15 research outputs found

    Bezpieczeństwo: wymiar współczesny i perspektywy badań

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperPrezentowane wydawnictwo stanowi efekt obrad międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej zorganizowanej w dniach 12–13 października 2008 roku przez Katedrę Zarządzania Informacją, działającą w ramach Wydziału Ekonomii i Zarządzania, oraz, jak już wspomniano, przez Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie „Edukacja dla Obronności i Bezpieczeństwa”. Ambicją organizatorów konferencji było włączenie w tok dyskusji licznych przedstawicieli organów administracji państwa i samorządu, praktyki gospodarczej, nauki, mediów oraz studentów, zarówno z kraju, jak i z zagranicy

    The Essence of Terrorism

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    The area of content to which the term “terrorism” refers is very broad and is also the subject of numerous studies. However, the results indicate significant discrepancies in the understanding of the term, resulting not only in an ambiguous perception, but above all in the lack of a generally accepted definition of the phenomenon. Researchers see it as an ideology, as well as a strategy, tactics or method of fighting, and finally as a tool for achieving the goals set. The validity of the meaning assigned to them has been verified by analysing the definitions of individual concepts, and in the search for the scope of meaning of the word terrorism, the terms that are indicated as its synonyms have also been used. The research conducted indicated political motivation as a feature distinguishing a terrorist from an ordinary criminal. Terrorists try to influence the power of a given country, also aiming at causing disturbances in its decision-making processes and, as a result, paralysing the state apparatus. The main characteristic of terrorism is the use of violence, which can take the form of any behaviour that results in the creation of a state of fear and danger in the human psyche. The purpose of terrorism is, therefore, to deliberately arouse and exploit fear, and its far-reaching psychological consequences go well beyond the immediate victims. Arousing fear in a society of the likelihood of a terrorist attack aims to force a government, organisation or social group to take or abandon certain actions. The adoption of such a tactic of action is an effect of disproportions, concerning both quantitative parameters of military potentials and factors determining the level of civilisation, and the differences lie in both the way of thinking and views, as well as the method of conducting a fight. In such a context, the power of terrorism comes from surprise, brutality and a task of the greatest possible loss in the shortest possible time, using unconventional methods. Unfortunately, the use of terrorist methods has become widespread and the threat of terrorism has become global

    Policemen of Anti-Terrorist Subunits in Scientific Research

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    Service in a special unit of the Police is extremely tedious, both in physical and mental terms, with very high expectations for their policemen. It cannot arise only from official duties, but – above all – specific lifestyle, which should be the primary stimulus for taking them. It is confirmed by research conducted among policemen-antiterrorists, relating to their motivation in taking service in anti-terrorist subunit of the Police. Studies have also shown that such service is not fully in line with the expectations of the officers, and their priorities change over its course. A lot of factors have impact on it, negatively affecting the attitude of policemen, which were revealed in the study. The results can be used to create such conditions of service, which will reduce or eliminate loss of idealistic motives for taking service in the special unit of the Police

    Terrorism in the Context of Conflicts in the Modern World

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    Contrary to popular expectations, armed conflicts persisted after the end of World War II. Some countries are fighting for independence, others for influence, and others are experiencing civil wars. This is determined by cultural, ethnic and religious differences. The modern world is tormented by many conflicts which, despite their regional scope, have an impact on the political and military situation on the entire globe. The functioning of formal borders that do not coincide with national borders, the low sense of nationality compared to ethnicity, poverty and political instability are also conducive to the use of terrorist methods. Terrorism is almost as old as civilisation. However, unlike in the past, today’s terrorists use violence on an unprecedented scale. Terrorism in many cases shows its regional specificity, varying according to the cultural and civilisation area in which it occurs. Reasons for resorting to terrorist methods may be a need for freedom, protection of one’s heritage, sense of harm done by the occupier, a need to express dissatisfaction with the political system or changes being made, or, finally, a mere desire to draw attention to the problems of countries and societies that have not yet been noticed or have been ignored by public opinion. Religion is also a frequent reason for resorting to terrorism. Contemporary terrorism is represented mainly by extremist Islamic fundamentalism and is based on the clash of two cultures. It is a global threat, and anyone can become its potential victim today. Numerous signals of the emergence of new, hitherto unknown organisations prove that in the future, unfortunately, the escalation of the phenomenon will have to be taken into account

    Terrorism in the name of islamic jihad

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    Wśród wyznawców islamu powstało fanatyczne pojęcie idei, według której każdy, kto wyznaje inną religię jest wrogiem. Opiera się ona na przeświadczeniu, że osoby te błądzą, dopóki nie znajdą prawdziwej, duchowej więzi z Allahem. Do pięciu filarów wiary muzułmanie często dodają szósty, w postaci dżihadu, rozumianego jako wezwanie do bezkompromisowej wojny z niewiernymi, potwierdzone nakazami Boga. Te właśnie nakazy usprawiedliwiają krwawe działania terrorystów, podkreślając agresywność dżihadu i jego militarny charakter. W połączeniu z antyzachodnią postawą stanowi on ogromne zagrożenie dla całego świata, zwłaszcza, że znakomita większość organizacji terrorystycznych to aktualnie ugrupowania islamskie.Among the fanatical followers of Islam, the notion of the idea, according to which anyone who professes another religion is the enemy, was established. It is based on the conviction that these people wander until they find true spiritual bond with Allah. For the five pillars of the faith, Muslims often add sixth, in the form of jihad, understood as a call for an uncompromised war against the infidels, confirmed by the dictates of God. These precepts justify the bloody terrorist actions, emphasizing aggressiveness of jihad and its military character. In combination with the anti-Western attitude it is a huge threat to the whole world, especially since the vast majority of terrorist organizations is currently the Islamic groups

