22 research outputs found

    Non-24-hour sleep-wake rhythm disorder and melatonin secretion impairment in a patient with pineal cyst

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    We report the case of a 14-year-old girl with a wide non-compressive pineal cyst, associated with the inability to control her sleep-wake schedule. Actigraphic monitoring showed a 24-hour free-running disorder (tau 26.96 hours). A 24-hour serum melatonin curve assay, with concomitant video-polysomnographic and body-core temperature monitoring, was performed. Melatonin curve showed a blunted nocturnal peak, lower total quantity of melatonin, and prolonged melatonin secretion in the morning, with normal temperature profile and sleep parameters. Treatment with melatonin up to 14 mg at bedtime was initiated with complete realignment of the sleep-wake rhythm (tau 23.93 hours). The role of the pineal cyst in the aforementioned alteration of melatonin secretion and free-running disorder remains controversial, but our case supports the utility of monitoring sleep/wake, temperature, and melatonin rhythms in the diagnostic work-up of pineal cysts associated with free-running disorder

    Surgical Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Neonates and Children Undergoing Neurosurgery: A RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method Consensus Study

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    Pediatric neurosurgery is a highly specialized branch of surgery in which surgical site infections (SSIs) are potentially serious complications that can also adversely affect a good surgical outcome, compromising functional recovery and, in some cases, even putting the patient's life at risk. The main aim of this consensus document is to provide clinicians with a series of recommendations on antimicrobial prophylaxis for neonates and children undergoing neurosurgery. The following scenarios were considered: (1) craniotomy or cranial/cranio-facial approach to craniosynostosis; (2) neurosurgery with a trans-nasal-trans-sphenoidal approach; (3) non-penetrating head injuries; (4) penetrating head fracture; (5) spinal surgery (extradural and intradural); (6) shunt surgery or neuroendoscopy; (7) neuroendovascular procedures. Patients undergoing neurosurgery often undergo peri-operative antibiotic prophylaxis, with different schedules, not always supported by scientific evidence. This consensus provides clear and shared indications, based on the most updated literature. This work has been made possible by the multidisciplinary contribution of experts belonging to the most important Italian scientific societies, and represents, in our opinion, the most complete and up-to-date collection of recommendations on the behavior to be held in the peri-operative setting in this type of intervention, in order to guide physicians in the management of the patient, standardize approaches and avoid abuse and misuse of antibiotics

    Prevention of Surgical Site Infections in Neonates and Children: Non-Pharmacological Measures of Prevention

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    A surgical site infection (SSI) is an infection that occurs in the incision created by an invasive surgical procedure. Although most infections are treatable with antibiotics, SSIs remain a significant cause of morbidity and mortality after surgery and have a significant economic impact on health systems. Preventive measures are essential to decrease the incidence of SSIs and antibiotic abuse, but data in the literature regarding risk factors for SSIs in the pediatric age group are scarce, and current guidelines for the prevention of the risk of developing SSIs are mainly focused on the adult population. This document describes the current knowledge on risk factors for SSIs in neonates and children undergoing surgery and has the purpose of providing guidance to health care professionals for the prevention of SSIs in this population. Our aim is to consider the possible non-pharmacological measures that can be adopted to prevent SSIs. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide recommendations based on a careful review of the available scientific evidence for the non-pharmacological prevention of SSIs in neonates and children. The specific scenarios developed are intended to guide the healthcare professional in practice to ensure standardized management of the neonatal and pediatric patients, decrease the incidence of SSIs and reduce antibiotic abuse

    Preclinical Application of Augmented Reality in Pediatric Craniofacial Surgery: An Accuracy Study

