145 research outputs found

    Relationship Pattern of Fishermen and Employers in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut, Pasir Limau Kapas District Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province

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    This research was conducted at November 2016 in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut district Pasir Limau Kapas, Rokan Hilir regency, Riau province. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship pattern between fisherman and the employer and to know the benefit of this relation. The method that used in this research is qualitative phenomenological method. The informants of this research are twelve fishermen and three employers. So, total of the informants are fifteen people.According to the result of the research, relationship pattern between the fishermen and the employers in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut has some elements, which are work relationship element pattern that happened because of there are activities between fishermen and employers, social relationship element that happened by social interacting in economic relationship and economic relationship element that happened by economic activity and personal relationship element that happened from that social interaction. The benefits to the fishermen are fishing equipment are helped, fishermen daily needs, this relationship give a guarantee (sense of security) to the fishermen in provision of capital and marketing. While, the benefits to the employers are stock of the fish won't stop so that employers economic will stable and employers can monopolize the price of the fish

    Perkembangan Pemberdayaan Pembudidaya Ikan Program Minapolitan di Nagari Taruang-Taruang Kecamatan Rao Kabupaten Pasaman Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Desember 2016 sampai Januari 2017 bertempat di Jorong VI Sorik Nagari Taruang-Taruang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan profil dan kegiatan pada POKDAKAN Tunas Harapan I, dan menganalisis perkembangan pemberdayaan pada POKDAKAN Tunas Harapan I. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Survei. Jumlah responden 12 orang merupakan anggota POKDAKAN Tunas Harapan I. Penentuan responden dilakukan secara teknik sensus. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa POKDAKAN Tunas Harapan I telah berdiri sejak tahun 2013 dengan jumlah anggota 12 orang, merupakan kelompok yang terbentuk dari proses pengembangan kawasan minapolitan. POKDAKAN Tunas Harapan I telah menjalankan aktivitas kelompok. Kegiatan pokok POKDAKAN Tunas harapan I adalah budidaya pembesaran dengan komoditi unggulan yaitu Ikan Mas. Manajemen kelompok telah berjalan sesuai AD/ART yang telah disepakti bersama. Berdasarkan analisis terhadap perkembangan POKDAKAN Tunas harapan I menggunakan VPA (Vectorial Project Analisis). Berdasarkan analisis VPA (vectorial project analysis) pada perkembangan POKDAKAN pada tahun pertama terdapat Perubahan kepada kemandirian pada tahun berikutnya

    The Relationship of Environmental Conditions with Fisherman\u27s Happiness Onlimbunganvillagesubdistrict Rumbai Pesisir Pekanbaru City of Riau Province

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    Research on the Relationship of Environmental Condition With Fisherman\u27s Happiness was held in January 2017 in Limbungan Village, Rumbai Pesisir Sub District, Pekanbaru City, Riau Province. This study aims to determine what factors determine the happiness of fishermen and know the relation of environmental conditions with the happiness of fishermen. The method used in this research is the survey method that is used Spearman Rank and the number of respondents in this study are 30 respondents who processed using SPSS 20 applications.From the results of the research analysis, it was found that the happiness of fishermen in Limbungan Village was influenced by age factor, successful year, number of dependents, income, work experience, housing condition, social relationship, religious activity and security. From several factors, the relationship of environmental conditions with the happiness of fishermen in Limbungan village significant correlated with social relations with the value of rs = 0,393 * and religious activity with value rs = 0,424 *. Values on social relations and religious activities are categorized having a significant relationship will fishman\u27s happinees

    The People Perception on Bisnis of Fish Cultivation in Cages in the Teratak Buluh Village Siak Hulu Subdistrict,kampar,regency of Riau Province

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    This Study was conducted in February 2017,located in The Teratak Buluh village subdistrict Siak Hulu District Kampar Riau Province, The purpose of this study was determine the people perception of fish Farming in cages and determine the people perception of fish farming in cages and determine the people perception of enchancement in come of fish farming in cages.Methods used in research is survey method. The determination of the respondents was connducted by census of 17 people. Analysis of the data used are descriptive analysis.The results of the study explained that the perception of the community on the waters in the Teratak Buluh village that the potential of village waters in good condition for business development. Based on the analysis of the 60% of people assessed well that the potential of waater in The Teratak Buluh village for the development of aquaqulture business. People's perception on fish cultivation in cages 60% have good/positive perception.Based on the perception,the potential of waters in the village of Teratak Buluh supports the development of fish cultivation business in cages

    The Utilization Of Cyber Extension By Fish Farmer In Koto Mesjid Villages Of XIII Koto Kampar Subdistrict Kampar Regency Riau Province

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    This research was conducted in February 2017 in Koto Mesjid Village, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. The selection of the location of this research is done deliberately because the village of Koto Mesjid is an area that most of the fish farmers and almost every house has Wi-Fi access so that this village also bears the title of "Digital Village". This research uses qualitative approach. Informants in this research are the fish farmers in the Koto Mesjid village. The Characteristics of the use of cyber extension on fish farmers in the village of Koto Mesjid can be seen from the age of cultivators that is productive age, the level of higher education and the influence of the surrounding environment. The practice of using cyber extension to fish farmers in Koto Mesjid Village is by inter connecting access, internet calling and chatting. Sources of information obtained from several websites, groups and individuals that can be utilized for fish farming. Utilization of cyber extension on fish farmers in the village of Koto Mesjid can be said to be very useful. This can be seen with the existence of cyber extension, fish farmer become very helpful in finding information that can be applied to the aquaculture fishery activities

