15 research outputs found

    Initial investment in diversity is the efficient thing to do for resilient forest landscape restoration

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    This paper explores in detail the economic cost of improved integration of genetic diversity into restoration projects and tests the assumption that the benefits accruing from better integration of diversity exceed the costs. Using a bottom-up cost model, we analyse different FLR cost drivers, integrating genetic quality, in relation to the total costs of a range of tree-based restoration interventions. The results indicate that the integration of genetic diversity into the management and planning of landscape restoration projects increased the costs incurred at the beginning of FLR interventions. However, despite this initial increase in costs the overall costs of restoration decreased substantially, due to cost savings relating to replacement costs of replanting

    Assessing the representational accuracy of data-driven models: The case of the effect of urban green infrastructure on temperature

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    Data-driven modelling with machine learning (ML) is already being used for predictions in environmental science. However, it is less clear to what extent data-driven models that successfully predict a phenomenon are representationally accurate and thus increase our understanding of the phenomenon. Besides empirical accuracy, we propose three criteria to indirectly assess the relationships learned by the ML algorithms and how they relate to a phenomenon under investigation: first, consistency of the outcomes with background knowledge; second, the adequacy of the measurements, datasets and methods used to construct a data-driven model; third, the robustness of interpretable machine learning analyses across different ML algorithms. We apply the three criteria with a case study modelling of the effect of different urban green infrastructure types on temperature and show that our approach improves the assessment of representational accuracy and reduces representational uncertainty, which can improve the understanding of modelled phenomena

    Quantifying uncertainty in European climate projections using combined performance-independence weighting

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    Uncertainty in model projections of future climate change arises due to internal variability, multiple possible emission scenarios, and different model responses to anthropogenic forcing. To robustly quantify uncertainty in multi-model ensembles, inter-dependencies between models as well as a models ability to reproduce observations should be considered. Here, a model weighting approach, which accounts for both independence and performance, is applied to European temperature and precipitation projections from the CMIP5 archive. Two future periods representing mid- and end-of-century conditions driven by the high-emission scenario RCP8.5 are investigated. To inform the weighting, six diagnostics based on three observational estimates are used to also account for uncertainty in the observational record. Our findings show that weighting the ensemble can reduce the interquartile spread by more than 20% in some regions, increasing the reliability of projected changes. The mean temperature change is most notably impacted by the weighting in the Mediterranean, where it is found to be 0.35 °C higher than the unweighted mean in the end-of-century period. For precipitation the largest differences are found for Northern Europe, with a relative decrease in precipitation of 2.4% and 3.4% for the two future periods compared to the unweighted case. Based on a perfect model test, it is found that weighting the ensemble leads to an increase in the investigated skill score for temperature and precipitation while minimizing the probability of overfitting

    Mapping urban temperature using crowd-sensing data and machine learning

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    Understanding the patterns of urban temperature a high spatial and temporal resolution is of large importance for urban heat adaptation and mitigation. Machine learning offers promising tools for high-resolution modeling of urban heat, but it requires large amounts of data. Measurements from official weather stations are too sparse but could be complemented by crowd-sensed measurements from citizen weather stations (CWS). Here we present an approach to model urban temperature using the quantile regression forest algorithm and CWS, open government and remote sensing data. The analysis is based on data from 691 sensors in the city of Zurich (Switzerland) during a heat wave using data from for 25-30th June 2019. We trained the model using hourly data from for 25-29th June (n = 71,837) and evaluate the model using data from June 30th (n = 14,105). Based on the model, spatiotemporal temperature maps of 10 × 10 m resolution were produced. We demonstrate that our approach can accurately map urban heat at high spatial and temporal resolution without additional measurement infrastructure. We furthermore critically discuss and spatially map estimated prediction and extrapolation uncertainty. Our approach is able to inform highly localized urban policy and decision-making.ISSN:2212-095

    Quantifying uncertainty in European climate projections using combined performance-independence weighting

