6 research outputs found

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    Relationship of Basic Motor and Functional Abilities with Dribbling Speed in 10–17 Years Old Soccer Players

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    The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of selected motor and functional abilities with dribbling and changing direction with the ball in 183 young soccer players between 10 and 17 years of age (age 13,0 ± 1,8 years; body height 161,8 ± 13,3 cm; body mass 53,3 ± 14,7 kg). Based on the obtained data and results it was found that after the age of 13, in addition to other skills important for soccer game, it would be necessary to emphasise the elastic power of lower extremities and after the age of 16 additional emphasis should be put on high-speed and quality of execution of specific speed and agility type soccer movements. The most important ability related to dribbling and changing direction with the ball at the age 10-11 is agility. At the age 12-13 these are agility, aerobic-anaerobic endurance and relative elastic power of lower extremities, at the age 14-15 mainly aerobicanaerobic endurance and at the age 16-17, in addition to agility also acceleration and maximum running speed

    Nahajališča in rastišča vrste Pulsatilla vernalis v Julijskih Alpah

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    Applying the standard Central-European method we phytosociologically studied the sites of Pulsatilla vernalis, a rare and protected species of Slovenian flora, in the frost hollows on mountain pastures Ovčarija and Za Grivo in the Fužina pasturelands (the Triglav mountains, the Julian Alps). We established that it grows in a unique community of swards and heaths which usually extends over small surfaces (4–10 m2) and is dominated by herbaceous perennial species (hemicryptophytes) and dwarf shrubs (chamaephytes) with mostly arcticalpine and south-European montane distribution. This community is explicitly (floristically and ecologically) different from the communities of swards and heaths described in the Julian Alps so far, so we classified it into a new association Pulsatillo vernalis-Dryadetum octopetalae ass. nova (order Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetalia carneae) and subdivided it into two, floristically and ecologically clearly distinguished subassociations -ericetosum carneae subass. nova and -vaccinietosum subass. nova.Po standardni srednjeevropski metodi smo v mraziščnih kotanjah na pl. Ovčarija in Za Grivo v Fužinskih planinah (Triglavsko pogorje, Julijske Alpe) fitocenološko preučili rastišča redke in zavarovane vrste slovenske flore, Pulsatilla vernalis. Ugotovili smo, da raste v svojevrstni, navadno na majhnih površinah (4–10 m2) razširjeni združbi rušnatih trav in resav, v kateri prevladujejo zelnate trajnice (hemikriptofiti) ter polgrmi in nizki grmiči (hamefiti) predvsem z arktično-alpinsko in južnoevropsko gorsko razširjenostjo. Ker se ta združba floristično in ekološko očitno razlikuje od doslej v Julijskih Alpah opisanih združb rušnatih trav in resav, jo uvrščamo v novo asociacijo Pulsatillo vernalis-Dryadetum octopetalae ass. nova (red Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetalia carneae) in jo členimo na dve floristično in ekološko dobro prepoznavni subasociaciji -ericetosum carneae subass. nova in -vaccinietosum subass. nova