40 research outputs found

    Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 in human disease

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    Les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) demeurent au tournant de ce siĂšcle la principale cause de mortalitĂ© dans le monde. Parmi les facteurs de risque, l’hypercholestĂ©rolĂ©mie et l’obĂ©sitĂ© abdominale sont directement liĂ©es au dĂ©veloppement prĂ©coce de l’athĂ©rosclĂ©rose. L’hypercholestĂ©rolĂ©mie familiale, communĂ©ment associĂ©e Ă  une dĂ©ficience des rĂ©cepteurs des lipoprotĂ©ines de basse densitĂ© (LDLR), est connue comme cause de maladie prĂ©coce d’athĂ©rosclĂ©rose et de calcification aortique chez l’humain. La subtilisine convertase proprotĂ©ine/kexine du type 9 (PCSK9), membre de la famille des proprotĂ©ines convertases, est trouvĂ©e indirectement associĂ©e aux MCV par son implication dans la dĂ©gradation du LDLR. Chez l'humain, des mutations du gĂšne PCSK9 conduisent soit Ă  une hypercholestĂ©rolĂ©mie familiale, soit Ă  une hypocholestĂ©rolĂ©mie, selon que la mutation entraĂźne un gain ou une perte de fonction, respectivement. Il demeure incertain si les individus porteurs de mutations causant un gain de fonction de la PCSK9 dĂ©velopperont une calcification aortique ou si des mutations entraĂźnant une perte de fonction provoqueront une obĂ©sitĂ© abdominale. Dans cette Ă©tude, nous avons examinĂ© : 1) l’effet d’une surexpression de PCSK9 dans le foie de souris sur la calcification aortique ; 2) les consĂ©quences d’une dĂ©ficience en PCSK9 (Pcsk9 KO), mimant une inhibition pharmacologique, sur le tissu graisseux. Nous avons utilisĂ© un modĂšle de souris transgĂ©nique (Tg) surexprimant le cDNA de PCSK9 de souris dans les hĂ©patocytes de souris et dĂ©montrons par tomographie calculĂ©e qu’une calcification survient de façon moins Ă©tendue chez les souris PCSK9 Tg que chez les souris dĂ©ficientes en LDLR. Alors que le PCSK9 Tg et la dĂ©ficience en LDLR causaient tous deux une hypercholestĂ©rolĂ©mie familiale, les niveaux seuls de cholestĂ©rol circulant ne parvenaient pas Ă  prĂ©dire le degrĂ© de calcification aortique. Dans une seconde Ă©tude, nous utilisions des souris gĂ©nĂ©tiquement manipulĂ©es dĂ©pourvues de PSCK9 et dĂ©montrons que l’accumulation de graisses viscĂ©rales (adipogenĂšse) apparaĂźt rĂ©gulĂ©e par la PCSK9 circulante. Ainsi, en l’absence de PCSK9, l’adipogenĂšse viscĂ©rale augmente vraisemblablement par rĂ©gulation post-traductionnelle des rĂ©cepteurs Ă  lipoprotĂ©ines de trĂšs basse densitĂ© (VLDLR) dans le tissu adipeux. Ces deux modĂšles mettent en Ă©vidence un Ă©quilibre dynamique de la PCSK9 dans des voies mĂ©taboliques diffĂ©rentes, rĂ©alisant un Ă©lĂ©ment clĂ© dans la santĂ© cardiovasculaire. Par consĂ©quent, les essais d’investigations et d’altĂ©rations biologiques de la PCSK9 devraient ĂȘtre pris en compte dans un modĂšle animal valide utilisant une mĂ©thode sensible et en portant une attention prudente aux effets secondaires de toute intervention.Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the 21st century. Among risk factors, hypercholesterolemia and abdominal obesity are directly linked to premature development of atherosclerosis. Familial hypercholesterolemia, commonly due to low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) deficiency, is known to cause premature atherosclerosis and aortic calcification in humans. Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 (PCSK9), a member of the proprotein convertase family, is indirectly associated with CVD through enhanced LDLR degradation. Mutations in the human PCSK9 gene lead to either familial hypercholesterolemia or hypocholesterolemia, depending on whether the mutation causes a gain or a loss of function, respectively. It is uncertain if individuals carrying mutations causing a gain-of-function of PCSK9 will develop aortic calcification or whether loss-of-function mutations will lead to abdominal obesity. In this thesis, we investigated: 1) the effect of PCSK9 overexpression on aortic calcification; 2) the consequences of PSCK9 deficiency, mimicking pharmacological inhibition of PCSK9 on fat tissue. We employed a transgenic (Tg) mouse model overexpressing mouse PCSK9 and illustrated by micro-computerized tomography that calcification occurs to a lesser extent in PCSK9 Tg mice than in LDLR-deficient mice. While both PCSK9 Tg and LDLR deficiency caused familial hypercholesterolemia, circulating cholesterol levels alone could not dictate the degree of aortic calcification. In another study, we used genetically modified mice lacking PCSK9 and demonstrated that visceral fat accumulation (adipogenesis) is regulated by circulating PCSK9. Thus in the absence of PCSK9, visceral adipogenesis increases likely via post-translational regulation of very-low-density lipoproteins receptors (VLDLR) in the adipose tissue. In conclusion, these two studies highlight the dynamic balance of PCSK9 in different metabolic pathways, making it a key element in cardiovascular health. Consequently, attempts to survey and/or alter PCSK9 biology should be performed in a valid animal model using sensitive methods and with careful attention to side effects of any given intervention