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    Uncertainty in model projections of future climate change arises due to internal variability, multiple possible emission scenarios, and different model responses to anthropogenic forcing. To robustly quantify uncertainty in multi-model ensembles, inter-dependencies between models as well as a models ability to reproduce observations should be considered. Here, a model weighting approach, which accounts for both independence and performance, is applied to European temperature and precipitation projections from the CMIP5 archive. Two future periods representing mid- and end-of-century conditions driven by the high-emission scenario RCP8.5 are investigated. To inform the weighting, six diagnostics based on three observational estimates are used to also account for uncertainty in the observational record. Our findings show that weighting the ensemble can reduce the interquartile spread by more than 20% in some regions, increasing the reliability of projected changes. The mean temperature change is most notably impacted by the weighting in the Mediterranean, where it is found to be 0.35 °C higher than the unweighted mean in the end-of-century period. For precipitation the largest differences are found for Northern Europe, with a relative decrease in precipitation of 2.4% and 3.4% for the two future periods compared to the unweighted case. Based on a perfect model test, it is found that weighting the ensemble leads to an increase in the investigated skill score for temperature and precipitation while minimizing the probability of overfitting.ISSN:1748-9326ISSN:1748-931

    Argument-based assessment of predictive uncertainty of data-driven environmental models

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    © 2020 The Authors Increasing volumes of data allow environmental scientists to use machine learning to construct data-driven models of phenomena. These models can provide decision-relevant predictions, but confident decision-making requires that the involved uncertainties are understood. We argue that existing frameworks for characterizing uncertainties are not appropriate for data-driven models because of their focus on distinct locations of uncertainty. We propose a framework for uncertainty assessment that uses argument analysis to assess the justification of the assumption that the model is fit for the predictive purpose at hand. Its flexibility makes the framework applicable to data-driven models. The framework is illustrated using a case study from environmental science. We show that data-driven models can be subject to substantial second-order uncertainty, i.e., uncertainty in the assessment of the predictive uncertainty, because they are often applied to ill-understood problems. We close by discussing the implications of the predictive uncertainties of data-driven models for decision-making.ISSN:1364-8152ISSN:1873-672

    Waste Management in the Seychelles – Pathways for Systemic Change: USYS TdLab Transdisciplinary Case Study 2018

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    This report is the result of our second transdisciplinary Case Study (tdCS) in the Seychelles. It reflects a continuation of an activity on solid waste management (SWM) in the Seychelles, which we started in 2016. The challenges of SWM have not decreased since then. On the contrary, another 150,000 tonnes of waste have been dumped over the last two years, comprising approximately 40 percent of the capacity of the current landfill, Providence II, Unit 1. Thus, tackling this issue is more pressing than ever. Accordingly, the Transdisciplinarity Lab (TdLab) and the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (MEECC) agreed to a closer study of sorting and waste treatment options

    Understanding and assessing uncertainty of observational climate datasets for model evaluation using ensembles

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    In climate science, observational gridded climate datasets that are based on in situ measurements serve as evidence for scientific claims and they are used to both calibrate and evaluate models. However, datasets only represent selected aspects of the real world, so when they are used for a specific purpose they can be a source of uncertainty. Here, we present a framework for understanding this uncertainty of observational datasets which distinguishes three general sources of uncertainty: (1) uncertainty that arises during the generation of the dataset; (2) uncertainty due to biased samples; and (3) uncertainty that arises due to the choice of abstract properties, such as resolution and metric. Based on this framework, we identify four different types of dataset ensembles—parametric, structural, resampling, and property ensembles—as tools to understand and assess uncertainties arising from the use of datasets for a specific purpose. We advocate for a more systematic generation of dataset ensembles by using these sorts of tools. Finally, we discuss the use of dataset ensembles in climate model evaluation. We argue that a more systematic understanding and assessment of dataset uncertainty is needed to allow for a more reliable uncertainty assessment in the context of model evaluation. The more systematic use of such a framework would be beneficial for both scientific reasoning and scientific policy advice based on climate datasets.ISSN:1757-7780ISSN:1757-779