17 research outputs found

    Performance Comparison of Dispersion Compensation Schemes Using DCF in DWDM Optical Network

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    The dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) system enhances bandwidth capacity for long-haul communications system, but the system performance is affected by a chromatic dispersion especially in the high bitrate communication caused by different refractive index in pulse propagation for optical link. Using the Dispersion compensating fiber (DCF) can compensate for the positive dispersion in the optical link because it has negative dispersion value and can reduce the effect of the chromatic dispersion. We look for the suitable DCF scheme in our DWDM System using 16 channels with bitrate 40 Gbps per channel, channel spacing 200 GHz and optical link length 300 km and discuss the system performance to compensate dispersion in DWDM systems with the optical launch power variation. Based on the result, the system with the symmetrical scheme with optical power launch had the best performance with BER 8.33 × 10-86 and Q-factor 19.572. Optical power launch had the effect to the system performance, the optical power launch 0 dBm in the all DCF scheme was not meet with ITU-T standard for optical link. In sequentially Q-factor of the pre-compensating, post compensating, and symmetrical compensating fiber schemes is 6.007, 6.209, and 6.608 which are not meet the ITU-T standard that Q-factor has to more than 7.20. The increasing optical power launch improved the system performance for all DCF scheme. In sequentially Q-factor of the symmetrical scheme with input power 0 dBm, 2 dBm, 4 dBm, 6 dBm, 8 dBm, and 10 dBm is 6.680, 8.510, 10.724. 13.340, 16.319, 19.572. This work obtains that the system with symmetrical compensating fiber more suitable than pre-compensating fiber and post-compensating fiber and the system with high optical launch power has better performance than low power.The dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) system enhances bandwidth capacity for long-haul communications system, but the system performance is affected by a chromatic dispersion especially in the high bitrate communication caused by different refractive index in pulse propagation for optical link. Using the Dispersion compensating fiber (DCF) can compensate for the positive dispersion in the optical link because it has negative dispersion value and can reduce the effect of the chromatic dispersion. We look for the suitable DCF scheme in our DWDM System using 16 channels with bitrate 40 Gbps per channel, channel spacing 200 GHz and optical link length 300 km and discuss the system performance to compensate dispersion in DWDM systems with the optical launch power variation. Based on the result, the system with the symmetrical scheme with optical power launch had the best performance with BER 8.33 × 10-86 and Q-factor 19.572. Optical power launch had the effect to the system performance, the optical power launch 0 dBm in the all DCF scheme was not meet with ITU-T standard for optical link. In sequentially Q-factor of the pre-compensating, post compensating, and symmetrical compensating fiber schemes is 6.007, 6.209, and 6.608 which are not meet the ITU-T standard that Q-factor has to more than 7.20. The increasing optical power launch improved the system performance for all DCF scheme. In sequentially Q-factor of the symmetrical scheme with input power 0 dBm, 2 dBm, 4 dBm, 6 dBm, 8 dBm, and 10 dBm is 6.680, 8.510, 10.724. 13.340, 16.319, 19.572. This work obtains that the system with symmetrical compensating fiber more suitable than pre-compensating fiber and post-compensating fiber and the system with high optical launch power has better performance than low power

    Performance Analysis of Fetal-Phonocardiogram Signal Denoising Using The Discrete Wavelet Transform

