24 research outputs found

    Desentralisasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Pembentukan Masyarakat Sipil

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    Decentralization of forest resource management has become a necessity in line with the policy of regional autonomy that gives the space outside the country to be involved. These conditions are directly give effect to changes in forest management institutions, both at the level of the people organanisasi structure, forest managers and institutional form with the opening of public space. This climate provides the opportunity for civil society to further strengthen its position. However, decentralization is still to be followed by devolution that gave management authority to autonomous institutions, such village. So the process of strengthening civil society can continue to go hand in hand with decentralization of forest resource management. Key word: Decentralization, forest resource management and civil society


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    Palm-oil is inseparable from our daily lives, due to its varied products and utilities. The research findings show that, firstly, Enlightenment aiming at raising human's dignity through ratio development is drawn into technical-oriented ideology. For the sake of economic growth, political stability acts as the ultimate condition, so that the palm-oil estate itself has kept people away from democracy and political freedom. Secondly, success of Indonesia in achieving export target and state income is an achievement, when measured merely by quantitative framework. However, in order to understand the process comprehensively, qualitative dimension of the success also needs to be considered. In fact, such expansion fails qualitatively. It can be seen from the emergence of land rights conflict and dependency-relation between farmer and palm-oil companies, as well as environmental problems as a result of the expansion. The quantitative success aiming at achieving certain targets has sacrificed the usage of palm-oil for the people and environment


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    Decentralization of forest resource management has become a necessity in line with the policy of regional autonomy that gives the space outside the country to be involved. These conditions are directly give effect to changes in forest management institutions, both at the level of the people organanisasi structure, forest managers and institutional form with the opening of public space. This climate provides the opportunity for civil society to further strengthen its position. However, decentralization is still to be followed by devolution that gave management authority to autonomous institutions, such village. So the process of strengthening civil society can continue to go hand in hand with decentralization of forest resource management. Keywords : Decentralization, forest resource management and civil society

    Pengembangan Institusi pengelola hutan kemasyarakatan

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    The development of this institution is built from the determination of rules of organization that includes the rights and obligations of each member, the redistribution of land, assurance management rights, conflict resolution and optimization of the village's role in the development of community forestry. First, the pattern of institutional development is built in a participatory manner to produce a pattern of collaborative forest management in order to achieve social welfare and sustainable forest management. Second, patterns of local institutional development success is largely determined by three factors, namely physical condition and characteristics of local natural resources, political economy factors at the international, national and local factors and local political and social dynamics. These three factors are interrelated to one another and may change from time to time and in certaincontexts Keywords: Institution development, Community forestr

    Transformation of River Restoration Movement Network

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    A study on social network transformation of river restoration movement is very important as it is related to the network’s ability of adapting to various changes and a movement’s sustainability. This research aims to reveal the history of movement emergence, tactic, and strategy, process and procedure of social network establishment and social network transformation. An ethnographic approach was chosen by involving Komunitas Pemerti Kali Code (Code River Observer Community) as the main subject of current research. Data collection was conducted through live-in-society process for 2 months to conduct participant observation, in-depth interview and Focus Group Discussion. Data analysis was constructed using Mario Diani’s theory about social movement as a network. The result of research shows that the first factor is the emergence of problem and grievance about river contamination by rubbish and waste due to people’s poor literacy about river. The second one is movement strategy and tactic used in the form of structural and cultural approach to restore the river. The third is the process of creating social network based on shared idea, value, norm, collective identity, and interest related to the river. The fourth is social network experiencing transformation from spontaneity, institutionalization to autonomy phase as the attempt of adapting to and reconciling with the form of change to maintain the movement sustainability. Keywords: River Restoration Movement, Movement Strategy, Social Network Establishment, and Social Network Transformatio

    Open Street Map-Based Participative Mapping for River-Kampong in Surakarta

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    Open Street Map (OSM) is a free-editing world map providing web-based spatial information that can be changed in the sense of data updating by everyone, whenever, and wherever. With the data yielded, OSM is very useful in social mapping, disaster mapping, economic mapping, and an area’s terrain mapping, particularly, urban area. In Surakarta, OSM is used for the first time in mapping Kali Pepe (Pepe River) specifically aiming to map the river stream area to cope with flood disaster and generally aiming to provide spatial information with recent data in Surakarta. The utilization of OSM in Kali Pepe mapping was expected to be the beginning of OSM development in Surakarta that would provide digital map data that can be used not only for responding to disaster but also for providing usable data as the reference in policy formulation for Surakarta City Government in economic, cultural and development areas.This study aims to show the result of OSM utilization in the mapping of Kali Pepe in Surakarta for society, stakeholders related to spatial information and also government as the policy maker. The conclusion is that OSM is one of digital mapping that was not popular in Surakarta due to its limited information and accessibility


