897 research outputs found

    Modes d’expression du matérialisme dans le Rêve de d’Alembert de Diderot

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    Ce texte est né d’une lecture captivée avant tout par le geste langagier du Rêve de d’Alembert. Au fil d’une analyse du style de Diderot et des procédés d’écriture mis en œuvre dans le Rêve, il m’est devenu de plus en plus évident qu’on ne saurait considérer la « forme » littéraire comme simple enveloppe ou pieuse passeuse du « fond » idéel dans un écrit philosophique si atypique et tant mûri au point de vue de l’intelligence du verbe. Il s’agit donc ci-dessous d’aborder les jeux discursifs de ce dialogue, en tant que tels, comme des actes philosophiques. J’espère ainsi montrer à quel point le matérialisme enchanté de Diderot ne se laisse pas distiller en pures propositions conceptuelles sans perdre par là sa chair et sa vie. Puisse également cet essai avoir été quelque peu contaminé par l’entrain et la jovialité de l’encyclopédiste qui, quand bien même il ne nous gagnerait pas à ses principes, peut toujours nous revivifier dans l’amour de l’invention philosophique

    Performing Authenticity on a Digital Political Stage: Politainment as Interactive Practice and (Populist?) Performance

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    This article investigates the way politicians use social networking sites as effective communication platforms to discursively enhance authenticity, sincerity and (self-)connection to what can be defined as the \u201cPeople\u201d (followers/lurkers/net-users). Within the framework of Social Media Critical Discourse Studies, and using tools coming from Multimodal Discourse Analysis, the paper analyses the multi-semiotic elements used by different political leaders (i.e. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Matteo Salvini), to connect with the \u201cPeople,\u201d and discusses the politainment product as a personalised way to skip the institutional mediation channels of politics

    Framing diversity in teen drama: Streaming series as a case study for social and discursive constructions.

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    Concepts of inclusivity and diversity are socially and discursively constructed through a variety of contexts, including televisual/streaming series. Undoubtedly, televisual/streaming products strongly impact how individuals (especially younger generations; Trudgill 1986, Bednarek 2017) are exposed to and have experience with construed situations, since they broaden the range of different positions in contexts. In fact, certain themes are problematized in dramas and are successively negotiated in dialogues, favoring different viewpoints and attitudes. In ongoing screen interactions, therefore, the audience participates in the enactment and alignment of meanings that challenge the different representations of reality (Dewulf and Bouwen 2012, Bednarek 2018). In the context of the socio-political input that favours inclusivity, this paper investigates the type of diversity that is framed and in what way it is negotiated within fictional interactions in teen drama. The analytical tools of Critical Discourse Studies are combined with the interaction-oriented ones to investigate the discursive strategies of identity constructions in interaction (Stamou 2018). Exchanges from three American teen dramas, representing the audiovisual experience that would best fit the age group of adolescents, are investigated to explore fictionalization within and throughout dialogues, and to study how specific identities are constructed (as in normalized/accepted/rejected), and what discourses are drawn for these constructions. Results show that some differences in how specific (stereotypical) identities are treated occur and that certain exchanges in dialogues strategically sustain, support or reject particular messages about diversity to frame “group identity” meanings

    A Linguistic Analysis of the Online Debate on Vaccines and Use of Fora as Information Stations and Confirmation Niche

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    This study looks at the communication between users concerning health risks, with the aim of exploring their use of fora and assessing whether participants establish a niche with like-minded users during these exchanges. By integrating a corpus linguistic approach with content analysis and multiple studies on computer mediated health discourse, this study analyses the intense attention paid to the correlation between the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism, as an example of elaboration of the message and risk of emotive amplification, with fora working as echo chambers. Results include: a) a qualitative analysis of the content of posts and their qualification, b) a focus on the type of concerns questioners raise, and c) a comparison of the qualifier proportions between the posts and the responses they get. The comparison between posts/responses investigates whether the forum works as an amplification station of emotions, or as a locus to establish a belief niche


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    This capstone project illustrated the implementation of standards-based grading (SBG) in a geometry college preparatory classroom, which allows teachers to report more accurately and effectively students’ successes. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using a four-point achievement scale adapted from the work of Dr. Robert Marzano. By reporting grades based on curriculum standards and content level, grades show students and parents validity in progress on meeting the standards

    Age Related Changes in the Production and Metabolism of Testicular Steroids in the Rat

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    Age-related changes in the production and metabolism of testicular steroids were studied by chronic in vivo hCG stimulation of 4 month (Y) and 18 month ( 0) rats, followed by in vitro hCG stimulation of the chronically stimulated testis tissue. The 0 showed a reduced initial response to hCG with significantly lower levels of T on D1 and D2. Although on D4-D10 the peripheral levels of T were not significantly different in Y and 0, at D1O the Y had returned to basal levels and the 0 were still at 3x basal. The D1O endogenous levels of T were also significantly higher in the 0. In vitro stimulation of the chronically stimulated testis tissue showed both Y and 0 unresponsive to further stimulation, but the 0 produced more T both with and without hCG stimulation. These facts may indicate some failure in the desensitization process in the 0. Another difference between Y and 0 was significantly higher levels of endogenous 20 α hydroxyprogesterone in the o, suggesting possible differences in local control mechanisms. Neither chronic in vivo hCG stimulation nor in vitro aromatization of testosterone (T) to estradiol ( E2) resulted in any significant differences between Y and 0 in production or utilization of estradiol. However, during chronic hCG stimulation there were age-related differences in the ratios of T/E2 suggesting the possibility of an extra-testicular role for E2 in age-related changes. Aromatization of T resulted in lower levels of E1 and of Δ4D in the 0 as compared to the Y. Also, when stimulated with hCG the Y, but not the 0, exhibited a significant decrease in production of Δ4D. Other metabolites of T such as 7α hydroxytestosterone (7 α OHT) and 7 α hydroxyandrostendione (7 α OH Δ 4D) did not show age-related differences. Comparision of the clearance of T in acutely castrated 0 and Y rats showed that the 0 clear T more slowly than the Y. When injected with supraphysiological doses of T, both Y and 0 castratedrats cleared T faster than after acute castration. The 0 still showed slower t 1/2α and t 1/2β after these injections but the amount of T cleared from the blood calculated as MCR ( liters of blood cleared/ kg of body wt/ day) was not significantly different in the Y and 0
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