6 research outputs found

    Teores de flúor em águas da cidade de Manaus

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    The fluorine content of 10 major sources of water supply from the city of Manaus was determined. The method used in this investigation consisted of the Willard-Winter technique, with modification. The values obtained were very low, showing that the water of the city of Manaus does not offer adequate protection against dental caries.

    Marcação de ovos de Triatoma infestans, com diversos corantes

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    The authors present a technique which employes dyestuffs to mark T. infestans eggs.Os autores descrevem uma técnica para marcação de ovos de T. infestans, utilizando-se de corantes

    Ergogenic effects of caffeine on performance

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    The caffeine is a substance that doesn't present nutricional value being classified as an alkaloid with pharmacological effects of stimulating action on central nervous system (CNS). However, this substance has been considered a nutritional aid by being present in several drinks consumed daily, such as coffee, coke, teas, and some soft drinks with guarana in its composition. The use of this substance has became quite common in the sports through the years, particularly for athletes that dispute resistance competition. The possibility of improvement of the physical performance put this alkaloid in the list of prohibited substances for the International Olympic Committee (COI), which established the limit of 12 caffeine pg/ml in the urine as parameter for doping detection. Some studies have been demonstrating that those levels can be reached with the ingestion of approximately 9 mg/kg of body weight of caffeine. Though, more recent studies have been evidencing improvement in the athletic performance with ingestion of just 3 to 6 mg/kg for body weight of caffeine. Such observations seem to place in risk the tolerable limit specified by COI, what could favor the improvement of the performance by the users. These facts demonstrate the need of more investigations on the ergogenic effect of the amount of caffeine ingestion and possibly of revision on the tolerable levels to be ingestedA cafeína é uma substância que não apresenta valor nutricional, sendo classificada como um alcalóide farmacologicamente ativo, estimulante do sistema nervoso central (SNC). No entanto, esta substância tem sido considerada um ergogênico nutricional por estar presente em várias bebidas consumidas diariamente, tais como o café, o chocolate, o mate, e algumas bebidas suaves à base de guaraná. O seu uso tem-se tornado bastante comum no meio esportivo, principalmente nos últimos anos, particularmente por atletas que disputam provas de resistência. A possibilidade de melhora do desempenho físico fez com que este alcalóide entrasse na lista de substâncias proibidas pelo Comitê Olímpico Internacional (COI), o qual estabeleceu o limite de 12 jig/ml de cafeína na urina como parâmetro para detecção de “doping” Alguns estudos têm demonstrado que esses níveis podem ser alcançados com a ingestão de aproximadamente 9 mg de cafeína por quilograma de peso corporal. Todavia, estudos mais recentes têm evidenciado melhora no desempenho atlético com a ingestão de apenas 3 a 6 mg de cafeína por quilograma de peso corporal. Tais observações parecem colocar em risco o limite tolerável estipulado pelo COI, o que poderia favorecer a melhoria do rendimento por parte dos usuários. Esses fatos demonstram a necessidade de maiores investigações sobre o efeito ergogênico de diferentes dosagens de cafeína e, possivelmente, de revisão dos níveis de ingestão tolerávei

    Teores de flúor em águas da cidade de Manaus

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    The fluorine content of 10 major sources of water supply from the city of Manaus was determined. The method used in this investigation consisted of the Willard-Winter technique, with modification. The values obtained were very low, showing that the water of the city of Manaus does not offer adequate protection against dental caries.


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    Além da manutenção da homeostase glicêmica, dietas ricas em carboidratos proporcionam um maior armazenamento de glicogênio muscular e hepático. Altas reservas de glicogênio muscular propiciam um nível maior de energia ao organismo e muitas vezes auxiliam no protelamento do início da fadiga muscular. Nos esforços moderados realizados em intervalos de tempo prolongados, ou nos exercícios físicos de alta intensidade e curta duração, a depleção das reservas de glicogênio muscular são acentuadas, provocando queda no desempenho físico e até hipoglicemia e desidratação. Assim, o propósito desse estudo foi analisar a influência da ingestão de carboidratos antes, durante e após o exercício físico para a melhoria do desempenho físico

    Aerobic fitness and its relationship with growth and maturation processes

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    The aimf of this paper is to provide information concerning aerobic fitness and then relate the behavior of aerobic strength with growth and maturation processes, since the aerobic metabolism during the practice of physical exercises has been the target of research along the last decades, both under the perspective of health promotion and the improvement of the athletic performance. In that sense, information about aerobic fitness has provided the evaluation of the cardiorespiratory system functioning, the training efficacy control, the determining of the effort relative load, besides determining the individual’s energy expenditure in different age groups, both male and female, and with differential levels of physical fitness. The main indexes used in this purpose have been the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) or the peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak). However, several factors may influence such indexes, being either determinant or retraint of the motor performance, mostly in predominantly aerobic activities. Among such factors the emphasis is on growth and maturation processes, which can explain many of the differences found in the behavior of different individuals submitted to similar physical efforts, providing thus a more consistent analysis of the differences in the motor performance, particularly of young male and female