10 research outputs found

    A note on the gap between rank and border rank

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    We study the tensor rank of a certain algebra. As a result we find a sequence of tensors with a large gap between rank and border rank, and thus a counterexample to a conjecture of Rhodes. We also obtain a new lower bound on the tensor rank of powers of the generalized W-state

    Quantum asymptotic spectra of graphs and non-commutative graphs, and quantum Shannon capacities

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    We study quantum versions of the Shannon capacity of graphs and non-commutative graphs. We introduce the asymptotic spectrum of graphs with respect to quantum homomorphisms and entanglement-assisted homomorphisms, and we introduce the asymptotic spectrum of non-commutative graphs with respect to entanglement-assisted homomorphisms. We apply Strassen's spectral theorem (J. Reine Angew. Math., 1988) and obtain dual characterizations of the corresponding Shannon capacities and asymptotic preorders in terms of their asymptotic spectra. This work extends the study of the asymptotic spectrum of graphs initiated by Zuiddam (Combinatorica, 2019) to the quantum d

    On algebraic branching programs of small width

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    In 1979 Valiant showed that the complexity class VP_e of families with polynomially bounded formula size is contained in the class VP_s of families that have algebraic branching programs (ABPs) of polynomially bounded size. Motivated by the problem of separating these classes we study the topological closure VP_e-bar, i.e. the class of polynomials that can be approximated arbitrarily closely by polynomials in VP_e. We describe VP_e-bar with a strikingly simple complete polynomial (in characteristic different from 2) whose recursive definition is similar to the Fibonacci numbers. Further understanding this polynomial seems to be a promising route to new formula lower bounds. Our methods are rooted in the study of ABPs of small constant width. In 1992 Ben-Or and Cleve showed that formula size is polynomially equivalent to width-3 ABP size. We extend their result (in characteristic different from 2) by showing that approximate formula size is polynomially equivalent to approximate width-2 ABP size. This is surprising because in 2011 Allender and Wang gave explicit polynomials that cannot be computed by width-2 ABPs at all! The details of our construction lead to the aforementioned characterization of VP_e-bar. As a natural continuation of this work we prove that the class VNP can be described as the class of families that admit a hypercube summation of polynomially bounded dimension over a product of polynomially many affine linear forms. This gives the first separations of algebraic complexity classes from their nondeterministic analogs

    Quantum asymptotic spectra of graphs and non-commutative graphs, and quantum Shannon capacities

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    We study quantum versions of the Shannon capacity of graphs and non-commutative graphs. We introduce the asymptotic spectrum of graphs with respect to quantum and entanglement-assisted homomorphisms, and we introduce the asymptotic spectrum of non-commutative graphs with respect to entanglement-assisted homomorphisms. We apply Strassen’s spectral theorem (J. Reine Angew. Math., 1988) in order to obtain dual characterizations of the corresponding Shannon capacities and asymptotic preorders in terms of their asymptotic spectra. This work extends the study of the asymptotic spectrum of graphs initiated by Zuiddam (Combinatorica, 2019) to the quantum domain. We then exhibit spectral points in the new quantum asymptotic spectra and discuss their relations with the asymptotic spectrum of graphs. In particular, we prove that the (fractional) real and complex Haemers bounds upper bound the quantum Shannon capacity, which is defined as the regularization of the quantum independence number (Mančinska and Roberson, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 2016), and that the fractional real and complex Haemers bounds are elements in the quantum asymptotic spectrum of graphs. This is in contrast to the Haemers bounds defined over certain finite fields, which can be strictly smaller than the quantum Shannon capacity. Moreover, since the Haemers bound can be strictly smaller than the Lovász theta function (Haemers, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 1979), we find that the quantum Shannon capacity and the Lovász theta function do not coincide. As a consequence, two well-known conjectures in quantum information theory, namely: 1) the entanglement-assisted zero-error capacity of a classical channel is equal to the Lovász theta function and 2) maximally entangled states and projective measurements are sufficient to achieve the entanglement-assisted zero-error capacity, cannot both be true

    Discreteness of asymptotic tensor ranks

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    Tensor parameters that are amortized or regularized over large tensor powers, often called "asymptotic" tensor parameters, play a central role in several areas including algebraic complexity theory (constructing fast matrix multiplication algorithms), quantum information (entanglement cost and distillable entanglement), and additive combinatorics (bounds on cap sets, sunflower-free sets, etc.). Examples are the asymptotic tensor rank, asymptotic slice rank and asymptotic subrank. Recent works (Costa-Dalai, Blatter-Draisma-Rupniewski, Christandl-Gesmundo-Zuiddam) have investigated notions of discreteness (no accumulation points) or "gaps" in the values of such tensor parameters. We prove a general discreteness theorem for asymptotic tensor parameters of order-three tensors and use this to prove that (1) over any finite field (and in fact any finite set of coefficients in any field), the asymptotic subrank and the asymptotic slice rank have no accumulation points, and (2) over the complex numbers, the asymptotic slice rank has no accumulation points. Central to our approach are two new general lower bounds on the asymptotic subrank of tensors, which measures how much a tensor can be diagonalized. The first lower bound says that the asymptotic subrank of any concise three-tensor is at least the cube-root of the smallest dimension. The second lower bound says that any concise three-tensor that is "narrow enough" (has one dimension much smaller than the other two) has maximal asymptotic subrank. Our proofs rely on new lower bounds on the maximum rank in matrix subspaces that are obtained by slicing a three-tensor in the three different directions. We prove that for any concise tensor, the product of any two such maximum ranks must be large, and as a consequence there are always two distinct directions with large max-rank