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    The obligation for comprehensive fetal heart rate investigation had driven to improve the passive and non-invasive diagnostic instruments despite the USG or CTG method. Fetal phonocardiography (f-PCG) utilizing the auscultation method met the above criteria, but its interpretation frequently disturbed by the presence of noise. For instance, maternal heart and body organ sounds, fetal movements noise, and ambient noise from the environment where it is recording are the noise that corrupted the f-PCG signal. In this work, the use of discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) to eliminate noise in the f-PCG signal with SNR as the performance parameters observed. It was observing the effect of changes in wavelet type and threshold type on the SNR value. The test was carried out on f-PCG data taken from physio.net. Initial SNR values ranged from -26.7 dB to -4.4 dB; after application of DWT procedure to f-PCG, SNR increased significantly. Based on the test results obtained, wavelet type coif1 with the soft threshold gave the best result with 11.69 dB in SNR value. The coif1 had a superior result than other mother wavelets that use in this work, so the fPCG signal analysis for fetal heart rate investigation suggested to use it.The obligation for comprehensive fetal heart rate investigation had driven to improve the passive and non-invasive diagnostic instruments despite the USG or CTG method. Fetal phonocardiography (f-PCG) utilizing the auscultation method met the above criteria, but its interpretation frequently disturbed by the presence of noise. For instance, maternal heart and body organ sounds, fetal movements noise, and ambient noise from the environment where it is recording are the noise that corrupted the f-PCG signal. In this work, the use of discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) to eliminate noise in the f-PCG signal with SNR as the performance parameters observed. It was observing the effect of changes in wavelet type and threshold type on the SNR value. The test was carried out on f-PCG data taken from physio.net. Initial SNR values ranged from -26.7 dB to -4.4 dB; after application of DWT procedure to f-PCG, SNR increased significantly. Based on the test results obtained, wavelet type coif1 with the soft threshold gave the best result with 11.69 dB in SNR value. The coif1 had a superior result than other mother wavelets that use in this work, so the fPCG signal analysis for fetal heart rate investigation suggested to use it

    Software-based simulation to analyze the variation of digital modulation and atmospheric condition on the free space optic (FSO) link performance

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    Free Space Optic (FSO) is the solution for telecommunications technology that offers high data rates, wide bandwidth, and low power consumption. However, to maximize the performance of the FSO system, the modulation used should be considered in environmental conditions. This study aims to compare the performance of the FSO communication link based on digital modulation variations used in various weather conditions, including sunny, rainy, and foggy weather. This study uses two attenuation models, namely the Kim and Kruse models, with variations in transmission distance from 500 meters to 10 kilometers. Modulation variations used include QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-PSK, and 16-QAM at 10 Gbps bitrate. The simulation is accomplished using OptiSystem 17.0 software. The study results show that sunny weather (very clear) has the best visibility compared to rain and fog conditions with an attenuation value of 0.46 dB/km on the Kim and Kruse models. QPSK modulation has the best performance with a BER value of less than 1x10-12 up to a transmission distance of 8 km in sunny weather, 3 km in rainy weather  (medium rain), and 800 m in foggy (moderate fog) weather. The 8-PSK modulation has a BER value of less than 1x10-12 with a range of 2000 m in sunny weather and 1500 m in rainy weather but does not meet the standards in foggy weather conditions. 16-PSK and 16-QAM modulation have above baseline BER values ​​during rainy and foggy conditions, but 16-QAM modulation still has a BER value of less than 1x10-3 during foggy conditions at a distance of 500 m.Free Space Optic (FSO) merupakan solusi untuk teknologi telekomunikasi yang menyediakan kecepatan data yang tinggi, bandwidth yang lebar dan konsumsi daya yang rendah, Namun untuk memaksimalkan kinerja dari sistem FSO tersebut, modulasi yang digunakan harus diperhatikan dan sesuai dengan kondisi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan kinerja dari link komunikasi FSO berdasarkan variasi modulasi digital yang digunakan dengan berbagai kondisi cuaca meliputi cuaca cerah, hujan dan berkabut. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua model attenuasi yaitu model Kim dan model Kruse dengan variasi jarak transmisi mulai 500 meter hingga 10 kilometer. Variasi modulasi yang digunakan meliputi QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-PSK dan 16-QAM dengan bit rate 10 Gbps.Simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan software Optisystem 17.0. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cuaca cerah memiliki visibilitas yang paling baik dibandingkan dengan kondisi hujan dan kabut dengan nilai atenuasi  sebesar  0,46 dB/km pada model Kim dan model Kruse. Modulasi QPSK memiliki kinerja paling baik dengan nilai BER kurang dari 1x10-12 hingga jarak transmisi 8 km pada cuaca cerah, 3 km pada cuaca hujan dan 800 m pada kondisi cuaca kabut. Modulasi 8-PSK memiliki nilai BER kurang dari 1x10-12 dengan jangkauan jarak 2000 m pada cuaca cerah dan 1500 m pada cuaca hujan namun tidak memenuhi standar pada kondisi cuaca kabut. Modulasi 16-PSK dan 16-QAM memiliki nilai BER yang sangat besar saat kondisi hujan dan berkabut, namun modulasi 16-QAM masih memiliki nilai BER kurang dari 1x10-3 saat  kondisi berkabut pada jarak 500 m

