23 research outputs found

    A Complete Framework for a Behavioral Planner with Automated Vehicles: A Car-Sharing Fleet Relocation Approach

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    Currently, research on automated vehicles is strongly related to technological advances to achieve a safe, more comfortable driving process in different circumstances. The main achievements are focused mainly on highway and interurban scenarios. The urban environment remains a complex scenario due to the number of decisions to be made in a restrictive context. In this context, one of the main challenges is the automation of the relocation process of car-sharing in urban areas, where the management of the platooning and automatic parking and de-parking maneuvers needs a solution from the decision point of view. In this work, a novel behavioral planner framework based on a Finite State Machine (FSM) is proposed for car-sharing applications in urban environments. The approach considers four basic maneuvers: platoon following, parking, de-parking, and platoon joining. In addition, a basic V2V communication protocol is proposed to manage the platoon. Maneuver execution is achieved by implementing both classical (i.e., PID) and Model-based Predictive Control (i.e., MPC) for the longitudinal and lateral control problems. The proposed behavioral planner was implemented in an urban scenario with several vehicles using the Carla Simulator, demonstrating that the proposed planner can be helpful to solve the car-sharing fleet relocation problem in cities.This research was funded by the Goberment of the Basque Country (funding no. KK-2021/00123 and IT1726-22) and the European SHOW Project from the Horizon 2020 (funding no. 875530)

    A Reconfigurable Framework for Vehicle Localization in Urban Areas

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    Accurate localization for autonomous vehicle operations is essential in dense urban areas. In order to ensure safety, positioning algorithms should implement fault detection and fallback strategies. While many strategies stop the vehicle once a failure is detected, in this work a new framework is proposed that includes an improved reconfiguration module to evaluate the failure scenario and offer alternative positioning strategies, allowing continued driving in degraded mode until a critical failure is detected. Furthermore, as many failures in sensors can be temporary, such as GPS signal interruption, the proposed approach allows the return to a non-fault state while resetting the alternative algorithms used in the temporary failure scenario. The proposed localization framework is validated in a series of experiments carried out in a simulation environment. Results demonstrate proper localization for the driving task even in the presence of sensor failure, only stopping the vehicle when a fully degraded state is achieved. Moreover, reconfiguration strategies have proven to consistently reset the accumulated drift of the alternative positioning algorithms, improving the overall performance and bounding the mean error.This research was funded by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, grants GIU19/045 and PIF19/181, and the Government of the Basque Country by grants IT914-16, KK-2021/00123 and IT949-16

    Sensorized Tip for Monitoring People with Multiple Sclerosis that Require Assistive Devices for Walking

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    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological degenerative disease with high impact on our society. In order to mitigate its effects, proper rehabilitation therapy is mandatory, in which individualisation is a key factor. Technological solutions can provide the information required for this purpose, by monitoring patients and extracting relevant indicators. In this work, a novel Sensorized Tip is proposed for monitoring People with Multiple Sclerosis (PwMS) that require Assistive Devices for Walking (ADW) such as canes or crutches. The developed Sensorized Tip can be adapted to the personal ADW of each patient to reduce its impact, and provides sensor data while naturally walking in the everyday activities. This data that can be processed to obtain relevant indicators that helps assessing the status of the patient. Different from other approaches, a full validation of the proposed processing algorithms is carried out in this work, and a preliminary study-case is carried out with PwMS considering a set of indicators obtained from the Sensorized Tip’s processed data. Results of the preliminary study-case demonstrate the potential of the device to monitor and characterise patient status

    A Vehicle Simulation Model and Automated Driving Features Validation for Low-Speed High Automation Applications

