114 research outputs found

    Homogénéisation des signaux isotopiques, 18O et 3H, dans un système hydrologique de haute montagne : la Vallée d'Aoste (Italie)

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    L'analyse de l'origine et de la dynamique des écoulements souterrains dans l'aquifère du milieu alluvial de la plaine d'Aoste (Italie) a été menée en étudiant les teneurs isotopiques (18O et 3H) des eaux sur l'ensemble du système hydrologique. La démarche a consisté en un suivi isotopique des précipitations pluvio-neigeuses, des sources de versants, du réseau de surface et de l'aquifère alluvial, complété par des analyses ponctuelles concernant l'horizon superficiel des glaciers et les sous-écoulements glaciaires. Le signal d'entrée en 18O porté par les précipitations présente une grande variabilité liée au contexte orographique (effet d'écran) et climatique (pluie ou neige). Celle-ci est mise en évidence par les changements saisonniers du gradient 18O/altitude. En moyenne annuelle (1994), ce gradient établi en Vallée d'Aoste à partir de mesures sur les précipitations récoltées entre 300 et 3500 m d'altitude (sur huit stations) est de - 0.18 ± 0.02 ‰ pour 100 m, avec un écart-type (s) des valeurs de ± 4,8 ‰. L'ensemble des résultats en 18O montre au cours du cycle hydrologique, un amortissement à la fois important et progressif du signal d'entrée fourni par les précipitations. Cet amortissement, de l'ordre de 30 fois dans l'aquifère alluvial (sigma=± 0.15 ‰), est particulièrement sensible au niveau de la glace et des sous-écoulements glaciaires. En ce qui concerne les résultats en 3H, les teneurs mesurées dans les précipitations se révèlent être étroitement liées avec l'origine et la trajectoire des masses d'air humide. Par ailleurs, on note une bonne concordance entre les temps de séjour des eaux dans l'aquifère alluvial calculés à partir des valeurs en 18O et ceux fournis par le 3H.The hydrogeological study of the alluvial aquifer of the Aosta plain (Italy) is chosen as one of the most appropriate examples representative of the Italian-French-Swiss Alps. This study has been carried out using two environmental isotopes (18O and 3H) for groundwater samples taken from this aquifer in order to shed light on the origin of water and the hydrodynamic characteristics of the aquifer.The surface area of this aquifer is 70 km_ and mean elevation ranges between 400 and 700 m (asl). This surface area constitutes a part of the watershed area that amounts 2400 km_ with a mean elevation of 2200 m (asl). The watershed possesses several mountain peaks, Mt. Blanc, Mt. Cervin, Mt. Grand Paradis, the elevation of which rise to over 4000 m.The input signal, quantitative and qualitative as well, provided by the precipitation shows a wide variability linked to both orographic (screen effect) and climatic (rain or snow) influences. This variability is marked by differences in the 18O/altitude gradient, which is seasonally dependent. A unique and linear relation is observed during spring and summer ; in autumn and winter results show an important gradient up to 2000 m but a less important one for higher altitudes.The mean annual (1994) gradient of - 0.18 ± 0.02 ‰ for 100 m is determined in Aosta valley for altitudes between 300 and 3500 m, and the standard deviation (sigma) of the mean volume-weighted value for precipitation is ± 4.8 ‰. Furthermore, the 18O values measured in the alluvial aquifer have shown a very low dispersion (sigma=± 0.15 ‰), which corresponds to a buffering effect of a factor 30. These results evidenced, thus, an homogenization process within the different water bodies.To analyze this homogenization process, the different components of the hydrologic system have been studied, i.e. the monitoring of the springs and runoff waters, with complementary local measurements of the upper part of ice cores and the glacier underflows. Using standard deviations (sigma) as criteria for the homogenization process, one can see a large and progressive decrease along the hydrological cycle, with a special amplitude in ice cores and glacier underflows : precipitation (± 4.8 ‰), ice core (± 0.8 ‰), glacier underflow (± 0.10 ‰), spring (± 0.15 ‰), surface runoff network (± 0.3 ‰), alluvial aquifer (± 0.15 ‰).In ice cores, the different process : freezing and thawing, compression, and vapor / liquid / solid exchanges have caused the 18O homogenization. Dealing with the springs on the slopes of the valley, the preferential flow paths linked to the fracturation lead to a mixing of waters and hence to a very buffered outflow signal. The combined effect of all these explains the stability and the uniformity of the data found in the alluvial water body.As far as the 3H concentrations are concerned, the values measured are tightly linked with the origin and the transport of humid air masses. For closely spaced stations, a significant difference in the input signal has been correlated to various climatic influences. Using 3H data from the Thonon-les-Bains station (included in the WMO-IAEA observation network) as input, the calculated transit times of 2.5 to 7.5 years are very close to those calculated with 18O, i.e. 4 to 7 years

