487 research outputs found

    Climate Services to Support Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas: The CLARITY Project and the Napoli Case Study

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    Climate services are emerging worldwide as an essential tool to bridge the advancement in climate science and meteo/earth observations with a variety of operational fields in the domains of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). It is multidisciplinary study area with promising applications in the field of urban microclimate simulations, supporting climate-resilient redevelopment actions at both the city and neighborhood levels. The CLARITY CSIS (Climate Services Information System, available at https://csis.myclimateservice.eu/), developed within the H2020 CLARITY project, is an innovative hazard/impact modeling tool that takes into account short- to long-term climate change scenarios and urban microclimate variability. Disaster risks associated with climate change, such as heat waves and floods, are concentrated in limited periods of the year and therefore not adequately represented by annually averaged values. To this aim, new datasets have been extracted from Regional Climate Models to estimate the frequency of extreme temperatures and precipitation events until 2100, and a novel modeling methodology has been developed to capture the effect on the urban microclimate due to specific built environment features. The wide amount of data generated by satellite earth observations and made available at pan-European level through the Copernicus datasets (e.g., Urban Atlas, European Settlement Map, etc.) has been processed through specific algorithms and GIS spatial analysis tools to extract detailed information related to key parameters linked to urban morphology and surface types. In addition to the “screening service” available at the pan-European level through the CLARITY CSIS, an “expert service” workflow allows increasing the resolution of hazard and impact simulations at 250 m, by exploiting detailed land use datasets provided by local end-users and assessing the DRR/CCA potential of city-wide adaptation plans, as well as of specific district redevelopment projects. This paper will present the features of CLARITY CSIS and the results of Expert Services implemented for the City of Naples, focusing on the methods adopted to implement hazard/impact assessments and how information from climate services is tailored to support the integration of different DRR/CCA strategies within urban plans and projects

    A quasi-static nonlinear analysis for assessing the fire resistance of 3d frames exploiting time-dependent yield surface

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    In this work an automatic procedure for evaluating the axial force-biaxial bending yield surface of reinforced concrete sections in fire is proposed. It provides an accurate time-dependent expression of the yield condition by a section analysis carried out once and for all, accounting for the strength reduction of the materials, which is a function of the fire duration. The equilibrium state of 3D frames with such yield conditions, once discretized using beam finite elements, is formulated as a nonlinear vectorial equation defining a curve in the hyperspace of the discrete variables and the fire duration. A generalized path-following strategy is proposed for tracing this curve and evaluating, if it exists, the limit fire duration, that is the time of exposure which leads to structural collapse. Compared to the previous proposals on the topic, which are limited to local sectional checks, this work is the first to present a global analysis for assessing the fire resistance of 3D frames, providing a time history of the fire event and taking account of the stress redistribution. Numerical examples are given to illustrate and validate the proposal

    Theoretical model for cascading effects analyses

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    Abstract In case of exceptional events of natural or anthropogenic type, the elements at risk (people, buildings, infrastructures, economy, etc.) are often hit by sequences of 'cascading events', function of time and space, caused by the triggering event (earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, fire, electric failure, etc.). Generally, sequences of events can involve the same element at risk, and the combined effects of cascading phenomena can strongly amplify the impact caused by single events in terms of extension of the affected area and damage level. The final impact on the territory can be significant and require to be carefully assessed in terms of emergency planning and management. This paper discusses from a theoretical point of view the modelling needs and the main issues to be taken into account in the development of simulation tools aiming to include cascading effects analyses to effectively support decision-makers in their preparedness and disaster mitigation strategies in the framework of emergency planning at local, national and international level. The model aims at developing cascading effects scenarios at different level of detail, depending on the availability of inventory/exposure data for the different categories of elements at risk and hazard/impact models for the various hazard sources. It has been developed within EU-FP7 SNOWBALL project (Lower the impact of aggravating factors in crisis situations thanks to adaptive foresight and decision-support tools, 2015–2017)

    Picturebooks and gender : making informed choices for equitable early childhood classrooms.

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    We examine picturebooks through a feminist lens, understanding that children’s literature and media can limit and expand how young children access gender representations. We describe four categories that increase teacher knowledge to select books with multiple and varied gender representations for children in their classrooms. These four categories are gender binaries, discourses of childhood innocence, intersectionality, and heteronormativity. We illustrate each category with two quality books that maintain and disrupt each theme. We hope teachers will find the categories useful for thoughtfully selecting books for classroom libraries, read aloud, and discussion

    Empirical vulnerability curves for Italian mansory buildings: evolution of vulnerability model from the DPM to curves as a function of accelertion

