným cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce je na základe vykonanej analýzy charakterizovať vývoj zahraničného obchodu Slovenska od vstupu do EÚ, teda v rozpätí rokov 2004-2011. Práca je rozčlenená do troch kapitol. Úvodná kapitola je zameraná na predchádzajúci vývoj slovenskej ekonomiky z dôvodu lepšieho pochopenia zmien, ktoré nastali v zahraničnoobchodných vzťahoch SR. Druhá kapitola popisuje spoločnú obchodnú politiku EÚ s cieľom definovať vplyv jej prijatia na zahraničný obchod Slovenska. Záverečná kapitola obsahuje analýzu zahraničného obchodu SR z pohľadu komoditnej a teritoriálnej skladby a základných ukazovateľov obchodu, pri súčasnom zohľadnení dopadov krízy a prijatia jednotnej meny euro na zahraničný obchod Slovenska

    Searching for Own Self: on the Boundary between the Ethical and Religious Stage

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    In the article the author deals with an analysis of Kierkegaard`s categories of ‘leap’ and ‘instant’which predicate of human existence in some way. Man as an original and unique being in himselfis hard, apprehensible and effable. Kierkegaard`s in some sense existential philosophy offersa conspicuous reflection of man and his inner life. The method of indirect communicationused by Kierkegaard indicates that if we want to grasp the phenomenon of human existencewe have to manage with only an indirect and particular assumption. Even a concrete man isnot able to grasp his existence in a whole way and at any time. There is only one place wherethe possibility of self-understanding and self-ownership becomes open. This is the boundaryor range of the ethical and religious stage of life. That is the reason why the aim of the articlebecomes a quest for an answer to the question: ‘What happens on the boundary between theethical and the religious?

    The importance of SMEs for the development of foreign trade of Slovak Republic

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    The main aim of my thesis is to characterize and quantify the importance of SMEs to the economy and foreign trade of Slovak Republic. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter describes SMEs sector and its main features.The second chapter focuses on the analysis of the position of SMEs in the economy of Slovakia.The third chapter analyzes the significance of SMEs for Slovakia's foreign trade. The aim of the last chapter is to characterize the various support options available for Slovak SMEs

    The importance of SMEs for the development of foreign trade of Slovak Republic

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    Hlavním cílem mé diplomové práce je na základě provedené analýzy charakterizovat a kvantifikovat význam malých a středních podniků pro ekonomiku a zahraniční obchod Slovenska. Práce je rozdělena do čtyř kapitol. První kapitola popisuje sektor malých a středních podniků a jejich hlavní rysy. Druhá kapitola se zaměřuje na analýzu postavení malých a středních podniků v ekonomice Slovenska. Záměrem třetí kapitoly je analyzovat význam MSP pro zahraniční obchod Slovenska. Cílem poslední kapitoly je charakterizovat různé možnosti podpory dostupné pro slovenské MSP.The main aim of my thesis is to characterize and quantify the importance of SMEs to the economy and foreign trade of Slovak Republic. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter describes SMEs sector and its main features.The second chapter focuses on the analysis of the position of SMEs in the economy of Slovakia.The third chapter analyzes the significance of SMEs for Slovakia's foreign trade. The aim of the last chapter is to characterize the various support options available for Slovak SMEs.Hlavným cieľom mojej diplomovej práce je na základe vykonanej analýzy charakterizovať a kvantifikovať význam malých a stredných podnikov pre ekonomiku a zahraničný obchod Slovenska. Práca je rozdelená do štyroch kapitol. Prvá kapitola popisuje sektor malých a stredných podnikov a ich hlavné črty. Druhá kapitola sa zameriava na analýzu postavenia malých a stredných podnikov v ekonomike Slovenska.Zámerom tretej kapitoly je analyzovať význam malých a stredných podnikov pre zahraničný obchod Slovenska. Cieľom poslednej kapitoly je charakterizovať rôzne možnosti podpory dostupnej pre slovenské MSP

    Analysis of development of the Slovak foreign trade after joining the EU

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    The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe the development of foreign trade of the Slovak Republic after the entry to the European Union - 2004-2011. Analysis was the method used. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is focused on the former development of the Slovak economy, because of better understanding of the changes that occurred in the Slovak Republic's foreign trade relations. The second chapter describes the common trade policy in order to define the impact of its acceptance on the foreign trade of the Slovak Republic. The last chapter contains analysis of foreign trade of the SR from commodity and territorial point of view and basic trade indicators, with crisis and Euro adoption taking into account

    Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources

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    The long tradition of Kierkegaard studies has made it impossible for individual scholars to have a complete overview of the vast field of Kierkegaard research. The large and ever increasing number of publications on Kierkegaard in the languages of the world can be simply bewildering even for experienced scholars. The present work constitutes a systematic bibliography which aims to help students and researchers navigate the seemingly endless mass of publications. The volume is divided into two large sections. Part I, which covers Tomes I-V, is dedicated to individual bibliographies organized according to specific language. This includes extensive bibliographies of works on Kierkegaard in some 41 different languages. Part II, which covers Tomes VI-VII, is dedicated to shorter, individual bibliographies organized according to specific figures who are in some way relevant for Kierkegaard. The goal has been to create the most exhaustive bibliography of Kierkegaard literature possible, and thus the bibliography is not limited to any specific time period but instead spans the entire history of Kierkegaard studies. "Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources in Macedonia" is a overview of the Kiergegaard papers published in Macedonia and in Macedonian by Macedonian authors so far. The paper is divided on two sections: Macedonian translation of Kirekegaard works and Secondary Literature on Kierkegaard in Macedonian, whith more than ten papers listed in both sections