6 research outputs found

    Using WRF mesoscale model to restore temperature profile in atmosphere boundary layer in Tomsk

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    In the paper, the possible use of a WRF mesoscale model for the detailed restoring of a temperature profile in the atmosphere boundary layer (ABL) during winter anticyclone is studied. The correctness of air temperature modeling as well as the possible use of a WRF model for predicting a vertical temperature distribution was show

    Development of a Method for the Synthesis of a Three­dimensional Model of Power Transmission Lines for Visualization Systems of Training Complexes

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    Representation of the wire line shape depending on the wire tension and temperature was considered. A method was developed for constructing a geometric three­dimensional line model and synthesis of its images used in the visualization system of the simulator complex. Solution of the problem of synthesis and visualization of extended objects is hard and computationally complex because of the high detail of such objects and strong unevenness of their projection. The method makes it possible to obtain a set of triangles describing the line in real time using known sagging parameters and distance between the suspension points. To do this, one does not need the line scanning in contrast to the used methods of lidar scanning or photogrammetry. Sagging of the line wires can vary in real time depending on external conditions. The resulting set does not contain explicitly visible kinks or artifacts for any position of the observer within the simulated section of the line.The method minimizes aliasing artifacts on the wire line elements remote from the observer, automatic texturing and calculation of normals to the line surface which enables correct calculation of illumination for any line fragment when synthesizing images in the visualization system. The speed of the method was evaluated, its implementation within the visualization system has shown a functioning speed enough for real­time operation and examples of synthesized line images were given.The required computational resources for synthesis of the line image were minimized by using a flexible system of detail levels which has enabled use of cheaper hardware for constructing visualization systems and resulted in reduction of the price of the simulator complex in general

    Using WRF mesoscale model to restore temperature profile in atmosphere boundary layer in Tomsk

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    In the paper, the possible use of a WRF mesoscale model for the detailed restoring of a temperature profile in the atmosphere boundary layer (ABL) during winter anticyclone is studied. The correctness of air temperature modeling as well as the possible use of a WRF model for predicting a vertical temperature distribution was show

    Treatment of Non-Healing Trophic Ulcers in Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency Using Wound Coatings Based on Bacterial Cellulose Loaded with Silver Nanoparticles

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    Распространенной патологией среди населения различного возраста является хроническая венозная недостаточность. Трофические язвы – осложнение венозной недостаточности, лечение которых сопряжено с большими трудностями. В связи с этим актуальной остается разработка новых, комбинированных методов лечения с применением перевязочных средств, обладающих одновременно антибактеpиальными и pанозаживляющими свойствами. В статье представлен сравнительный анализ результатов клинических испытаний раневых покрытий, основой которых является целлюлоза биологического происхождения (исследуемая группа 1) и целлюлоза, нагруженная серебром (исследуемая группа 2), в сравнении с раневым покрытием «Гидроколл» у больных с длительно незаживающими трофическими язвами на фоне хронической венозной недостаточности. В результате применения различных раневых покрытий во всех случаях отмечена положительная динамика течения раневого процесса, однако в группе сравнения к 45-м суткам эпителизация не завершилась, в то же время в исследуемой группе 2 к 42-м суткам наступила полная эпителизация длительно незаживающих трофических язв. Таким образом, раневые покрытия на основе целлюлозы, нагруженной серебром, позволяют добиться сокращения сроков заживления и эпителизации трофических язв, что свидетельствует об эффективности и целесообразности их примененияChronic venous insufficiency is a common condition that affects people of different ages. Trophic ulcers are a complication of venous insufficiency which is difficult to treat. Therefore, development of new, combined methods of treatment using coatings that have both antibacterial and wound healing properties is a topical issue. The article presents a comparative analysis of clinical trials of wound coatings based on bacterial cellulose (experimental group 1), cellulose loaded with silver (experimental group 2), and «Hydrocall» (control group) in treatment of trophic ulcers in patients with chronic venous insufficiency. Application of all types of wound coatings demonstrated a positive dynamics of healing. Complete epithelialization was observed in experimental group 2 by the 42nd day, whereas in patients of the control group, epithelialisation was not complete by the 45th day. Thus, application of wound coatings based on cellulose loaded with silver shortened the epithelialisation process and trophic ulcers healing, which justifies to their efficiency and practicalit

    Dynamic Meteorology Research in Russia, 2015–2018

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