    Optimation Free Space Optic (FSO) Design with Kim Model Using Space Diversity

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    The development of communication services in remote rural areas is difficult to use cable-based systems such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and FTTx. One solution to solve this problem is to use a wireless system such as radio communication. Free Space Optic (FSO) communication system is a better choice compared to radio communication because of the flexibility of frequency usage. One of the problems of the FSO communication system is the range not too far. The range of the FSO can be increased by using the space diversity method. This study compared FSO systems that not use space diversity and FSO systems that use space diversity in three weather conditions, namely clear, haze, and fog. In taking data results using Kim model propagation with variations in the range between 100 – 2000 meters. The modulation used in this study is external modulation. The result of the analysis of FSO performance after adding space diversity, the range of FSO increases as far as 1200 meters when the condition is clear. During the haze condition, the FSO range increase as far as 800 meters. During the fog condition, the FSO range has increased as far as 300 meters. By adding space diversity, the Q-factor value has increased, and BER (Bit Error Rate) has decreased.The development of communication services in remote rural areas is difficult to use cable-based systems such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and FTTx. One solution to solve this problem is to use a wireless system such as radio communication. Free Space Optic (FSO) communication system is a better choice compared to radio communication because of the flexibility of frequency usage. One of the problems of the FSO communication system is the range not too far. The range of the FSO can be increased by using the space diversity method. This study compared FSO systems that not use space diversity and FSO systems that use space diversity in three weather conditions, namely clear, haze, and fog. In taking data results using Kim model propagation with variations in the range between 100 – 2000 meters. The modulation used in this study is external modulation. The result of the analysis of FSO performance after adding space diversity, the range of FSO increases as far as 1200 meters when the condition is clear. During the haze condition, the FSO range increase as far as 800 meters. During the fog condition, the FSO range has increased as far as 300 meters. By adding space diversity, the Q-factor value has increased, and BER (Bit Error Rate) has decreased

    Klasifikasi Sinyal EEG pada Sistem BCI Pergerakan Jari Manusia Menggunakan Convolutional Neural Network

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    Pemanfaatan sistem Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) sebagai penghubung pikiran manusia dengan peralatan eksternal sangat bergantung pada keakuratan pengklasifikasian dan pengidentifikasian sinyal EEG khususnya gerak motor imagery. Kesuksesan deep learning, sebagai contoh Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), dalam proses klasifikasi pada berbagai bidang berpeluang untuk diimplementasikan pada klasifikasi gerak motor imagery. Pengimplementasian CNN untuk klasifikasi sinyal EEG motor imagery (MI-EEG) gerakan jari tangan diperkenalkan dalam tulisan ini. Rancangan sistem klasifikasi terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu convolution layer dan multilayer perceptron yang diimplementasikan menggunakan Python 3.7 dengan library TensorFlow 2.0 (Keras). Pengujian rancangan sistem dilakukan terhadap lima subjek dari data MI-EEG 5F dengan frekuensi pencuplikan 200 Hz. Pengujian melibatkan Kfold-cross validation dan analisis pada confusion matrix. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, peningkatan ukuran kernel menghasilkan peningkatan rata-rata akurasi sistem. Sistem dengan akurasi terbaik diperoleh pada rancangan dengan jumlah kernel 50 sebesar 51,711%. Rancangan sistem menghasilkan kinerja yang melebihi hasil penelitian yang menjadi rujukan utama

    Comparative Analysis of Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) and Raman Optical Amplifier (ROA) in Nonlinear-CWDM System