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    Purpose of study: An objective of disaster-safety education unit program in Indonesia is to empower students (schoolchildren) in dealing with disaster. This research aimed to describe the transformative learning process about disaster mitigation to students and to analyze the changing process and the learning achievement. Methodology:  The research method chosen was Participatory Action Research (PAR)’s approach putting school children as the subject of research. The research took place in Kampong Sewu and Semanggi Solo that was always exposed to flood disaster during rainy season. Paulo Freire’s Transformative Learning Theory was used to analyze the result of analysis with children’s knowledge production (cognitive), critical reflection (affective), and action plan (psychomotor) approaches. Finding of study: The findings of research were as follows. Firstly, knowledge production approach was accomplished through exploring the children’s knowledge on a variety of disaster vulnerabilities in village and school environment s through illustrative picture. Secondly, critical reflection approach was carried out through identifying types of disaster and effect resulting through traditional game and docudrama. Thirdly, action plan approach was conducted by mapping evacuation map, meeting point, and disaster overcoming strategy with disaster simulation technique, and utilizing school and village resources. Applications of study:These three approaches in transformative learning process concerning disaster mitigation were expected to improve capacity and to reduce the students’ vulnerability, thereby realizing the students’ powerfulness in dealing with disaster. Novelty/Originality: The novelty of research was that it built school children’s powerfulness integrated into commonness and local wisdom values of Kampong Sewu and Semanggi

    The accessibility of HIV-infected Poor Women to the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission Service in Surakarta Indonesia

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    Background: HIV transmission from HIV-infected mother to child can occur through pregnancy, birth and lactation process; therefore, there should be Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission or PMTCT. Aims & Objectives: This research aimed to study the HIV-infected poor women’s accessibility to the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission Service in Surakarta Indonesia. Material & Methods: This study was a qualitative research with explorative approach conducted in October-December 2015 and HIV-infected poor women as the unit of analysis. The sampling technique used was maximum variation sampling. Techniques of collecting data used were observation, in-depth interview and documentation, while data analysis was conducted using an Interactive Model of analysis with materialist theory. Results: Structural, financial and personal or cultural constraints were found: less target-appropriate health insurance policy, expensive cost of delivery with section caesarian surgery and breastfeed-substituting formula milk, and limited knowledge, experience and negotiation with the service provider leading to the HIV-infected Poor Women’s limited accessibility to comprehensive and sustainable PMTCT. PMTCT socialization, the giving-birth insurance and Food Supplementation program activation by Empowerment Work Group in AIDS Coping Commission in Surakarta City was the opportunity to access PMTCT service. Conclusion: Although PMTCT resulted in some problems, particularly formula milk administration and delivery process with section caesarian surgery, this attempt should be taken to make the baby born healthy. For that reasons, PMTCT service and health insurance should be improved from beneficiary data to accessible and sustainable procedure

    Upaya Membangun Kemitraan dalam Pengelolaan Sungai yang Berwawasan Lingkungan

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    Pengelolaan sungai yang terdiri atas konservasi sungai, pengembangan sungai dan pengendalian daya rusak sungai dilakukan dengan melibatkan instansi teknis, swasta maupun masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar kawasan sungai. Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat ditempuh adalah dengan menjalin kemitraan diantara pihak yang berkepentingan dan memastikan pengelolaan sungai yang berwawasan lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi eksplorasi pada tahun pertama. Teknik observasi, wawancara mendalam (indepth interview) dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dikembangkan dengan mengeksplorasi strategi pengelolaan sungai yang berbasis kemitraan dan berwawasan lingkungan. Adapun untuk kebutuhan penelitian ini maka akan dipilih Kota Surakarta sebagai sebagai lokasi studi dengan pertimbangan bahwa kota ini memiliki 4 sungai utama dan melintasi 43 kelurahan dari 55 kelurahan yang ada. Kondisi sungai di Kota Surakarta terus mengalami degradasi yang disebabkan oleh cara pandang masyarakat yang menempatkan sungai sebagai halaman belakang sekaligus tempat untuk membuang sampah maupun limbah rumah tangga maupun industri. Oleh karena itu berbagai upaya dilakukan melalui serangkaian kebijakan dan program pemerintah untuk mengurangi persoalan terkait dengan sungai. Peran serta masyarakat juga dilakukan dengan berbagai inisiatif maupun program yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah yang berasal dari beberapa kementrian atau Dinas. Kemitraan yang terbangun terlihat antara Dinas dengan komunitas peduli sungai yang menjadi bentukannya. Inisiatif dan gagasan program masih bersumber dari pemerintah, sementara komunitas atau warga berfungsi sebagai pelaksana program. Upaya mendorong kemitraan dalam pengelolaan sungai perlu terus dilakukan dan dikawal agar kepentingan masing-masing pihak baik pemerintah atau masyarakat dapat terkoordinasi dan terkoneksi dengan baik