4 research outputs found

    Implementation of Big Data Information System Using Open-Source Metabase for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Data Visualization in Surabaya

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    Civil registration involves the mandatory and continuous documentation of important life events of a country's population under local legal requirements. In many countries, these documents are required to access government services such as education, healthcare, social services, formal employment, insurance benefits, and inheritance rights. Indonesia should prioritize building a comprehensive Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) using a big data information system to ensure every individual has a legal identity, can access government services, and collect accurate and reliable statistics on vital events through geospatial maps. Surabaya, a city in Indonesia, still needs a comprehensive Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) system. We produce many informative visualizations from the query and modeling processes in Metabase. Based on the PIECES framework, this application's importance level is 4.56 or 91.25%, meaning the application is important, and the satisfaction level is 4.29 or 85.76%, meaning the application is satisfied for the respondents. This research provides a brief overview of how Metabase works and how it can be used to generate visualizations of job-type data. It demonstrates the ease with which visualizations can be changed and customized. It had a good affordability point, making its implementation easier and more beneficial. It also emphasizes the importance of having a powerful tool like Metabase for data analysis and decision-making, especially for the dispendukcapil as a civil registration agency


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    Laboratorium IPA merupakan kegiatan untuk melakukan pengamatan dan mempraktikan hal yang telah dipelajari secara teori. Hal yang penting dalam laboraturium IPA adalah sistem pengelolaannya, supaya laboratorium IPA dapat berfungsi dengan baik dan sesuai standart. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, telah dilakukan bimbingan teknis kepada kepala laboratorium sebagai upaya peningkatan kegiatan praktikum di laboraturium IPA yang sesuai standart dari pemerintah. Bimbingan teknis ini dilakukan dengan memberikan wawasan tentang kebijakan kepala laboratorium IPA, manajemen laboratorium IPA, analisis SWOT, administrasi laboratorium IPA, sarana dan prasarana laboratorium IPA, manajemen alat dan bahan laboratorium IPA serta tata cara pembuatan modul. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh kepala laboratorium atau guru yang mengelola laboraturium IPA di seluruh Indonesia. Bimbingan teknis ini dilakukan secara online menggunakan aplikasi Zoom. Hasil kegiatan ini yaitu menganalisis hasil pretest dan posttest selama kegiatan berlangsung dan menunjukkan hasil yang positif. sehingga kegiatan ini dapat menunjukkan bahwa bimbingan teknik kepala laboratorium IPA dapat memberikan dan meningkatkan wawasan tentang sistem pengelolaan laboratorium IPA yang bermanfaat kepada peserta

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran IPA Model Creative Problem Solving Berbantuan Android terhadap Science Literacy serta creativity and innovation Siswa SMP.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji: (1) pengaruh pembelajaran IPA berbasis creative problem solving berbantuan android terhadap science literacy siswa kelas VII SMP; serta (2) pengaruh pembelajaran IPA berbasis creative problem solving berbantuan android terhadap creativity and innovation siswa kelas VII SMP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain pretest-posttest control group design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP di Kabupaten Kebumen yang telah menerapkan kurikulum 2013. Sekolah sampel dalam penelitian dikategorikan menjadi sekolah kategori tinggi, sedang, dan rendah berdasarkan peringkat sekolah dalam ujian nasional, sehingga diperoleh SMPN 3 Kebumen, SMPN 1 Buluspesantren dan SMPN 6 Kebumen. Kelas eksperimen diberikan pembelajaran berbasis creative problem solving dengan bantuan android. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui tes dan nontes. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa soal science literacy, soal creativity and innovation, serta lembar observasi dan angket. Uji regresi linear dengan variabel dummy dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap masing-masing variabel terikat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pembelajaran IPA berbasis creative problem solving berbantuan android berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan kemampuan science literacy siswa kelas VII SMP; serta (2) pembelajaran IPA berbasis creative problem solving berbantuan android berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan kemampuan creativity and innovation siswa kelas VII SM

    Penggunaan Smartphone dalam Pembelajaran Model Creative Problem Solving terhadap Peningkatan Kreativitas dan Inovasi Siswa

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    This research aimed to analyze: (1) to describe the improvement from the ability of students's creativity and innovation used learning based the creative problem solving by smartphone, and (2) to test the effect of learning based the creative problem solving by smartphone on creativity and innovation at student's. Smartphone as a result of the progress of the digital era arre currently as instructional media collaborate with experimental learning model as an innovative and creative learning. This research was conducted on VII grade in 3 junior high school student's at Kebumen with high, medium and low categories. The type of research was quasi experimental, used matching pretest-posttest control group design. The data retrieval technique was done by essay test. Data analysis used gain score and multivariate test.  Research result: (1) based on the analysis in high category schools has obtained N-Gain values ??0.82 included in the high category, in medium category schools has obtained N-Gain values 0,8 1 included in the high category, and in low category schools has obtained N-Gain values 0,83 included in the high category.( 2) all of the category schools based on the multivariate test result that was used Hotelling's Trace showed a significance value <0.05, which gives an H0 rejected. Conclusion: all of the category school used learning based the creative problem solving by android have improvement and significant effect on the ability of student's creativity and innovaion at Kebumen.. Keywords: creative problem solving, android, metaknowledg