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    The massive demands for high-rate application drove the telecommunication service to use large bandwidth capacity. The Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM), a common use in Metro-WDM, can be a solution to provide large bandwidth in optical communications. In a communications system, there are attenuation and nonlinear effect decreasing the system performance. In order to overcome the limitation imposed by electrical regeneration to maintain system performance, a means of optical amplification was sought. In this paper presents the comparison of two competing technologies emerged: Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) and Raman Optical Amplifier (ROA) to overcome the attenuation in the nonlinear system. We designed the CWDM system using 8 channels with 20 nm channel spacing and 60 km length. The result was conducted by varying the CW Laser power using -8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, and 6 dBm. Based on the result of the research, raman amplification can maintain the BER and the Q-factor of the CWDM system better than EDFA. In addition, the received power in raman amplification larger than that received in EDFA. In conclusion,a CWDM system using ROA amplifier has better performance for the system than using EDFA amplifier

    Sistem deteksi ketepatan pembacaan surah al-Kautsar berbasis kata menggunakan mel frequency cepstrum coefficient dan cosine similarity

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    In this study, a system has been developed to help detect the accuracy of the reading of the Koran in the Surah Al-Kautsar based on the accuracy of the number and pronunciation of words in one complete surah. This system is very dependent on the accuracy of word segmentation based on envelope signals. The feature extraction method used was Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC), while the Cosine Similarity method was used to detect the accuracy of the reading. From 60 data, 30 data were used for training, while the rest were for testing. From each of the 30 training and test data, 15 data were correct readings, and 15 other data were incorrect readings. System accuracy was measured by word-for-word recognition, which results in 100 % of recall and 98.96 % of precision for the training word data, and 100 % of recall and 99.65 % of precision for the test word data. For the overall reading of the surah, there were 15 correct readings and 14 incorrect readings that were recognized correctly.Dalam penelitian ini telah dibuat sistem bantu untuk mendeteksi ketepatan pembacaan Al-Qur’an pada surah Al-Kautsar berdasarkan ketepatan jumlah dan pelafalan kata dalam satu surah lengkap. Sistem ini sangat tergantung dengan ketepatan segmentasi kata yang berdasarkan envelope sinyal. Metode ekstraksi ciri yang digunakan adalah Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC), sedangkan metode Cosine Similarity digunakan untuk deteksi ketepatan pembacaannya. Dari 60 data, 30 data digunakan untuk pelatihan, sedangkan sisanya untuk pengujian. Dari masing-masing 30 data latih dan uji, 15 data adalah pembacaan benar dan 15 data lain adalah pembacaan salah. Akurasi sistem diukur atas pengenalan kata demi kata, yaitu menghasilkan recall dan presisi 100 % dan 98,96 % untuk data kata latih serta 100 % dan 99,65 % untuk data kata uji. Dalam hal bacaan keseluruhan surah, ada 15 bacaan benar dan 14 bacaan salah yang dikenali dengan tepat

    Analisis Perancangan Jaringan Fiber To The Home Area Jakarta Garden City (Jakarta Timur) dengan Metode Link Power Budget dan Rise Time Budget

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    Peningkatan kebutuhan bandwidth yang lebar dan kecepatan transfer data yang tinggi mendorong pengembangan jaringan berbasis serat optik hingga ke layanan rumahan (Fiber To The Home) seperti kawasan hunian Jakarta Garden City. Perancangan jaringan Fiber To The Home (FTTH) berbasis Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) mengikuti standar ITU-T dengan proses perancangan jaringan menggunakan Google Earth dan OptiSystem kemudian penghitungan link power budget dan rise time budget, dan pengukuran kinerja berdasarkan spektrum sinyal elektrik dan spektrum optik. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan didapatkan nilai link budget rata-rata 22 dBm, margin daya 3 dBm dan rise time budget untuk downstream menggunakan bit rate 2,488 Gbps sebesar 0,27 ns. Upstream menggunakan bit rate 1,244 Gbps sebesar 0,25 ns. RF Spectrum Analyzer dan Optical Spectrum Analyzer menampilkan grafik siyal optik dengan puncak sebesar -19,94 dBm dan grafik sinyal elektrik, nilai sebesar -66,44 dBm. Semua parameter pengukuran menghasilkan nilai yang memenuhi standar jaringan FTTH berdasarkan ITU-T


