5 research outputs found

    Koncentracije zdravilnih učinkovin v slovenskih komunalnih in bolnišničnih odpadnih vodah: preliminarna raziskava

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    Pharmaceuticals in wastewater have clearly raised concern and a broad range of analytical methods has been used to assess the risk as accurately as possible. The aim of our study was to measure and compare the concentrations of atorvastatin, bisoprolol, carbamazepine, ciprofloxacin, clofibric acid, diclofenac, fluoxetine, metoprolol, and sertraline in wastewater samples taken from one municipal and one hospital wastewater treatment plant in Slovenia and to predict the potential environmental burden using the risk quotient. In both effluents only clofibric acid and fluoxetine were not detected. The measured concentrations of the remaining seven pharmaceuticals varied between the ng L-1 and the μg L-1 range. Hospital effluent showed higher concentrations, except for diclofenac and carbamazepine. However, high risk quotient was found only for ciprofloxacin and diclofenac in both municipal and hospital effluent. In conclusion, our method can provide a useful tool for systematic monitoring of pharmaceuticals commonly found in wastewater, which will enable a reliable assessment of the risks for the aquatic biota and humans. Knowing the risks will help to plan wastewater treatment and preserve our environment.Koncentracije zdravilnih učinkovin v slovenskih komunalnih in bolnišničnih odpadnih vodah: preliminarna raziskava. Pojavljanje ostankov zdravilnih učinkovin v odpadnih vodah postaja vedno bolj aktualna tematika in posledično se širi nabor analiznih metod, ki omogočajo natančno ugotavljanje njihove prisotnosti in služijo kot orodje za napovedovanje tveganja teh onesnažil v vodnem okolju. Namen naše raziskave je bil kvantitativno ovrednotiti prisotnost izbranih zdravilnih učinkovin (atorvastatin, bisoprolol, ciprofloksacin, diklofenak, fluoksetin karbamazepin, klofibrinska kislina, metoprolol in sertralin) na iztoku ene komunalne in ene bolnišnične čistilne naprave. Na osnovi meritev koncentracij smo z uporabo količnika tveganja ocenili okoljsko breme vključenih spojin. Ugotovili smo prisotnost sedmih zdravilnih učinkovin, medtem ko klofibrinske kisline in fluoksetina nismo zaznali v nobenem vzorcu. Izmerjene koncentracije so bile v širokem koncentracijskem območju (od ng L-1 do μg L-1), praviloma višje v bolnišnični odpadni vodi, z izjemo diklofenaka in karbamazepina. Izračunan količnik tveganja nakazuje na visoko tveganje za ciprofloksacin in diklofenak v vseh analiziranih vzorcih odpadnih voda. Raziskava je pokazala, da je razvita metoda primerno orodje za nadaljnje študije, ki bodo na podlagi sistematičnega spremljanja teh novodobnih onesnažil v odpadnih vodah omogočile zanesljivejšo oceno tveganja za izpostavljene vodne organizme in tudi za zdravje ljudi. Poznavanje teh tveganj bo prispevalo k načrtovanju ustrezne tehnologije čiščenja odpadnih voda in posledično k ohranjanju čistega in zdravega okolja

    Characterisation of lactoferrin isolated from acid whey using pilot-scale monolithic ion-exchange chromatography

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    The aim of this study was to characterize the properties of lactoferrin (LF) obtained in a process developed for its isolation from acid whey derived from the production of fresh curd cheese, using a unique technology of ion-exchange chromatography on CIM monolithic columns. The freeze-dried lactoferrin samples produced on the pilot plant (capacity 1 m3^3) were examined for the purity, iron-binding capacity, antibacterial activity, and pH- and temperature-stability. Apo-LF inhibited several tested strains (enterobacteria, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus salivarius) except clostridia, lactic acid bacteria, and bifidobacteria. Sample of LF intentionally saturated with Fe3+^{3+} lost its antibacterial activity, indicating the involvement of mechanisms based on depriving bacteria of an iron source. All samples, regardless of the iron-saturation level, exhibited stability in pH range 4.0 to 11.0. LF with higher iron content (A-value = 41.9%) showed better thermal stability. Heat treatment up to 72 °C/3 s did not reduce antimicrobial activity against E. coli O157: H7 tox-. Higher purity (above 91%), higher iron-binding capacity and higher inhibitory activity against E. coli O157: H7 tox- compared to some similar products from the market was observed. These results demonstrate a high potential of monolithic ion-exchange chromatography for industrial processing of acid whey as a source of LF that can be used in new products with high-added value. The upscaling of the process is ongoing on a demonstration plant (10–30 m3^3/day capacity)