106 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKNama :Teuku ZulfikarFakultas:Kedokteran GigiProgram Studi:Pendidikan Dokteran GigiJudul :Profil Fluor Pada Email Gigi Yang Diaplikasikan Pasta Gigi nano hidroksiapatit.Pasta gigi nano hidroksiapatit yang bersifat nano partikel mengandung fluor yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan remineralisasi dan mempertahankan mineral gigi dari demineralisasi.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana profil fluor pada pasta gigi nano hidroksiapatit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode post test only control group design di mana 16 gigi premoral rahang atas yang sudah diekstraksi, dibagi menjadi empat kelompok dengan larutan yang berbeda. Kelompok pertama menggunakan larutan salin (K+), kelompok kedua menggunakan larutan demineralisasi (K-), kelompok ketiga menggunakan larutan pasta gigi nanohidroksiapatit dengan salin (P1), kelompok ke-empat menggunakan larutan pasta gigi nano hidroksiapatit dengan larutan demineralisasi (P2). Seluruh kelompok disentrifus dengan kecepatan 70 rpm selama 3 menit, kemudian dimasukkan kedalam inkubator dengan suhu 37oC dan diamati setiap 90 menit menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM/EDX). Hasil menunjukkan fluor pada pasta gigi mampu meningkatkan remineralisasi diawal waktu 90 dan 180 menit namun tidak berpengaruh besar dan mampu mempertahankan mineral gigi dari demineralisasi melalui penetralan pH. Pengaruh potensi fluor berhubungan dengan unsur hidrogen yang mempengaruhi fluor dalam pasta gigi.Kata kunci:pasta gigi nano hidroksiapatit, fluor, scanningelectron microscopy-energy dispersive x-ray

    From an Active Learner to a Reflective Practitioner: Learning to Become a Professional Indonesian EFL Instructor

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    For teachers, professional development is a lifelong journey and a complex and multi-dimensional process. Effective professional development requires practitioners to engage not only in training but also in habitual reflection. However, research on reflective learning within the context of Indonesian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching, at both secondary and tertiary levels, is limited. Using the-Self Study, Qualitative Inquiry this article explores my reflective practices in the Indonesian educational context. It is structured around a narration of my roles as an active EFL learner and instructor which have led me to become a reflective practitioner. The article starts with my first contact with English and then goes on to my later learning-teaching experiences. It highlights the process of my reflective learning experience and its influence on my practices as an EFL instructor. In doing so, it aims to encourage similar awareness and reflective professional development in Indonesian EFL teachers. My reflection reveals that learning from experience allows educational practitioners to improve professional competent

    Young Children's Word Awareness Development at Preschool

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    This study describes the children‟s way of developing their word awareness from their teachers and peers at school. The data were obtained from 30 young children, aged 5-6, of a class in a preschool in Banda Aceh. The instruments used to collect data were observations and documents from teachers‟ anecdotal records and children‟s language achievement reports. The observations were conducted for one semester of about 5 months. The results show that the teachers use the motherese register to speak with the children. They speak more slowly, clearly, with a higher pitch, and with exaggerated intonation. Children develop their word awareness from teachers with facilitation from the multimedia, things around them and social environment at the school. These assistances support the children‟s phonological and semantic awareness by highlighting their teachers as models. Meanwhile, the children‟s interaction with their peers tends to produce some errors in words usage and pronunciation. The paper further provides discussions on the results

    Classroom Practice: Applying the Scientific Approach Based on the 2013 Curriculum

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    A peer review article entitled Classroom Practice: Applying the Scientific Approach Based on the 2013 Curriculu

    Analysis of Instructional Questions in an English Textbook for Senior High Schools

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    A peer review article entitled Analysis of Instructional Questions in an English Textbook for Senior High School

    Young Children’s Word Awareness Development at Preschool

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    A peer review on the proceeding article entitled Young Children’s Word Awareness Development at Preschoo

    Peer Review: UpayaMeningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Aceh dan Wi-FI: Menumbuhkan Energi Para Pembelajar

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    A peer review on the book chapte

    The Language of Propaganda in President Bush Jr. Political Speech

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    A peer review on the article entitled The Language of Propaganda in President Bush Jr. Political Speec

    EFL Research: Designs & Thesis Writing

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    The ability to do research and write research report in the academia is important for at least twofold. First, it is important because through which scholars gain understanding or an answer on for some inquiries; it is through research, knowledge is invented and developed. This is because research is defined as an academic way or a scholarly way used by someone to seek for answers (Mackey & Gass, 2005). As research activities guarantee the birth of new knowledge, universities should guarantee that their graduates are well equipped with the ability to do research, and thus knowledge can be preserved and invented. One way to do this is by making it obligatory for students to do research. Second, the obligation to do research and research and to write research report allows students to improve their analytical thinking skill and also their writing skill. These skills are significant in their future professional career. However, most students are still lack of ability to do high quality research; they also find it difficult to write thesis well. This book is published to serve students’ needs in research and thesis writing. Therefore, the book covers definitions of research problems; sources of research problems and statement of research problems. The book also covers methodologies and methods of data collection and analysis. To provide hand-on samples of research report, the book provides samples of thesis, from which students can directly learn and imitate the way other researchers write research reports
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