    Prevention of Cardiometabolic Disease in Familial Hypercholesterolemia

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    L’hypercholestĂ©rolĂ©mie familiale (FH) est un dĂ©sordre lipidique associĂ© aux maladies cardiovasculaires les plus frĂ©quentes. La FH est causĂ©e par des mutations dans les gĂšnes LDLR, APOB et PCSK9. Toutefois, chez 20% des patients souffrant de FH, aucune mutation dans ces gĂšnes n'a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©e et ceci suggĂšre que d’autres gĂšnes seraient Ă  l’origine de la FH. Actuellement, le seul traitement de la FH est une thĂ©rapie aux statines. En gĂ©nĂ©ral les statines sont bien tolĂ©rĂ©es, cependant, une monothĂ©rapie ne permet pas d’atteindre des niveaux thĂ©rapeutiques acceptables et dans bien des cas, une thĂ©rapie combinĂ©e devient nĂ©cessaire. De plus, l’intolĂ©rance aux statines est prĂ©sente dans environ 12% des patients. Dans les trois derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, la survie des patients avec la FH a augmentĂ©e de façon notoire mais on observe aussi l’apparition d’une calcification vasculaire sĂ©vĂšre chez certains d’entre eux. Il est donc primordial de dĂ©velopper des nouvelles approches thĂ©rapeutiques afin de prĂ©venir ces complications tardives. Dans cette thĂšse doctorat, nous prĂ©sentons l’étude d’une famille avec un phĂ©notype de FH sĂ©vĂšre non causĂ© par des mutations dans les gĂšnes LDLR, APOB et PCSK9. Par des Ă©tudes biochimiques et par sĂ©quençage d’ADN utilisant les technologies de nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration (NextGenSeq), nous avons dĂ©couvert une mutation dans le gĂšne de l’APOE (Leu167del). Ceci nous permet de proposer le gĂšne codant pour l’APOE comme le 4e locus responsable de la FH (FH4). Par la suite, nous avons effectuĂ© deux Ă©tudes de cohortes chez les patients atteints de FH. PremiĂšrement, dans l’étude JUPITER, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que la rosuvastatin augmente les niveaux sanguins de la protĂ©ine PCSK9 et ceci limiterait l’efficacitĂ© du traitement aux statines. Nous avons aussi Ă©tudiĂ© l’influence du mutant naturel R46L (perte de fonction de la PCSK9) dans la rĂ©ponse aux statines. DeuxiĂšmement, nous avons examinĂ© les effets de la perte de fonction de la PCSK9 sur le profil cardiomĂ©tabolique au sein d’une population pĂ©diatrique. Nous avons dĂ©terminĂ© que le gĂ©notype de l’APOE est dĂ©terminant dans ce profil cardiomĂ©tabolique. Enfin, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© la calcification vasculaire chez les patients atteints de FH. Cette calcification vasculaire progresse de façon indĂ©pendante des niveaux de cholestĂ©rol sĂ©rique et n’est pas associĂ©e aux anomalies de l’homĂ©ostasie du calcium. En utilisant des modĂšles murins, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que les souris Ldlr-/- et Tg(Pcsk9) dĂ©veloppent des calcifications vasculaires semblables Ă  celles observĂ©es chez l’homme. De plus, nous avons confirmĂ© l’implication de la voie de signalisation LRP5/Wnt dans la pathophysiologie de la calcification artĂ©rielle. Avec une Ă©tude interventionnelle, nous avons trouvĂ© que l’inhibition de l’interleukine 1ÎČ (IL-1ÎČ) diminue fortement l’apparition de calcifications vasculaire dans notre modĂšle murin. En conclusion, nos Ă©tudes ont permis l’identification d’un nouveau gĂšne impliquĂ© dans la FH, ont dĂ©montrĂ© aussi que les statines augmentent les niveaux sĂ©riques de PCSK9 et que la perte de fonction de la PCSK9 altĂšre le profil cardiomĂ©tabolique. Enfin, nous avons Ă©tabli que la calcification vasculaire reprĂ©sente une complication tardive chez les patients atteints de FH et que, dans notre modĂšle murin, la calcification vasculaire peut ĂȘtre retardĂ©e par l’inhibition d’IL-1ÎČ. Ces dĂ©couvertes peuvent avoir d’importantes rĂ©percussions cliniques chez l’humain.Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) is the most common lipoprotein disorder associated with premature cardiovascular disease. Mutations in the LDLR, APOB and PCSK9 genes cause the FH phenotype, but in 20% of FH patients, no mutations in these genes are identified, suggesting that mutations in other genes cause FH. Treatment with statins has been the cornerstone of therapy. While statins are generally well tolerated, statin intolerance is found in approximately 12% of patients. Furthermore, statin use may not allow reaching LDL-C goals and combination therapy is often required. Nevertheless, survival of FH patients over the past 3 decades has improved significantly. As FH patients live longer, severe vascular calcifications have been described as a late complication in these patients. Given the increased survival rate and late complications, novel approaches and therapies are needed. In the present thesis we examined a kindred with a severe FH phenotype, where sequencing of candidate genes failed to identify a causal mutation. Through biochemical analysis and next-generation exome sequencing we report a mutation (Leu167del) within the APOE gene that identifies the 4th locus causing FH (FH4). Next, we performed two cohort-based studies. Firstly, in the JUPITER trial we report that 20mg rosuvastatin treatment increases PCSK9 levels by 30%, thereby possibly limiting the efficacy of statin therapy. Then we show the effect of a loss-of-function (LOF) mutation of PCSK9, p.R46L, on the response to rosuvastatin. Secondly, we report that two PCSK9 gene variants, p.R46L and insLEU, were more frequent in French Canadian individuals. We also report that the APOE genotype determine the metabolic risk profile in these mutations. Finally, we studied vascular calcifications in FH individuals. These calcifications appear to progress independently of cholesterol levels and are not associated with disturbances in calcium homeostasis. Using mouse models, we show that Ldlr-/- and Tg(Pcsk9) mice develop aortic calcifications similar to that observed in humans. Furthermore, the involvement of the LRP5/Wnt pathway in the pathogenesis of calcification is illustrated. In a proof-of-concept experiment, inhibiting the upstream pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1ÎČ attenuates calcification in mice. In conclusion, we have contributed to the identification of a novel locus responsible for FH, reported the increase in PCSK9 levels with a statins treatment and the associated altered cardiometabolic profile in PCSK9 LOF. Finally, we demonstrated that vascular calcifications represent a severe complication of FH that can be prevented by inhibiting IL-1ÎČ in a mouse model. The latter novel approach may have an important translational application in human

    Exome Sequencing in Suspected Monogenic Dyslipidemias

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: -Exome sequencing is a promising tool for gene mapping in Mendelian disorders. We utilized this technique in an attempt to identify novel genes underlying monogenic dyslipidemias. METHODS AND RESULTS: -We performed exome sequencing on 213 selected family members from 41 kindreds with suspected Mendelian inheritance of extreme levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (after candidate gene sequencing excluded known genetic causes for high LDL cholesterol families) or high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. We used standard analytic approaches to identify candidate variants and also assigned a polygenic score to each individual in order to account for their burden of common genetic variants known to influence lipid levels. In nine families, we identified likely pathogenic variants in known lipid genes (ABCA1, APOB, APOE, LDLR, LIPA, and PCSK9); however, we were unable to identify obvious genetic etiologies in the remaining 32 families despite follow-up analyses. We identified three factors that limited novel gene discovery: (1) imperfect sequencing coverage across the exome hid potentially causal variants; (2) large numbers of shared rare alleles within families obfuscated causal variant identification; and (3) individuals from 15% of families carried a significant burden of common lipid-related alleles, suggesting complex inheritance can masquerade as monogenic disease. CONCLUSIONS: -We identified the genetic basis of disease in nine of 41 families; however, none of these represented novel gene discoveries. Our results highlight the promise and limitations of exome sequencing as a discovery technique in suspected monogenic dyslipidemias. Considering the confounders identified may inform the design of future exome sequencing studies