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    The low-speed high automation (LSHA) is foreseen as a development path for new types of mobility, improving road safety and addressing transit problems in urban infrastructures. As these automation approaches are still in the development phase, methods to improve their design and validation are required. The use of vehicle simulation models allows reducing significantly the time deployment on real test tracks, which would not consider all the scenarios or complexity related to automated driving features. However, to ensure safety and accuracy while evaluating the proper operation of LSHA features, adequate validation methodologies are mandatory. In this study a two-step validation methodology is proposed: Firstly, an open-loop test set attempts to tune the required vehicle simulation models using experimental data considering also the dynamics of the actuation devices required for vehicle automation. Secondly, a closed-loop test strives to validate the selected automated driving functionality based on test plans, also improving the vehicle dynamics response. To illustrate the methodology, a study case is proposed using an automated Renault Twizy. In the first step, the brake pedal and steering wheel actuators' behavior is modeled, as well as its longitudinal dynamics and turning capacity. Then, in a second step, an LSHA functionality for Traffic Jam Assist based on a Model Predictive Control approach is evaluated and validated. Results demonstrate that the proposed methodology is capable not only to tune vehicle simulation models for automated driving development purposes but also to validate LSHA functionalities

    Robot de rehabilitación configurable para terapias del miembro superior

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    La rehabilitación basada en dispositivos robóticos precisa de un robot capaz de adaptarse al estado de recuperación motora del paciente. En este trabajo se presenta un robot de rehabilitación reconfigurable denominado Universal Haptic Pantograph (UHP). Este dispositivo robótico, gracias a su estructura multiconfigurable, permite la rehabilitación del miembro superior (hombro, codo y muñeca) con un único dispositivo. Además, ha sido diseñado para trabajar con diferentes modalidades de interacción como son las asistidas, correctoras y opositoras, pudiendo así adaptarse al estado funcional progresivo del paciente durante el proceso de rehabilitación. Con el objetivo de garantizar el correcto funcionamiento de este sistema robótico se han realizado diferentes ensayos experimentales. Los resultados demuestran que el robot de rehabilitación UHP funciona correctamente con diferentes tareas de rehabilitación, realizando movimientos suaves que garantizan la seguridad del usuario en todo momento.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MINECO & FEDER en el marco del proyecto DPI-2012-32882, así como por la beca PRE-2014-1-152 y el proyecto IT914-16 del Gobierno Vasco, el proyecto PPG17/56 de la UPV/EHU y por Euskampus Fundazioa. Además, los autores desean expresar su agradecimiento al centro de investigación Tecnalia por su colaboración y por prestar su robot de rehabilitación UHP

    Optimization of the 2PRU-1PRS Parallel Manipulator Based on Workspace and Power Consumption Criteria

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    In the last few years, parallel manipulators are being increasingly studied and used for different applications. The performance of parallel manipulators is very sensitive to the geometric parameters, so it is essential to optimize them in order to obtain the desired function. We propose two optimization algorithms that consider the size and regularity of the workspace. The first one obtains the geometric parameters combination that results in the biggest and most regular workspace. The second method analyzes the geometric parameters combinations that result in an acceptable size of the workspace—even if it is not the biggest one—and finds out which ones result in the lowest power consumption. Even if the results vary depending on the application and trajectories studied, the proposed methodology can be followed to any type of parallel manipulator, application or trajectory. In this work we focus on the dimension optimization of the geometric parameters of the 2PRU-1PRS Multi-Axial Shaking Table (MAST) for automobile pieces testing purposes.This research was funded by the Regional Government of the Basque Country (IT949-16) and the Science and Innovation Ministry of the Spanish Government (PID2019-105262RB-I00)

    Intelligent Torque Vectoring Approach For Electric Vehicles With Per-Wheel Motors

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    Transport electrification is currently a priority for authorities, manufacturers, and research centers around the world. The development of electric vehicles and the improvement of their functionalities are key elements in this strategy. As a result, there is a need for further research in emission reduction, efficiency improvement, or dynamic handling approaches. In order to achieve these objectives, the development of suitable Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) is required. Although traditional control techniques have been widely used for ADAS implementation, the complexity of electric multimotor powertrains makes intelligent control approaches appropriate for these cases. In this work, a novel intelligent Torque Vectoring (TV) system, composed of a neuro-fuzzy vertical tire forces estimator and a fuzzy yaw moment controller, is proposed, which allows enhancing the dynamic behaviour of electric multimotor vehicles. The proposed approach is compared with traditional strategies using the high fidelity vehicle dynamics simulator Dynacar. Results show that the proposed intelligent Torque Vectoring system is able to increase the efficiency of the vehicle by 10%, thanks to the optimal torque distribution and the use of a neuro-fuzzy vertical tire forces estimator which provides 3 times more accurate estimations than analytical approaches.The research leading to these results has been supported by the ECSEL Joint Undertaking under Grant agreement no. 662192 (3Ccar). This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and the ECSEL member states

