27 research outputs found

    Retrieving Soil and Vegetation Temperatures From Dual-Angle and Multipixel Satellite Observations

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    Land surface component temperatures (LSCTs), i.e., the temperatures of soil and vegetation, are important parameters in many applications, such as estimating evapotranspiration and monitoring droughts. However, the multiangle algorithm is affected due to different spatial resolution between nadir and oblique views. Therefore, we propose a combined retrieval algorithm that uses dual-angle and multipixel observations together. The sea and land surface temperature radiometer onboard ESA\u27s Sentinel-3 satellite allows for quasi-synchronous dual-angle observations, from which LSCTs can be retrieved using dual-angle and multipixel algorithms. The better performance of the combined algorithm is demonstrated using a sensitivity analysis based on a synthetic dataset. The spatial errors in the oblique view due to different spatial resolution can reach 4.5 K and have a large effect on the multiangle algorithm. The introduction of multipixel information in a window can reduce the effect of such spatial errors, and the retrieval results of LSCTs can be further improved by using multiangle information for a pixel. In the validation, the proposed combined algorithm performed better, with LSCT root mean squared errors of 3.09 K and 1.91 K for soil and vegetation at a grass site, respectively, and corresponding values of 3.71 K and 3.42 K at a sparse forest site, respectively. Considering that the temperature differences between components can reach 20 K, the results confirm that, in addition to a pixel-average LST, the combined retrieval algorithm can provide information on LSCTs. This article demonstrates the potential of utilizing additional information sources for better LSCT results, which makes the presented combined strategy a promising option for deriving large-scale LSCT products

    Modeling the Distributions of Brightness Temperatures of a Cropland Study Area Using a Model that Combines Fast Radiosity and Energy Budget Methods

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    Land surface temperatures (LSTs) obtained from remote sensing data are crucial in monitoring the conditions of crops and urban heat islands. However, since retrieved LSTs represent only the average temperature states of pixels, the distributions of temperatures within individual pixels remain unknown. Such data cannot satisfy the requirements of applications such as precision agriculture. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a model that combines a fast radiosity model, the Radiosity Applicable to Porous IndiviDual Objects (RAPID) model, and energy budget methods to dynamically simulate brightness temperatures (BTs) over complex surfaces. This model represents a model-based tool that can be used to estimate temperature distributions using fine-scale visible as well as near-infrared (VNIR) data and temporal variations in meteorological conditions. The proposed model is tested over a study area in an artificial oasis in Northwestern China. The simulated BTs agree well with those measured with the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER). The results reflect root mean squared errors (RMSEs) less than 1.6 °C and coefficients of determination (R2) greater than 0.7. In addition, compared to the leaf area index (LAI), this model displays high sensitivity to wind speed during validation. Although simplifications may be adopted for use in specific simulations, this proposed model can be used to support in situ measurements and to provide reference data over heterogeneous vegetation surfaces

    Addendum: Bian, Z. et al. A Robust Inversion Algorithm for Surface Leaf and Soil Temperatures Using the Vegetation Clumping Index. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 780

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    Clear-sky land surface upward longwave radiation dataset derived from the ABI onboard the GOES–16 satellite

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    Surface upward longwave radiation (SULR) is one of the four components of the surface radiation budget, which is defined as the total surface upward radiative flux in the spectral domain of 4-100 μm. The SULR is an indicator of surface thermal conditions and greatly impacts weather, climate, and phenology. Big Earth data derived from satellite remote sensing have been an important tool for studying earth science. The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) onboard the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-16) has greatly improved temporal and spectral resolution compared to the imager sensor of the previous GOES series and is a good data source for the generation of high spatiotemporal resolution SULR. In this study, based on the hybrid SULR estimation method and an upper hemisphere correction method for the SULR dataset, we developed a regional clear-sky land SULR dataset for GOES-16 with a half-hourly resolution for the period from 1st January 2018 to 30th June 2020. The dataset was validated against surface measurements collected at 65 Ameriflux radiation network sites. Compared with the SULR dataset of the Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) longwave radiation product that is generated from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard the polar-orbiting Terra and Aqua satellites, the ABI/GOES-16 SULR dataset has commensurate accuracy (an RMSE of 15.9 W/m2 vs 19.02 W/m2 and an MBE of −4.4 W/m2 vs −2.57 W/m2), coarser spatial resolution (2 km at nadir vs 1 km resolution), less spatial coverage (most of the Americas vs global), fewer weather conditions (clear-sky vs all-weather conditions) and a greatly improved temporal resolution (48 vs 4 observations a day). The published data are available at http://www.dx.doi.org/10.11922/sciencedb.j00076.00062

    A Robust Inversion Algorithm for Surface Leaf and Soil Temperatures Using the Vegetation Clumping Index

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    The inversion of land surface component temperatures is an essential source of information for mapping heat fluxes and the angular normalization of thermal infrared (TIR) observations. Leaf and soil temperatures can be retrieved using multiple-view-angle TIR observations. In a satellite-scale pixel, the clumping effect of vegetation is usually present, but it is not completely considered during the inversion process. Therefore, we introduced a simple inversion procedure that uses gap frequency with a clumping index (GCI) for leaf and soil temperatures over both crop and forest canopies. Simulated datasets corresponding to turbid vegetation, regularly planted crops and randomly distributed forest were generated using a radiosity model and were used to test the proposed inversion algorithm. The results indicated that the GCI algorithm performed well for both crop and forest canopies, with root mean squared errors of less than 1.0 °C against simulated values. The proposed inversion algorithm was also validated using measured datasets over orchard, maize and wheat canopies. Similar results were achieved, demonstrating that using the clumping index can improve inversion results. In all evaluations, we recommend using the GCI algorithm as a foundation for future satellite-based applications due to its straightforward form and robust performance for both crop and forest canopies using the vegetation clumping index