12 research outputs found

    Interleukin-8 expression associated with canine mammary tumors

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    The use of prognostic markers for mammary cancer is important for routine diagnosis and research. Interleukin-8 (IL-8) is a chemotactic cytokine, produced by several cell types in response to inflammation. The expression, regulation and function of IL-8 in dogs are little known. Recent studies have associated angiogenesis and inflammatory processes with tumor malignancy. We investigated a possible correlation between IL-8 expression and mammary tumor prognosis in female dogs. IL-8 expression was measured in 50 dogs with mammary neoplasia by immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR. Immunohistochemical staining was done with anti-IL-8 antibodies and PCR amplifications were performed in a 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR system. Gene expression stability was analyzed by the geNorm software. Quantitative real-time PCR showed that IL-8 expression decreased in malignant mammary cells compared to normal mammary tissue, while weak immunostaining was associated with a diagnosis of carcinoma. Complementing earlier studies on IL-8 expression in several types of cancer, including mammary cancer, we conclude that IL-8 has potential for use as a prognostic marker for canine mammary neoplasia

    Punção aspirativa por agulha fina como método de coleta de material para a histopatologia no osteossarcoma canino

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    Para a obtenção do diagnóstico definitivo do osteossarcoma realizam-se exames citopatológico e histopatológico. O material para exame citopatológico é coletado através de punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF), já para a realização do exame histopatológico é necessário uma amostra de tamanho maior, geralmente conseguida através de biópsia incisional. Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma técnica de coleta de material em cães com suspeita de osteossarcoma através de PAAF para a realização de exame histopatológico. Foram coletadas duas amostras de 12 cães suspeitos de osteossarcoma por PAAF. O material obtido pela primeira coleta foi utilizado para confirmar o diagnóstico através do exame citopatológico, enquanto que o material oriundo da segunda coleta foi fixado em formol a 10% para a análise histopatológica. Quatro das 12 amostras (33,3%) avaliadas histopatologicamente pela metodologia proposta obtiveram também o diagnóstico de osteossarcoma. Esses resultados apontam para uma possível adequação da técnica de coleta de material por PAAF para exame histopatológico.<br>Cytopathologic and histopathologic tests are important to obtain a definitive diagnosis of osteosarcoma. The sample for cytopathological exam is collected through fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNA). On the other hand, histopathological exams need a larger sample that is usually obtained by incisional biopsy. The objective of this article is to develop a FNA technique to biopsy and evaluate histopatologically samples of dogs with suspected osteosarcoma. Two FNS samples were collected from 12 such dogs. Samples obtained in the first procedure were examined cytologically. The material sampled at the second biopsy was fixed in 10% formalin and submitted to histopathological analysis. Four out of the 12 samples (33.3%) examined by the herein proposed method were diagnosed as osteosarcoma. These results indicate a possible adaptation of FNA for histopathological examination