    Pre-clinical validation of the UHP multifunctional upper-limb rehabilitation robot based platform

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    Interest in robotic devices for rehabilitation has increased in the last years, due to the increasing number of patients that require rehabilitation therapies, and the need to optimize existing resources. The UHP rehabilitation robot is a multifunctional device that allows to execute robotized therapies for the upper-limb using a simple pantograph based reconfigurable structure and the implementation of advanced position/force control approaches. However, in applications such as rehabilitation, where the robotic device interacts directly with the user, complying with the demands of the users is as important as complying with the functional requirements. Otherwise, the patient will reject the robotic device. Therefore, in this work the pre-clinical validation of the UHP upper-limb rehabilitation robotic platform is presented. 25 subjects of different physical characteristics have participated in the evaluation of the device, evaluating not only the correct behaviour of the device, but also its safety and adaptativity. Results show the correct behaviour of the platform, and a good acceptance rate of the device.This work was supported in part by the Basque Country Governments (GV/EJ) under grant PRE-2014-1-152, UPV/EHU’s PPG17/56 project, Basque Country Governments IT914-16 project, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness’ MINECO & FEDER inside DPI2017-82694-R project, Euskampus, FIK and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation PDI-020100-2009-21 project

    Inclusive and seamless control framework for safe robot-mediated therapy for upper limbs rehabilitation

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    Robot-based rehabilitation requires not only the use of a suitable robot, but also an optimal strategy to guarantee that the interaction forces with the patient fit his or her impairment level. In this work, an inclusive and seamless control framework for upper limb rehabilitation robots is presented and validated. The proposed control framework involves 1) a complete set of training modes (assistive, corrective and resistive) that can be adapted to the needs of the different states of the patient’s recovery, and 2) three different advanced controllers (position, force, impedance) to track safely the force and motion references defined by the aforementioned training modes. In addition, the proposed framework allows one to tune the parameters critical to the safety of the user, such as the maximum interaction forces or the maximum speed of the robot movement. In order to validate the proposed control framework, a set of experiments have been carried out in the Universal Haptic Pantograph (UHP) upperlimb rehabilitation robot. Results show that the proposed control framework for robot-mediated therapy works properly in terms of adaptability, robustness, and safety, which are crucial factors for use with patients.This work was supported in part by the Basque Country Governments (GV/EJ) under grant PRE-2014-1-152, UPV/EHU’s PPG17/56 project, Basque Country Governments IT914-16 project, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness’ MINECO & FEDER inside DPI2017- 82694-R project, Euskampus, FIK and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation PDI-020100-2009-21 project

    A preliminary analysis of gait performance of patients with multiple sclerosis using a sensorized crutch tip

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    The quality of life and functional mobility of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can significantly improve with exercise and a rehabilitation therapy adjusted to the needs of each patient. The assessment of gait and functional mobility of patients with MS is usually done based on clinical scales and tests, which have various limitations. This work presents the preliminary results of a clinical study carried out with patients with MS walking with a sensorized crutch tip. This tip allows to define new indicators that can be correlated with the clinical assessment scales and provide further objective and quantitative information to assess gait performance and level of impairment of patients with MS, and characterize their gait patterns. The results suggest that parameters such as the average cycle time and the average percentage of body weight might be useful to evaluate the gait performance and level of disability. Moreover, parameters related with the pitch angle of the crutch allow to determine crutch usage patterns and spot differences between patients with similar functional performance.This work was supported by the Government of the Basque Country (grant PRE-2018-2-210), by the University of the Basque Country (project GIU19/45), by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MCI) under grant number DPI2017-82694-R (AEI/FEDER, UE), by Fundacion Euskampus and Fundacion BB