19 research outputs found
Health Inequality and Its Determinants in New York
Self-assessed health status conditioned by several objective measures of health and socio-demographic characteristics are used to measure health inequality. We compare the quality of health and health inequality among different racial/ethnic groups as well as across 17 regions in New York State. In terms of average health and health inequality, American Indian/Alaskan Natives and Hispanics are found to be the worst, and North Country, Bronx County, and Richmond County lag behind the rest of the State. Three major contributing factors to health inequality are found to be employment status, education, and income. However, the contribution of each of these determinants varies significantly among racial/ethnic groups as well as across regions, suggesting targeted public health initiatives for vulnerable populations to eliminate overall health disparity.
Health Inequality and Its Determinants in New York
Self-assessed health status conditioned by several objective measures of health and socio-demographic characteristics are used to measure health inequality. We compare the quality of health and health inequality among different racial/ethnic groups as well as across 10 economic development regions in New York State. In terms of average health and health inequality, American Indian/Alaskan Natives and Hispanics are found to be the worst, and North Country and Southern Tier regions lag behind the rest of the State. Three major contributing factors to health inequality are found to be employment status, education, and income. However, the contribution of each of these determinants varies significantly among racial/ethnic groups as well as across regions, suggesting targeted public health initiatives for vulnerable populations to eliminate overall health disparity.
Organizational Agility Maturity Level of State Electricity Company
The turbulent environment and increasingly sophisticated technology force organizations to have the capability to overcome problems and opportunities both in the internal and external environments in a responsive, competent, flexible, fast, and agile manner called agility to increase the organization's competitive advantage. This study aims to determine the maturity level of the state power plant organization's agility. The subjects of this study were 106 employees of PT PLN Persero UIW North Sumatra using simple random sampling. The measuring instrument used in this research is the organizational maturity model. The data obtained were then processed using One-Way Anova analysis. The results show that the maturity level of the country's power generation belongs to level 2: agility transition. At the second level of maturity, the organization is successful in deploying agile values and establishing a suitable technology base in most areas of the organization. This study can be used as a guide for state power plants to see organizational agility maturity level and invest in improving organizational agility in each organizational work area
Implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah pada SD Negeri
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan gambaran implementasi berbasis sekolah di SD. Manajemen berbasis sekolah merupakan salah satu usaha untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses penyusunan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, partisipasi masyarakat dan faktor pendukung dalam pelaksanaan manajemen berbasis sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan manajemen berbasis sekolah di SD dilakukan dengan melibatkan seluruh warga sekolah dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan program sekolah, termasuk orang tua siswa. Sekolah memiliki staf khusus untuk mencatat dan melaporkan keuangan dan aset sekolah. Penerapan manajemen berbasis sekolah dilakukan dengan prinsip kebersamaan, yaitu dengan mendorong guru yang berkompeten untuk melatih guru yang kurang kompeten, menggerakkan kegiatan kewirausahaan sekolah, dan kepala sekolah mengajar guru lain dengan memberikan contoh secara langsung. Dengan demikian, penerapan manajemen berbasis sekolah memerlukan dukungan berbagai pihak untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di sekolah
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok Dinamika pada materi pokok menulis teks eksplanasi terhadap hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan metode diskusi dalam kelompok dinamika tergolong kategori tinggi dengan nilai rata-rata postes (82,25) dan Standar Deviasi 8,72 sedangkan kelas kontrol tergolong kategori sedang dengan nilai rata-rata (70,17) dan Standart deviasi 7,76. Berdasarkan hasil uji stastik t diperoleh thitung = 8,72 dengan  = 0.05 sehingga diperoleh ttabel = 1,99 ternyata thitung ttabel (8,72 1,99) maka dinyatakan Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh metode yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar siswa yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok dinamika pada materi pokok menulis teks eksplanasi siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Angkola Barat.Kata Kunci : Metode Diskusi, Kelompok Dinamika, Teks eksplanasi,                     Hasil BelajarAbstract. This study aims to determine student learning outcomes by using the group discussion method Dynamics on the subject matter of writing explanatory texts on learning outcomes. The results of the study show that the learning outcomes of students who use the discussion method in the dynamics group are classified as high categories with posttest average values (82.25) and Standard Deviations 8.72 while the control class is classified as a moderate category with an average value (70.17) and Standard deviation 7.76. Based on the stastic test results, t is obtained tcount = 8.72 with = 0.05 so that it is obtained t table = 1.99 turns out tcount t table (8.72 1.99) then stated Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Thus it can be stated that there is an Effect Method which is significant towards student learning outcomes taught by using the dynamic group discussion method in the subject matter of writing explanatory texts in class X of SMA Negeri 1 Angkola Barat.Keywords: Discussion Method, Dynamics Group, Explanatory Text,                   Learning Outcome
Budaya marsialap ari yang diharapkan akan membentuk karakter masyarakat mandailing yang memiliki suasana kekeluargaan, kolaborasi, kekompakan, dan semangat berkerja. Melalui pemahaman terhadap budaya marsialap ari maka perkerjaan menjadi mudah, dan pengalaman-pengalamannya dapat direfleksikan. Oleh karena itu, budaya marsialap adanya tindakan yang nyata terhadap pembentukan karakter dan perubahan di masyarakat mandailing. Jika suatu budaya marsialap ari memerlukan usaha mengubah kondisi dan pembentukan karakter, maka dimensi budaya marsialap ari menjadi sangat sentral
Income-related health disparity and its determinants in New York state: racial/ethnic and geographical comparisons
Using self-assessed health status together with several indicators of individual morbidity and socio-demographic characteristics, we study the quality of health and income related health disparity in five racial/ethnic groups as well as across 17 geographic areas of New York State. The American Indian/Alaskan Natives and Hispanics are found to do the worst, whereas, geographically, the North Country in Upstate New York and Bronx County in Downstate score the worst on both counts. Three major contributing factors to
income related health disparity are found to be household income, employment status, and education. However, the contribution of each of these determinants varies significantly among racial/ethnic groups as well as across geographic areas, suggesting targeted public policy initiatives to eliminate health disparity between rich and poor
Idioms are expressions or expressions in terms of terms or phrases which mean they cannot be obtained from literal meaning and from the arrangement of their parts, but have more figurative meaning that can only be known through common usage. The difference in meaning between lexical meanings and special meanings possessed by idioms can be understood, because actually the differences between the two meanings also have relevance or relevance of the meaning of terms used in idioms by looking at words or terms used in idioms. In relation to Idioms, the theory that will be used for this study is "Contextual Theory". In assessing meaning, it is inseparable from the existence of a context or situation or situation. Contextual Theory implies that a word or symbol of speech does not have meaning if it is detached from the context Keywords: idiom, structure and meaning, conceptual model approac
The design of the development of learning methods involves the pattern of organizing elements or components in the curriculum. the development of learning materials listening to correlated core-based learning with the application of listening in action methods seen from two dimensions, namely horizontal and vertical dimensions. The horizontal dimension is related to the compilation of the scope of learning content. This spatial arrangement is often integrated with the learning and teaching process. The vertical dimension concerns the compilation of material sequences based on the order of difficulty. Arranged materials start from the easy ones, then go to the more difficult ones, or start with the basic ones followed by the continuation. This development describes in detail about the components that must be present in each listening learning material that can be used for the learning process. The design of the development of the listening learning material consists of several components, including the objectives of the curriculum, teaching materials or the material or content of the curriculum, teaching strategies or teaching methods, teaching media and teaching evaluation and improving teaching. These components are related to each other in the development of learning materials listening to correlated core-based learning by applying listening in action methods