298 research outputs found

    Continuous Education for All

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    Continuing education that is planned and prepared thoroughly and comprehensively, is rarely done and is well implemented in most developing countries in the world, including Asia and Indonesia, therefore coaching and special attention must be given by each policy-maker and every element of the nation to the field of education, the nature of which is sustainable and comprehensive, so there is no overlap in management and implementation, particularly in the field of education for the benefit of sustainable development. Continuing education must be able to answer the demands of society, the nation and even the country at large, because education is what can be said as a barometer that determines the progress and decline of community life in a nation, which affects the life of the nation and state, if the people of a nation's education level can be aligned to the tertiary level in all elements of national life, then whether it is recognized. It will have a direct impact on the life and welfare of a country. And that prosperous life will help the government to run programs after programs that have been prepared for its people, to achieve certain targets for sustainable development

    The Effectiveness of Early Childhood Teachers

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    The complexity of teaching and the intricacies of the varied early childhood education systems contribute to the multiple considerations regarding development, method of delivery, intended and needed outcomes, and issues and next steps for professional development in early childhood education. There are several promising practices and directions currently underway for professional development and learning. Recommendations from professional organizations as well as emerging research are providing guidance for next steps. They are calling attention to professional learning and effective teachers and their essential role in the children’s high-quality experiences in early care and education settings and in developing early childhood education as a profession. 


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    Bencana yang sering terjadi dan paling banyak merugikan di wilayah Indonesia adalah banjir.Kerugian akibat banjir mencapai dua pertiga dari semua bencana alam yang terjadi. Masalah banjir pada umumnya terjadi akibat adanya interaksi berbagai faktor penyebab, baik yang bersifat alamiah maupun faktor yang diakibatkan kegiatan manusia. Adapun salah satu tindakan manusia yang dapat menyebabkan banjir adalah penggunaan lahan (land-use) yang tidak sesuai. Kondisi penggunaan lahan seringkali masih kurang memperhatikan konservasi tanah dan air, terutama kesesuaiannya terhadap kemampuan dan peruntukan lahan sehingga kemampuan infiltrasi tanah menjadi berkurang yang mengakibatkan nilai limpasan permukaan semakin besar. Pemodelan optimasi guna lahan pada dataran banjir sangat diperlukan untuk memaksimalkan proporsi penggunaan lahan yang sesuai untuk mengendalikan banjir. Pemodelan optimasi guna lahan mancakup 3 (tiga) bagian yaitu model spasial penentuan kawasan banjir, model spasial penentuan peruntukkan lahan dan model hidrologi untuk optimasi guna lahan. Dari pemodelan tersebut maka dapat dihasilkan kawasan rawan banjir, ketidaksesuaian lahan dan luasan lahan yang perlu dikonversi atau direkayasa agar menghasilkan debit yang dapat ditampung oleh sungai. Penggunaan SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis) sebagai alat analisis akan semakin mempermudah dalam mengaplikasikan model yang telah dibuat melalui input data skoring dan pembobotan yang kemudian dilakukan tumpang susun secara sistematis sehingga menghasilkan peta tingkat kerawanan banjir dan arahan peruntukkan lahan. Sedangkan HEC-HMS dan HEC-RAS digunakan untuk menentukan proporsi optimal masing-masing jenis penggunaan lahan sehingga dapat mengendalikan banjir melalui rekayasa guna lahan dengan pertimbangan kawasan rawan banjir dan peruntukkan lahan. Model diaplikasikan di Kota Samarinda, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dikarenakan wilayah Kalimantan merupakan kawasan banjir terluas di Indonesia, sedangkan Kota Samarinda pernah mengalami banjir besar pada tahun 2008 sehingga dianggap dapat mewakili wilayah lain sebagai studi kasus.Dari penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap banjir meliputi ketinggian, kelerengan, curah hujan, jenis tanah, guna lahan , dan zona rawan luapan sungai, dimana ketinggian dan guna lahan memiliki dominasi pengaruh. Ketidaksesuaian guna lahan pada kawasan dengan elevasi tinggi akan semakin meningkatkan kerawanan banjir, karena debit banjir(Q) menjadi lebih besar. Proporsi guna lahan yang optimal pada suatu DAS tidak dapat disamakan antara DAS satu dengan lainnya, karena memiliki keberagaman topografi dan curah hujan. Setiap sub DAS yang memiliki kawasan rawan banjir diprioritaskan untuk memiliki hutan > 10% luas DAS sebagai kawasan resapan. Kata Kunci: banjir, guna lahan, model, perkotaan Disasters that often happen and caused many hazard impacts in Indonesia is flood. The hazard impact can reach two of three from all disaster that happen. Flood problems generally happen caused by interaction of many factor, such as natural and human activity factor. One of human activity that can caused flood is land used that not suitable. The land used condition is often not based on land and water conservation, especially about suitability for land capability, so it caused land infiltration came more less and run off value more increase. Land Used Model on flood land is very important to optimize the land used proportionthat is suitable to control flood. The model has 3 (three) elements, spatial model to determine flood area, hydrologic models to optimized land used, and spatial model to recommended area. GIS are used as analyst tools that will make more easily in applicating model that has madewith scoring and weighted input then overlayed systematically so can produced hazard level of flood area and recommended area. HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS use to optimizedland use proportion that can controlled flood. Model will be applicate in Samarinda City, East Kalimantan Region because of Kalimantan Region is the largest flood area in Indonesia, and Samarinda City has big flood disaster in 2008 so it can representing the other area as case study. From this study, it is known that factors influencing the occurrence of flooding include the altitude, slope, rainfall, the type of soil, land use, and river flood-prone areas, where the altitude and land use have dominant effects. Land use incompatibility in areas with a high altitude will increase vulnerability to flooding, as flood discharge (Q) becomes bigger. The proportion or the optimal land use proportion in a watershed can not be compared one another, because it has different topography and rainfall. Each sub-watershed that has flood-prone areas should have forests by >10% of the area of the watershed as catchment areas. Keywords: flood, land used, model,urba
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