    Tensor surgery and tensor rank

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    We introduce a method for transforming low-order tensors into higher-order tensors and apply it to tensors defined by graphs and hypergraphs. The transformation proceeds according to a surgery-like procedure that splits vertices, creates and absorbs virtual edges and inserts new vertices and edges. We show that tensor surgery is capable of preserving the low rank structure of an initial tensor decomposition and thus allows to prove nontrivial upper bounds on tensor rank, border rank and asymptotic rank of the final tensors. We illustrate our method with a number of examples. Tensor surgery on the triangle graph, which corresponds to the matrix multiplication tensor, leads to nontrivial rank upper bounds for all odd cycle graphs, which correspond to the tensors of iterated matrix multiplication. In the asymptotic setting we obtain upper bounds in terms of the matrix multiplication exponent ω\omega and the rectangular matrix multiplication parameter α\alpha. These bounds are optimal if ω\omega equals two. We also give examples that illustrate that tensor surgery on general graphs might involve the absorption of virtual hyperedges and we provide an example of tensor surgery on a hypergraph. In the context of quantum information theory, our results may be interpreted as upper bounds on the number of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states needed in order to create a network of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen states by stochastic local operations and classical communication. They also imply new upper bounds on the nondeterministic quantum communication complexity of the equality problem when played among pairs of players

    A gap in the subrank of tensors

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    The subrank of tensors is a measure of how much a tensor can be “diagonalized." This parameter was introduced by Strassen to study fast matrix multiplication algorithms in algebraic complexity theory and is closely related to many central tensor parameters (e.g., slice rank, partition rank, analytic rank, geometric rank, G-stable rank) and problems in combinatorics, computer science, and quantum information theory. Strassen [J. Reine Angew. Math., 375–376 (1988), pp. 406–443] proved that there is a gap in the subrank when taking large powers under the tensor product: either the subrank of all powers is at most one, or it grows as a power of a constant strictly larger than one. In this paper, we precisely determine this constant for tensors of any order. Additionally, for tensors of order three, we prove that there is a second gap in the possible rates of growth. Our results strengthen the recent work of Costa and Dalai [J. Combin. Theory, Ser. A, 177 (2021), 105335] who proved a similar gap for the slice rank. Our theorem on the subrank has wider applications by implying such gaps not only for the slice rank, but for any “normalized monotone." In order to prove the main result, we characterize when a tensor has a very structured tensor (the W-tensor) in its orbit closure. Our methods include degenerations in Grassmanians, which may be of independent interest

    Asymptotic tensor rank of graph tensors: beyond matrix multiplication

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    We present an upper bound on the exponent of the asymptotic behaviour of the tensor rank of a family of tensors defined by the complete graph on kk vertices. For k≥4k\geq4, we show that the exponent per edge is at most 0.77, outperforming the best known upper bound on the exponent per edge for matrix multiplication (k=3k=3), which is approximately 0.79. We raise the question whether for some kk the exponent per edge can be below 2/32/3, i.e. can outperform matrix multiplication even if the matrix multiplication exponent equals 2. In order to obtain our results, we generalise to higher order tensors a result by Strassen on the asymptotic subrank of tight tensors and a result by Coppersmith and Winograd on the asymptotic rank of matrix multiplication. Our results have applications in entanglement theory and communication complexity

    Tensor rank is not multiplicative under the tensor product

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    The tensor rank of a tensor is the smallest number r such that the tensor can be decomposed as a sum of r simple tensors. Let s be a k-tensor and let t be an l-tensor. The tensor product of s and t is a (k + l)-tensor (not to be confused with the "tensor Kronecker product" used in algebraic complexity theory, which multiplies two k-tensors to get a k-tensor). Tensor rank is sub-multiplicative under the tensor product. We revisit the connection between restrictions and degenerations. It is well-known that tensor rank is not in general multiplicative under the tensor Kronecker product. A result of our study is that tensor rank is also not in general multiplicative under the tensor product. This answers a question of Draisma and Saptharishi. It remains an open question whether border rank and asymptotic rank are multiplicative under the tensor product. Interestingly, all lower bounds on border rank obtained from Young flattenings are multiplicative under the tensor product