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    A novel equation for the estimation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the Saudi Arabian population: a derivation and validation study

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    Abstract Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) is typically estimated by the Friedewald equation to guide atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) management despite its flaws. Martin–Hopkins and Sampson-NIH equations were shown to outperform Friedewald’s in various populations. Our aim was to derive a novel equation for accurate LDL-C estimation in Saudi Arabians and to compare it to Friedewald, Martin–Hopkins and Sampson-NIH equations. This is a cross-sectional study on 2245 subjects who were allocated to 2 cohorts; a derivation (1) and a validation cohort (2). Cohort 1 was analyzed in a multiple regression model to derive an equation (equationD) for estimating LDL-C. The agreement between the measured (LDL-CDM) and calculated levels was tested by Bland–Altman analysis, and the biases by absolute error values. Validation of the derived equation was carried out across LDL-C and triglyceride (TG)-stratified groups. The mean LDL-CDM was 3.10 ± 1.07 and 3.09 ± 1.06 mmol/L in cohorts 1 and 2, respectively. The derived equation is: LDL-CD = 0.224 + (TC × 0.919) – (HDL-C × 0.904) – (TG × 0.236) – (age × 0.001) – 0.024. In cohort 2, the mean LDL-C (mmol/L) was estimated as 3.09 ± 1.06 by equationD, 2.85 ± 1.12 by Friedewald, 2.95 ± 1.09 by Martin–Hopkins, and 2.93 ± 1.11 by Sampson-NIH equations; statistically significant differences between direct and calculated LDL-C was observed with the later three equations (P < 0.001). Bland–Altman analysis showed the lowest bias (0.001 mmol/L) with equationD as compared to 0.24, 0.15, and 0.17 mmol/L with Friedewald, Martin–Hopkins, and Sampson-NIH equations, respectively. The absolute errors in all guideline-stratified LDL-C categories was the lowest with equationD, which also showed the best classifier of LDL-C according to guidelines. Moreover, equationD predicted LDL-C levels with the lowest error with TG levels up to 5.63 mmol/L. EquationD topped the other equations in estimating LDL-C in Saudi Arabians as it could permit better estimation when LDL-C is < 2.4 mmol/L, in familial hyperlipidemia, and in hypertriglyceridemia, which improves cardiovascular outcomes in high-risk patients. We recommend further research to validate equationD in a larger dataset and in other populations

    Inhibition of Interleukin-1ÎČ by a Monoclonal Antibody Therapy Reduces Vascular Calcification in Ldlr-/- Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) develop extensive aortic calcification and calcific aortic stenosis. While statins delay this process, LDL-cholesterol lowering alone is not enough to avert it. Recently aortic calcification was reproduced in two animal models, LDL-receptor-deficient (Ldlr-/-) and LDL-receptor-attenuated Tg(Pcsk9) mice. We hypothesized that vascular inflammation initiated by hypercholesterolemia is followed by unchecked mineralization at sites of atherosclerotic plaques and given the link between cholesterol and activation of inflammation via interleukin-1ÎČ we thus test the effects of IL-1ÎČ inhibition on vascular calcification. METHODS: A mouse monoclonal antibody (mAB) against IL-1ÎČ or (saline) placebo was administered subcutaneously to Ldlr-/- and Tg(Pcsk9) mice (n=58) fed a Western diet. Anthropometric, lipid and glucose profiles were determined. PCSK9, SAA-1 and cytokine expression were measured by ELISA. Aortic calcification was determined by micro-CT and x-ray densitometry while aortic flow velocity was assessed by ultrasound. RESULTS: Circulating levels of IL-1ÎČ in Ldlr-/- mice were twice that observed in Tg(Pcsk9) mice. Anti-IL-1ÎČ mAb-treated and placebo-treated mice did not differ in their growth characteristics, lipid or glucose profiles in both models, while mAb-treated mice had lower SAA1 levels. Aortic calcifications was markedly attenuated by anti-IL-1ÎČ mAb in Ldlr-/- (a significant reduction 75% by X-ray and 96.3% by micro-CT) than seen with Tg(Pcsk9) mice. However aortic flow velocities were unchanged in both models. CONCLUSIONS: Herein we demonstrated that aortic calcifications can be inhibited by anti-IL-1ÎČ mAb in the LDL-receptor deficient mice. These results have a translational application by preventing vascular calcification in human

