248 research outputs found

    A Study on Fatigue Behaviour of Beam Column Joint Under Low Earthquake Loading

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    This report is a brief discussion on the preliminary research conducted and basic understanding of the chosen topic, which is A Study on Fatigue Behaviour of Beam Column Joint Under Low Earthquake Loading. For this project, the structural component of beam-column joint in Malaysian standard school buildings are studied for its behaviour under seismic action. A three storey school building in Malaysia is chosen as a case study. The exterior and end joint of the school building is selected and samples of that joint are fabricated. Lab testing were conducted to investigate the properties of beam column joint when a cyclic loading is applied until it failure. The record of a 2007 Sumatra earthquake which had a magnitude of peak ground accelereation of 0.01 5g is obtained from Consortioum of Organizations for Strong-Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS) and used to investigate the time-history response of the school building. A commercial software, STAAD. Pro is used to analyse the response of the school building to the earthquake. Rainflow cycle counting in time domain is then examined by taking the time history of load from STAAD. Pro as the input. Number of cycles is determined from the time history. After the total number of cycles in both time and frequency domain approaches are found, Palmgren-Miner rule also known as linear damage theory, is used to estimate the fatigue life. From the study done, it is observed that the structure undergoing earthquake of 3.7 MMI experience minimal damage. The significance of this research would be important to evaluate the condition of the structure if it is able to withstand the shaking as it was not designed to perform the job

    Optimization of injection moulding parameters for recycled high density polyethylene

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    Most plastics dispose very slowly in landfills, and these will not only occupy valuable space but will also generate toxic emissions and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. It can remain in the environment for a long period of time, thereby causing problems to the environment and to the health of the society. The practical solution is to recycle and reuse the plastics that have already been used. Nearly all the plastic products that can be seen in our daily life, such as mobile phone housings, automobile bumpers, lunch boxes or bottles are produced by injection moulding. However, incorrect parameter settings in injection moulding will cause bad performance on the specimens such as lack of mechanical strength. Therefore, finding the optimized parameters is highly desirable. This research investigated the usability of recycled HDPE as a substitute for pure HDPE by determines their tensile and flexural strength. The parameters evaluated were melting temperature, injection pressure, holding pressure, holding time, cooling time and injection time. Design Expert 7.0.0 software was used for the screening process by Factorial method and melting temperature, injection pressure and holding time were found as significant parameters. These three parameters then were analysed and optimized by RSM analysis and four process models (tensile of p-HDPE, flexural of p-HDPE, tensile of r-HDPE and flexural of r-HDPE) are successfully developed and validated. The ANOVA suggested that melting temperature is the most significant parameter affecting the tensile and flexural strength of both materials and it was followed by injection pressure and holding time. The optimal result of tensile strength of p-HDPE (27.405 MPa), flexural strength of p-HDPE (21.744 MPa), tensile strength of r-HDPE (15.86 MPa) and flexural strength of r-HDPE (14.353) was obtained at the melting temperature of 240 ºC, injection pressure of 95 MPa and holding time of 30 s. This study also found that the comparison of tensile and flexural strength between p-HDPE and r-HDPE is 42.13% and 33.99% respectively. The specimens of r-HDPE were crushed and injected again by injection machine to produce the specimens. The specimens were tested and compared by the performance of r-HDPE where the reduction of tensile and flexural strength is 10.33% and 20.32% respectively. Some applications such toys, laboratory tubing and plastic pipe have been compared to these three materials based on their strength properties. The result shows the tensile and flexural strength of all materials in the range of the applications strength, and it automatically indicates that r-HDPE can be utilised as a substitutes of p-HDPE in some applications


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    Mixing biodegradable polymers with each other could improve their fundamental properties. Starch is one of the most widely used materials to be fused/mixed with other biodegradable polymers. Starch/PVA combination compared to pure starch materials has shown improved tensile strength, elongation and processability. PVA is a biodegradable material however PVA has a low degree of biodegradation and as well it is not a renewable material. The study of physical and mechanical properties of starch and PVA blend studied the effect of mass ratio between starch and PVA. The mixture of starch and PVA are prepared with 4 different ratios with the aim of decreasing the amount of PVA in the mixture. The blends are prepared using a constant stirring as well as constant foaming speed. The time of blending, foaming and curing is also constant. The curing temperature varied from 90, 100 and 110 °C. After 4 hours of curing, the samples are taken out to determine its weight and thickness to find its density as well as the test for tensile strength. The foam with equal ratio of starch and PVA and cured with temperature 100 °C shown the lowest density. The tensile strength of the sample could not be completed as the samples have failed the tensile strength test where samples are too soft and delicate to be tested on the tensile strength machine