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    Background: Augmented reality (AR) allows the overlapping and integration of virtual information with the real environment. The camera of the AR device reads the object and integrates the virtual data. It has been widely applied to medical and surgical sciences in recent years and has the potential to enhance intraoperative navigation. Materials and methods: In this study, the authors aim to assess the accuracy of AR guidance when using the commercial HoloLens 2 head-mounted display (HMD) in pediatric craniofacial surgery. The Authors selected fronto-orbital remodeling (FOR) as the procedure to test (specifically, frontal osteotomy and nasal osteotomy were considered). Six people (three surgeons and three engineers) were recruited to perform the osteotomies on a 3D printed stereolithographic model under the guidance of AR. By means of calibrated CAD/CAM cutting guides with different grooves, the authors measured the accuracy of the osteotomies that were performed. We tested accuracy levels of ±1.5 mm, ±1 mm, and ±0.5 mm. Results: With the HoloLens 2, the majority of the individuals involved were able to successfully trace the trajectories of the frontal and nasal osteotomies with an accuracy level of ±1.5 mm. Additionally, 80% were able to achieve an accuracy level of ±1 mm when performing a nasal osteotomy, and 52% were able to achieve an accuracy level of ±1 mm when performing a frontal osteotomy, while 61% were able to achieve an accuracy level of ±0.5 mm when performing a nasal osteotomy, and 33% were able to achieve an accuracy level of ±0.5 mm when performing a frontal osteotomy. Conclusions: despite this being an in vitro study, the authors reported encouraging results for the prospective use of AR on actual patients

    Low-grade tumour over the left temporal neocortex and ictal asystole: network and surgical implications

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    We describe a patient with focal epilepsy characterized by ictal asystole episodes and low-grade tumour over the left temporal neocortex. Non-invasive pre-surgical evaluation showed an epileptogenic zone extended beyond the low-grade tumour. This extension was confirmed by intraoperative electrocorticography. One-stage surgery with anterior temporal lobe resection was performed. The patient was seizure-free after one year of follow-up. Detailed electroclinical and therapeutic reasoning with hypotheses defining epileptogenic and symptomatogenic networks are discussed

    Surgical strategy in treatment of metopic synostosis in a single centre experience: technical note and quantitative analysis of the outcomes.

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    Trigonocephaly is the most common craniosynostosis involving orbits. Although some degree of agreement has been reached regarding surgical timing and indications for treatment, there is no consensus regarding the ideal operative technique to guarantee an optimal morphological outcome. The purpose of this study is to describe both strategies and to compare morphological outcomes by means of morphological surface analysis obtained from three-dimensional (3D) stereophotogrammetry, with two different techniques. We retrospectively investigated 43 patients with metopic synostosis surgically treated between 2004 and 2020. Two different techniques were applied, addressed as technique A and B. Ten patients undergone postoperative 3d stereophotogrammetry were enrolled, and cephalometric measurements were taken and compared to a cohort of unaffected patients matched by age and gender. Comparison of the groups demonstrated a hypercorrection of the metopic angle of the second technique, associated with a slightly lower correction of the interfrontoparietal diameter. The metopic angle showed to be significantly undercorrected with the first method. Alternated barrel staving technique appears to be a quick and satisfactory method in cranial remodelling for metopic synostosis. It guarantees an optimal aesthetic result in the first years after surgery. [Abstract copyright: © 2024. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.

    Surgical management of symptomatic simple hepatic cysts

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    The authors present three cases of symptomatic, large, benign, nonparasitic hepatic cysts. The diagnosis was determined by US and CT scan, the latter enabling differential diagnosis with neoplastic or hydatid cysts. All patients were treated with open hepatic resection. In 2 cases, laparoscopy was performed to enable complete diagnosis. The authors used LigaSureâ„¢ (Covidien, USA) instrument, avoiding bleeding complications and reducing surgery time. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of benigntic cysts. CT follow-up at 6 months and 1 year demonstrated the efficacy of the surgery, with no recurrences

    Remodulation of neurosurgical activities in an Italian region (Emilia-Romagna) under COVID- 19 emergency: maintaining the standard of care during the crisis

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    The impact of COVID-19 outbreak in the neurosurgical practice has been dramatic, imposing several limitations. The aim of this study is to present how the neurosurgical departments of Emilia-Romagna, a northern Italian region, have re-set their organization to maintain the higher standard of care as possible