33 research outputs found

    Colloids in light fields: particle dynamics in random and periodic energy landscapes

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    The dynamics of colloidal particles in potential energy landscapes have mainly been investigated theoretically. In contrast, here we discuss the experimental realization of potential energy landscapes with the help of light fields and the observation of the particle dynamics by video microscopy. The experimentally observed dynamics in periodic and random potentials are compared to simulation and theoretical results in terms of, e.g. the mean-squared displacement, the time-dependent diffusion coefficient or the non-Gaussian parameter. The dynamics are initially diffusive followed by intermediate subdiffusive behaviour which again becomes diffusive at long times. How pronounced and extended the different regimes are, depends on the specific conditions, in particular the shape of the potential as well as its roughness or amplitude but also the particle concentration. Here we focus on dilute systems, but the dynamics of interacting systems in external potentials, and thus the interplay between particle-particle and particle-potential interactions, is also mentioned briefly. Furthermore, the observed dynamics of dilute systems resemble the dynamics of concentrated systems close to their glass transition, with which it is compared. The effect of certain potential energy landscapes on the dynamics of individual particles appears similar to the effect of interparticle interactions in the absence of an external potential

    Структура вірусних діарей у дітей на Сумщині

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    Гострі кишкові інфекції (ГКІ) стійко посідають одне з провідних місць серед усіх інфекційних захворювань, характеризуються широкою поширеністю, високою частотою розвитку тяжких форм і ускладнень. Прогрес у галузі лабораторних методів діагностики дозволив істотно розширити уявлення про етіологічні чинники хвороби: у країнах, що розвиваються, домінують діарейні інфекції бактерійної етіології, а в економічно розвинених країнах - вірусної. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3228

    Root‐lesion nematodes of potato: current status of diagnostics, pathogenicity and management

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    Root‐lesion nematodes of the genus Pratylenchus are migratory endoparasites with worldwide economic impact on several important crops including potato, where certain species like P. penetrans, P. neglectus and P. scribneri reduce the yield and quality of potato tubers. Morphological identification of Pratylenchus spp. is challenging, and recent advancements in molecular techniques provide robust and rapid diagnostics to differentiate species without need of specialist skills. However, the fact that molecular diagnostics are not available for all Pratylenchus species means that there are limitations in worldwide application. In general, root‐lesion nematodes are difficult to manage once introduced into agricultural land and damage can be related to pathogenicity and population densities. In addition, root‐lesion nematodes interact with fungi such as V. dahliae, resulting in disease complexes that enhance the damage inflicted on the potato crop. Management interventions are often focused on limiting nematode reproduction before planting crops and include the application of nematicides, and cultural practices such as crop rotation, cover crops, biofumigation, and biological control. Understanding the limitations of the available crop protection strategies is important and there are many gaps for further study. This review discusses the status of the diagnosis, distribution, pathogenicity and management of the main species of root‐lesion nematodes, reported to infect potatoes worldwide, and highlights areas for potential future research

    Evolutionary implications of different feeding strategies of plant parasitic nematodes

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