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    Penggunaan phonocardiogram (PCG) dalam mengekstraksi informasi-informasi secara elektronik membutuhkan analisis sinyal yang kompleks. Namun, PCG memiliki keunggulan bersifat non invasif dan hemat dibandingkan dengan electrocardiogram (EKG). Tujuan penelitian ini mengembangkan sebuah perangkat klasifikasi untuk alat bantu diagnosis berdasarkan metode shorttime fourier transform (STFT) untuk ekstraksi fitur dan support vector machine (SVM) untuk klasifikasi. Kinerja sistem yang telah dirancang menggunakan dataset sekunder, dengan jumlah 2.141 sinyal PCG yang terdiri dari 1958 normal dan 183 abnormal. Pengujian kinerja menggunakan beberapa variasi rancangan, yaitu Hamming, Hanning, dan Blackman window pada STFT dan variasi kernel serta nilai C parameter pada SVM. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian variasi jenis window pada STFT, membuktikan bahwa nilai terbaik didapatkan oleh Hamming window dengan nilai sensitifitas 62.24%, spesitifitas 89.47%, area under ROC curve (AUC) 0.75, serta akurasi sebesar 65.62%. Hasil dari variasi C parameter sebesar 1000 pada proses klasifikasi mendapatkan hasil evaluasi kinerja terbaik pada masing-masing kernel, nilai AUC pada kernel linear sebesar 0.73, 0.78 pada kernel polynomial, dan 0.83 pada kernel radial basis function (RBF). Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa penggunaan Hamming window pada ekstraksi fitur dan nilai C parameter 1000, serta variasi kernel RBF pada klasifikasi sebagai bentuk model terbaik sistem PCG berbasis STFT dan SVM

    Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Pengkodean Kanal Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) dan Return-to-Zero (RZ) pada Rancangan Jaringan Long-haul Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)

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    Abstrak Perkembangan jangkauan dan penggunaan internet mendorong pengembangan penyediaan layanan dengan transmisi data yang cepat dan kapasitas yang besar seperti layanan berbasis serat optik. Jaringan long-haul DWDM sebagai teknologi multipleksing sangat mendukung proses transmisi optik jarak jauh. Performa media transmisi long-haul DWDM membutuhkan teknik pengkodean kanal yang dapat diimplementasikan pada sisi pengirim agar diperoleh sistem yang efisien dalam hal bandwidth transmisi. Dalam komunikasi serat optik terdapat beberapa jenis teknik pengkodean kanal yang umum digunakan seperti non-return-to-zero (NRZ) dan return-to-zero (RZ). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kinerja rancangan sistem dengan variasi teknik pengkodean dengan memberikan variasi daya pancar laser sebesar 0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8 dBm dan variasi jarak sebesar 200, 400, 600, 800, dan 1000 km. Rancangan sistem menggunakan modulasi eksternal dan NRZ atau RZ pada sisi transmitter, serat optik dan penguat EDFA pada media transmisi, dan detektor optik pada sisi receiver. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, tidak semua kanal sesuai dengan hasil Q-factor dan BER berdasarkan standar ITU-T, namun jenis pengkodean kanal NRZ lebih baik digunakan pada jenis jaringan long-haul DWDM. Abstract The increasing of coverage area and demand for internet services are both drive the development of providing services with high bitrate transmission and gigantic capacity, such as fiber optic communication. Long-haul DWDM network as a multiplexing technology is very supportive in the long-distance optical transmission link requiring channel coding which can be implemented in transmitter. There are various types of channel coding used in optical fiber communication, such as non-return-to-zero and return-to-zero. The aims of this work are to compare the system performance with different channel coding in long-haul link using variations of optical power launch with value 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 dBm and variations of length of link with value 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 km. The design system uses external modulation and NRZ or RZ on the transmitter, optical Fiber with EDFA amplifier on the optical transmission, and optical detector on the receiver. Based on the results, there are several channels with the Q-factor and BER that do not meet the ITU standards. In addition, the NRZ channel coding is better used in the long-haul DWDM link