10 research outputs found

    Multiscale boundary element method for Laplace equation

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    In this paper, the multiscale boundary element method is applied to solve the Laplace equation numerically. The new technique is the coupling of the multiscale technique and the boundary element method in order to speed up the computation. A numerical example is given to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method. The computed numerical solutions by the proposed method will be compared with the solutions obtained by the conventional boundary element method with the help of Fortran compiler. By comparison, results show that the new technique use less iterations to arrive at the solutions

    Intelligent glove for suppression of resting tremor in Parkinson’s disease

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    One of the significant symptoms in Parkinson’s disease is resting tremor. Resting tremor occurs when the muscle is relaxed, causing the limb to shake. Rhythmic muscle movement of the patients commonly happens within the range of 4 Hz to 6 Hz. Thus, reducing this type of tremor will help improve patients’ quality of life. In this paper, to suppress resting tremors, an intelligent glove was designed utilizing the concepts of vibrations and gyro effect. A rotating brass disc attached to the glove creates a gyroscopic effect of the smart glove. Therefore, the disc will do their utmost to stay upright and counter any input forces instantaneously by providing the counterforce. A reduction of more than 50 % with the intelligent glove is also shown

    Exploring the challenges faced by female executives in the Malaysian oil palm plantation industry: a qualitative study

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    Study regarding the life experiences of female executive planters in Malaysia's oil palm plantation sector is sparse. This gap is significant as Malaysia's plantation sector is beginning to hire more female employees, especially at the executive levels such as assistant manager and estate manager posts. Female employees account for 20-25% of the total plantation workforce in Malaysia, according to major palm oil companies. Despite their significant contribution and role in an oil palm plantation, females’ efforts have been overshadowed by their male colleagues. This raises the question of why this situation occurs and how it affects female executive planters in Malaysian oil palm plantations. Hence, this research aimed to establish and assess the individual experiences of female executive planters. The focus will be on the current situation of female executives in the oil palm plantation industry, together with the challenges faced by female executives when working in the oil palm plantation industry. A qualitative study was conducted with eight female executive planters who participate in the oil palm plantation industry in Peninsular Malaysia to identify their life experiences, assess the current situation, and explore the challenges faced working as executive planters in the oil palm plantation industry in Malaysia. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from the participants using the snowball sampling method based on the availability of female executive planters in Peninsular Malaysia. The data were analysed using Thematic Analysis (TA) and categorized into six themes. The analysis revealed that their current situation and challenges were associated with job nature, acceptance, physical work, safety, managing worker, and stereotypes. These findings were expected to have significant information to add to the literature on female roles and their participation in the oil palm plantation industry. Thus, it can help to formulate plans to enhance the situation for the female executive planter in the oil palm plantation industry in the future

    Fuzzy logistic equation by polynomial interpolation

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    The aim of this paper is to study the fuzzy logistic equation. In this paper, the problem of best approximation is considered for fuzzy function, by interpolation to obtain a polynomials. This problem is solved numerically using the extended Runge-Kutta-like fourth order method which use less function evaluations. The extended Runge-kutta-like fourth order method will be briefly described. Polynomial operation with degenerate interpolation will eventually involve Vandermonde matrices. Finally, this paper shows that fuzzy logistic equation gives acceptable result

    The application of fuzzy logistic equations in population growth with parameter estimation via minimization

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    This paper presents a numerical solution for the first order fuzzy logistic equations by extended Runge-Kutta fourth order method with estimated parameters. The parameters are estimated by minimization technique using conjugate gradient approach. Then, the fuzzy logistic model with the estimated parameters is used to fit the population growth in Malaysia. Numerical example is given to show the efficiency of the proposed model

    Smart conveyor/ W. M. W. I. W. Ramli, N. A. Bharu and N. F. Zulkefli

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    The Smart Conveyor is a project of a conveyor application with the adaptation of sensor to make it operate smartly and met the concept of Smart Campus. The Smart Conveyor is going to be mounted at the cafeterias in the campus and college. The function of the smart conveyor is to maximize the efficiency of works in order to ensure the dirty dishes and utensils are managed systematically. Besides that, it is also to keep the cleanliness at the cafeteria so that the students and staff can have their meal comfortably. The main components of the smart conveyor are Arduino UNO, Ultrasonic Sensor, DC motor and L293D IC. Arduino UNO is the core of this project and it is very important to make sure the project can run as expected. If the program gone wrong, it may affect the operation of the motor. The Ultrasonic Sensor is used to detect the plate on the conveyor. When the Ultrasonic Sensor has detected the plate on the conveyor, it will send the signal to the Arduino UNO and the input signal will be send to L293D IC. L293D IC functions as a switch to the circuit to turn on and off the motor. The conveyor will carry the dirty plate from the front of the café straight to the kitchen after someone put the plate on the conveyor. In conclusion, this project will definitely reduce the human’s energy and also will make the work more efficient yet easy from before