    The motivation level of learning chemistry among secondary school students

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    Students enrolment in chemistry course are decreasing from elementary school towards higher education level. Studies made by some researchers issues several factors that lead to student’s motivation towards the subjects itself. Many researchers found out that, the lack of motivation among students are oriented in cognitive, affective and conative aspect. Students are not cognitively motivated if they’re facing the lack of understanding in the content and purpose of the activity done in the learning process. An affective motivation in learning are referring to the emotional and value of the subject learned whilst conative aspect are more focusing on willingness and effort made by students in achieving their target in their learning process. All of these three aspect of motivation must not been taken for granted in order to enhance students interest in chemistry subject not just in school but also towards higher education level

    A Study on Fatigue Behaviour of Beam Column Joint Under Low Earthquake Loading

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    This report is a brief discussion on the preliminary research conducted and basic understanding of the chosen topic, which is A Study on Fatigue Behaviour of Beam Column Joint Under Low Earthquake Loading. For this project, the structural component of beam-column joint in Malaysian standard school buildings are studied for its behaviour under seismic action. A three storey school building in Malaysia is chosen as a case study. The exterior and end joint of the school building is selected and samples of that joint are fabricated. Lab testing were conducted to investigate the properties of beam column joint when a cyclic loading is applied until it failure. The record of a 2007 Sumatra earthquake which had a magnitude of peak ground accelereation of 0.01 5g is obtained from Consortioum of Organizations for Strong-Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS) and used to investigate the time-history response of the school building. A commercial software, STAAD. Pro is used to analyse the response of the school building to the earthquake. Rainflow cycle counting in time domain is then examined by taking the time history of load from STAAD. Pro as the input. Number of cycles is determined from the time history. After the total number of cycles in both time and frequency domain approaches are found, Palmgren-Miner rule also known as linear damage theory, is used to estimate the fatigue life. From the study done, it is observed that the structure undergoing earthquake of 3.7 MMI experience minimal damage. The significance of this research would be important to evaluate the condition of the structure if it is able to withstand the shaking as it was not designed to perform the job


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    Mixing biodegradable polymers with each other could improve their fundamental properties. Starch is one of the most widely used materials to be fused/mixed with other biodegradable polymers. Starch/PVA combination compared to pure starch materials has shown improved tensile strength, elongation and processability. PVA is a biodegradable material however PVA has a low degree of biodegradation and as well it is not a renewable material. The study of physical and mechanical properties of starch and PVA blend studied the effect of mass ratio between starch and PVA. The mixture of starch and PVA are prepared with 4 different ratios with the aim of decreasing the amount of PVA in the mixture. The blends are prepared using a constant stirring as well as constant foaming speed. The time of blending, foaming and curing is also constant. The curing temperature varied from 90, 100 and 110 °C. After 4 hours of curing, the samples are taken out to determine its weight and thickness to find its density as well as the test for tensile strength. The foam with equal ratio of starch and PVA and cured with temperature 100 °C shown the lowest density. The tensile strength of the sample could not be completed as the samples have failed the tensile strength test where samples are too soft and delicate to be tested on the tensile strength machine

    Scaffolding Instruction Where It Matters: Teachers’ Shift from Deficit Approach to Developmental Model of Learning

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    This paper revolves on the premise that teachers’ adoption of developmental model is more likely to improve student learning and performance as compared to the utilization of deficit approach. Deficit or clinical approach to learning has the tendency to focus on things that students cannot do, thus followed by teacher prescriptions of a ‘fix-it’ remedy.  There are a number of harmful effects of such approach on student learning particularly in creating the learning environment that appeals only to low-achieving students and one that unintentionally neglects the high-achievers - the results of teachers perceiving this group of students as facing no learning issues, thus requiring ‘no fixing’. In contrast, developmental model focuses on student readiness and builds on the existing knowledge bases of every student. Despite extensive research that looks at the effects of deficit approach on learning, very little discussion is documented on its alternative and model of teaching that could potentially improve the performance of every student.  Studies that look at teachers’ utilization of developmental model are limited, the findings of these studies indicate that the developmental model encourages learning of both high achieving and low achieving students, and significant improvement in student performance across all ability groups. We take the position that developmental model assists teachers to better target their teaching at group and individual levels.  Hence the discussion focuses on issues that surround deficit approach, the ‘how to’ with regards to the use of developmental model, as well as challenges and realistic expectations of its applicability. Keywords: developmental model, deficit approach, targeted instruction, scaffolding, evidence-based teaching

    Desarrollo Socioeconómico Para La Paliación De La Pobreza Mediante El Emprendimiento De La Mujer