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    In the framework of the emergency management in the case of seismic events, the evaluation of the expected damage represents a basic requirement for risk informed planning. Seismic risk is defined by the probability to reach a level of damage on given exposed elements caused by seismic events occurring in a fixed period and in a fixed area. To this purpose, the expected seismic input, the exposed elements and their vulnerability have to be correctly evaluated. The aim of the research is to define a correct model of vulnerability curves, in PGA, for masonry structures in Italy, by heuristic approach starting from damage probability matrices (DPMs). To this purpose, the PLINIVS database, containing data on major Italian seismic events, has been used and supported by “critical” assumption on missing data. To support the reliability of this assumption, two vulnerability models, considering or not the hypothesis on the missing data, have been estimated and used to calculate the seismic scenario of the L’Aquila 2009 earthquake through the IRMA (Italian Risk MAp) platform. Finally, a comparison between the outcomes elaborated by IRMA platform and the observed damage collected in the AEDES forms, has been done. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Empirical vulnerability curves for Italian mansory buildings: evolution of vulnerability model from the DPM to curves as a function of accelertion

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    AbstractIn the framework of the emergency management in the case of seismic events, the evaluation of the expected damage represents a basic requirement for risk informed planning. Seismic risk is defined by the probability to reach a level of damage on given exposed elements caused by seismic events occurring in a fixed period and in a fixed area. To this purpose, the expected seismic input, the exposed elements and their vulnerability have to be correctly evaluated. The aim of the research is to define a correct model of vulnerability curves, in PGA, for masonry structures in Italy, by heuristic approach starting from damage probability matrices (DPMs). To this purpose, the PLINIVS database, containing data on major Italian seismic events, has been used and supported by "critical" assumption on missing data. To support the reliability of this assumption, two vulnerability models, considering or not the hypothesis on the missing data, have been estimated and used to calculate the seismic scenario of the L'Aquila 2009 earthquake through the IRMA (Italian Risk MAp) platform. Finally, a comparison between the outcomes elaborated by IRMA platform and the observed damage collected in the AEDES forms, has been done

    Caesar II: An Italian decision support tool for the seismic risk. The case study of Torre Pellice, Villar Pellice and Pinerolo municipalities

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    Italy is a country with high seismic risk; however, a broad seismic classification of the national territory has been introduced only in the last twenty years. Therefore, most of the existing buildings stock do not comply with the current anti-seismic codes. In recent years, the seismic events that occurred in Italy have highlighted the complexity of emergency management and the great challenge for public authorities called to answer to the post-event reconstruction and the planning of effective risk prevention and mitigation measures implemented in "peacetime". In this perspective, the CAESAR II project (Controlling, Mitigating and Managing Earthquake Emergency: Cost-Benefit and Multi-criteria Analysis of Impact Scenarios for Risk Reduction and Increased Resilience) has been developed as a decision support system for public authorities engaged in the development of seismic disaster risk reduction plans. CAESAR II includes a module for the simulation of retrofitting measures applied at the municipal scale, integrating different categories of anti-seismic and energy improvement measures based on the vulnerability analysis of the existing buildings stock. The CAESAR II tool's core is the module for evaluating "seismic impact scenarios" based on the end-users' hazard. The output of the model includes information on expected damage levels for buildings (from D0-no damage to D5- total collapse) and population (dead, injured and homeless). Impact scenarios can be customised according to the minimum unit of analysis assumed (municipality or 250x250m square mesh grid) and the availability of exposure data (from national census data or survey on the spot building by building according to the PLINIVS form). Scenarios include geo-referenced data managed by geo-servers to exchange data in a format compliant with OGC (Open Gis Consortium) standards and the European INSPIRE Directive. Simulation results can be further processed through the Multi-Criteria and Cost-Benefit Analysis modules to support the comparative assessment of alternative seismic and energy measurements. In this work, the procedures included in CAESAR II are described and a case study is reported. It concerns the analysis of the expected damage assessment on buildings and population for three municipalities in northern Italy, Torre Pellice, Villar Pellice and Pinerolo (Piedmont Region)

    Carbon K-edge x-ray emission spectroscopy of gas phase ethylenic molecules

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    We report on the C K-edge x-ray absorption spectra and the resonant (RXES) and non-resonant (NXES) x-ray emission spectra of ethylene, allene and butadiene in the gas phase. The RXES and NXES show clear differences for the different molecules. Overall both types of spectra are more structured for ethylene and allene, than for butadiene. Using density functional theory–restricted open shell configuration interaction single calculations, we simulate the spectra with remarkable agreement with the experiment. We identify the spectral features as being due to transitions involving localised 1s orbitals. For allene, there are distinct spectral bands that reflect transitions predominantly from either the central or terminal carbon atoms. These results are discussed in the context of ultrafast x-ray studies aimed at detecting the passage through conical intersections in polyatomic molecules