    Quantitative Metabolomics by 1H-NMR and LC-MS/MS Confirms Altered Metabolic Pathways in Diabetes

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    Insulin is as a major postprandial hormone with profound effects on carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism. In the absence of exogenous insulin, patients with type 1 diabetes exhibit a variety of metabolic abnormalities including hyperglycemia, glycosurea, accelerated ketogenesis, and muscle wasting due to increased proteolysis. We analyzed plasma from type 1 diabetic (T1D) humans during insulin treatment (I+) and acute insulin deprivation (I-) and non-diabetic participants (ND) by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The aim was to determine if this combination of analytical methods could provide information on metabolic pathways known to be altered by insulin deficiency. Multivariate statistics differentiated proton spectra from I- and I+ based on several derived plasma metabolites that were elevated during insulin deprivation (lactate, acetate, allantoin, ketones). Mass spectrometry revealed significant perturbations in levels of plasma amino acids and amino acid metabolites during insulin deprivation. Further analysis of metabolite levels measured by the two analytical techniques indicates several known metabolic pathways that are perturbed in T1D (I-) (protein synthesis and breakdown, gluconeogenesis, ketogenesis, amino acid oxidation, mitochondrial bioenergetics, and oxidative stress). This work demonstrates the promise of combining multiple analytical methods with advanced statistical methods in quantitative metabolomics research, which we have applied to the clinical situation of acute insulin deprivation in T1D to reflect the numerous metabolic pathways known to be affected by insulin deficiency

    A new CYP21A1P/CYP21A2 chimeric gene identified in an Italian woman suffering from classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia form

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    Background: More than 90% of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) cases are associated with mutations in the 21-hydroxylase gene (CYP21A2) in the HLA class III area on the short arm of chromosome 6p21.3. In this region, a 30 kb deletion produces a non functional chimeric gene with its 5′ and 3′ ends corresponding to CYP21A1P pseudogene and CYP21A2, respectively. To date, five different CYP21A1P/CYP21A2 chimeric genes have been found and characterized in recent studies. In this paper, we describe a new CYP21A1P/CYP21A2 chimera (CH-6) found in an Italian CAH patient. Methods Southern blot analysis and CYP21A2 sequencing were performed on the patient. In addition, in order to isolate the new CH-6 chimeric gene, two different strategies were used. Results: The CYP21A2 sequencing analysis showed that the patient was homozygote for the g.655C/A<G mutation and heterozygote for the p.P30L missense mutation. In addition, the promoter sequence revealed the presence, in heterozygosis, of 13 SNPs generally produced by microconversion events between gene and pseudogene. Southern blot analysis showed that the woman was heterozygote for the classic 30-kb deletion producing a new CYP21A1P/CYP21A2 chimeric gene (CH-6). The hybrid junction site was located between the end of intron 2 pseudogene, after the g.656C/A<G mutation, and the beginning of exon 3, before the 8 bp deletion. Consequently, CH-6 carries three mutations: the weak pseudogene promoter region, the p.P30L and the g.655C/A<G splice mutation. Conclusion: We describe a new CYP21A1P/CYP21A2 chimera (CH-6), associated with the HLA-B15, DR13 haplotype, in a young Italian CAH patient. © 2009 Concolino et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Linking Climate Change and Groundwater

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    Standardizing the experimental conditions for using urine in NMR-based metabolomic studies with a particular focus on diagnostic studies: a review

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    Groundwater flow systems in torbiditic units: a conceptual model based on high speed train tunnels drainage between Florence and Bologna.

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    The present study exposes the first results about torbidites hydrogeology, specifically of Marnoso Arenacea Formation. Starting from the data interpretation of Environmental Monitoring relative to High Velocity Bologna-Florence tunnels, hydrogeological investigation experimental techniques have been applied over 4 pilot watersheds, in order to define and validate a conceptual model of groundwater flow systems

    Styles of adaptation in autoimmune thyroiditis and bipolar disorder: a pilot study

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    A growing body of evidence suggests that styles of adaptation, assessed with the Serial Color-Word Test (S-CWT, a 5-trials Stroop task), are able to differentiate several mental and psychosomatic disorders. Recent findings have confirmed a very high rate of cases of autoimmune thyroiditis (so called Hashimoto disease) among bipolar patients, suggesting an etio-pathogenetic relatedness between the two ailments. Based on the latter relatedness, it was hypothesized that the same styles of adaptation, which are known to differentiate bipolar and control subjects are also characteristic of patients with autoimmune thyroiditis
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