    Integrating an interprofessional education initiative: Evidence from King Abdulaziz University

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    <p><b>Purpose:</b> This paper examines current issues with interprofessional education (IPE) at King Abdulaziz University (KAU) and discusses initiatives for integrating IPE into the medical curricula at KAU.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> We reviewed the current body of literature, studied reports from IPE conferences and workshops organized at KAU, and synthesized participants' feedback from the IPE programs, including an online survey.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> A total of 506 participants responded to the online survey. Respondents rated Interprofessional Collaborative Learning as the highest category of IPE, followed by Interprofessional Self-Improvement and Interprofessional Relationship. A hybrid conceptual framework is proposed, to tackle the issue of role clarification across all healthcare colleges at KAU. This proposition was found to be necessary due to the current state of the undergraduate curriculum which does not prepare students properly for professional collaboration.</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> The hybrid model may narrow the gap in IPE by emphasizing professional identity while reducing autonomy. Recommendations toward IPE are presented. Challenges toward IPE reform are discussed in the context of implementation at KAU and at other medical schools in the region.</p

    Severe hyperhomocysteinemia due to cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency, and Factor V Leiden mutation in a patient with recurrent venous thrombosis

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    Homocysteine is an amino acid that is toxic to vascular endothelial cells, and plasma elevations have been associatedwith venous thromboembolism. Severe hyperhomocysteinemia (>100 ÎŒmol/L) may result from mutations in the genescoding for enzymes in the trans-sulfuration or the folate/vitamin B12-dependent re-methylation pathways. Here, wereport the case of a young woman with severe, recurrent thrombo-embolic events associated with severehyperhomocysteinemia (111 ÎŒmol/L). We identified a homozygous mutation in the cystathionine ÎČ -synthase gene(p.I278T) and the presence of the Factor V Leiden mutation. Family study shows segregation of elevated homocysteinein heterozygous relatives for the mutation in the cystathionine ÎČ -synthase gene. Management consisted ofanticoagulation with warfarin and supplementation with folate, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B12. After twelveyears of follow-up, plasma homocysteine levels remain in the moderate range (~20 ÎŒmol/L, reference range 8-12 ÎŒmol/L)and no further thromboembolic events were identified

    Patterns of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3, Calcium Status, and Anemia in the Saudi Population: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Emerging evidence suggests an intricate relationship between vitamin D, Ca2+, and inflammation-driven anemia. We, thus, investigated the patterns of serum 25(OH)D3, Ca2+, ferritin, and iron in healthy and anemic members of the Saudi population. Methods: A population-based, retrospective, cross-sectional study was designed to analyze data for 14,229 subjects, aged 3–110 years, obtained from Al-Borg Medical Laboratories, over a six-year period (2014–2020). Gender and age differences were analyzed for 25(OH)D3, Ca2+, hemoglobin, ferritin, and iron. Results: Vitamin D deficiency was extremely prevalent (98.47%) irrespective of age or gender, despite an increasing trend with age, in clear contrast to serum Ca2+. Ferritin was significantly lower in young adult and adult females, compared to elderly females, whereas iron was significantly reduced in females; in particular, adult females compared to young adults or elderly adults. Only anemic adult males had significantly lower 25(OH)D3, while Ca2+ was consistently significantly diminished in anemics of all age groups, independent of gender. Notably, hypocalcemic subjects were 2.36 times more likely to be anemic. Moreover, ferritin, but not iron, was significantly diminished in anemics, which was only evident in young adults and adults. However, both ferritin and iron showed positive correlation with hematocrit, hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC, and MCV. Conclusions: Despite being significantly lower in anemics, 25(OH)D3 is not particularly associated with anemia, while hypocalcemia is associated with an increased risk for anemia. Assessment of vitamin D and Ca2+ status may be valuable in the clinical management of anemia in the Saudi population