    Analysis of Sea Fish Consumer Behavior in Traditional Markets Arengka City of Pekanbaru Riau Province

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    Consumer behavior is learned to know how the behavior and attitude of consumers in buying a product. This research use survey method, interview and field observation then data measured using likert scale. The analysis of this research use correlation to find the relation of characteristic to consumer behavior. Characteristics taken include age (X1), education (X2), income (X3) and number of family members (X4) while consumer behavior such as many purchases of marine fish in one month (Y1), number of deep-sea fish purchases (Y2) and Consumer preference (Y3). The result shows there is a real relationship between the characteristics of consumer behavior such as education (X2) related to the preference (Y3) with a significant level of (0.001), Income (X3) correlates with the preference (Y3) significant level (0.03), the number of family members (X4) is related to many significant purchases (Y1) (0.004) And the number of family members (X4) corresponds to the number of once purchases (Y2) with significant levels (0.004)

    Estimasi Musim Penangkapan Layang (Decapterus Spp) yang Didaratkan di Ppn Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah

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    Estimation fishing season of layang (Decapterus spp) was carried out through data catch of layang from purse seine fishing units landed at PPN Pekalongan. The objectives of the research were to analyze the trend of catch per unit effort of layang (CPUE), to estimate the pattern of fishing season and fishing ground of layang. CPUE analysis was carried out by comparing the catch of fishing effort, the estimated pattern of fishing season was carried out by analysis of time series (moving average), and estimates of the fishing ground by ranking the value of the average monthly trip. During 2004 to 2008, the average CPUE of layang is 13.55 tonnes/trip to the range of 1.37 to 39.60 tons/trip. Fishing season layang is in January, February and May to December, peak season in November and off season in March. Potential fishing ground for catching layang was estimated at Lumu-lumu, South China Sea, Bawean, Matasiri and Karimun-Cirebon

    Ethylenediamine modified rice hull as a sorbent for the removal of Basic Blue 3 and Reactive Orange 16

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    The potential of ethylenediamine modified rice hull to remove both basic and reactive dyes from aqueous solutions was studied. Equilibrium sorption data could be fitted into Langmuir and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller isotherm models. Sorption was enhanced by 4.5- and 2.4-fold for Basic Blue 3 and Reactive Orange 16, respectively, in binary dye solutions compared to single dye solutions. Column studies revealed that breakthrough was bed-depth, flow-rate and influent-concentration dependent. Unusual breakthrough curves were obtained for Reactive Orange 16, with very rapid initial breakthrough followed by complete retention at low flow rate, influent concentration and high bed depth. The breakthrough curves of Basic Blue 3 followed the typical S shape of packed-bed systems. Theoretical breakthrough curves at different bed depths and flow rates generated by the two-parameter mathematical model agreed well with the experimental data of single dye solution of Basic Blue 3

    Rancang Bangun Alat Peringatan Dini Dan Informasi Lokasi Kebakaran Berbasis Arduino Uno

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    Bahaya  kebakaran  adalah  bahaya  yang  diakibatkan  oleh  adanya  ancaman  potensial  dan  derajat terkena  pancaran  api  sejak  dari  awal  terjadi  kebakaran  hingga  penjalaran  api,  asap  dan  gas  yang ditimbulkan. Kebakaran adalah terjadinya api yang tidak dikehendaki. Proses informasi adanya kebakaran pada umumnya masih memakai cara manual, hal ini dilakukan karena belum memanfaatkan kecanggihan teknologi yang sekarang ini sangat berkembang pesat. Informasi kebakaran ini kurang cepat dan tepat khususnya pada satuan pemadam kebakaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang sistem yang dapat digunakan untuk menginformasikan kebakaran dengan cepat beserta informasi lokasi pada tempat terjadinya kebakaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode eksperimen dan perancangan baik dalam pembuatan perangkat keras serta perangkat lunak pendukungnya. Perangkat kerasnya menggunakan sensor api, sensor asap dan sensor suhu, dan menginformasikan melalui modul GSM serta modul GPS untuk membaca koordinat lokasi kebakaran. Hasil dari perancangan alat peringatan dini dan informasi lokasi kebakaran berbasis arduino uno bekerja dengan baik. Pada alat pengirim, saat kondisi ada api, ada asap dan suhu diatas 50 derajat alat mengirimkan sms untuk menyalakan alat penerima dan sms link google maps lokasi kebakaran. Pada alat penerima, saat alat menerima sms dari alat pengirim, alat akan menyalakan buzzer. Alat bekerja sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan dan bisa digunakan untuk mendeteksi adanya kebakaran. Fire hazard is a danger that is caused by the potential threat and the degree of exposure to fire from the start of a fire to the spread of fire, smoke, and the gas it causes. Fire is a fire incident that is not desired. In general, the information process for fires still uses the manual method, this is done because it has not taken advantage of the sophistication of technology which is now very rapidly developing. This fire information is not fast and accurate, especially for fire fighting units. The purpose of this research is to design a system that can be used to quickly inform fires along with location information at the scene of the fire. The method used in this research is the experimental method and design both in hardware and supporting software. The hardware uses fire sensors, smoke sensors, and temperature sensors, and informs via GSM module as well as the GPS module to read the coordinates of the fire location. The results of the design of early warning tools and fire location information based on Arduino Uno worked well. On the sending device, when there is a fire, there is smoke and the temperature is above 50 degrees, the device sends an SMS to the receiving device and the SMS link on the google maps location of the fire. On the receiving device, when the device receives an SMS from the sending device, the device will create a buzzer. The tool works as planned and can be used to check for fires