970 research outputs found

    Optimal Site for Proximal Optimization Technique in Complex Coronary Bifurcation Stenting: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study

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    Background/purpose: The optimal position of the balloon distal radio-opaque marker during the post optimization technique (POT) remains debated. We analyzed three potential different balloon positions for the final POT in two different two-stenting techniques, to compare the hemodynamic effects in terms of wall shear stress (WSS) in patients with complex left main (LM) coronary bifurcation. Methods/materials: We reconstructed the patient-specific coronary bifurcation anatomy using the coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) data of 8 consecutive patients (6 males, mean age 68.2± 18.6 years) affected by complex LM bifurcation disease. Subsequently a virtual bench test was performed in each patient using two different double stenting techniques represented by the DK and Nano crush using the reconstruction of Orsiro stents (Biotronik IC, Bulack, Switzerland). Results: A significant reduction in the mean WSS values in all the lesion's sites was observed when the final POT was performed 1 mm distally the carina cut plane in both techniques. Moreover, a significant improvement in the mean WSS values of the entire SB (e.g. LCX) was obtained performing the POT 1 mm distally to the carina cut plane. The proximal POT resulted in larger area of lower WSS values at the carina using both the Nano crush and the DK crush techniques. Conclusions: In patients with complex LM bifurcation disease the use of a final POT performed 1 mm distally to the carina cut plane might results in more favorable WSS patterns (i.e. higher WSS values) along all stented segments and, especially, along the entire LCX lesions

    Biomechanical Evaluation of Different Balloon Positions for Proximal Optimization Technique in Left Main Bifurcation Stenting

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    Background: Proximal optimization technique (POT) is a key step during left main (LM) bifurcation stenting. However, after crossover stenting, the ideal position of POT balloon is unclear. We sought to evaluate the biomechanical impact of different POT balloon positions during LM cross-over stenting procedure. Methods: We reconstructed the patient-specific LM bifurcation anatomy, using coronary computed tomography angiography data of 5 consecutive patients (3 males, mean age 66.3 ± 21.6 years) with complex LM bifurcation disease, defined as Medina 1,1,1, evaluated between 1st January 2018 to 1st June 2018 at our center. Finite element analyses were carried out to virtually perform the stenting procedure. POT was virtually performed in a mid (marker just at the carina cut plane), proximal (distal marker 1 mm before the carina) and distal (distal marker 1 mm after the carina) position in each investigated case. Final left circumflex obstruction (SBO%), strut malapposition, elliptical ratio and stent malapposition were evaluated. Results: The use of both proximal and distal POT resulted in a smaller LM diameter compared to the mid POT. SBO was significantly higher in both proximal and distal configurations compared to mid POT: 38.3 ± 5.1 and 29.3 ± 3.1 versus 18.3 ± 3.6%, respectively. Similarly stent malapposition was higher in both proximal and distal configurations compared to mid POT: 1.3 ± 0.4 and 0.82 ± 1.8 versus 0.78 ± 1.2, respectively. Conclusions: Mid POT offers the best results in terms of LCx opening maintaining slightly smaller but still acceptable LM and LAD diameters compared to alternative POT configuration

    Green chemistry in Brazil

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    The philosophy of green chemistry has been very well received in Latin America's research and development programs. In this review we describe the green chemistry contributions of Brazilian research groups over the last three years.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicada

    Green chemistry in Brazil

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    The philosophy of green chemistry has been very well received in Latin America's research and development programs. In this review we describe the green chemistry contributions of Brazilian research groups over the last three years.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicada

    Efficacy of adalimumab as second-line therapy in a pediatric cohort of crohn’s disease patients who failed infliximab therapy: The Italian society of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition experience

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    Background: Adalimumab (Ada) treatment is an available option for pediatric Crohn’s disease (CD) and the published experience as rescue therapy is limited. Objectives: We investigated Ada efficacy in a retrospective, pediatric CD cohort who had failed previous infliximab treatment, with a minimum follow-up of 6 months. Methods: In this multicenter study, data on demographics, clinical activity, growth, laboratory values (CRP) and adverse events were collected from CD patients during follow-up. Clinical remission (CR) and response were defined with Pediatric CD Activity Index (PCDAI) score ≤10 and a decrease in PCDAI score of ≥12.5 from baseline, respectively. Results: A total of 44 patients were consecutively recruited (mean age 14.8 years): 34 of 44 (77%) had active disease (mean PCDAI score 24.5) at the time of Ada administration, with a mean disease duration of 3.4 (range 0.3–11.2) years. At 6, 12, and 18 months, out of the total of the enrolled population, CR rates were 55%, 78%, and 52%, respectively, with a significant decrease in PCDAI scores (P<0.01) and mean CRP values (mean CRP 5.7 and 2.4 mL/dL, respectively; P<0.01) at the end of follow-up. Steroid-free remission rates, considered as the total number of patients in CR who were not using steroids at the end of this study, were 93%, 95%, and 96% in 44 patients at 6, 12, and 18 months, respectively. No significant differences in growth parameters were detected. In univariate analysis of variables related to Ada efficacy, we found that only a disease duration >2 years was negatively correlated with final PCDAI score (P<0.01). Two serious adverse events were recorded: 1 meningitis and 1 medulloblastoma. Conclusion: Our data confirm Ada efficacy in pediatric patients as second-line biological therapy after infliximab failure. Longer-term prospective data are warranted to define general effectiveness and safety in pediatric CD patients

    Regression and ratio estimators on two occasion.

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    Recent studies in sampling on two occasion have highlighted the preference for regression estimator in terms of precision and for ratio estimators in terms of economic convenience. These conclusions are valid until no cost constraint is considered. In this paper an efficiency comparison for fixed costs is performed: it is shown that artio estimator is always worse than regression estimator even if the efficiency loss is often small

    Passion fruit: a functional food?

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    Este artigo é uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as espécies brasileiras de Passiflora (Passiflora edulis fo. flavicarpa O. Deg., P. alata Curtis e P. edulis fo. edulis). A maioria dos artigos da literatura focaliza somente as folhas de Passiflora, enquanto que esta revisão contém informações sobre a polpa, cascas e sementes dos frutos do maracujá, com destaque para a composição química, estudos nutricionais e farmacológicos. O enfoque nos frutos do maracujá fundamenta-se no amplo consumo do suco de maracujá (fresco ou industrializado) no Brasil e também nas investigações em andamento para avaliar o seu potencial uso como alimento funcional.This paper consists of a bibliographic review of the most relevant edible Brazilian Passiflora species (Passiflora edulis fo. flavicarpa O. Deg., P. alata Curtis and P. edulis fo. edulis). Most of the reports in the literature focus solely on Passiflora leaves, whereas this review contains information about passion fruit pulp, rind and seeds, highlightening chemical composition, nutritional and pharmacological studies. The emphasis on the "maracujá" fruit is due to the extensive consumption of passion fruit juice (fresh or processed) in Brazil and on ongoing investigations into its potential as a functional food.FAPESPCNPqCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES
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