    Contribution of the Police Academy in Szczytno to Counter-terrorist Activities

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    One of the state entities which have the task of preventing and combating terrorism is the Police, while the Police Academy in Szczytno is their intellectual base. It is not only an organisational unit of the Police, but also a higher education institution with legal personality. This status entitles it to teach at different levels of civilian higher education, as well as conduct in-service training for police officers. Education in the area of terrorist threats and counteracting them is aimed, on the one hand, at making the students aware of the scale of such threats and their accurate identification, as well as the ways of responding to them by the state and its institutions, and, on the other hand, at learning specific reflexes that will allow anyone who finds themselves in an area threatened by a terrorist attack to quickly assess the resulting threat and to react immediately. The goals set in this way are reflected in the employment structure of the academy, which includes specialist organisational units, and among the scientific and teaching staff are experts, including practitioners, who in the past carried out the tasks of the state at different levels of the system for counteracting terrorist threats. They systematically participate in scientific undertakings, including research projects, scientific conferences and publication work, participate in the work of expert teams, both national and international, and cooperate extensively with external entities. The result of their multidimensional activities is shaping and deepening social awareness of terrorist threats and desired attitudes towards them, as well as appropriate preparation of police officers, but also other services, to safely perform tasks related to the elimination of terrorist threats

    Komunikacija su žiniasklaida krizinėse situacijose

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    Appropriate information addressed to the public is one of the basic conditions for both prevention and resolution of crisis situations. Its main relay is mass media, with the help of which it is easiest to reach the recipient. There are rules that condition proper communication in crisis situations, media representatives are also expected to have specific foundations. Proper cooperation with the media may be a factor supporting the activities of the state in crisis situations. The article presents both general content as well as specific solutions applied in the field of communication with the media in crisis situations in the Republic of Poland.Atitinkamai parengta visuomenei skirta informacija yra viena iš pagrindinių sąlygų krizinių situacijų prevencijai ir sprendimui. Informacijos perdavimo pagrindinė priemonė – žiniasklaida, kuri padeda greičiausiai pasiekti informacijos gavėją. Yra taisyklių, kurios sąlygoja tinkamą bendravimą krizinėse situacijose, o žiniasklaidos atstovai taip pat turi specifinių būdų tai informacijai skleisti. Tinkamas bendradarbiavimas su žiniasklaida gali būti veiksnys, sustiprinantis valstybės veiklą krizinėse situacijose. Straipsnyje pateikiamas tiek bendras turinys, tiek specifiniai sprendimai, taikomi komunikuojant su žiniasklaida krizinių situacijų metu Lenkijos Respublikoje

    Informacija apie Lenkijos policijos antiteroristinę veiklą

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    In practice, sometimes there are situations in which ordinary police officers are not able to operate because of the complexity of the task. In such cases, police anti-terrorist subdivisions are involved in the action. Their tasks mainly involve neutralization of terrorist threats, but also the detention of particularly dangerous, armed criminals and liquidation of bomb threats. In Poland, there are seventeen local special police units at the provincial police headquarters and the biggest one centrally located, which is designed for operations in the whole country and abroad. The Anti-Terrorist Operations Bureau is a member of the ATLAS group, which collaborates with special units from all over Europe.Praktikoje, kartais pasitaiko situacijų, kai įprasti policijos pareigūnai negali veikti, nes jiems kylanti užduotis yra pernelyg sudėtinga. Tokiais atvejais policijos antiteroristiniai padaliniai įtraukiami į tokios situacijos sprendimą. Jų užduotys dažniausiai apima teroristinių grėsmių neutralizavimą, taip pat ypač pavojingų ginkluotų nusikaltėlių sulaikymą, sprogmenų neutralizavimą. Lenkijoje yra septyniolika vietinių specialiųjų policijos pajėgų skyrių, kurie yra provincijos policijos štabų sudėtyje ir vienas centrinis skyrius, kurio įgaliojimai apima teisę veikti visos šalies viduje ir užsienyje. Antiteroristinių operacijų biuras yra ATLAS grupės narys, joje bendradarbiauja su specialios paskirties skyriais visoje Europoje


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    Fundamentalizm cechuje wszystkie religie świata, jednak w przypadku islamu – w ostatnich czasach – najczęściej bywa przyczyną stosowania terrorystycznych metod. Dogmaty tej religii definiuje Koran, według którego islam opiera się on na pięciu filarach wiary, stanowiących jednocześnie podstawowe obowiązki każdego muzułmanin. Cechą fundamentalizmu islamskiego jest wprowadzenie zasad życia, opartych na tradycyjnych wzorcach, zapisanych w Koranie, regulujących sferę społeczną i polityczną, a także oderwanie od zachodniego modelu życia. Jego przyczyną jest frustracja i niezadowolenie społeczne, połączone z odrzucaniem nowoczesności i zmian, proponowanych przez Zachód. Głoszenie haseł walki z niesprawiedliwością i demoralizacją, w imię kreowania „lepszego świata”, w połączeniu z własną interpretacją zapisów Koranu, skutkuje promowaniem działań powszechnie uznanych za niedopuszczalne

    Związki terroryzmu z ruchem turystycznym – implikacje dla turystyki społecznej

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    Publikację wydano w ramach dofinansowania zadania publicznego ze środków Ministerstwa Rozwoju, Pracy i Technologii zgodnie z zawartą Umową nr III/27/P/ 63003/2810/21/DT pomiędzy ww. ministerstwem a Fundacją Symbioz