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    Purpose: In many developing and affluent countries, poverty alleviation has been the prime goal of promoting socioeconomic status. The Government's attempt to curb poverty includes promoting monetary-generation projects, providing facilities to raise the standard of living, and executing the programs to teach positive values for these underprivileged. The research seeks to uncover decisive aspects of socioeconomic improvement of poverty alleviation in women entrepreneurship Methodology: Data of 300 women entrepreneurs from three different states in Malaysia participated in the study. We have analyzed the research data through PLS-SEM to examine the formulated hypotheses. Findings: It indicates microfinance was the strongest predictor of poverty alleviation in Malaysia. Entrepreneurial and personality factors are next on the list. Conversely, the environment and culture had little impact on impoverishment Research Implications: The importance acceptance of the microfinance program is the primary catalyst in creating new employment. It also provides a source of earning to improve the underprivilege’s social and economic well-being and eradicate poverty.Propósito: En muchos países em vías de desarrollo y afluentes, la paliación de la pobrezaha sido la meta principal para el ascenso de estatus socioeconómico. El intento del gobierno de reducir la pobreza incluye promover proyectos que generan riqueza, proveer instalaciones para aumentar el nível de vida, y ejecutar programas para ensenar valores positivos a los más desfavorecidos. La investigación busca revelar aspectos decisivos de la mejora socioeconómica de la paliación de la pobreza mediante el emprendimiento de la mujer. Metodología: Se han recopilado los datos de 300 mujeres emprendedoras de tres estados distintos em Malasia, que han participado em el estúdio. Hemos analizado los datos de la investigación mediante PLS-SEM para examinar la hipótesis foemulada Conclusiones: Indica que la micro financiación fue el pronosticador más significativo de la paloación de la pobreza em Malasia. Los factores empresariales y de personalidad le siguen en la lista. Em cambio, el entorno y la cultura tuvieron poco impacto sobre el empobrecimento Implicaciones de la Investigación: La importância de la aceptación del programa de micro financiación es el principal catalizador en la creación de nuevo empleo. También provee una fuente de ingresos para mejorar el bien estar social y económico de los más desfavorecidos y erradicar la pobreza

    Investigating the Validity and Reliability of a Scientific Imagination Test for Tenth graders

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    This research was conducted to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Scientific Imagination Test (SIT) using the Rasch Measurement Model. SIT is a set of questions developed by the researchers based on the Integrated Engineering Design Process with Scientific Imagination Model. SIT was developed to evaluate the scientific imagination constructs among the tenth graders. SIT is a test consisted of two main open-ended subjective questions and 14 sub-items. Students’ scientific imagination was assessed based on the three stages of scientific imagination namely initiation, dynamic adjustment and virtual implementation; which consisted of four basic constructs respectively: brainstorming, association, transformation and elaboration, and conceptualization/organization/formation. The sample consisted of 65 Tenth Grade students aged 16 years old from two secondary schools in a district in Sabah, Malaysia. Overall, the findings showed that SIT has a very high reliability with Cronbach’s alpha (KR-20) value of 0.92. The findings also showed that SIT has excellent item reliability of 0.97 with separation value of 5.30. SIT also has a very good respondent reliability of 0.92 with separation value of 3.40. Meanwhile, the assessment on the item fit, respondent fit and unidimensionality established the construct validity of the SIT instrument. In conclusion, the findings indicate that the SIT instrument is a reliable and valid instrument for measuring the scientific imagination of tenth graders

    Customer satisfaction on services and facilities rendered by Johor Port Berhad / Zuraimi Abdul Aziz

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    Johor Port Berhad (JPB) provides an effective balance of physical facilities and services to meet every needs and wants of its customers. In addition to proving for traditional and continuing needs of conventional cargo trades, JPB has responded major technological changes in marine transportation and associated cargo-handling system. In order to offer only the best services to its customers, new facilities have been built to meet the modern demands of containerization and other forms of unit load as well as the continued trends towards bulk cargo. As the service provider, it is imperative that JPB meets the expectation of its customers on a continuing basis, thus identifying the customer satisfaction is important. This is to retain the existing customers as well as to attract new customers to make cargo transaction through its port. By increasing level of efficiency in cargo handling in JPB, it will benefit both JPB and its customers. As a result, JPB will gain more profit and customer will not plan to switch to another ports. This research will provide good insights on the level of satisfaction among the JPB customers involving Shipping Agency, Forwarding Agency, Warehouse, Manufacturing, Supplier / Vendors and Haulage Company. The research will analyze attributes on customer satisfaction based on 3 variables rendered by JPB which are: Facilities, Services and Process / Procedure. From the findings has the researcher can conclude that most of customers are satisfied with the services and facilities rendered by JPB. However, JPB needs to improve on certain areas as to increase the level of satisfaction to a maximum level in order to provide more efficient in rendering its services to the customers as well as to compete with its competitors